diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index d420ccf5..e93a2ce8 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -4,26 +4,26 @@ - What Happens Next? COVID-19 Futures, Explained With Playable Simulations - + Kaj se bo zgodilo v prihodnje? Prihodnost COVID-19, pojasnjena z igrivimi simulacijami + - - - + + + - + - - - - - + + + + + @@ -37,21 +37,43 @@
- No translations yet! + Seznam prevodov: + - Help make one? + Ali si nam pripravljen priskočiti na pomoč?
- Help this guide - get R > 1: + Pomagaj temu vodniku + dobiti R > 1:
- What Happens Next? COVID-19 Futures, Explained With Playable Simulations + Kaj se bo zgodilo v prihodnje? Prihodnost COVID-19, pojasnjena z igrivimi simulacijami - 🔬 Here's a real deep dive! 30 min read/play: + 🔬 Tukaj je pravi globoki potop! 30 minut branja/predvajanja:
@@ -63,815 +85,545 @@
- -
- What Happens Next? -
- COVID-19 Futures, Explained With Playable Simulations -
- - 🕐 30 min play/read -  ·  - - by - Marcel Salathé - (epidemiologist) - & - Nicky Case - (art/code) -
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"The only thing to fear is fear itself" was stupid advice.

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Sure, don't hoard toilet paper – but if policymakers fear fear itself, they'll downplay real dangers to avoid "mass panic". Fear's not the problem, it's how we channel our fear. Fear gives us energy to deal with dangers now, and prepare for dangers later.

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Honestly, we (Marcel, epidemiologist + Nicky, art/code) are worried. We bet you are, too! That's why we've channelled our fear into making these playable simulations, so that you can channel your fear into understanding:

- - - -

This guide (published May 1st, 2020. click this footnote!→1) is meant to give you hope and fear. To beat COVID-19 in a way that also protects our mental & financial health, we need optimism to create plans, and pessimism to create backup plans. As Gladys Bronwyn Stern once said, “The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute.”

+ +
+ Kaj se bo zgodilo v prihodnje? +
+ Prihodnost COVID-19, predstavljena z igrivimi simulacijami +
+ + 🕐 30 min igranja/branja +  ·  + + napisal + Marcel Salathé + (epidemolog) + & + Nicky Case + (razvijalec videoiger)

+ + Prevedle v slovenščino: Polona Kren  ·  Barbara Pliberšek  · Sanja Rajter

+ Predloge za izboljšave pošljite na info@databitlab.eu ali dianoia@um.si +
+ -

So, buckle in: we're about to experience some turbulence.


“Edino česar se moramo bati, je strahu samega!” je bil neumen nasvet.


Seveda, ne delajte si zalog toaletnega papirja – ampak, če se politiki sami bojijo strahu, bodo zmanjšali pomen resnične nevarnosti in se izognili “množični paniki”. Strah ni problem. Problem je kam preusmerimo svoj strah.
+Strah nam daje energijo, da se soočimo z nevarnostmi, in se pripravimo na vse nevarnosti, ki še prihajajo.


Iskreno, midva (Marcel, epidemolog + Nicky, razvijalec videoiger) sva v skrbeh. Staviva, da ste tudi vi! Zato sva usmerila najin strah v izvedbo teh igrivih simulacij, da lahko tudi vi usmerite svoj strah v razumevanje:

+ +

Ta vodič (objavljeno 1. 5. 2020, kliknite za opombo!→[1]) bi vam naj dal upanje in strah, da premagate COVID-19 na način, ki ščiti naše duševno in fizično zdravje. Optimizem potrebujemo za ustvarjanje načrtov, za pripravo rezervnih načrtov pa potrebujemo pesimizem.
+Kot je nekoč rekel Gladys Bronwyn, “Optimist si izmisli letalo, pesimist pa padalo.”


Torej, pripnite se, kmalu bomo doživeli nekaj turbulenc!

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The Last Few Months
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Pilots use flight simulators to learn how not to crash planes.

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Epidemiologists use epidemic simulators to learn how not to crash humanity.

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So, let's make a very, very simple "epidemic flight simulator"! In this simulation, Infectious people can turn Susceptible people into more Infectious people:

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It's estimated that, at the start of a COVID-19 outbreak, the virus jumps from an to an every 4 days, on average.2 (remember, there's a lot of variation)

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If we simulate "double every 4 days" and nothing else, on a population starting with just 0.001% , what happens?

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Click "Start" to play the simulation! You can re-play it later with different settings: (technical caveats: 3)

- -
+ +
Zadnjih nekaj mesecev
+ +

Piloti uporabljajo simulatorje letenja, da se naučijo, kako leteti, da ne bi strmoglavili letal.


Epidemiologi uporabljajo simulatorje epidemij, da se naučijo, kako ne bi strmoglavili človeštva.


Torej, naredimo zelo, zelo preprost “simulator epidemije letenja”! V tej simulaciji lahko okuženi ljudje spremenijo dovzetne ljudi v okužene ljudi:



Ocenjuje se, da na začetku izbruha COVID-19, v povprečju virus skoči z na vsake 4 dni.[2] (ne pozabite, da obstaja veliko različic).


Če v populaciji, ki ima v začetku samo 0,001% okuženih, dodamo simulacijo "podvoji vsake 4 dni" in nič druga, kaj se zgodi?


Pritisni “Začetek” za predvajanje simulacije! Kasneje lahko ponoviš z drugačnimi nastavitvami (tehnična opozorila [3]):

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This is the exponential growth curve. Starts small, then explodes. "Oh it's just a flu" to "Oh right, flus don't create mass graves in rich cities".

- -

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But, this simulation is wrong. Exponential growth, thankfully, can't go on forever. One thing that stops a virus from spreading is if others already have the virus:

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The more s there are, the faster s become s, but the fewer s there are, the slower s become s.

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How's this change the growth of an epidemic? Let's find out:

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To je eksponentna krivulja. Najprej narašča zelo počasi in nato eksplodira. “Ah, to je samo gripa,” do "Ojoj, gripa ne bi smela ustvarjati množičnih grobišč v mestih."


+Ampak ta simulacija je napačna, saj se na srečo ekponentna
+rast ne more odvijati v neskončnost.
+Ena od omejitev širjenja virusa je tudi, da se ne more širiti, če
+so vsi že okuženi:



Več kot je, hitreje +postanejo , ampak manj kot je , +počasneje postanejo .


Kako to vpliva na rast epidemije? +Odgovor se skriva v naslednjih vrsticah:


To je logistična krivulja rasti v obliki črke S. Sprva raste počasi, eksplodira in se spet upočasni.


Ampak ta simulacija je še vedno napačna.
+Ne upoštevamo dejstva, da okuženi ljudje ščasoma niso več nalezljivi, saj so 1) ozdraveli, 2) “ozdraveli” s pljučno degeneracijo ali 3) umrli.


Poenostavimo, da so si vsi okuženi ljudje opomogli. (Vendar ne pozabimo, da si v realnosti nekateri ne opomorejo.)
+Pretvarjajmo se, da se ne morejo ponovno okužiti – za zdaj! – in ostanejo imuni celo življenje.


Pri COVID-19 je predvideno, da si v povprečju kužen 10 dni. [4] +To pomeni, da si bodo nekateri opomogli prej, nekateri kasneje.

This is the "S-shaped" logistic growth curve. Starts small, explodes, then slows down again.

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But, this simulation is still wrong. We're missing the fact that Infectious people eventually stop being infectious, either by 1) recovering, 2) "recovering" with lung damage, or 3) dying.

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For simplicity's sake, let's pretend that all Infectious people become Recovered. (Just remember that in reality, some are dead.) s can't be infected again, and let's pretend – for now! – that they stay immune for life.

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With COVID-19, it's estimated you're Infectious for 10 days, on average.4 That means some folks will recover before 10 days, some after. Here's what that looks like, with a simulation starting with 100% :

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+Spodnja simulacija prikazuje, kako bi izgledalo, če bi na začetku bili 100% :

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This is the opposite of exponential growth, the exponential decay curve.

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Now, what happens if you simulate S-shaped logistic growth with recovery?

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- -

Let's find out.

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Red curve is current cases ,
- Gray curve is total cases (current + recovered ), - starts at just 0.001% :

- -

To je ravno nasprotje eksponentne rastoče krivulje, to je eksponentno padajoča krivulja.


Kaj se zgodi, če simuliramo logistično krivuljo rasti v obliki črke S in upoštevamo, da si ljudje opomorejo?



Pa ugotovimo…


Rdeča krivulja so trenutni primeri ,
+Siva krivulja so vsi primeri (trenutni + opomogli ), kjer je na začetku zgolj 0.001% :

- -

And that's where that famous curve comes from! It's not a bell curve, it's not even a "log-normal" curve. It has no name. But you've seen it a zillion times, and beseeched to flatten.

- -

This is the the SIR Model,5
- (Susceptible Infectious Recovered)
- the second-most important idea in Epidemiology 101:

- -

- -

NOTE: The simulations that inform policy are way, way more sophisticated than this! But the SIR Model can still explain the same general findings, even if missing the nuances.

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Actually, let's add one more nuance: before an becomes an , they first become Exposed. This is when they have the virus but can't pass it on yet – infected but not yet infectious.

- -

- -

(This variant is called the SEIR Model6, where the "E" stands for "Exposed". Note this isn't the everyday meaning of "exposed", when you may or may not have the virus. In this technical definition, "Exposed" means you definitely have it. Science terminology is bad.)

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For COVID-19, it's estimated that you're infected-but-not-yet-infectious for 3 days, on average.7 What happens if we add that to the simulation?

- -

Red + Pink curve is current cases (infectious + exposed ),
- Gray curve is total cases (current + recovered ):

- -

In tako pridemo do najbolj znane krivulje!
+To ni normalna porazdelitev, niti ni “logaritemsko normalna”. Krivulja nima imena, vendar ste jo že videli neštetokrat.


