Testing makes use of Vitest which is a test runner much like Jest but integrates with the Vite tranformation pipeline and configuration. It provides a compatible api with Jest making it a drop in raplacement but runs significantly faster than Jest.
Initiating test runs and watching for changes is excuted using
pnpm test
However, you can bring up a visual console for testing using
pnpm test:ui
The console can be accessed from the http://localhost They are also published to github pages at Coverage
Coverage reports are also generated and can be access from from within the testing console above. They are also published to Coverage Reports
MockServiceWorker or mswjs, is used to intercept API request and serve responses directly. This is utilised in a node testing environment (unit testing environment) using a node interceptor and in browser testing environment (end to end testing environment) using a service worker.
The mock data that was generated using Orval from the example
field of the OpenAPI spec, is used to provision an instance of mswjs specifically used for unit testing.
Storybook interactions is utilised to run a visual test on managed components. They are also published to StoryBook Reports
End to end testing uses PlayWright
The primary reason for using this tool, is its ability to codegen tests which makes for far more efficient process for authoring end to end testing.
Initiating test runs and watching for changes is excuted using
pnpm e2e
However, you can bring up a visual console for testing using
pnpm e2e:ui
Visual reporting can be run using
pnpm e2e:report