title | carousels | left-carousels | permalink | |||||||||||||||||||||
Home |
{% translate_file home.md %}
{% include section.html size="full" %}
{% include carousel-news.html size="carousel-news" height="40" unit="%" duration="10" number="1" %}
{% include section.html %}
{% capture text %}
By using patient data, mice model, and retinal organoids, our research aims to identify, assess, and predict genetic variations which can lead to Mendelian and complex visual disorders.
{% include button.html link="research" text="See our publications" icon="fa-solid fa-arrow-right" flip=true style="bare" %}
{% endcapture %}
{% include feature.html image="images/team/Research1.png" link="research" title="Our Research" text=text %}
{% capture text %}
We believe that anyone around the world should be able to use and extend our work. We push to make software, tools, datasets, etc. that are freely available.
{% include button.html link="projects" text="Browse our projects" icon="fa-solid fa-arrow-right" flip=true style="bare" %}
{% endcapture %}
{% include feature.html image="images/research.png" link="projects" title="Our Projects" flip=true style="bare" text=text %}
{% capture text %}
We are a team of enthusiastic researchers and we strive to build an inclusive environment for research, and recognize the value of diversity in the process of discovery.
{% include button.html link="team" text="Meet our team" icon="fa-solid fa-arrow-right" flip=true style="bare" %}
{% endcapture %}
{% include feature.html image="images/team/group_outside.jpg" link="team" title="Our Team" text=text %}