To je model SIR,[5]
+( Susceptible (dovzetni) Infectious (okuženi) Recovered (ozdraveli))
+Druga-najbolj pomembna ugotovitev v Uvodu v epidemiologijo:



Opomba: Simulacije, ki obveščajo politike, so precej, precej bolj zapletene od tega! +Ampak model SIR še vedno pojasni glavne rezultate, čeprav so izpuščene podrobnosti.


Pravzaprav, dodajmo še en detajl: preden postane , je sprva izpostavljen. +To je obdobje, ko se je okužil, ampak virusa še ne prenaša na druge - je okužen, ampak še nenalezljiv.



(To različico imenujemo model SEIR[6], kjer je “E” okrajšava za “Exposed” (izpostavljen). +Pomni, da tukaj izpostavljenost nima vsakodnevnega pomena. V tej strokovni definiciji “izpostavljenost” pomeni, da si definitivno okužen. Strokovna terminologija je slaba.)


+Za COVID-19 ocenjujemo, da ste v povprečju okuženi 3 dni, ampak še nenalezljivi.[7] +Kaj se zgodi, če k simulaciji dodamo še to?


Rdeča + Roza krivulja so trenutni primeri (okuženi + izpostavljeni ), +Siva krivulja so vsi primeri (trenutni + opomogli ):

- -

Not much changes! How long you stay Exposed changes the ratio of -to-, and when current cases peak... but the height of that peak, and total cases in the end, stays the same.

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Why's that? Because of the first-most important idea in Epidemiology 101:

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Short for "Reproduction number". It's the average number of people an infects before they recover (or die).

- -

- -

R changes over the course of an outbreak, as we get more immunity & interventions.

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R0 (pronounced R-nought) is what R is at the start of an outbreak, before immunity or interventions. R0 more closely reflects the power of the virus itself, but it still changes from place to place. For example, R0 is higher in dense cities than sparse rural areas.

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(Most news articles – and even some research papers! – confuse R and R0. Again, science terminology is bad)

- -

The R0 for "the" seasonal flu is around 1.288. This means, at the start of a flu outbreak, each infects 1.28 others on average. (If it sounds weird that this isn't a whole number, remember that the "average" mom has 2.4 children. This doesn't mean there's half-children running about.)

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The R0 for COVID-19 is estimated to be around 2.2,9 though one not-yet-finalized study estimates it was 5.7(!) in Wuhan.10

- -

In our simulations – at the start & on average – an infects someone every 4 days, over 10 days. "4 days" goes into "10 days" two-and-a-half times. This means – at the start & on average – each infects 2.5 others. Therefore, R0 = 2.5. (caveats:11)

- -

Play with this R0 calculator, to see how R0 depends on recovery time & new-infection time:

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Ni se veliko spremenilo! Kako dolgo si izpostavljen spremeni razmerje med -in-, +in kdaj trenutni primeri dosežejo ekstrem… ampak "višina" ekstrema in število vseh primerov sta na koncu enaka.


Zakaj je tako? Zaradi prve-najpomemnejše ugotovitve v Uvodu v epidemiologijo:



R je kratica, s katero označimo “dejansko reprodukcijsko število”. Predstavlja povprečno število ljudi, ki jih en bolnik v neki populaciji okuži, preden ozdravi ali umre.



R se med izbruhom spreminja, saj sčasoma pridobimo imunost in sprejmemo ustrezne ukrepe.


R0 (izgovarjamo R-nič) predstavlja R na začetku izbruha, torej pred imunostjo in ukrepi. R0 natančneje odraža moč virusa, vendar se le-ta še vedno spreminja od mesta do mesta. Na primer: R0 je višji v gosteje naseljenih mestih kakor v redkih podeželskih območjih.


(V večini novic, celo v nekaterih raziskovalnih člankih, pride do zmede zaradi zamenjave R in R0. Znova je potrebno poudariti, da smo pri uporabi znanstvene terminologije zares nedosledni.)


R0 za t.i. »sezonsko gripo« znaša približno 1,28[8]. To pomeni, da na začetku izbruha gripe vsak v povprečju okuži 1,28 drugih ljudi. (Če morda komu to, da to ni celo število, zveni nenavadno, ne pozabite, da ima “povprečna” mama 2,4 otroka. To pa seveda ne pomeni, da okoli teka pol brata.)


Predvideva se, da bo vrednost R0 za COVID-19 znašala približno 2,2,[9] vendar sicer še nedokončana študija v Wuhanu omenja vrednost 5,7![10]


V naših simulacijah oseba na začetku v povprečju okuži nekoga drugega vsake 4 dni ter to počne več kot 10 dni. “4 dnevi” grejo v “10 dni” dva in pol krat. To pomeni, da vsaka oseba na začetku v povprečju okuži 2,5 drugih oseb. Zato je potemtakem R0 = 2,5. (opozorila: [11])


Preizkusi R0 kalkulator, ki prikazuje, kako R0 vpliva na čas zdravljenja in čas, v katerem pride do nove infekcije:

- -

But remember, the fewer s there are, the slower s become s. The current reproduction number (R) depends not just on the basic reproduction number (R0), but also on how many people are no longer Susceptible. (For example, by recovering & getting natural immunity.)

- -

Ne pozabite, manj kot je , počasneje narašča število . Trenutno reprodukcijsko število (R) ni odvisno samo od osnovnega reprodukcijskega števila (R0), ampak tudi od tega, koliko ljudi ni več dovzetnih. (Na primer: Nekateri ozdravijo in pridobijo naravno imunost.)

- -

When enough people have immunity, R < 1, and the virus is contained! This is called herd immunity. For flus, herd immunity is achieved with a vaccine. Trying to achieve "natural herd immunity" by letting folks get infected is a terrible idea. (But not for the reason you may think! We'll explain later.)

- -

Now, let's play the SEIR Model again, but showing R0, R over time, and the herd immunity threshold:

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Ko je dovolj ljudi imunih, je R < 1 in virus je moč obvladovati! Temu pravimo čredna imunost. Čredno imunost pri gripi dosežemo s cepivom. Ideja o tem, da bi “naravno imunost črede” dosegli tako, da bi se ljudje okužili, je grozljiva. (Vendar ne iz razloga, za katerega morda mislite! Pojasnilo sledi kasneje.)


Znova uporabimo Model SEIR, vendar sedaj prikažimo R0, R skozi čas in mejo čredne imunosti:

- -

NOTE: Total cases does not stop at herd immunity, but overshoots it! And it crosses the threshold exactly when current cases peak. (This happens no matter how you change the settings – try it for yourself!)

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This is because when there are more non-s than the herd immunity threshold, you get R < 1. And when R < 1, new cases stop growing: a peak.

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If there's only one lesson you take away from this guide, here it is – it's an extremely complex diagram so please take time to fully absorb it:

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This means: we do NOT need to catch all transmissions, or even nearly all transmissions, to stop COVID-19!

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It's a paradox. COVID-19 is extremely contagious, yet to contain it, we "only" need to stop more than 60% of infections. 60%?! If that was a school grade, that's a D-. But if R0 = 2.5, cutting that by 61% gives us R = 0.975, which is R < 1, virus is contained! (exact formula:12)

- -

- -

(If you think R0 or the other numbers in our simulations are too low/high, that's good you're challenging our assumptions! There'll be a "Sandbox Mode" at the end of this guide, where you can plug in your own numbers, and simulate what happens.)

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Every COVID-19 intervention you've heard of – handwashing, social/physical distancing, lockdowns, self-isolation, contact tracing & quarantining, face masks, even "herd immunity" – they're all doing the same thing:

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Getting R < 1.

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So now, let's use our "epidemic flight simulator" to figure this out: How can we get R < 1 in a way that also protects our mental health and financial health?

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Brace yourselves for an emergency landing...


POZOR: Število vseh okužb se ne ustavi pri čredni imunosti, ampak jo preseže! Presežejo jo natanko tedaj, ko je število dnevnih novih okužb najvišje. (To se zgodi ne glede na izbrane parametre – poskusite sami!)


Razlog je, da pri čredni imunosti nastopi R < 1 in število novih okužb začne upadati.


Če boste iz tega članka odnesli le eno lekcijo, je to sledeča - pred vami je izredno zapleten diagram, zato si prosim vzemite čas, da ga boste popolnoma razumeli:



To pomeni: za zaustavitev COVID-19 nam NI potrebno preprečiti večine, kaj šele vseh prenosov!


To je paradoks. COVID-19 je izjemno nalezljiv, kljub temu pa moramo ustaviti “le” nekaj več kot 60% okužb. 60% ?! Če bi bila to šolska ocena, je to zadostno (2). Če pa je R0 = 2,5, sledi, da za 61% zmanjšamo R = 0,975. Potem je R < 1 in virus je obvladljiv, saj je tako rekoč omejen! (Natančna formula: [12])



(Če menite, da so R0 ali druge številke v naših simulacijah prenizke/previsoke, je to odlično, saj tako izpodbijate naše predpostavke! Na koncu tega članka bo na voljo “način peskovnika”, kjer lahko priključite svoje številke in simulirate, kaj se zgodi.)


Vsak ukrep glede COVID-19 za katerega ste slišali - pranje rok, socialno/fizično distanciranje, zaprtja, samoizolacija, sledenje stikom in karantena, maske za obraz, celo “imunost črede” - vsi počnejo popolnoma isto:


Prispevajo k R < 1.


Sedaj uporabimo naš “simulator letenja za epidemijo”, da ugotovimo sledeče: Kako lahko dobimo R < 1 na način, ki ščiti tudi naše duševno in finančno zdravje?


