Releases: mozilla/release-services
- backend_common: base_url -> base_path, to fix warning in production (#426)
- backend_common: improvements (#402)
- please_cli: Add tool to update project dependencies (old update-app) (#410)
- please_cli: few minor improvements (#395)
- releng_frontend: Add a link in trychooser to information about tagging and improve the location of the PGO builds link. (#403)
- releng_frontend: Add android-aarch64 to trychooser (#392)
- releng_frontend: Add marionette headless to try chooser. (#424)
- releng_frontend: Bug 1370244 - Add talos quantum-pageload-e10s suite to trychooser page (#397)
- releng_frontend: Bug 1375031 - Remove "linux64 only" for Firefox UI tests on Trychooser. (#423)
- releng_frontend: fix initialization of localstorage (#388)
- releng_notification_*: multiple fixes (#409)
- releng_notification_policy: require taskcluster credentials in settings (#390)
- releng_pipeline: add mock step service (#359)
- releng_tooltool: enable deployment on push to production (#419)
- releng_tooltool: multiple fixes (#417)
- releng_tooltool: ready for production (#415)
- releng_treestatus: there is no body parameter for /v0/trees/ (#425)
- setup: Make secrets key mandatory (#418)
- setup: Use flake8-quotes to ensure single quotes in all projects.. (#389)
- setup: fail early when not all secrets are provided (#416)
- setup: fix staging (#411)
- setup: models needs to be imported so that databases are created on the first run
- shipit_code_coverage: Support parsing JavaScript coverage reports and upload them to codecov/coveralls (#408)
- shipit_pipeline: flake8 (#407)
- shipit_pulse_listener: Trigger risk assesment only for mozilla-central and supported files. (#398)
- shipit_signoff: Update logic so that a completed step can't have a signature removed. (#414)
- shipit_static_analysis: Add more lib to include paths #391& #393.
- shipit_static_analysis: Fix #412 by making clang-tidy regex accept messages including characters '()='. (#420)
- shipit_static_analysis: Import libraries to publish reviews to MozReview. (#400)
- shipit_static_analysis: Multi threads directly in bot #399
- shipit_static_analysis: Update the list of checkers for the static analyzers. modernize-use-bool-literals is not obvious for now. Add others which works (#394)
- please_cli: Add options to customeize heroku credentials. (#372)
- please_cli: typo (#383)
- relenf_frontend: Improve various aspects of trychooser around plaform selection for tests. (#376)
- releng_docs: document to use flask command line utility (#379)
- releng_frontend: Bug 1367477 - Add the webdriver (wdspec) tests for web-platform-tests to trychooser. (#371)
- releng_frontend: Remove pending counts from trychooser as they no longer work (fixes #385) (#387)
- releng_notification_{policy,identity}: inititial MVP (#382)
- releng_tooltool: get tooltool in running state (#173)
- setup: adding sentry as dependency to projects and updating their dependencies (#377)
- setup: enable flake8-encoding for all projects (#381)
- shipit_static_analysis: Enable clang-tidy checkers for dead code, else-after-return and mozilla-*. (#384)
- shipit_static_analysis: Fixes to run in Taskcluster (#370)
- shipit_static_analysis: Improve markdown export for code issues (#373, #386)
- shipit_static_analysis: Use broad notification scope. (#374)
- shipit_tasklcuster: initial MVP (#378)
- cli_common: Taskcluster + papertrail integration (#328)
- releng_docs: adding introduction video (#346)
- releng_frontend: Bug 1368051 - Add platform android-api-15-gradle, AWSY test, and Autophone tests, r=garbas. (#362)
- setup: Change volume use to enable Mac use (#341)
- setup: Fixes to dev shipit stack. (#338)
- setup: Update crates registry and update grcov to version 0.1.16 (#340)
- setup: enable taskcluster github on master/staging/production branch (#339)
- setup: fixing ./please tools create_cert
