Project containing tests for learning FPGA/VHDL.
- FPGA chip: EP4CE6E22C8N. (datasheet in mouser)
- Dev board: Cyclone IV. "RZ EasyFPGA A2.2" (banggood link, with information in chineese)
- Intel Quartus FPGA Lite 21.1 (download link)
- compatible code related interesting projects
Learn VHDL (in progress)
- hello world: blinking led (+keyboard) :
- driver for 7 segments display
- basic handling and mux for 4 digits on a simple counter:
- extended handling with alphanumeric chars, strings and scrolling:
- (in progress) simple clock application using entities for compositions:
- create reusable entity for digits and connect instances in cascade.
- create reusable entity for a timer. Use it as clock for the first digit.
- create reusable entity for a time counter (instatiating a timer inside). Use it for handling the CableSelect on the multiplexed digits.
- allow two view modes HHMM/MMSS. Change it with a button.
- use a debouncer for the button (this is the only code that is not mine. It is copied from I copied it because I knew that it was there, and I was focused on other functionalities. TODO: create my own version.
- allow setting the time by increasing the numbers with a second button.
- the speed should be fast, and should depend on the current view mode.
- allow setting the time by decreasing the numbers with a third button. Update digit entity accordingly.
- make the middle dot on the second display to blink. At different intervals depending on the view mode (0.5 sec to change state -period 1hz- for HHMM, 0.25 ? sec to change state in MMSS)
- add alarm
- milliseconds view
- improve set time interface (dynamic speed for increasing/decreasing time)
- cleanup
- simplify code to remove redundant timers
create a CI github action to compile a vhdl file with ghdl :
- TODO: make other vhdl files compatible. At least " Clock" (they don't currently compile because of missing configurations and probably different standards used?)
create a CI github infrastructure allowing:
- automatically run a simulation, and generate a .png file with the simulation signals view in gtkwave
- automatically create .svg diagram files for the selected .vhd files
- all done in and
- TODO: merge here! DONE!
- TODO: clean up
- create a simple game with the buttons and the 7 segments display (snake / space invaders)
- learn how to generate random numbers with the FPGA
- create a vga text driver
- adapt 7 segment created entities to use VGA as display (clock, game, ...)
- create an i2s driver
- create / find a FFT implementation to
- create a spectral analyzer (i2s, fft, vga)
- (+IFFT, +DSP algorithms) create an FX/DSP module
- (+bluetooth/BLE driver) extend module with wireless audio
- create / find a FFT implementation to
- create a simple game with the buttons and the 7 segments display (snake / space invaders)
Learn Verilog (TODO)