Pripravite se na zasilni pristanek…

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The Next Few Months
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...could have been worse. Here's a parallel universe we avoided:

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Scenario 0: Do Absolutely Nothing

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Around 1 in 20 people infected with COVID-19 need to go to an ICU (Intensive Care Unit).13 In a rich country like the USA, there's 1 ICU bed per 3400 people.14 Therefore, the USA can handle 20 out of 3400 people being simultaneously infected – or, 0.6% of the population.

- -

Even if we more than tripled that capacity to 2%, here's what would've happened if we did absolutely nothing:

+ +
Naslednjih nekaj mesecev

…lahko bi bilo huje. V nadaljevanju sledi prikaz vzporednega sveta, kateremu smo se uspeli izogniti:


Scenarij 0: Ne naredimo popolnoma nič


Približno eden izmed 20 ljudi, ki so okuženi s COVID-19, se mora odpraviti na oddelek za intenzivno nego.[13] V bogatih državah, kot so na primer ZDA, 1 oddelek za intenzivno nego premore le 1 ležišče za kar 3400 ljudi.[14] Zato lahko ZDA hkrati sprejmejo le 20 izmed 3400 okuženih ljudi – oziroma 0,6% prebivalstva.


Tudi če bi to vrednost več kot potrojili na 2%, nam spodnja simulacija prikazuje, kaj bi se zgodilo, če ne bi storili absolutno ničesar:

- -

Not good.

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That's what the March 16 Imperial College report found: do nothing, and we run out of ICUs, with more than 80% of the population getting infected. - (remember: total cases overshoots herd immunity)

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Even if only 0.5% of infected die – a generous assumption when there's no more ICUs – in a large country like the US, with 300 million people, 0.5% of 80% of 300 million = still 1.2 million dead... IF we did nothing.

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(Lots of news & social media reported "80% will be infected" without "IF WE DO NOTHING". Fear was channelled into clicks, not understanding. Sigh.)

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Scenario 1: Flatten The Curve / Herd Immunity

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The "Flatten The Curve" plan was touted by every public health organization, while the United Kingdom's original "herd immunity" plan was universally booed. They were the same plan. The UK just communicated theirs poorly.15

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Both plans, though, had a literally fatal flaw.

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First, let's look at the two main ways to "flatten the curve": handwashing & physical distancing.

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Increased handwashing cuts flus & colds in high-income countries by ~25%16, while the city-wide lockdown in London cut close contacts by ~70%17. So, let's assume handwashing can reduce R by up to 25%, and distancing can reduce R by up to 70%:

- -

Play with this calculator to see how % of non-, handwashing, and distancing reduce R: (this calculator visualizes their relative effects, which is why increasing one looks like it decreases the effect of the others.18)

- -

Slabo kaže…


Britanska fakulteta je 16. marca (the March 16 Imperial College report) prišla do sledeče ugotovitve: Če ne naredimo ničesar, se bo okužilo več kot 80% prebivalstva in se bomo posledično spopadali s problemom premajhnega števila ležišč na oddelkih intenzivne nege. +(ne pozabite: skupni primeri prekoračijo imunost črede).


Tudi če umre le 0,5% okuženih – velikodušna domneva, ko ni več možnosti oskrbe na oddelku za intenzivno nego – v veliki državi, kot je ZDA, s 300 milijoni ljudi, 0,5% od 80% od 300 milijonov = še vedno 1,2 milijona mrtvih… ČE nismo naredili ničesar.


(Številne novice in mediji so poročali, da “bo 80% okuženih”, brez da bi temu priključili še “ČE NISMO NAREDILI NIČESAR”. Strah je bil usmerjen v klike (branje novic), ne pa v razumevanje. Vzdih.)


Scenarij 1: Izravnajte krivuljo / Čredna imunost


Načrt “Izravnati krivuljo” je bil predstavljen s strani prav vsake izmed javnih zdravstvenih organizacij, medtem ko je bil prvotni načrt Združenega kraljestva, imenovan “čredna imunost”, splošno razglašen. Šlo je za enak načrt. Razlika je le v tem, da je Združeno kraljestvo svoj načrt sporočilo slabo in površno.[15]


Oba načrta pa sta imela dobesedno usodno napako.


Najprej si oglejmo dva glavna načina za “zravnanje krivulje”: pranje rok in fizično distanciranje.


Povečano pranje rok je v državah z visokim dohodkom zmanjšalo zaščito pred prehladom in mrazom za ~25%[16], medtem ko je mestno zaprtje v Londonu tesne stike zmanjšalo za ~70%[17]. Predpostavimo lahko, da lahko pranje rok R zmanjša za do 25%, distanciranje pa do 70%:


Preizkusite spodnji kalkulator in videli boste, kako delež ne-, pranje rok in distanciranje, zmanjšajo R: (kalkulator predstavlja njihove relativne učinke, zato izgleda kakor, da povečanje enega izmed njih zmanjša učinek drugih.[18])

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Now, let's simulate what happens to a COVID-19 epidemic if, starting March 2020, we had increased handwashing but only mild physical distancing – so that R is lower, but still above 1:

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Sedaj simulirajmo, kaj bi se zgodilo z epidemijo COVID-19, če bi od marca 2020 dalje imeli le povečano pranje rok, fizično distanciranje pa bi ostalo v (pre)blagi obliki – R je tako nižji, vendar še vedno nad 1:

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Three notes:

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  1. This reduces total cases! Even if you don't get R < 1, reducing R still saves lives, by reducing the 'overshoot' above herd immunity. Lots of folks think "Flatten The Curve" spreads out cases without reducing the total. This is impossible in any Epidemiology 101 model. But because the news reported "80%+ will be infected" as inevitable, folks thought total cases will be the same no matter what. Sigh.

  2. -
  3. Due to the extra interventions, current cases peak before herd immunity is reached. In fact, in this simulation, total cases only overshoots a tiny bit above herd immunity – the UK's plan! At that point, R < 1, you can let go of all other interventions, and COVID-19 stays contained! Well, except for one problem...

  4. -
  5. You still run out of ICUs. For several months. (and remember, we already tripled ICUs for these simulations)

  6. -
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That was the other finding of the March 16 Imperial College report, which convinced the UK to abandon its original plan. Any attempt at mitigation (reduce R, but R > 1) will fail. The only way out is suppression (reduce R so that R < 1).

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That is, don't merely "flatten" the curve, crush the curve. For example, with a...

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Scenario 2: Months-Long Lockdown

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Let's see what happens if we crush the curve with a 5-month lockdown, reduce to nearly nothing, then finally – finally – return to normal life:

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Tri opombe:

  1. +

    To zmanjšuje skupno število primerov! Četudi ne dobite R < 1, nižanje R na način, da poskušamo zmanjševati ‘prekoračitve’ nad imunostjo črede, še vedno rešuje življenja. Večina ljudi misli, da načrt “Izravnati krivuljo” le širi primere, ne da bi pri tem zmanjšali celoto. Vendar to ni mogoče v nobenem epidemiološkem modelu. Ker pa so mediji kot neizogibno dejstvo poročali, da bo “okuženih več kot 80% ljudi”, so ljudje posledično mislili, da bodo skupni primeri enaki ne glede na vse. Vzdih.

  2. +
  3. +

    Zaradi dodatnih ukrepov trenutni primeri dosežejo vrhunec preden se doseže čredna imunost. Dejansko v tej simulaciji skupni primeri prispevajo le majhen delček k čredni imunosti – gre za načrt Združenega kraljestva! Na tej točki, kjer je R < 1, lahko opustimo vse druge ukrepe in virus nam je uspelo uspešno zajeziti! Srečamo se le z eno težavo…

  4. +
  5. +

    Še vedno nam primanjkuje enot za intenzivno nego. In to za kar nekaj mesecev (in ne pozabite, za te simulacije smo število enot za intenzivno nego že potrojili).

  6. +

To je bila druga ugotovitev v študiji Imperial College (objavljeni 16. marec), ki je oblasti Združenega kraljestva uspela prepričati, da opusti svoj prvotni načrt. Vsak poskus blaženja (zmanjšati R, vendar ostane R > 1) bo spodletel. Edini izhod je zaviranje virusa (zmanjšati R tako, da je R < 1).



Se pravi, krivulje ne le “izravnajte”, potrebno jo je zdrobiti. Na primer z …


Scenarij 2: Nekajmesečno zaprtje


Poglejmo, kaj se zgodi, če krivuljo zatremo s 5-mesečnim zaprtjem, zmanjšamo skoraj na nič, nato pa se končno vrnemo v normalno življenje:




Gre za “drugi val” o katerem že vsi govorijo. Takoj, ko odstranimo zaprtje, ponovno dobimo R > 1. Torej lahko en sam izpuščen (ali uvožen ) povzroči skok primerov, ki je skoraj tako hud, kot če bi se soočili s scenarijem 0: Absolutno nič.


Zaprtje ni zdravilo, je le vrnitev na začetek.


Torej se znova in znova le zapiramo?


Scenarij 3: Občasno zaprtje


Ta rešitev je bila sprva predlagana v študiji Imperial College z dne 16. marca, kasneje pa še v raziskavi Univerze Harvard.[19]



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This is the "second wave" everyone's talking about. As soon as we remove the lockdown, we get R > 1 again. So, a single leftover (or imported ) can cause a spike in cases that's almost as bad as if we'd done Scenario 0: Absolutely Nothing.

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A lockdown isn't a cure, it's just a restart.

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So, what, do we just lockdown again & again?

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Scenario 3: Intermittent Lockdown

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This solution was first suggested by the March 16 Imperial College report, and later again by a Harvard paper.19

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Here's a simulation: (After playing the "recorded scenario", you can try simulating your own lockdown schedule, by changing the sliders while the simulation is running! Remember you can pause & continue the sim, and change the simulation speed)

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Tukaj je simulacija: (Po predvajanju “posnetega scenarija” lahko poskusite simulirati svoj urnik zaprtja tako, da spremenite drsnike, medtem ko simulacija teče! Ne pozabite, da lahko zaustavite in nadaljujete simulacijo ter spremenite njeno hitrost.)

