A helper that will extract quotes from a DB of stories from Media cloud. This starts with a Mongo
database full of stories, where each document in the database is a story
that has a story_text
- Python3 - we use pyenv to manage different versions p* Stanford CoreNLP Server - This requires you to be running a copy of the Stanford CoreNLP Server, (here is my fork of the Docker install with some tweaks for the annotators we use for quote extraction).
- Redis - we use this via celery as a queue for parallel processing
- Mongo - this holds the story information
Install the dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
Copy the .env.template
to .env
and then edit it.
Open up one terminal window and start the workers waiting: celery worker -A quoteworker -l info
. Watch the log to see
if processing stories.
In another window start filling up the queue with python queue-stories-from-db.py
- To empty out your queue of jobs, run
redis-cli FLUSHALL
. - Run a few quick sanity tests to make sure you are connected to the NLP server: