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91 lines (54 loc) · 6.49 KB

moviesapi is a REST API that communicates with for details about movie titles.

Installation instructions

The installation process is straighforward and it requires that you have three things on your machine.

  1. Python 3+ language, see for details.
  2. Pip module manager - to manage Python dependencies. You should have had that already installed, if you don't, see for details on that.
  3. A way to run or connect to a postgreSQL database. One of the ways is to run a postgreSQL image using docker. See for installation instructions.

Getting code and installing dependencies

Clone this repository to your machine by typing git clone into your terminal.

After you have successfuly downloaded the repository files, you can either setup a virtualenv to isolate project-specific Python dependencies (of course you can use another tool of your choosing, e.g., pyvenv, pyenv, etc.) or just install those system-wide, which is less ideal. Set working directory in the terminal to the location of this repository on your machine and after activating virtualenv, type:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Required Python modules (and their purposes)

  1. django - as a main Web framework in this project
  2. django-rest-framework - to handle API endpoints and serialize objects
  3. python-dotenv - to load .env settings for the app
  4. requests - to communicate with external API
  5. psycopg2 - to handle postgreSQL database

Setting up database

Why postgreSQL in the first place?

There are some Django ORM's functions used in this application that wouldn't work in SQLite database supplied with Python.

I have Docker installed on my machine

In that case, just type this into your terminal:

docker run -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<password> -p 5432:5432 postgres

REMEMBER to replace <password> with your own password. If you run postgreSQL using docker exactly like above, your username and database name both would be postgres.

I don't have Docker installed on my machine

If you don't have Docker on your machine, you can either install a postgreSQL server or use remote database instance. Heroku offers a easy way to set up your own database in cloud. See for details.

Project configuration

Getting API key

You will need to get your own API key from, it is really straightforward, just click API Key on the top bar.

Create .env file

Before you can run this app, you will need to create .env file in /moviesapi/moviesapi directory, the same location as the file location. There is already .env.example file, which you can copy and rename to .env. Fill every option according to these hints.

setting meaning
OMDB_API_KEY Put your OMDBAPI API key here
DB_PASSWORD PostgreSQL password
DB_HOST Database host
DB_USER Database user name
DB_NAME Database name
DB_PORT Database port, 5432 by default
DEBUG Set to 0 is the app is run in the production environment and 1 if it is not.

Running the project

Befor you run this app make sure to deploy all migrations by typing python migrate it will also make sure that the database connection is working as it should.

After succesfull installation you are ready to run the project, all you have to do is to activate the virtualenv (if you are using one) and then from the moviesapi/ directory run python runserver. This will obviously run a development server. For more production ready solutions look into

Running tests

Test are run from the same directory as the app itself, from moviesapi/ directory type python test to run all tests.


method endpoint parameters description
POST /movies title - title of the movie you want to fetch Fetch movie details from the OMDBAPI external api and add to app's database if does not exist already. If on the other hand movie with the specified title exists, return it straight from the database.
GET /movies ord (optional) - on which column and in which way to sort, e.g., "-year" to sort on colum year in a descending way
title (optional) - filter movies that contain this value in its title field
year (optional) - filter movies that contain this value in its year field
rated (optional) - filter movies that contain this value in its rated field
released (optional) - filter movies that contain this value in its released field
runtime (optional) - filter movies that contain this value in its runtime field
genre (optional) - filter movies that contain this value in its genre field
director (optional) - filter movies that contain this value in its director field
writer (optional) - filter movies that contain this value in its writer field
actors (optional) - filter movies that contain this value in its actors field
plot (optional) - filter movies that contain this value in its plot field
language (optional) - filter movies that contain this value in its language field
country (optional) - filter movies that contain this value in its country field
awards (optional) - filter movies that contain this value in its awards field
poster (optional) - filter movies that contain this value in its poster field
metascore (optional) - filter movies that contain this value in its metascore field
Return a list of all, or filtered, movies already in the database.
POST /comments movie - movie id to add comment to
body - the body of a comment
Add comments to movies.
GET /comments movie (optional) - filter comments by its movie id Return list of all, or filtered, comments in the database
GET /top date_from - the start date in the YYYY-MM-DD format for this statistics
date_to - the end date in the YYYY-MM-DD format for this statistics
Return top movies with comment count and its ranking. This will include only comments that were created between date_from and date_to dates. A rank field in the response json is based on a total_comments field. Entries with the same number of total_comments have the same rank.

Thank you for you attention!