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This would keep cases below ICU capacity! And it's much better than an 18-month lockdown until a vaccine is available. We just need to... shut down for a few months, open up for a few months, and repeat until a vaccine is available. (And if there's no vaccine, repeat until herd immunity is reached... in 2022.)

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Look, it's nice to draw a line saying "ICU capacity", but there's lots of important things we can't simulate here. Like:

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Mental Health: Loneliness is one of the biggest risk factors for depression, anxiety, and suicide. And it's as associated with an early death as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.20

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Financial Health: "What about the economy" sounds like you care more about dollars than lives, but "the economy" isn't just stocks: it's people's ability to provide food & shelter for their loved ones, to invest in their kids' futures, and enjoy arts, foods, videogames – the stuff that makes life worth living. And besides, poverty itself has horrible impacts on mental and physical health.

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Not saying we shouldn't lock down again! We'll look at "circuit breaker" lockdowns later. Still, it's not ideal.

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But wait... haven't Taiwan and South Korea already contained COVID-19? For 4 whole months, without long-term lockdowns?

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Scenario 4: Test, Trace, Isolate

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"Sure, we *could've* done what Taiwan & South Korea did at the start, but it's too late now. We missed the start."

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But that's exactly it! “A lockdown isn't a cure, it's just a restart”... and a fresh start is what we need.

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To understand how Taiwan & South Korea contained COVID-19, we need to understand the exact timeline of a typical COVID-19 infection21:

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If cases only self-isolate when they know they're sick (that is, they feel symptoms), the virus can still spread:

- -

- -

And in fact, 44% of all transmissions are like this: pre-symptomatic! 22

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But, if we find and quarantine a symptomatic case's recent close contacts... we stop the spread, by staying one step ahead!

- -

- -

This is called contact tracing. It's an old idea, was used at an unprecedented scale to contain Ebola23, and now it's core part of how Taiwan & South Korea are containing COVID-19!

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(It also lets us use our limited tests more efficiently, to find pre-symptomatic s without needing to test almost everyone.)

- -

Traditionally, contacts are found with in-person interviews, but those alone are too slow for COVID-19's ~48 hour window. That's why contact tracers need help, and be supported by – NOT replaced by – contact tracing apps.

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(This idea didn't come from "techies": using an app to fight COVID-19 was first proposed by a team of Oxford epidemiologists.)

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Wait, apps that trace who you've been in contact with?... Does that mean giving up privacy, giving in to Big Brother?

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Heck no! DP-3T, a team of epidemiologists & cryptographers (including one of us, Marcel Salathé) is already making a contact tracing app – with code available to the public – that reveals no info about your identity, location, who your contacts are, or even how many contacts you've had.

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Here's how it works:

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(& here's the full comic)

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Along with similar teams like TCN Protocol24 and MIT PACT25, they've inspired Apple & Google to bake privacy-first contact tracing directly into Android/iOS.26 (Don't trust Google/Apple? Good! The beauty of this system is it doesn't need trust!) Soon, your local public health agency may ask you to download an app. If it's privacy-first with publicly-available code, please do!

- -

But what about folks without smartphones? Or infections through doorknobs? Or "true" asymptomatic cases? Contact tracing apps can't catch all transmissions... and that's okay! We don't need to catch all transmissions, just 60%+ to get R < 1.

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(Rant about the confusion about pre-symptomatic vs "true" asymptomatic. "True" asymptomatics are rare:27)

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Isolating symptomatic cases would reduce R by up to 40%, and quarantining their pre/a-symptomatic contacts would reduce R by up to 50%28:

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To bi primere ohranilo znotraj kapacitete enot za intenzivno nego, kar je veliko bolje, kot 18-mesečna popolna zaustavitev, dokler cepivo ne bi bilo na voljo. Za nekaj mesecev moramo uvesti zaprtje, nato ponovno odpreti za nekaj mesecev in to potem ponavljati, dokler cepivo ne bo na voljo. (In če cepiva še kar ni, to ponavljajte, dokler čredna imunost ni dosežena … torej do leta 2022.)


Poglejte, naravnost čudovito je narisati črto, ki predstavlja “kapaciteto enot za intenzivno nego”, vendar se srečamo še z veliko ostalimi pomembnimi stvarmi, ki pa jih tukaj ne moremo simulirati. Mednje štejemo:


Duševno zdravje: Osamljenost je eden največjih dejavnikov tveganja za depresijo, tesnobo in samomor. To bi lahko primerjali s kajenjem 15 cigaret na dan, kar prav tako privede do zgodnje smrti.[20]


Finančno zdravje: “Kaj pa gospodarstvo?” zveni, kot da vas bolj kot za življenja skrbi za denar. Vendar “ekonomija” ni le materialno stanje: gre za sposobnost ljudi, da lahko svojim najdražjim zagotovijo hrano in streho nad glavo, da imajo možnost vlagati v prihodnost svojih otrok in preprosto uživajo v umetnosti, hrani, videoigrah – v glavnem v tistem, zaradi česar je življenje vredno živeti. Poleg tega je vredno omeniti, da revščina sama po sebi strahotno vpliva na duševno in fizično zdravje.


Ne pravimo, da smo proti ponovnemu zaprtju! Kasneje si bomo ogledali zaprtje, ki ga bomo poimenovali “varnostno stikalo”. Kljub vsemu, ne gre za idealen način zaprtja.


Vendar pozor… Ali se nista Tajvan in Južna Koreja že pred časom srečala s COVID-19? 4 cele mesece brez dolgotrajnega zaprtja?




Scenarij 4: Testiraj, izsled, izoliraj


"Seveda, tudi mi *bi lahko* naredili tisto, kar sta Tajvan in Južna Koreja storila že na začetku, vendar je sedaj že prepozno. Zamudili smo začetek."


Ampak gre ravno za to! “Zaustavitev ni zdravilo, je le ponovni zagon”… in vse, kar potrebujemo, je nov začetek.


Da bi razumeli, kako sta se Tajvan in Južna Koreja znali spopadati s COVID-19, moramo razumeti natančen časovni trak tipične okužbe s COVID-19[21]:



Če se primeri samoizolirajo, ko že vedo, da so bolni (torej, ko čutijo simptome), se virus lahko še vedno širi:



In v resnici je 44% vseh prenosov prav takšnih: predsimptomatskih! [22]


Vendar, če najdemo in damo v karanteno ljudi, ki so bili še nedavno v tesnejših stikih in imajo simptome virusa, lahko tako širjenje virusa ustavimo in ostanemo korak spredaj!



Temu pravimo sledenje stikov. Gre za starejšo idejo, ki je bila v neprimerljivem obsegu uporabljena za obvladovanje ebole[23], sedaj pa se pri zajezitvi COVID-19 po njej zgledujeta predvsem Tajvan in Južna Koreja!


(Omogoča nam tudi učinkovitejšo uporabo naših omejenih testov za iskanje predsimptomatskih , ne da bi bilo pri tem potrebno testirati skorajda vse.)


Navadno je stike moč najti z osebnimi pogovori, vendar so v našem primeru le ti sami prepočasni za t.i. 48-urno okno COVID-19. Zaradi tega sledilci stikov še kako potrebujejo pomoč, pri čemer pridejo v poštev (in NE v nadomestilo) aplikacije za sledenje stikov.


(Ta ideja ni prišla s strani računalničarjev: uporaba aplikacije za boj proti COVID-19 je bila sprva predlagana s strani ekipe Oxford-skih epidemiologov.)


Čakaj, aplikacije, ki beležijo s kom si bil v stiku? … Ali to pomeni, da se odrekamo zasebnosti in jo dajemo “Velikemu bratu”?


Seveda ne! DP-3T, +skupina epidemiologov & kriptografov (eden izmed njih je Marcel Salathé) že dela na tej aplikaciji – +odprtokodno – ki ne razkrije nobenih informacij o tvoji identiteti, lokaciji, s kom +ali celo s koliko ljudmi si bil v stiku.


Tako deluje:



(& Tukaj je celoten strip (v angleščini).)


Skupaj s podobnimi skupinami kot so TCN Protocol[24] in MIT PACT[25], so navdihnili podjetji Apple & Google +za razvoj sledenja stikov, katerega prioriteta je varovanje zasebnosti neposredno za sistema Android/iOS.[26] +(Ne zaupaš Google-u/Apple-u? Dobro! Lepota sistema je, da ne potrebuje zaupanja.) +Kmalu bo lokalna zdravstena agencija morda predlagala, da jo preneseš. Če je prioriteta aplikacije varovanje zasebnosti z javno dostopno kodo, +jo, prosim, prenesi!


Kaj pa ljudje brez pametnih telefonov? Ali pa okužbe preko “vratnih kljuk”? Ali “popolnoma” asimptomatski primeri? Aplikacije sledenja stikov ne morejo prestreči vseh prenosov … Kar je čisto v redu! Ni nam treba prestreči vseh, vsaj 60%, da je R < 1.


(Obstajajo nesporazumi glede zmede med pre-simptomatskimi in popolnoma asimptomatskimi. Slednji so redki [27].)


Izolacija simptomatskih primerov bi znižala R do 40 % in karantenizacija njihovih pre/a-simptomatskih stikov bi znižala R vse do 50 %[28]:

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Thus, even without 100% contact quarantining, we can get R < 1 without a lockdown! Much better for our mental & financial health. (As for the cost to folks who have to self-isolate/quarantine, governments should support them – pay for the tests, job protection, subsidized paid leave, etc. Still way cheaper than intermittent lockdown.)

