The easiest way to show your support is by starring the repository
- Check the FAQ.
- Check if an issue has already been reported. If so, comment on it and provide further info if any.
- Follow the
Bug Report
issue template and provide relevant information.
- Make sure to follow the code style followed throughout the project.
- If you add a new dependency, make sure it is compatible with MIT license. e.g. GPL is not compatible with MIT license. Also, add the license file to the licenses folder.
- If you want to add a new feature, discuss it first by opening an issue on GitHub whether it aligns with the goals of the project.
- If possible, write tests.
A lot of help is needed in this area. Writing tests or just manually testing and reporting or fixing the issues found would be a great help.
nCaptura is not yet ready to accept donations.
Recommend to others, write reviews, etc.