- setup: fixing deploying in decision task (#344)
- setup: improved taskcluster-github integration (#309)
- setup: multiple fixes accross projects (#358)
- setup: while deploying hooks we should push docker image to docker hub (#347)
- shipit_code_coverage: Fix bug that prevented us from actually waiting for coveralls to injest data (#355)
- shipit_code_coverage: Load bugs summary, refs #319 (#343)
- shipit_code_coverage: Rename cache key to match the application name (#345)
- shipit_code_coverage: Update grcov to version 0.1.19; add more logging; increase task timeout. (#350)
- shipit_frontend: Display diff between prev & current in code coverage (#318 & #342)
- shipit_pulse_listener: run as a service (#330)
- shipit_static_analysis: List modified files against parents. (#353)
- shipit_static_analysis: Parse clang-tidy output to extract detected code problems #357 & #363
- cli_common: Use internal logger. (#304)
- releng-frontend/trychooser: Bug 1365604 - Remove non-e10s talos jobs from try-chooser syntax page (#333)
- releng_clobberer: removing hook (#334)
- releng_docs: Update docs after deployment walkthrough (#299)
- releng_docs: try to fix up doc hierarchy (#307)
- setup: Debian derivatives have /bin/sh as dash (#323)
- setup: Safety and compatibility updates for nix/ (#324)
- shipit_code_coverage: Cache mozilla-central repository (#298)
- shipit_code_coverage: Retrieve GitHub commit as late as possible and wait until the mapper is ready (#301)
- shipit_code_coverage: Split code coverage information by test suite (#302)
- shipit_code_coverage: Upload a single report for now (#308)
- shipit_code_coverage: Use run_command and run_gecko_command from cli_common.utils (#313)
- shipit_code_coverage: Use structlog everywhere. Fixes #303 (#311)
- shipit_frontend: Round the coverage percentage in the 'Previous' column to the second decimal digit (#317 & #320)
- shipit_frontend: in the code coverage table, move 'previous' column before 'current'. Fixes #315 (#322)
- shipit_pulse_listener: Fix repository URL in static analysis hook. (#300)
- shipit_risk_assessment: Fix requirements to load mocoda. (#305)
- shipit_risk_assessment: Use REVISION env variable straight from python. (#326)
- shipit_static_analysis: Redirect standard output from subprocess (#310 & #306)
- shipit_uplift: Support dual ESR releases. (#312)
- backend_common: Add auth0 accept_token support in common library (#283)
- cli_common: Add hg robustcheckout helper (#284)
- cli_common: Outputs directly artifact from hook. (#274)
- cli_common: Read artifact from last hook run. (#274)
- releng_docs: adds initial implementation strategy for shipit (#226)
- releng_docs: docs how to get started using virtualenv + pip (#278)
- releng_frontend/trychooser: Add mochitest chunks 6-10 (#288)
- releng_frontend/trychooser: Fix inaccurate info in reftest/crashtest labels, and give up on listing chunks (#287)
- releng_frontend/trychooser: Remove the dead platforms android-api-15-frontend, sm-warnaserr, and sm-generational (#285)
- releng_frontend/trychooser: Removed windows clang builds, which don't appear to work (#279)
- releng_frontend/trychooser: Replace mochitest-o with mochitest-a11y and mochitest-chrome (#286)
- releng_treestatus: switch to use flask.current_app instead of (#290)
- setup: Support extra include paths. (#284)
- setup: develop-run was pointing to wrong app object (#291)
- setup: flake8 linting rule to change max line length to 159 (#282)
- setup: getting ready to deploy shipit-pipeline and shipit-signoff (#283)
- shipit_code_coverage: Add artifact to task definition (#274)
- shipit_code_coverage: Generate coverage_by_dir.json artifact (#274)
- shipit_code_coverage: Make artifact public (#274)
- shipit_code_coverage: Upload reports to too (#276)
- shipit_frontend: Display code coverage data. (#274)
- shipit_pulse_listener: Support risk assessment & static analysis hooks. (#294)
- shipit_risk_assessment: Bootstrap mocoda. (#284)
