Here are some short Scripts for setup a new raspberry und do some configuration inside. After download - the script should be executed with bash and sudo.
sudo bash <scriptname>
Short description the Basic Script in sort of usage:
- Basic will setup all Basic things like last basic util software, networkmanger, journalctl
- Uart is not used
- Samba is not used
- Davfs is not used
- Docker is not configured
- PiVCCU is not used
- Ser2net is not used
- Can will setup the CANbus hardware
- Wifi hotspot for local access when internet connectivity is down
- Simcom IOT Sim7000 for 1nce
- Gpsd noname usb device with gpxlogger and NMEA stream on port 2947
Some extended Script for a ready System
- configBackup... not used
- setupNodejs not used
- signalk @todo
For Setup
wget -N{,,,,}
For Docker
wget -N{,,,}
For system migration and testing
wget -N{,,}
wget -N{,,}