On each trial, subjects will be presented with a color word written in ink that is either congruent with the word, or incongruent with the word (e.g., blue written in blue =congruent, blue written in red = incongruent). Subjects are instructed to quickly and accurately respond via key press what the ink color of the word is. https://expfactory.org/experiments/stroop/
For each trial, we use the following features:
SRO Feature | Description | CogPonder Name |
worker_id |
the identifier of the participant. | subject_ids |
... |
the trial number. | trial_ids |
stim_color |
the ink color of the word (blue, green, red). | stimuli[...,1] |
stim_word |
the word (blue, green, red). This is the expected response. | stimuli[...,1] |
condition |
congruent or incongruent. | trial_types |
correct |
whether the response was incorrect=0 or correct=1. | correct_responses |
key_press |
response, which is expected to be the color of the word (blue=66, green=71, red=82). | responses |
rt |
response time in millis. | response_steps |
A variant of the n-back task, each trial consists of letters presented in successive order. Subjects must press a button if the current letter matches the letter that occurred n trials ago (regardless of capitalization). N varies according to a staircase tracking method that increases as subjects accurately respond and decreases as subjects make errors. https://expfactory.org/experiments/adaptive_n_back/
The SRO-2back interface provides the following features from the Self-Regulation Ontology study:
- input
: previous N+1 symbols for the subject$i$ and trial$j$ . The last symbol is the current trial. For each subject,$X_i$ is a 2-dimensional vector of integers of shape ($N_{\text{trials}}$ , 3). -
: Correct match, incorrect match, correct-non-match, incorrect-non-match for each trial$i$ . -
: whether the trial$i$ is a match; it is a boolean. - output
: the response of the subject for the trial i; it is a boolean. -
: the response step of the subject for the trial i; Response step is an integer and represents response times in 50ms steps. This step duration is a hyperparameter of the data module.
From the original repository: https://github.com/poldrack/Self_Regulation_Ontology/
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
This folder contains all of the data releases and derived data. Each folder is named with the sample name and the release date. The samples are:
- Discovery: 200 subjects assigned to discovery set
- Validation: 300 validation subjects
- Full: Full sample of all complete subjects
- Failed: non-completed subjects
These data should not be changed once being committed. Any additional derived data should be placed in the appropriate directory underneath the Derived_data folder.