rhino3dm is a set of libraries based on the OpenNURBS geometry library with a "RhinoCommon" style. This provides the ability to access and manipulate geometry through .NET, Python or JavaScript applications independent of Rhino.
Functionality includes
- Create, interrogate, and store all geometry types supported in Rhino. This includes points, point clouds, NURBS curves and surfaces, polysurfaces (B-Reps), meshes, annotations, extrusions, and SubDs.
- Work with non-geometry classes supported in Rhino like layers, object attributes, transforms and viewports
- Read and write all of the above information to and from the .3dm file format
- Use as a client to make calls into the Rhino Compute cloud server for advanced manipulation of geometry objects
- Available on most platforms (Windows, macOS, Linux)
- C# and rhino3dm
- SampleCSJoinCurves - Opens a 3dm file with curves and runs the
method. Saves the resulting curve into a new file.
- SampleCSJoinCurves - Opens a 3dm file with curves and runs the
- JavaScript
SampleSketch2d - [Live] Sketch NURBS curves on a canvas. Also shows how to download the resulting 3dm file.
SampleObjectTypes - [Live] Sample shows the creation of various object types.
SampleParse3dmObjects - [Live] Sample shows the creation of various object types and parsing with the Rhino3dmLoader for three.js.
SampleUserStrings - [Live] Sample loads objects from a Rhino file and shows how to access the attribute and geometry user strings from the loaded 3dm directly and after it has been loaded by the Rhino3dmLoader for three.js.
SampleViewer (Basic) - [Live] Loads a .3dm file and renders the geometry with Three.js.
SampleViewer (Advanced) - [Live] Loads a .3dm file and renders the geometry and material with Three.js.
SampleViewer - 3dmLoader - [Live] Uses the 3dmLoader for Three.js to load a 3dm file.
SampleViewer Multiple Files - [Live] Select dropdown input to load different files. Renders the geometry with Three.js.
SampleViewer Load Local Files - [Live] Load local 3dm files.
Sample OBJ to 3DM conversion - [Live] Loads an .obj file via Three.js and converts the object to a 3dm.
Sample3dmReader (node.js) - Shows how to read a file with node.js.
- Python