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Style parameter changes for 4.4

Simon edited this page Aug 21, 2024 · 12 revisions

This page lists style settings that were added, renamed, or had their default values changed between the releases of MuseScore 4.3 and 4.4.

(work in progress)

Settings with updated defaults

Setting XML Name 4.3 Default 4.4 Default Reference PR
Lyrics - Dash - Max. dash length lyricsDashMaxLength 0.8sp 0.6sp #22181
Lyrics - Extension line - Line gap lyricsMelismaPad 0.1sp 0.2sp #23625
Lyrics - Dash - Vertical position lyricsDashYposRatio 60% 50% #
Measures - Padding - Clef to key signature clefKeyDistance 1.0sp 0.75sp #
Measures - Padding - Barline to note barNoteDistance 1.3sp 1.25sp #
Notes - Accidental distance accidentalDistance 0.22sp 0.25sp #
Dynamics & hairpins - Hairpins - Position above - Y hairpinPosAbove -2.0sp -1.75sp #23625
Dynamics & hairpins - Hairpins - Position below - Y hairpinPosBelow 2.0sp 1.75sp #23625
hairpinLinePosAbove (0, -1.5) (0, -1) #23625
hairpinLinePosBelow (0, 2.5) (0, 2) #23625
Text styles - Pedal - Size pedalFontSize 12pt 10pt #20934
pedalContinueText (<sym>keyboardPedalPed</sym>) <sym>keyboardPedalParensLeft</sym><sym>keyboardPedalPed</sym><sym>keyboardPedalParensRight</sym> #20934
Fretboard diagrams - Fret spacing fretFretSpacing 0.8sp 0.7sp #
Rests - Multimeasure rests - H-bar margin within barlines multiMeasureRestMargin 1.2sp 1.25sp #
Fretboard diagrams - Fretboard diagrams - Barré - Line thickness barreLineWidth 100% 85% #
Dynamics - Position above - Y dynamicsPosAbove -1.5sp -1.0sp #23625
Dynamics - Position below - Y dynamicsPosBelow -2.5sp -2.0sp #23625
Text styles - Repeat text left - Size repeatLeftFontSize 18pt 11pt #21758
systemTextLineFontSize 12pt 10pt #
Text styles - Header - Size headerFontSize 11pt 9pt #
Text styles - Header - Style headerFontStyle Bold (none) #
Text styles - Sticking - Align stickingAlign Left Center #
Text styles - Sticking - Position above - Y stickingPosAbove -2sp -1sp #

