diff --git a/plugins/ssl/ssl-certificate-expiry b/plugins/ssl/ssl-certificate-expiry index 029e78695..59082abb9 100755 --- a/plugins/ssl/ssl-certificate-expiry +++ b/plugins/ssl/ssl-certificate-expiry @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ To set warning and critical levels do like this: env.proxy PROXYHOST:PORT # optional, enables openssl operation over proxy env.checkname yes # optional, checks if used servername is covered by certificate env.skip_cert_hashes 2e5ac55d # optional, skip check of certs with those hashes (2e5ac55d is DST Root CA X3, cross-signing Let's Encrypt certs, but expiring on 2021-09-30) + env.legacy_renegotiation yes # optional, allow unsafe renegotiation when connecting to older systems. Alternatively, if you want to monitor hosts separately, you can create multiple symlinks named as follows. @@ -136,6 +137,7 @@ print_expire_days() { [ -n "$starttls" ] && s_client_args="$s_client_args -starttls $starttls" [ -n "${proxy:-}" ] && s_client_args="$s_client_args -proxy $proxy" [ -n "${checkname:-}" ] && [ "$checkname" = "yes" ] && s_client_args="$s_client_args -verify_hostname $host" + [ -n "${legacy_renegotiation:-}" ] && [ "$legacy_renegotiation" = "yes" ] && s_client_args="$s_client_args -legacy_renegotiation" # We extract and check the server certificate, # but the end date also depends on intermediate certs. Therefore