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We then keep R < 1 until we have a vaccine, which turns susceptible s into immune s. Herd immunity, the right way:

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Četudi se 100% stikov ne osami, lahko dobimo R < 1 brez karantene! Veliko boljše za naše mentalno in finančno zdravje. +(Kar se tiče stroškov ljudi, ki se morajo samoosamiti in so v karanteni, bi jih vlada morala podpreti – plačati teste, preprečiti izgubo službe, subvencionirati plačani dopust, itd. Še vedno veliko ceneje od popolne karantene za vse.)


Potem ohranjamo R < 1, dokler nimamo zdravila, ki spremeni dovzetne v imune . Čredna imunost, tokrat na pravi način:

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(Note: this calculator pretends the vaccines are 100% effective. Just remember that in reality, you'd have to compensate by vaccinating more than "herd immunity", to actually get herd immunity)

- -

Okay, enough talk. Here's a simulation of:

- -
  1. A few-month lockdown, until we can...
  2. -
  3. Switch to "Test, Trace, Isolate" until we can...
  4. -
  5. Vaccinate enough people, which means...
  6. -
  7. We win.
  8. -
- -

(Pomni: ta kalkulator privzema, da je zdravilo 100% učinkovito. Ne pozabi, da bomo morali v realnosti kompenzirati cepljenje več kot “čredne imunosti”, da dejansko dobimo čredno imunost).


Dobro, dovolj govorjenja. Tukaj je simulacija za:

  1. Nekaj mesečno karanteno, dokler ne …
  2. +
  3. Preklopimo na “Testiraj, Izsledi, Izoliraj” dokler ne…
  4. +
  5. Cepimo dovolj ljudi, kar pomeni…
  6. +
  7. Zmagali smo.
  8. +
- -

So that's it! That's how we make an emergency landing on this plane.

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That's how we beat COVID-19.

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But what if things still go wrong? Things have gone horribly wrong already. That's fear, and that's good! Fear gives us energy to create backup plans.

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The pessimist invents the parachute.

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Scenario 4+: Masks For All, Summer, Circuit Breakers

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What if R0 is way higher than we thought, and the above interventions, even with mild distancing, still aren't enough to get R < 1?

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Remember, even if we can't get R < 1, reducing R still reduces the "overshoot" in total cases, thus saving lives. But still, R < 1 is the ideal, so here's a few other ways to reduce R:

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Masks For All:

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"Wait," you might ask, "I thought face masks don't stop you from getting sick?"

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You're right. Masks don't stop you from getting sick29... they stop you from getting others sick.

- -

- -

To put a number on it: surgical masks on the sick person reduce cold & flu viruses in aerosols by 70%.30 Reducing transmissions by 70% would be as large an impact as a lockdown!

- -

However, we don't know for sure the impact of masks on COVID-19 specifically. In science, one should only publish a finding if you're 95% sure of it. (...should.31) Masks, as of May 1st 2020, are less than "95% sure".

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However, pandemics are like poker. Make bets only when you're 95% sure, and you'll lose everything at stake. As a recent article on masks in the British Medical Journal notes,32 we have to make cost/benefit analyses under uncertainty. Like so:

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Cost: If homemade cloth masks (which are ~2/3 as effective as surgical masks33), super cheap. If surgical masks, more expensive but still pretty cheap.

- -

Benefit: Even if it's a 50–50 chance of surgical masks reducing transmission by 0% or 70%, the average "expected value" is still 35%, same as a half-lockdown! So let's guess-timate that surgical masks reduce R by up to 35%, discounted for our uncertainty. (Again, you can challenge our assumptions by turning the sliders up/down)

- -

Torej, to je to! Tako izvedemo zasilni pristanek na tem letu.


Tako premagamo COVID-19.



Kaj pa, če gredo stvari še vedno narobe? +Stvari so že ušle izpod nadzora. To vzbuja strah in to je dobro! Strah nam da energijo, da ustvarimo rezervne načrte.


Pesimist izumi padalo.


Scenarij 4+: Maske za vse poletje, varnostno stikalo


Kaj če je R0 veliko višji kot smo predvideli in zgornji posegi, tudi z blagim distanciranjem, še vedno niso dovolj, da dosežemo R < 1?


Ne pozabi, +tudi če ne moremo doseči R < 1, zmanjšanje R še vedno zniža “presežek” v skupnih primerih, kar reši življenja.
+Kljub temu je R < 1 idealen, zato je tu še nekaj načinov za zmanjšanje R:


Maske za vse:


“Počakaj,” morda se boš vprašal, “mislil sem, da maska za obraz ne prepreči, da bi zbolel?”


Prav imaš. Maska ne prepreči, da bi zbolel[29]… prepreči pa ti, da bi okužil ostale.



Predstavljeno v številkah: kirurška maska na zboleli osebi zmanjša prenos virusa pri prehladu & gripi preko zraka do 70 %.[30] Zmanjšanje prenosov za 70 % bi imelo tako velik vpliv kot karantena!


Vseeno, ne vemo zagotovo kakšen vpliv imajo maske pri virusu COVID-19 specifično. V znanosti se ugotovitev lahko objavi samo, če je gotovost 95 %. (…lahko.[31]) Maske imajo, od 1. maja 2020, "manjšo zanesljivost od 95 %".


Pandemija je kot poker. Če staviš zgolj, ko si 95% prepričan, boš izgubil vse. Kot ugotavlja nedavni članek o maskah v Britanski medicinski reviji,[32] moramo analizo stroškov in koristi narediti z upoštevanjem negotovosti. Kot so:


Cena: V primeru doma izdelanih mask iz blaga (imajo približno 2/3 učinkovitosti kirurških mask [33]) je cena zelo ugodna. V primeru kirurških mask je cena višja, a še vedno precej ugodna.


Korist: Tudi če je 50% možnosti, da kirurške maske znižajo prenos za 0 % ali 70 %, je povprečna “pričakovana vrednost” še zmeraj 35 %. Tako kot polovično zaprtje! Torej ugibajmo, da zaradi negotovosti kirurške maske znižajo R za največ 35%. (Ponovno, lahko preveriš naše predpostavke s premikanjem drsnikov gor ali dol.)

- -

(other arguments for/against masks:34)

- -

Masks alone won't get R < 1. But if handwashing & "Test, Trace, Isolate" only gets us to R = 1.10, having just 1/3 of people wear masks would tip that over to R < 1, virus contained!

- -


- -

Okay, this isn't an "intervention" we can control, but it will help! Some news outlets report that summer won't do anything to COVID-19. They're half right: summer won't get R < 1, but it will reduce R.

- -

For COVID-19, every extra 1° Celsius (2.2° Fahrenheit) makes R drop by 1.2%.35 The summer-winter difference in New York City is 15°C (60°F), so summer will make R drop by 18%.

- -

(Ostali argumenti za/proti maskam:[34])


Maske same ne bodo privedle do R < 1. Toda če nas umivanje rok in “Testiraj, Izsledi, Izoliraj” privede zgolj do R = 1,10, bi z nošo mask 1/3 ljudi dosegli R < 1 in virus obvladali!




Ok, to ni “intervencija”, ki jo lahko nadzorujemo, lahko pa pomaga! Nekatere novice poročajo, da poletje ne bo vplivalo na širjenje COVID-19. Imajo deloma prav: poletje ne bo zagotovilo R < 1, vendar ga bo zmanjšalo.


Pri COVID-19 vsaka dodatna 1 °C (2,2 ° Fahrenheit) povzroči upad R za 1,2 %.[35]
+Temperaturna razlika poletje-zima je v New Yorku 15 °C (60 °F), torej bo s poletjem upad R za 18 %.

- -

Summer alone won't make R < 1, but if we have limited resources, we can scale back some interventions in the summer – so we can scale them higher in the winter.

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A "Circuit Breaker" Lockdown:

- -

And if all that still isn't enough to get R < 1... we can do another lockdown.

- -

But we wouldn't have to be 2-months-closed / 1-month-open over & over! Because R is reduced, we'd only need one or two more "circuit breaker" lockdowns before a vaccine is available. (Singapore had to do this recently, "despite" having controlled COVID-19 for 4 months. That's not failure: this is what success takes.)

- -

Here's a simulation a "lazy case" scenario:

- -
  1. Lockdown, then
  2. -
  3. A moderate amount of hygiene & "Test, Trace, Isolate", with a mild amount of "Masks For All", then...
  4. -
  5. One more "circuit breaker" lockdown before a vaccine's found.
  6. -
- -

Poletje samo ne bo doseglo R < 1, če pa imamo omejene vire, lahko zmanjšamo ukrepe poleti – da jih lahko zaostrimo pozimi.


"Varnostno stikalo" - zaprtje:


In če vse to še vedno ni dovolj, da dobimo R < 1… lahko ponovno uvedemo karanteno.


Ampak ne bo nam treba biti 2-mesca-zaprti(ukazana karantena) / 1-mesec-odprti znova in znova! Ker je R zmanjšan, bomo potrebovali zgolj še eno ali dve "varnostni stikali"-zaprtji, preden bo na voljo cepivo. (Singapur je moral to narediti pred kratkim, “kljub” temu da je COVID-19 bil pod kontrolo 4 mesece. To ni neuspeh: to je “cena, ki jo moraš plačati”, da zmagaš.)


Tu je simulacija “lenega primera” scenarija:

  1. Karantena,
  2. +
  3. Zmerna količina higiene & "Testiraj, Izsledi, Izoliraj" z blago zalogo "Maske za vse" …
  4. +
  5. Samo še eno “varnostno stikalo” - ukazana popolna karantena pred iznajdbo cepiva.
  6. +
- -

Not to mention all the other interventions we could do, to further push R down:

- - - -

. . .

- -

We hope these plans give you hope.

