copyright | lastupdated | ||
2017-07-12 |
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You can use the Command Line Interface tool to interact with the IBM Analytics Engine cluster.
$ bx ae
bx ae - Watson Compute Engine commands
bx ae command [arguments...] [command options]
file-system Interact with HDFS on the IBM Analytics Engine cluster
spark-endpoint Set the server endpoint
spark-job-cancel Cancel a Spark Job submitted on the IBM Analytics Engine cluster
spark-job-status Retrieve the status of the Spark job from the IBM Analytics Engine cluster
spark-job-statuses Retrieve the status of the Spark job from the IBM Analytics Engine cluster
spark-logs Get spark job logs
spark-submit Submit a Spark job to the IBM Analytics Engine cluster
username Set the default username for IBM Analytics Engine commands.
versions Get the versions of the services running in the IBM Analytics Engine cluster
Enter 'bx ae help [command]' for more information about a command.