--- REMOVE THIS LINE AFTER READING IT: Please open an issue only to report faults and bugs. For questions, comments and feature requests instead visit http://community.opendronemap.org/c/webodm. Every issue needs to follow the format specified below. Do not remove the questions, simply answer each question by typing below it. If you don't know how to answer a question, write so. Questions that don't follow these guidelines will be automatically closed.
[Type answer here]
What's your browser and operating system? (Copy/paste the output of https://www.whatismybrowser.com/)
[Type answer here]
[Type answer here]
[Type answer here]
How can we reproduce this? (What steps did you do to trigger the problem? What parameters are you using for processing? If possible please include a copy of your dataset uploaded on Google Drive or Dropbox. Be detailed)
[Type answer here]