- -

Even under a pessimistic scenario, it is possible to beat COVID-19, while protecting our mental and financial health. Use the lockdown as a "reset button", keep R < 1 with case isolation + privacy-protecting contract tracing + at least cloth masks for all... and life can get back to a normal-ish!

- -

Sure, you may have dried-out hands. But you'll get to invite a date out to a comics bookstore! You'll get to go out with friends to watch the latest Hollywood cash-grab. You'll get to people-watch at a library, taking joy in people going about the simple business of being alive.

- -

Even under the worst-case scenario... life perseveres.

- -

So now, let's plan for some worse worst-case scenarios. Water landing, get your life jacket, and please follow the lights to the emergency exits:


Da ne omenjam vseh ostalih ukrepov, ki še dodatno znižajo R:

  • omejitve potovanj / karantene potnikov,
  • +
  • preverjanje temperature v trgovskih centrih & šolah,
  • +
  • temeljito čiščenje javnih površin,
  • +
  • nadomestimo rokovanje z brco nog,
  • +
  • in vse ostalo kar prinese človeška iznajdljivost.
  • +

. . .


Upamo, da smo ti s temi načrti vlili upanje.


Tudi po pesimističnem scenariju je mogoče premagati COVID-19 in hkrati zaščititi naše mentalno in finančno zdravje. Glej na ukazano popolno karanteno kot na “gumb za ponovni zagon”, vzdržujmo R < 1 z izolacijo okuženih + sledenje stikov na način, ki zaščiti zasebnost + vsaj maske iz blaga za vse… in življenje lahko ponovno postane normalno!


Seveda, morda imaš izsušene roke, ampak boš lahko zaradi tega povabil partnerja v knjigarno stripov! Lahko boš šel ven s prijatelji gledat najnovejšo hollywoodsko uspešnico. Zalotili se boste, da opazujete ljudi v knjižnici in veselje ljudi, ki živijo preprosto življenje.


Celo v najhujšem primeru … Se življenje ohrani.


Zatorej se zdaj pripravimo na najhujše možne primere. Pristanek na vodi, vzemi svoj rešilni jopič in sledi lučkam do zasilnih izhodov:

The Next Few Years
Naslednjih nekaj let

You get COVID-19, and recover. Or you get the COVID-19 vaccine. Either way, you're now immune...

- -

...for how long?

- -
  • COVID-19 is most closely related to SARS, which gave its survivors 2 years of immunity.36
  • -
  • The coronaviruses that cause "the" common cold give you 8 months of immunity.37
  • -
  • There's reports of folks recovering from COVID-19, then testing positive again, but it's unclear if these are false positives.38
  • -
  • One not-yet-peer-reviewed study on monkeys showed immunity to the COVID-19 coronavirus for at least 28 days.39
  • -
- -

But for COVID-19 in humans, as of May 1st 2020, "how long" is the big unknown.

- -

For these simulations, let's say it's 1 year. - Here's a simulation starting with 100% , exponentially decaying into susceptible, no-immunity s after 1 year, on average, with variation:

- -

Stakneš virus COVID-19 in si opomoreš, ali pa se proti njemu cepiš. V vsakem primeru si zdaj imun …


A kako dolgo?

  • Virus COVID-19 je najbolj podoben virusu SARS, ki je dal “svojim” preživelim 2 leti imunosti.[36]
  • +
  • Corona virusi, ki so vzrok za navaden prehlad, vzbudijo le 8 mesecev imunosti.[37]
  • +
  • Obstajajo poročila ljudi, ki so preboleli COVID-19, potem pa bili pozitivni. Je pa neznano, če so testi lažno pozitivni.[38]
  • +
  • Ena “nestrokovno pregledana” raziskava na opicah je pokazala imunost na COVID-19 za vsaj 28 let.[39]
  • +

Pri ljudeh je od 1. maja 2020 trajanje imunosti en velik vprašaj.


Za te simulacije recimo, da je 1 leto. +Tu je simulacija, začenši s 100% , Po 1 letu v povpečju eksponentno pada v dovzetne, neimune , z variacijo:

- -

Return of the exponential decay!

- -

This is the SEIRS Model. The final "S" stands for Susceptible, again.

- -

- -

Now, let's simulate a COVID-19 outbreak, over 10 years, with no interventions... if immunity only lasts a year:

- -

Vrnimo se na eksponentni upad!


To je SEIRS Model. Zadnji “S” pomeni Susceptible (dovzetni).



Zdaj pa simulirajmo izbruh virusa COVID-19 v obdobju več kot 10 let brez ukrepov … Če imunost traja le leto dni:

- -

In previous simulations, we only had one ICU-overwhelming spike. Now, we have several, and cases come to a rest permanently at ICU capacity. (Which, remember, we tripled for these simulations)

- -

R = 1, it's endemic.

- -

Thankfully, because summer reduces R, it'll make the situation better:

- -

V prejšnjih simulacijah smo imeli le en sunek preobremenitve na intenzivni negi. Zdaj pa jih imamo več in primeri se zaključijo pri kapaciteti oddelka za intenzivno nego (ki smo jih potrojili za to simulacijo).


R = 1, endemično.


K sreči poletje oziroma višje temperature zmanjšujejo R, zato se bo stanje izboljšalo:

- -


- -

Counterintuitively, summer makes the spikes worse and regular! This is because summer reduces new s, but that in turn reduces new immune s. Which means immunity plummets in the summer, creating large regular spikes in the winter.

- -

Thankfully, the solution to this is pretty straightforward – just vaccinate people every fall/winter, like we do with flu shots:

- -

(After playing the recording, try simulating your own vaccination campaigns! Remember you can pause/continue the sim at any time)

- -



Intuitivno, poletje povzroči, da so sunki okužbe hujši in regularni! To je zato, ker poletje zmanjšuje nove , vendar to posledično zmanjšuje novo imunost . To pomeni, da imunost poleti pade, torej ustvari nove, večje, redne sunke okužbe pozimi.


Na srečo je rešitev za to preprosta - ljudi je potrebno vsako jesen/zimo cepiti, tako kot pri gripi:


(Po predvajanju posnetka poskusite simulirati lastne akcije cepljenja! Ne pozabite, da lahko simulacijo začasno zaustavite/nadaljujete.)

- -

But here's the scarier question:

- -

What if there's no vaccine for years? Or ever?

- -

To be clear: this is unlikely. Most epidemiologists expect a vaccine in 1 to 2 years. Sure, there's never been a vaccine for any of the other coronaviruses before, but that's because SARS was eradicated quickly, and "the" common cold wasn't worth the investment.

- -

Still, infectious disease researchers have expressed worries: What if we can't make enough?40 What if we rush it, and it's not safe?41

- -

Even in the nightmare "no-vaccine" scenario, we still have 3 ways out. From most to least terrible:

- -

1) Do intermittent or loose R < 1 interventions, to reach "natural herd immunity". (Warning: this will result in many deaths & damaged lungs. And won't work if immunity doesn't last.)

- -

2) Do the R < 1 interventions forever. Contact tracing & wearing masks just becomes a new norm in the post-COVID-19 world, like how STI tests & wearing condoms became a new norm in the post-HIV world.

- -

3) Do the R < 1 interventions until we develop treatments that make COVID-19 way, way less likely to need critical care. (Which we should be doing anyway!) Reducing ICU use by 10x is the same as increasing our ICU capacity by 10x:

- -

Here's a simulation of no lasting immunity, no vaccine, and not even any interventions – just slowly increasing capacity to survive the long-term spikes:

- -

Toda tukaj se pojavi bolj strašno vprašanje:


Kaj pa če cepiva ne bo več let? Ali nikoli?


Da bo jasno: to je malo verjetno. Večina epidemiologov pričakuje cepivo čez 1 do 2 leti. Seveda še nikoli ni bilo cepiva za katerega koli od drugih koronavirusov, toda to je zato, ker je bil SARS hitro izkoreninjen in “navadni prehlad” ni bil vreden naložbe.


Kljub temu so raziskovalci nalezljivih bolezni izrazili zaskrbljenost: Kaj, če ga ne bomo mogli narediti dovolj?[38] Kaj, če preveč pohitimo in cepivo ne bo varno?[39]


Tudi v najslabšem scenariju “brez cepiva” imamo še vedno 3 poti. Od najbolj do najmanj groznega scenarija:

  1. +

    Izvedemo občasne ali ohlapne R < 1 ukrepe, da dosežemo naravno imunost ljudi. (Opozorilo: To bo povzročilo veliko smrtnih žrtev in poškodovanih pljuč pri ljudeh. In ne bo delovalo, če imunost ne bo trajala.)

  2. +
  3. +

    Sprejmimo R < 1 ukrepe za vedno. Sledenje stikov in nošenje mask postane nova norma v svetu po COVID-19, denimo kot so testi STI in uporaba kondomov postali nova norma v svetu po HIV.

  4. +
  5. +

    Sprejmimo R < 1 ukrepe, dokler ne razvijejo zdravljenja za COVID-19, po katem je manj verjetno, da bi ljudje potrebovali intenzivno nego. (Kar bi morali storiti kljub vsemu!) Zmanjšanje uporabe EIN za 10x je isto kot povečanje naše zmogljivosti EIN za 10x:

  6. +

Tu je simulacija brez trajne imunosti brez cepiva in nikakršnega posega:

- -

Even under the worst worst-case scenario... life perseveres.

- -

. . .

- -

Maybe you'd like to challenge our assumptions, and try different R0's or numbers. Or try simulating your own combination of intervention plans!

- -

Here's an (optional) Sandbox Mode, with everything available. (scroll to see all controls) Simulate & play around to your heart's content:

- -

Tudi v najslabšem najslabšem primeru … življenje vztraja.


. . .


