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To use Red Hat OCP installer, you need to prepare in advance few prerequisites before starting the installation process.

This guide only focuses on the prerequisites that is shared between IPI and UPI methods.

Installation parameters

NOTE: If you are using existing resources like vnet, please make sure to update the values to the correct names and skip the creation steps



Resource groups

vNet resource group

Create a resource group to host the network resources (in this setup, we will use it for vnet)

NOTE: If you have existing vnet, make sure that RG_VNET is set to its name and skip creation

az group create --name $RG_VNET --location $OCP_LOCATION

Public DNS resource group

OPTIONAL: Create a resource group to host the public DNS (if you are using one)

az group create --name $RG_PUBLIC_DNS --location $OCP_LOCATION

NOTE: For the cluster resource group, it will depend on your way of installation (IPI will create one, UPI you will create one later)

(OPTIONAL) Public DNS Setup

# OPTION 1: Full delegation of a root domain to Azure DNS Zone
# Create a DNS Zone (for naked or subdomain)
az network dns zone create -g $RG_PUBLIC_DNS -n $DNS_ZONE

# Delegate the DNS Zone by updating the domain registrar Name Servers to point at Azure DNS Zone Name Servers
# Get the NS to be update in the domain registrar (you can create NS records for the naked-domain (@) or subdomain)
az network dns zone show -g $RG_PUBLIC_DNS -n $DNS_ZONE --query nameServers -o table

# Visit the registrar to update the NS records

# Check if the update successful
# It might take several mins for the DNS records to propagate
nslookup -type=SOA $DNS_ZONE

# Response like
# Server:
# Address:

# primary name server =
# responsible mail addr =
# serial = 1
# refresh = 900 (15 mins)
# retry = 300 (5 mins)
# expire = 604800 (7 days)
# default TTL = 300 (5 mins)

# Note: some proxies and routers might not prevent the nslookup. 
# Note: You need to make sure that you can get a valid response to nslookup before you proceed.

Virtual network setup

If you have existing vnet, no need to create one, just update the below params with your network configs.

I will be creating the following cluster networking

  • Address space: (~500 addresses)
  • Masters CIDR: (~250 addresses)
  • Workers CIDR: (~250 addresses)
# Masters subnet (master VMs, ILB, IPI VMs)
# Workers subnet

az network vnet create \
    --resource-group $RG_VNET \
    --name $OCP_VNET_NAME \
    --address-prefixes $OCP_VNET_ADDRESS_SPACE \
    --subnet-name $MST_SUBNET_NAME \
    --subnet-prefix $MST_SUBNET_IP_PREFIX

# Create subnet for services
az network vnet subnet create \
    --resource-group $RG_VNET \
    --vnet-name $OCP_VNET_NAME \
    --name $WRK_SUBNET_NAME \
    --address-prefix $WRK_SUBNET_IP_PREFIX

# Creating also Network Security Groups
az network nsg create \
    --name $MST_SUBNET_NSG_NAME \
    --resource-group $RG_VNET

az network nsg rule create \
    --resource-group $RG_VNET \
    --nsg-name $MST_SUBNET_NSG_NAME \
    --name "apiserver_in" \
    --priority 101 \
    --access Allow \
    --protocol Tcp \
    --direction Inbound \
    --source-address-prefixes $WRK_SUBNET_IP_PREFIX \
    --source-port-ranges '*' \
    --destination-port-ranges 6443 \
    --destination-address-prefixes '*' \
    --description "Allow API Server inbound connection (from workers)"

# If you will use the installer-jumpbox VM, you can create a separate subnet for it
# It will allow you to delete it (or disable it via Network Security Groups after the cluster provisions)
az network vnet subnet create \
    --resource-group $RG_VNET \
    --vnet-name $OCP_VNET_NAME \
    --name $INST_SUBNET_NAME \
    --address-prefix $INST_SUBNET_IP_PREFIX

Service principal setup

NOTE: Usually this step requires the cooperation of AAD/Azure administrators. Reach out with these scripts to get them provisioned.

Creating the SPN

Create a SP to be used by OpenShift (no permissions is granted here, it will be granted in the next steps)

OCP_SP=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "${PREFIX}-installer-sp" --skip-assignment)

# As the json result stored in OCP_SP, we use some jq Kung Fu to extract the values 
# jq documentation: (
echo $OCP_SP | jq
OCP_SP_ID=$(echo $OCP_SP | jq -r .appId)
OCP_SP_PASSWORD=$(echo $OCP_SP | jq -r .password)
OCP_SP_TENANT=$(echo $OCP_SP | jq -r .tenant)
echo $OCP_SP_ID
# Save the above information in a secure location

SPN permissions

Assigning AAD ReadWrite.OwnedBy

az ad app permission add --id $OCP_SP_ID --api 00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000 --api-permissions 824c81eb-e3f8-4ee6-8f6d-de7f50d565b7=Role

# Requesting the (Admin Consent) for the permission.
az ad app permission grant --id $OCP_SP_ID --api 00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000

Now by visiting the AAD in Azure portal, you can search for your service principal under "App Registrations" and make sure to grant the admin consent.

Checking on the AAD permission admin consent is granted successfully (if not, click on the Grant Admin Consent).


Assigning "Contributor" (for Azure resources creation)

az role assignment create --assignee $OCP_SP_ID --role "Contributor"

Assigning "User Access Administrator" (to grant access to OCP provisioned components)

az role assignment create --assignee $OCP_SP_ID --role "User Access Administrator"

Have a look at SP Azure assignments

az role assignment list --assignee $OCP_SP_ID -o table

Saving the SP credentials

OCP installer look for a file ~/.azure/osServicePrincipal.json.

We will save the SP details to that file so the OCP installer will pick the new one without prompting automatically.

echo $OCP_SP | jq --arg sub_id $OCP_SUBSCRIPTION_ID '{subscriptionId:$sub_id,clientId:.appId, clientSecret:.password,tenantId:.tenant}' > ~/.azure/osServicePrincipal.json

Reset SPN credentials

If you wish to reset the credentials

az ad sp credential reset --name $OCP_SP_ID



  • OCP IPI installer rely on SP credentials stored in (~/.azure/osServicePrincipal.json).
  • If you run installer before on the current terminal, it will use the service principal from that location
  • You can delete this file to instruct the installer to prompt for the SP credentials