copyright | lastupdated | ||
2017-07-17 |
{:new_window: target="_blank"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:screen: .screen} {:pre: .pre}
Install the Cloud Foundry CLI
Install the Bluemix Engine CLI
For details about Bluemix CLI plugin installation, see the documentation.
To list the plugins in the Bluemix repository:
bx plugin repo-plugins -r Bluemix
{: codeblock}
To install the plugin from Bluemix repository:
bx plugin install -r Bluemix analytics-engine
{: codeblock}
To see the plugins, add the staging repository (this only needs to be done once):
bx plugin repo-add BluemixStage1
{: codeblock}
To view the plugin repositories:
bx plugin repos
{: codeblock}
To list the plugins in the staging repository:
bx plugin repo-plugins -r BluemixStage1
{: codeblock}
To install the plugin from the staging repository:
bx plugin install -r BluemixStage1 analytics-engine
{: codeblock}
Perform the following steps to install the command line interface:
Download the Analytics Engine build CLI.
Extract the downloaded tar file and run the following command:
bluemix plugin install <path to plugin>
{: codeblock}
On Windows:
bx plugin install C:\Temp\Zip\spark-cli-0.0.76-SNAPSHOT\bin\windows_amd64\spark-cli.exe
{: codeblock}
On Linux:
bx plugin install /home/user/Downloads/spark-cli-0.0.76-SNAPSHOT/bin/linux/spark-cli
{: codeblock}
On macOS:
$bx plugin install /home/user/Downloads/spark-cli-0.0.76-SNAPSHOT/bin/darwin_amd64/spark-cli
Installing plugin...
Plug-in 'ae 0.0.0' was successfully installed into /Users/jeyaramashokraj/.bluemix/plugins/ae.
{: codeblock}
Run the following command to uninstall the command line interface:
$ bx plugin uninstall ae
Uninstalling plug-in 'ae'...
Plug-in 'ae' was successfully uninstalled.
{: codeblock}
Perform the following steps to update the command line interface:
- Download the new Analytics Engine CLI binary.
- Uninstall the old CLI plugin.
- Install the new Analytics Engine CLI from the downloaded location.