Morda dvomite v naše predpostavke in bi jih želeli izpodbiti. Preizkusite lahko različne R0 ali številke ter celo poskusite simulirati svojo kombinacijo intervencijskih načrtov!


Pred vami je (izbiren) t. i. način peskovnika, ki ima na voljo prav vse. (Pomaknite se nižje in si oglejte vse krmilne tipke.) Simulirajte in igrajte se kolikor dolgo želite:

- -

This basic "epidemic flight simulator" has taught us so much. It's let us answer questions about the past few months, next few months, and next few years.

- -

So finally, let's return to...


Še tako osnovna “simulacija letenja z epidemijo” nas je naučila ogromno. Dovolite nam odgovoriti na vprašanja glede zadnjih nekaj mesecev, naslednjih nekaj mesecev in naslednjih nekaj let.


Torej, končno se vrnimo k …

The Now

Plane's sunk. We've scrambled onto the life rafts. It's time to find dry land.42

- -

Teams of epidemiologists and policymakers (left, right, and multi-partisan) have come to a consensus on how to beat COVID-19, while protecting our lives and liberties.

- -

Here's the rough idea, with some (less-consensus) backup plans:

- -

- -

So what does this mean for YOU, right now?

- -

For everyone: Respect the lockdown so we can get out of Phase I asap. Keep washing those hands. Make your own masks. Download a privacy-protecting contact tracing app when those are available next month. Stay healthy, physically & mentally! And write your local policymaker to get off their butt and...

- -

For policymakers: Make laws to support folks who have to self-isolate/quarantine. Hire more manual contact tracers, supported by privacy-protecting contact tracing apps. Direct more funds into the stuff we should be building, like...

- -

For builders: Build tests. Build ventilators. Build personal protective equipment for hospitals. Build tests. Build masks. Build apps. Build antivirals, prophylactics, and other treatments that aren't vaccines. Build vaccines. Build tests. Build tests. Build tests. Build hope.

- -

Don't downplay fear to build up hope. Our fear should team up with our hope, like the inventors of airplanes & parachutes. Preparing for horrible futures is how we create a hopeful future.

- -

The only thing to fear is the idea that the only thing to fear is fear itself.

- -
    - -
  1. -

    These footnotes will have sources, links, or bonus commentary. Like this commentary! 

    - -

    This guide was published on May 1st, 2020. Many details will become outdated, but we're confident this guide will cover 95% of possible futures, and that Epidemiology 101 will remain forever useful.

  2. - -
  3. -

    “The mean [serial] interval was 3.96 days (95% CI 3.53–4.39 days)”. Du Z, Xu X, Wu Y, Wang L, Cowling BJ, Ancel Meyers L (Disclaimer: Early release articles are not considered as final versions) 

  4. - -
  5. -

    Remember: all these simulations are super simplified, for educational purposes. 

    - -

    One simplification: When you tell this simulation "Infect 1 new person every X days", it's actually increasing # of infected by 1/X each day. Same for future settings in these simulations – "Recover every X days" is actually reducing # of infected by 1/X each day.

    - -

    Those aren't exactly the same, but it's close enough, and for educational purposes it's less opaque than setting the transmission/recovery rates directly.

  6. - -
  7. -

    “The median communicable period [...] was 9.5 days.” Hu, Z., Song, C., Xu, C. et al Yes, we know "median" is not the same as "average". For simplified educational purposes, close enough. 

  8. - -
  9. -

    For more technical explanations of the SIR Model, see the Institute for Disease Modeling and Wikipedia 

  10. - -
  11. -

    For more technical explanations of the SEIR Model, see the Institute for Disease Modeling and Wikipedia 

  12. - -
  13. -

    “Assuming an incubation period distribution of mean 5.2 days from a separate study of early COVID-19 cases, we inferred that infectiousness started from 2.3 days (95% CI, 0.8–3.0 days) before symptom onset” (translation: Assuming symptoms start at 5 days, infectiousness starts 2 days before = Infectiousness starts at 3 days) He, X., Lau, E.H.Y., Wu, P. et al. 

  14. - -
  15. -

    “The median R value for seasonal influenza was 1.28 (IQR: 1.19–1.37)” Biggerstaff, M., Cauchemez, S., Reed, C. et al. 

  16. - -
  17. -

    “We estimated the basic reproduction number R0 of 2019-nCoV to be around 2.2 (90% high density interval: 1.4–3.8)” Riou J, Althaus CL. 

  18. - -
  19. -

    “we calculated a median R0 value of 5.7 (95% CI 3.8–8.9)” Sanche S, Lin YT, Xu C, Romero-Severson E, Hengartner N, Ke R. 

  20. - -
  21. -

    This is pretending that you're equally infectious all throughout your "infectious period". Again, simplifications for educational purposes. 

  22. - -
  23. -

    Remember R = R0 * the ratio of transmissions still allowed. Remember also that ratio of transmissions allowed = 1 - ratio of transmissions stopped

    - -

    Therefore, to get R < 1, you need to get R0 * TransmissionsAllowed < 1.

    - -

    Therefore, TransmissionsAllowed < 1/R0

    - -

    Therefore, 1 - TransmissionsStopped < 1/R0

    - -

    Therefore, TransmissionsStopped > 1 - 1/R0

    - -

    Therefore, you need to stop more than 1 - 1/R0 of transmissions to get R < 1 and contain the virus!

  24. - -
  25. -

    "Percentage of COVID-19 cases in the United States from February 12 to March 16, 2020 that required intensive care unit (ICU) admission, by age group". Between 4.9% to 11.5% of all COVID-19 cases required ICU. Generously picking the lower range, that's 5% or 1 in 20. Note that this total is specific to the US's age structure, and will be higher in countries with older populations, lower in countries with younger populations. 

  26. - -
  27. -

    “Number of ICU beds = 96,596”. From the Society of Critical Care Medicine USA Population was 328,200,000 in 2019. 96,596 out of 328,200,000 = roughly 1 in 3400.  

  28. - -
  29. -

    “He says that the actual goal is the same as that of other countries: flatten the curve by staggering the onset of infections. As a consequence, the nation may achieve herd immunity; it’s a side effect, not an aim. [...] The government’s actual coronavirus action plan, available online, doesn’t mention herd immunity at all.” 

    - -

    From a The Atlantic article by Ed Yong

  30. - -
  31. -

    “All eight eligible studies reported that handwashing lowered risks of respiratory infection, with risk reductions ranging from 6% to 44% [pooled value 24% (95% CI 6–40%)].” We rounded up the pooled value to 25% in these simulations for simplicity. Rabie, T. and Curtis, V. Note: as this meta-analysis points out, the quality of studies for handwashing (at least in high-income countries) are awful. 

  32. - -
  33. -

    “We found a 73% reduction in the average daily number of contacts observed per participant. This would be sufficient to reduce R0 from a value from 2.6 before the lockdown to 0.62 (0.37 - 0.89) during the lockdown”. We rounded it down to 70% in these simulations for simplicity. Jarvis and Zandvoort et al 

  34. - -
  35. -

    This distortion would go away if we plotted R on a logarithmic scale... but then we'd have to explain logarithmic scales. 

  36. - -
  37. -

    “Absent other interventions, a key metric for the success of social distancing is whether critical care capacities are exceeded. To avoid this, prolonged or intermittent social distancing may be necessary into 2022.” Kissler and Tedijanto et al 

  38. - -
  39. -

    See Figure 6 from Holt-Lunstad & Smith 2010. Of course, big disclaimer that they found a correlation. But unless you want to try randomly assigning people to be lonely for life, observational evidence is all you're gonna get. 

  40. - -
  41. -

    3 days on average to infectiousness: “Assuming an incubation period distribution of mean 5.2 days from a separate study of early COVID-19 cases, we inferred that infectiousness started from 2.3 days (95% CI, 0.8–3.0 days) before symptom onset” (translation: Assuming symptoms start at 5 days, infectiousness starts 2 days before = Infectiousness starts at 3 days) He, X., Lau, E.H.Y., Wu, P. et al.  

    - -

    4 days on average to infecting someone else: “The mean [serial] interval was 3.96 days (95% CI 3.53–4.39 days)” Du Z, Xu X, Wu Y, Wang L, Cowling BJ, Ancel Meyers L

    - -

    5 days on average to feeling symptoms: “The median incubation period was estimated to be 5.1 days (95% CI, 4.5 to 5.8 days)” Lauer SA, Grantz KH, Bi Q, et al

  42. - -
  43. -

    “We estimated that 44% (95% confidence interval, 25–69%) of secondary cases were infected during the index cases’ presymptomatic stage” He, X., Lau, E.H.Y., Wu, P. et al 

  44. - -
  45. -

    “Contact tracing was a critical intervention in Liberia and represented one of the largest contact tracing efforts during an epidemic in history.” Swanson KC, Altare C, Wesseh CS, et al. 

  46. - -
  47. -

    Temporary Contact Numbers, a decentralized, privacy-first contact tracing protocol 

  48. - -
  49. -

    PACT: Private Automated Contact Tracing 

  50. - -
  51. -

    Apple and Google partner on COVID-19 contact tracing technology . Note they're not making the apps themselves, just creating the systems that will support those apps. 

  52. - -
  53. -

    Lots of news reports – and honestly, many research papers – did not distinguish between "cases who showed no symptoms when we tested them" (pre-symptomatic) and "cases who showed no symptoms ever" (true asymptomatic). The only way you could tell the difference is by following up with cases later. 

    - -

    Which is what this study did. (Disclaimer: "Early release articles are not considered as final versions.") In a call center in South Korea that had a COVID-19 outbreak, "only 4 (1.9%) remained asymptomatic within 14 days of quarantine, and none of their household contacts acquired secondary infections."

    - -

    So that means "true asymptomatics" are rare, and catching the disease from a true asymptomatic may be even rarer!

