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mariadb container master-slave replication with health Monitoring

Automatically deploy environment by;

Running the after clonning the Repo to you Server.

Environment prep and manually deploy

sudo apt update

Installing the Docker engine incase its not installed yet

sudo apt-get remove docker docker-engine

sudo apt install

sudo systemctl start docker

sudo systemctl enable docker

logout then login again to enable user rights incase they don't apply immediately

sudo groupadd docker

sudo gpasswd -a "${USER}" docker

usermod -aG docker "${USER}"

Create the database persistent volume to be mounted

mkdir -p /opt/mariadb/master-data

Grant Permissions

sudo chown -R 1001:1001 /opt/mariadb/master-data/

Running containers in dettached mode but when you remove the "-d" it could help with debugging the running configs in the container!

docker run -d or docker-compose up -d 

To login to a container

docker exec -it $container_id bash


$ mysql -u my_user -p

after login check databases

show databases;
use my_databse;

then create table form there


check or configure replication

login with root

$ mysql -u root -p


show master status;

To import:

docker exec -i adprcc3ms_mariadb-master_1 mysql -uroot -pmaster_root_password my_database < mariadb-master-dump.sql

To export:

docker exec -i adprcc3ms_mariadb-master_1 mysqldump -uroot -pmaster_root_password my_database > mariadb-master-dump.sql

Stop and backup the currently running container, Uncomment the following lines

docker stop $container_id

rsync -a /opt/mariadb/master-data /opt/mariadb/master-data.bkp.$(date +%Y%m%d-%H.%M.%S)

incase you want to scale up number of slaves or scale down

docker-compose up --detach --scale mariadb-master=1 --scale mariadb-slave=3

To clean up

docker stop $container_id

docker rm $container_id

You can also remove all images and stopped contaners using

docker prune -a

Run the following to see if the cronjob you've defined actually runs.

sudo grep CRON /var/log/syslog
