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Style parameter changes for 4.0

Igor edited this page Aug 12, 2024 · 2 revisions

This page lists style settings that were added, removed, or had their default values changed between the releases of MuseScore 3.6 and 4.0.

The following settings are always reset to the new defaults when migrating a score to 4.0: bracketDistance, measureSpacing, propertyDistance, propertyDistanceHead, propertyDistanceStem, articulationMinDistance.

Settings with updated defaults

Setting XML Name 3.6 Default 4.0 Default Reference PR
Thick barline distance 1 endBarDistance 0.70sp 0.37sp #9138
Double barline distance 1 doubleBarDistance 0.55sp 0.37sp #9138
Repeat barline to dots distance 1 repeatBarlineDotSeparation 0.70sp 0.37sp #9138
Footer offset 2 footerOffset (0.0, 5.0) (0.0, 0.0) #9193
Dynamics font sizes dynamicsFontSize 11pt 10pt #9395
Stem width stemWidth 0.11sp 0.10sp #9792
Shortest stem shortestStem 2.25sp 2.5 (no units) #9792
Broken beam minimum length beamMinLen 1.3sp 1.2sp #10613
Chord Symbol font size chordSymbolAFontSize 11pt 10pt #10613
Chord Symbol (Alternate) font size chordSymbolBFontSize 11pt 10pt #10613
Subtitle font size subTitleFontSize 16pt 14pt #10613
Minimum measure width minMeasureWidth 5sp 8sp #10613
Minimum note distance minNoteDistance 0.2sp 0.4sp #10613
Even footer, center evenFooterC "$: copyright:" "$C" 3 #10613
Odd footer, center oddFooterC "$: copyright:" "$C" 3 #10613
Measure repeat number position mmRestNumberPos -1.5sp -0.5sp #10616
Lyrics min. bottom margin lyricsMinBottomDistance 2.0sp 1.5sp #13496
Bracket distance bracketDistance 0.1sp 0.45sp #13496
Bracket width bracketWidth 0.44sp 0.45sp #13496
Brace distance akkoladeBarDistance 0.4sp 0.35sp #13496
Brace thickness akkoladeWidth 1.6sp 1.5sp #13496
Ledger line length ledgerLineLength 0.35sp 0.33sp #13496
Slurs/ties line thickness at end slurEndWidth 0.07sp 0.05sp #13496
Let ring line thickness letRingLineWidth 0.15sp 0.11sp #13496
Palm mute line thickness palmMuteLineWidth 0.15sp 0.11sp #13496
Articulation minimum vertical distance articulationMinDistance 0.5sp 0.4sp #13522
Articulation distance from notehead 4 propertyDistanceHead 1.00sp 0.4sp #13522
Articulation distance from stem 4 propertyDistanceStem 1.80sp 0.4sp #13522
Articulation distance from staff 4 propertyDistance 1.00sp 0.4sp #13522

1: These distance-related settings used to indicate distance between the centers of elements. Now, they refer to the distance from the right side of one to the left side of the other. Consequently, the default values have been reduced somewhat. When migrating a score from an older version, the appropriate calculations are made to give the same visual result.

2: See #9340

3: i.e. copyright line will be shown on first page only

4: previously called 'Notehead distance', 'Stem distance' and 'Articulation distance'

Removed settings

Setting XML Name Description Reference PR
Beam distance beamDistance Superseded by useWideBeams #9937
Progression (of stem shortening) shortStemProgression Fixed at 0.25 #12472

Added settings

Mostly not yet exposed in the UI.

Setting XML Name Default Description Reference PR
systemTrailerRightMargin 0.5sp The distance between the system trailer and
the right side of the stave
ArpeggioAccidentalDistance 0.5sp The distance between arpeggios and accidentals #9097
ArpeggioAccidentalDistanceMin 0.33sp The minimum distance between arpeggios and accidentals #9097
alignSystemToMargin true Aligns the system to the margin (ignoring brackets) when staff names are hidden #9277
instrumentNameOffset 1sp The amount of padding between staff names and the system #9277
staffHeaderFooterPadding 1sp The min amount of space between the header/footer and music #9193
stemLength 3.5 The default stem length #9792
stemLengthSmall 2.25 The default stem length for small notes #9792
shortStemStartLocation 1 1 Number of spaces outside the staff that stems start to become reduced #9792
minStaffSizeForAutoStems 1 4 Minimum number of staff lines for automatic stem directions. Staves with fewer lines will have all stems pointing the same direction #9792
smallStaffStemDirection 1 Direction::UP The default stem direction for small staves #9792
keysigAccidentalDistance 0.3sp Default gap between accidentals in key signatures #9389
keysigNaturalDistance 0.4sp Default gap between naturals in key signatures #9389
Beam distance useWideBeams false If beams are 1-space apart instead of the default 0.75-spaces #9937
tremoloNoteSidePadding 1.25 The amount of padding between a note and its tremolo (measuring from vertical centre of notehead to top/bottom of tremolo bounding box) #10131
tremoloOutSidePadding 0.5 The amount of padding between the tip of a stem and a tremolo #10131
headerSlurTieDistance 1.0sp Distance between the system header and the start of a slur/tie/line #12451
alwaysShowSquareBracketsWhenEmptyStavesAreHidden false Always show thin square brackets even if only one spanned stave is shown on the system #13634

1: never exposed; removed in 4.1




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