Due to limitations in target devices and commands and stuff, this folder is marked as depricated and don't get any update.
The work continues within a new controller version and folder.
Commands can be send to /device/esp32/<device-id>/cmd
Status is published to /device/esp32/<device-id>/status
Read and write result is published to /device/esp32/<device-id>/result
- Submittet as LWT, so when the device is not connected it contains this vaidle
- Device is in idle mode
Implementation is ongoing.
- Device Reset
- Paired devices
- Outdoor temperature
- Start Pairing
- Unpairing
- Device status
- Device status short
- Read Register
- Enable Device
- Disable Device
- Write Register
Send a message to this topic, restarts the controller and it may update via OTA
- Topic:
- Payload: whatever
- device is in reset
These topics are retaining and contains the current data of the paired devices. The <id>
can be from 0 to 15 and represents the device bit number.
On controller startup, the controller sends NULL to all unused device IDs to remove retaining data.
- Topic:
- Topic:
- Payload:
"roomTemp": 0,
"setPoint": 0,
"setPointDay": 0,
"setPointNight": 0,
"setPointDefrost": 0,
"power": 0,
"enabled": false,
"onAir": false,
"flags": [
Publish outdoor temperature to all actors so that the thermostates can display it.
- Topic:
- Payload: temperature in °C with dot as floatingpoint separator, ex.:
- device is in temp sending
This topic starts pairing mode.
- Topic:
- Payload:
<netNumber> <deviceBit?>
- netNumber: 4 or 5, the network number, everything else is ignored
- deviceBit optional: 0 to 15, bit number of the device to start pair
If deviceBit is submitted, the specified device is switched to pairing mode and is not responding anymore until timeout or device pairing is done.
Response is published in status topic:
- device is in pairingpairing failed
- pairing has failed or no device to pair foundpairing success
- new device paired
This topic starts unpairing mode.
- Topic:
- Payload:
<netNumber> <deviceBit>
- netNumber: 4 or 5, the network number, everything else is ignored
- deviceBit: 0 to 15, bit number of the device to unpair
If the number not matches the network bitmask, the request is ignored.
- device is in unpairing process
This topic requests the status of the current devices.
- Topic:
- Payload: 4 or 5, the network number, everything else is ignored
Response is published to the corresponding device status topics.
- device is in status reading process
This topic requests the status of the current devices. Reads only minimal no. registers from device to reduce RF traffic.
- Topic:
- Payload: 4 or 5, the network number, everything else is ignored
Response is published to the corresponding device status topics.
- device is in status reading process
This topic reads registers from devices asn publishes the result to /device/esp32/<device-id>/result
- Topic:
- Payload:
<netNumber> <targetDevice?> <registerHigh> <registerLow>
- netNumber: 4 or 5, the network number, everything else is ignored
- targetDevice optional: target device mask, if not submittet, all paired devices read
- registerHigh: register high number
- registerLow: register low number
If the number not matches the network bitmask, the request is ignored.
- device is in reading
- Topic:
- Payload:
<netNumber> <targetDevice> <mode> <params?>
- netNumber: 4 or 5, the network number, everything else is ignored
- targetDevice: target device mask
- mode: select active mode
- params optional: list of parameters required for specific mode
If the number not matches the network bitmask, the request is ignored.
Possible mode values:
- activates day mode with configured temp, no paramsnight
- activates night mode with configured temp, no paramsdefrost
- activates defrost mode with configured temp, no paramscustom
- activates custom temp mode, param: temp- param temperature in °C with dot as floatingpoint separator, ex.:
- param temperature in °C with dot as floatingpoint separator, ex.:
- activates timed temp mode, param: temp and time- param temperature in °C with dot as floatingpoint separator, ex.:
- param time in minutes
- param temperature in °C with dot as floatingpoint separator, ex.:
The actor does not differ between Party and Holiday mode. In the end its the time in minutes to stay in that mode.
The modes day
, night
and defrost
will only be activated if full device status read the specified devices temperature parameters.
- Topic:
- Payload:
<netNumber> <targetDevice>
- netNumber: 4 or 5, the network number, everything else is ignored
- targetDevice: target device mask
If the number not matches the network bitmask, the request is ignored.
"action": "write",
"net": 4,
"target": 1,
"regHigh": 22,
"regLow": 17,
"values": [
- net - network number, should be 4 or 5
- target - bitmask of the devices that should accept the data
- regHigh - register high number
- regLow - register low number
- values - an int array of register values, if only one element in then all target devices gets the same value, otherwise apply diffrent values to each device
- device is in writing