Python module to control Matrix Orbital GLK19264-7T-1U LCD+keyboard USB panels.
- PyMOPanel: the module. The main class is PyMOPanel, which connects to the port(="/dev/ttyUSB0") argument
- demos: simple examples using the module functionalities
- general demo (graphics, text, keys, GPO -a.k.a. LEDs- bar graphs)
- filesystem demo (dumping filesystem, listing and downloading files)
- demo using bar graphs to show cpu + memory usage
- separate Driver from Controller and Demo logic
classes - files
- create proper module and python package
- create menu helper (a la curses) to allow adding items with custom callback functions
- keyboard to OSC example
- OSC / MIDI monitor with bar graphs
- custom widgets for controllers / monitors? (knobs, ...)
- graphics
.bmp to screen -
upload animated .gif to screen! -
download bitmaps - create helper for threaded animations, so several animations on different screen positions are played (to check how serially-interleaved frames work)
- upload bitmaps
- save fs image to .bmp
- implement strip charts
- allow FM and AM in Lissajous demo
- optimizations
- use uploaded bitmaps instead for faster animations
- use numpy.array's to precalculate trigonometric functions in vectors
- bar graphs
- improve code (allow deleting, ...)
- fonts
- FontManager (caching the current set font, downloading font to cache attributes)
font to ascii numpy arrays -
ascii numpy arrays to font -
downloader - uploader (WIP)
- filesystem
filesystem to .data dump - .data to filesystem
- decoding filesystem to files
ls -
move -
rm -
free - implement xmodem?
- hack for Quake to use the panel as display + input device?