Added settings

Setting XML Name Default Description Reference PR
Lyrics - Dash - Restate dash before syllable on first note of system lyricsShowDashIfSyllableOnFirstNote true #22434
Lyrics - Extension line - Omit extension line when space is limited lyricsMelismaForce false #22434
Lyrics - Extension line - Min. line length lyricsMelismaMinLength 1.0sp #22434
Lyrics - Dash - Dash placement at the start of the system lyricsDashPosAtStartOfSystem Standard / Inside the header / Under the first note matches previous behaviour #22434
Notes - Alignment in chords - Combine voices that share the same stem direction combineVoice true #
Accidentals - Multiple accidentals in chords - Keep accidentals close to offset notes accidentalOrderFollowsNoteDisplacement false #
Accidentals - Multiple accidentals in chords - Align accidentals an octave apart across subchords alignAccidentalOctavesAcrossSubChords false #
Accidentals - Multiple accidentals in chords - Pair accidentals on seconds keepAccidentalSecondsTogether false #
Accidentals - Multiple accidentals in chords - Align accidentals on offset octaves alignOffsetOctaveAccidentals false #
Beams - Beam style frenchStyleBeams false true = "French" style beams #
Text styles - Pedal - Musical symbols scale pedalMusicalSymbolsScale 100% #20934
Fretboard diagrams - Dot size fretDotSpatiumSize 0.5sp #
Fretboard diagrams - Nut line thickness fretNutThickness 0.3sp #
Fretboard diagrams - Fret number - Format fretUseCustomSuffix Number only / Custom suffix matches previous behaviour #
Fretboard diagrams - Fret number - Custom suffix fretCustomSuffix "fr" #
Fretboard diagrams - Barré appearance barreAppearanceSlur Line / Slur matches previous behaviour #
Fretboard diagrams - Barré line thickness barreLineWidth 0.85sp #
Fretboard diagrams - Show fingerings fretShowFingerings false #
Fretboard diagrams - Fretboard style fretStyleExtended Trimmed / Extended differs from previous behaviour #
Barlines - Use double barlines before key signatures keySigCourtesyBarlineMode Always / Never / Only before courtesy key signatures matches previous behaviour #
Barlines - Use double barlines before time signatures timeSigCourtesyBarlineMode Always / Never / matches previous behaviour #
Score - Instrument names - On first system of sections firstSystemInstNameVisibility Long name / Short name / Hide #
Score - Instrument names - On subsequent system subsSystemInstNameVisibility Long name / Short name / Hide #
Slurs & ties - Ties - Line thickness at end tieEndWidth 0.05sp #
Slurs & ties - Ties - Line thickness middle tieMidWidth 0.21sp #
Slurs & ties - Ties - Dotted line thickness tieDottedWidth 0.10sp #
Slurs & ties - Ties - Autoplace min. distance tieMinDistance 0.50sp #
Text styles - Ottava - Musical symbols scale ottavaMusicalSymbolsScale 100% #20934
Text styles - Tuplet - Musical symbols scale tupletMusicalSymbolsScale 100% #20934
Text styles - Tuplet - Use musical symbols font for tuplet numbers tupletUseSymbols false #20934
skylineMinHorizontalClearance 0.25sp #
Dynamics & hairpins - Default positions of dynamics and hairpins - Position dynamicsHairpinVoiceBasedPlacement Based on voice / Above / Below #
Dynamics & hairpins - Default positions of dynamics and hairpins - Center on grand staff instruments automatically dynamicsHairpinsAutoCenterOnGrandStaff true #
Dynamics & hairpins - Default positions of dynamics and hairpins - Place above the staff on vocal instruments dynamicsHairpinsAboveForVocalStaves true #
Text styles - Harp pedal diagram - Musical symbols scale harpPedalDiagramMusicalSymbolsScale 100% #20934
measureNumberMinDistance 0.5sp #
mmRestRangeMinDistance 0.5sp #
Text styles - Fretboard diagram fingering fretDiagramFingering* (6pt FreeSans) #
Text styles - Fretboard diagram fret number fretDiagramFretNumber* (6pt FreeSans) #
Text styles - Repeat text left / right - Musical symbols scale repeatsMusicalSymbolsScale 100% #21758
Text styles - Copyright copyright* (9pt Edwin) #
Text styles - Page number pageNumber* (11pt Edwin Bold) #
tabFretPadding 0.1sp #22860
dummyMusicalSymbolsScale 100% #20934

Renamed settings

To fix typos and inconsistencies.

Old XML Name New XML name Reference PR
minSpreadSpread minStaffSpread #
maxSpreadSpread maxStaffSpread #
hairpinWidth hairpinLineWidth #
chordSymbolPosAbove chordSymbolAPosAbove #
chordSymbolPosBelow chordSymbolAPosBelow #
measureNumberAllStaffs measureNumberAllStaves #
ArpeggioNoteDistance arpeggioNoteDistance #
ArpeggioAccidentalDistance arpeggioAccidentalDistance #
ArpeggioAccidentalDistanceMin arpeggioAccidentalDistanceMin #
ArpeggioLineWidth arpeggioLineWidth #
ArpeggioHookLen arpeggioHookLen #
ArpeggioHiddenInStdIfTab arpeggioHiddenInStdIfTab #
headerSlurTieDistance headerToLineStartDistance #
tremoloStrokeStyle tremoloStyle #
measureNumberOffset measureNumberPosAbove #
measureNumberPosAbove mmRestRangePosAbove #
measureNumberPosBelow mmRestRangePosBelow #
systemFontFace systemTextFontFace #
system* (System text style settings) systemText* #
staff* (Staff text style settings) staffText* #




  1. Set up developer environment
  2. Install Qt and Qt Creator
  3. Get MuseScore's source code
  4. Install dependencies
  5. Compile on the command line
  6. Compile in Qt Creator

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  1. Find your way around the code
  2. Submit a Pull Request
  3. Fix the CI checks

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