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Releases: mozilla/multi-account-containers


28 Feb 16:49
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358551f Made selector for keyboard shortcuts more specific to fix #1666


27 Feb 20:47
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5bbf902 fix for #1656, #1643, and #1637


27 Feb 20:49
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9e12014 Fix for #1632: Pinned tabs cannot be loaded as 'discarded'


27 Feb 20:49
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Container Sync now available!

f653b54 fixed #1564: cleanup updates requested for bookmark context menu
9ff1a14 Fix issue #1041- [Feature request] Open previously hidden tabs in the background
2cddbef added keyboard nav to onboarding popups
dae3765 added right and left arrow shortcuts for container submenu tabs
c4650d1 added ability to open folders as well. issue #323
18bc8eb added bookmark context menu ref: issue #323
8eceb0d Fix #930 - Disable extension in incognito mode
a874c9c fix for double decoding on confirm page issue #1361
db8b7ea Updating to sharper icon. Fixes #1518
f57cf92 Bugfix: incorrect scrollbars/spacing when editing container with many assignments
54659f5 #1375 - Correct colors on confirmation page
7cbace9 fix for #766 issues with display in overflow menu
76f7a64 fixed favicon url
1af8cf8 fix for issue #1314
f617ca2 Support dark themes on icon - Fixes #1424
3ae1803 Bug 1539507 - Fix targeting of button click when button element isn't clicked.
7025c98 Bring current
42b0312 exempting always open in functionality for non-standard ports


03 Oct 20:30
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  • Fixed #1375 - Correct colors on confirmation page
  • Fixed #766 - Issues with display in overflow menu
  • Fixed #1314 - Default favicons render as missing images
  • Fixed #1424 - Support dark themes on icon
  • Bug 1539507 - Fix targeting of button click when button element isn't clicked.


46a55da Updated to version 6.1.1
1746d83 Improved comments in CSS
f57cf92 Bugfix: incorrect scrollbars/spacing when editing container with many assignments
54659f5 #1375 - Correct colors on confirmation page
21b7386 probably a better solution than using a timeout
529b9bb forgot a semicolon
3adb333 solving linter issue without breaking the fix.
cc988a3 lack of px on the zero appears to break it.
46349e1 linted
bbe655d fixed first panel issue
7cbace9 fix for #766 issues with display in overflow menu
4d42a74 Added class to empty div as requested
76f7a64 fixed favicon url
1af8cf8 fix for issue #1314
cf96831 Fix typo in a comment.
f617ca2 Support dark themes on icon - Fixes #1424
41686fd Revert "Increase timeout on flakey async test"
c67a985 Increase timeout on flakey async test
6393999 Refactor async anonymous functions into arrow functions
2ded900 Reduce noise in issue template
3ae1803 Bug 1539507 - Fix targeting of button click when button element isn't clicked.
7025c98 Bring current
42b0312 exempting always open in functionality for non-standard ports


24 Jan 21:00
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7833a6a adding new version
6d7086d added functions and cosmetic changes
db0dba6 dynamically added close image icon in the title column
5b58168 Refactored the logic to form warning message
4ed453d save ajv at 6.6.2
66a9116 Fix delete warning message #1051
8af4c36 removing inline css
abc4e0c review changes
b6dd32f moved unhiding container to background logic
c15eee2 implemented remove individual tabs just for visible state
1ea0458 resolves lint errors
bfdbd81 fixes-168, added ability to close a tab individually


05 Dec 19:11
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0a437ff Bump release to 6.0.1. Fixes #1296
f7f4c32 Fix missing assignment check mark. Fixes #1271
5813621 Remove badge background error. Fixes #1293
56fc740 Add in missing favicon. Fixes #1285
dcc3b76 simplifying the solution
752d18f prevent event handler when edit containers disabled
0e7363a npm fixes
6c62c2f fixes vulnerabilities in npm
d7586dd resolves #256 disables edit-container button when no container is present
aada041 removing event loop and using requestAnimationFrame
fe0810b restructuring the code acc to the review
e1c1ac4 adds back the unnecessarily removed new line
7f7f221 fix-#1028 resolves focus name field on opening new container sub-panel
e57c556 review changes
dd57158 #885 disables move tab to a new window when only one tab is opened
655d8f3 Update GitHub URLs
dab3005 Cancel redirects for the same requestIds and urls if originating from the same tabId


22 Feb 20:59
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fd72ce1 Fix assignment test to check for the new openerTabId property
6e45532 Add tests for external webextensions feature
e015638 Adding an s://
ee64734 Bumping version to 6.0.0 to account for latest fixes
609f62a Allow webextensions with contextualIdentities permission to get assignment Closes #1095
ce84665 Add management permission to manifest.json Part of #1095
7dceaf6 Cancel requests with the same requestId Prevents potential redirects from opening two tabs Closes #1114
b6bcd99 Add test for issue #940
9bc9509 Added assignment feature test Part of #1107
a16cae0 Fix for siteSettings is null
30e5a27 Fixes #1084.
1e16e20 Fixes code markdown wrapping under Development in the README section
af986e8 Set the openerTabId to a tab that won't be removed/closed
7e04c46 Pass the openerTabId when automatically opening tabs in containers
166420d Ignore JetBrains IDE files
d7a2b43 Fix #1053.


09 Jan 19:06
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0ddee7f id:@testpilot-containers to manifest.json; 5.0.1
bea201a update README & package.json to match web-ext flow
d944116 Move to a Web Extension only. Fixes #1005
f87bf2a Maintain the active state of the redirected tab
752b1c3 Removes shortcut for the tenth container.
cf26d85 Consolidates switch pattern for shortcut keys.
1d78feb fixes keyCodes
f483119 Adds shortcut to open containers.
abd2b73 ignore all .sw files for jpm and git


16 Nov 16:04
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df8471a bump version to 4.1.0
18539f2 ignore webextension/web-ext-artifacts
7c1105a Change (un)install changes to only work for >57. Fixes #858 and Fixes #900
3129814 when user reaches container tab count, show achievement panel
4e6eee2 start containerTabsOpened counter
a7be3c9 TextEncoder/TextDecoder from Cu.importGlobalProperties - #949
8166a37 add steps for signing, AMO, and GitHub to README