- shipit_signoff: Enforce policy during signoff and detect if its met (#280)
- shipit_static_analysis: Support multiple revisions. (#295)
- shipit_taskcluster: init (#278)
- shipit_uplift: Add anonymous endpoint to serve public hooks artifacts. (#274)
Release notes
- releng_frontend: update trychooser with new Autophone try job choices, @bclary, #269, #273, Bug 1352333
- shipit_frontend: Fix bug in frontend auth workfow, @La0, #275
- shipit_code_coverage: upgdate grcov to 0.1.13, @marco-c, #271
- shipit_pulse_listener: new bot service that listens and triggers taskcluster hooks, @La0, #263
- shipit_uplift: Build bugzilla search parameters using version from DB, @La0, #270
- shipit_signoff: Initial work on signoff step, @srfraser, #259
- releng_docs: release protocol improvements, @garbas, #272
- releng_docs: reorganizing toc a bit, more to come, @garbas, #272
- setup: CONTRIBUTING.rst document was not updated since migration from relengapi, now it is pointing to new contribution page, @garbas, #272
script added tonix/
folder to install Nix in multiuser environment. Documentation updated to used this new script instead of old set of instructions, @catlee, @La0, #247, #257, #199, #189 -
setup: remove build artifacts in subsequential builds, this fixes error when developing backend_common, @garbas, #258
setup: update nixpkgs revision, we are also following latest release channel (17.03), @garbas, #211, #258
backend_common: handling werkzeug's exceptions properly so that we don't return 500 error, @garbas, #244, #241, #258
setup: New gecko-env tool added to
that exposes the environment variables needed to run mach command. Example:gecko-env ./mach ....
, @La0, #239 -
setup: Removed unused
files, @garbas, #258 -
file for each project set to1.0.0
and using the same version in all the project. This is preparation for the taskcluster.yml rewrite, @garbas, #258 -
setup: when running
make update-app APP=...
we now use the same nixpkgs version as other services code. -
backend_common: adapted api extra to newest connexion, @garbas, #258
shipit_static_analysis: Initial code for new bot. Not yet deployed to production, @La0, @marco-c, #239
shipit_code_coverage: Initial code for new bot using a Rust tool grcov on updated mozilla-central files (also uses gecko-env). Not yet deployed to production, @La0, @marco-c, #239, #262
shipit_risk_assessment: Initial code for new bot. Not yet deployed to production, @La0, @marco-c, #239
shipit_pulse_listener: Initial code for new bot that triggers the above tasks on defined pulse messages (this is a missing functionality in Taskcluster core). Not yet deployed to production, @La0, @marco-c, #239, #263
shipit_signoff: adding rudimentary documentation and moving signoff documentation out from releng_docs, @mozbhearsum, #252, #230
releng_docs: documentation on how to deploy and release added, @garbas, #256
releng_docs: enable back (not sure why was removed, most likely a typo) taskcluster task to redeploy documentation, @garbas, #251, #256
- releng_docs: livereload now works again, @garbas, #246
there is a video of livereload in action - releng_docs: initial work on shipit documentation, @catlee, #245
- releng_docs: formating fix for shipit step api docs, @mozbhearsum, #248
- releng_frontend: update to try syntax for Gecko profiling, @ionutgoldan, #253
v11: releng_frontend: switing routing to elm-lang/navigation
- releng_frontend: add linux64-stylo into restrict tests to platforms, #227
- setup: major update of version, #209 , #228
- shipit_bot_uplift: Use fullscreen template from taskcluster-notify, #229
- releng_docs: initial step documentation for ShipIt, #231
- releng_frontend: switching routing to elm-lang/navigation, #233
A manual steps
alter table shipit_dashboard_alembic_version rename to shipit_uplift_alembic_version;
If it does not get run, the migration system tries to build the database from scratch.