Since the publication, R implementation of the ANTs (ANTsR) began to support more registration options, which wasn't available at the time of publication, hence we used a combination of R, and shell scripts to call ANTs tools. The whole workflow can now be completely done in R/ANTsR, simplfying it greatly. Below is an example where fixed anatomical landmarks in the template space are transfered to individual skulls using deformable image registration:
template="" #use this template to work with the provided data.
ref.LMs=read.csv(file="", skip=2)[,2:4]
#used to output landmark directly in Slicer compatible format.
low.res=c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
lowres.templ = resampleImage(antsImageRead(template), low.res)
for (X in 1:length(f)) {
#simple connected component to remove non-cranial elements
temp=thresholdImage(img,25, "Inf",1,0)
img2 = resampleImage( img, low.res, interpType=0 )
nout = 5
thetas = seq( from = 0, to = 360, length.out = nout )[1:(nout-1)]
# find an close enough starting position for samples with very different orientations
mival<-invariantImageSimilarity( lowres.templ, img2,
thetas=thetas, thetas2=thetas, thetas3=thetas,metric="GC",
localSearchIterations=20, transform="Rigid" )
# deformable image registration
reg = antsRegistration(fixed=lowres.templ,
moving = img2,
# apply the transforms to transfer template LMS to subject space.
pts = antsApplyTransformsToPoints( 3, ref.LMs, reg$fwdtransforms)
#write them in Slicer format.
write.markups.fcsv(pts=pts, outfile=paste0("/mnt/c/temp/", f[X], ".fcsv"))