  54. - -
  55. -

    From the same Oxford study that first recommended apps to fight COVID-19: Luca Ferretti & Chris Wymant et al See Figure 2. Assuming R0 = 2.0, they found that:  

    - -
    • Symptomatics contribute R = 0.8 (40%)
    • -
    • Pre-symptomatics contribute R = 0.9 (45%)
    • -
    • Asymptomatics contribute R = 0.1 (5%, though their model has uncertainty and it could be much lower)
    • -
    • Environmental stuff like doorknobs contribute R = 0.2 (10%)
    • -
    - -

    And add up the pre- & a-symptomatic contacts (45% + 5%) and you get 50% of R!

  56. - -
  57. -

    “None of these surgical masks exhibited adequate filter performance and facial fit characteristics to be considered respiratory protection devices.” Tara Oberg & Lisa M. Brosseau 

  58. - -
  59. -

    “The overall 3.4 fold reduction [70% reduction] in aerosol copy numbers we observed combined with a nearly complete elimination of large droplet spray demonstrated by Johnson et al. suggests that surgical masks worn by infected persons could have a clinically significant impact on transmission.” Milton DK, Fabian MP, Cowling BJ, Grantham ML, McDevitt JJ 

  60. - -
  61. -

    Any actual scientist who read that last sentence is probably laugh-crying right now. See: p-hacking, the replication crisis

  62. - -
  63. -

    “It is time to apply the precautionary principle” Trisha Greenhalgh et al [PDF] 

  64. - -
  65. -

    Davies, A., Thompson, K., Giri, K., Kafatos, G., Walker, J., & Bennett, A See Table 1: a 100% cotton T-shirt has around 2/3 the filtration efficiency as a surgical mask, for the two bacterial aerosols they tested. 

  66. - -
  67. -

    "We need to save supplies for hospitals." Absolutely agreed. But that's more of an argument for increasing mask production, not rationing. In the meantime, we can make cloth masks. 

    - -

    "They're hard to wear correctly." It's also hard to wash your hands according to the WHO Guidelines – seriously, "Step 3) right palm over left dorsum"?! – but we still recommend handwashing, because imperfect is still better than nothing.

    - -

    "It'll make people more reckless with handwashing & social distancing." Sure, and safety belts make people ignore stop signs, and flossing makes people eat rocks. But seriously, we'd argue the opposite: masks are a constant physical reminder to be careful – and in East Asia, masks are also a symbol of solidarity!

  68. - -
  69. -

    “One-degree Celsius increase in temperature [...] lower[s] R by 0.0225” and “The average R-value of these 100 cities is 1.83”. 0.0225 ÷ 1.83 = ~1.2%. Wang, Jingyuan and Tang, Ke and Feng, Kai and Lv, Weifeng 

  70. - -
  71. -

    “SARS-specific antibodies were maintained for an average of 2 years [...] Thus, SARS patients might be susceptible to reinfection ≥3 years after initial exposure.” Wu LP, Wang NC, Chang YH, et al. "Sadly" we'll never know how long SARS immunity would have really lasted, since we eradicated it so quickly. 

  72. - -
  73. -

    “We found no significant difference between the probability of testing positive at least once and the probability of a recurrence for the beta-coronaviruses HKU1 and OC43 at 34 weeks after enrollment/first infection.” Marta Galanti & Jeffrey Shaman (PDF) 

  74. - -
  75. -

    “Once a person fights off a virus, viral particles tend to linger for some time. These cannot cause infections, but they can trigger a positive test.” from STAT News by Andrew Joseph 

  76. - -
  77. -

    From Bao et al. Disclaimer: This article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review (yet). Also, to emphasize: they only tested re-infection 28 days later.  

  78. - -
  79. -

    “If a coronavirus vaccine arrives, can the world make enough?” by Roxanne Khamsi, on Nature 

  80. - -
  81. -

    “Don’t rush to deploy COVID-19 vaccines and drugs without sufficient safety guarantees” by Shibo Jiang, on Nature 

  82. - -
  83. -

    Dry land metaphor from Marc Lipsitch & Yonatan Grad, on STAT News 

  84. - -

Letalo je potonilo. Naleteli smo na rešilne splave in čas je, da poiščemo kopno.[40]


Skupine epidemiologov in snovalcev politik (leve, desne in nadstrankarske) so dosegle soglasje o tem, kako premagati COVID-19 in hkrati zaščititi naša življenja ter svoboščine.


Tukaj je skica ideje z nekaj (manj soglasnimi) rezervnimi načrti:



Torej, kaj trenutno to pomeni ZATE?


Za vse: Spoštujte ukazano karanteno, da bomo lahko takoj stopili iz faze I. Še naprej si umivajte roke, izdelajte si svoje maske, prenesite si aplikacijo za sledenje stikov, ki ščiti zasebnost (ko bo le-ta na voljo v naslednjem mesecu). Ostanite zdravi, tako fizično kot tudi psihično! Svojim krajevnim politikom pa sporočite, da je lenobe dovolj in …


Za politike: Sprejmite zakone za podporo vsem ljudem, ki so bili prisiljeni v samoizolacijo. Najemite več ročnih sledilnikov stikov, ki jih podpirajo aplikacije za sledenje stikov. Več sredstev usmerite v stvari, ki bi jih morali graditi, kot na primer …


Za ustvarjalce: Ustvarjajte teste. Ustvarjajte ventilatorje. Ustvarjajte osebno zaščitno opremo za bolnišnice. Ustvarjajte maske. Ustvarjajte aplikacije. Ustvarjajte protivirusna sredstva, preventivna sredstva ter druge načine zdravljenja, ki niso cepiva. Ustvarite teste. Ustvarite teste. Ustvarite teste.


Ne omalovažujte strahu, da bi povečali vaše upe. Naš strah bi se moral združiti z našim upanjem tako kot izumitelji letal in padal. Priprava na grozno prihodnost nam v bistvu ustvari upanja polno prihodnost.


Ideja, da nas mora biti strah le strahu samega, je edina, česar se moramo resnično bati.

  1. Te sprotne opombe bodo imele vire, povezave ali dodatne komentarje. Tako kot ta komentar!


    Ta vodič je bil objavljen 1. maja 2020 Številne podrobnosti bodo zastarele, ampak sva prepričana, da bo ta vodič zajel 95% verzij prihodnosti, da bo Uvod v epidemiologijo za vedno ostal uporaben.

  2. +
  3. “Povprečni [serijski] interval je bil 3.96 dni (95% CI 3.53–4.39 dni)”. Du Z, Xu X, Wu Y, Wang L, Cowling BJ, Ancel Meyers L (Disclaimer: Članki z zgodnjo izdajo se ne štejejo v končne različice)

  4. +
  5. Ne pozabite: vse te simulacije so v izobraževalne name zelo poenostavljene.


    Ena poenostavitev: Ko ukažete tej simulaciji “Okužite 1 novo osebo vsakih X dni”, se dejansko vsak dan poveča število okuženih za 1 / X. Enako za prihodnje nastavitve v teh simulacijah – “Ozdravi vsakih X dni” dejansko zmanjša število okuženih za 1 / X vsak dan.


    Ti niso popolnoma enaki, ampak so dovolj dober približek, da so zaradi izobraževalnih namenov razumljivejši kot neposredna nastavitev hitrosti prenosa/okrevanja.

  6. +
  7. “Povprečna doba nalezljivosti […] je bila 9.5 dni.” Hu, Z., Song, C., Xu, C. et al
    +Ja, vemo, da “mediana” ni isto kot “povprečje”. Za lažje razumevanje zanemarimo razliko.

  8. +
  9. Bolj podrobna pojasnitev modela SIR: the Institute for Disease Modeling in Wikipedia

  10. +
  11. Bolj strokovno razlago modela SEIR najdeš: the Institute for Disease Modeling in Wikipedia

  12. +
  13. “Assuming an incubation period distribution of mean 5.2 days from a separate study of early COVID-19 cases,
    +we inferred that infectiousness started from 2.3 days (95% CI, 0.8–3.0 days) before symptom onset”
    +(prevod: Domnevno se simptomi pokažejo po 5 dneh, virus pa širiš že 2 dni prej = Nalezljivost se začne 3. dan)
    +He, X., Lau, E.H.Y., Wu, P. et al.

  14. +
  15. “Srednja vrednost R za sezonsko gripo je znašala 1,28” Biggerstaff, M., Cauchemez, S., Reed, C. et al.

  16. +
  17. “Osnovno reprodukcijsko število R0 leta 2019-nCoV smo ocenili na približno 2,2 (90-odstoten gost interval: 1,4–3,8)” Riou J, Althaus CL.

  18. +
  19. “Izračunali smo srednjo vrednost R0 5,7 (95% CI 3,8–8,9)” Sanche S, Lin YT, Xu C, Romero-Severson E, Hengartner N, Ke R.

  20. +
  21. Pretvarjamo se, da so vsi enako kužni v svojem t.i. “nalezljivem obdobju”. Zaradi izobraževalnih namenov je znova prišlo do manjših poenostavitev.

  22. +
  23. Pomni: R = R0 *razmerje prenosov, ki so še dovoljeni. Ne pozabite tudi, da je dovoljeno razmerje prenosov = 1 – razmerje ustavljenih prenosov.


    Če želite dobiti R < 1, morate dobiti R0 *
    DovoljeniPrenosi < 1.


    Sledi: DovoljeniPrenosi < 1/R0


    Sledi: 1 – UstavljeniPrenosi < 1/R0


    Sledi: UstavljeniPrenosi > 1 – 1/R0


    Zato je potrebno ustaviti več kot 1 – 1/R0 prenosov, da dobimo R < 1 in omejimo virus!

  24. +
  25. “Odstotek primerov COVID-19 v ZDA od 12. februarja do 16. marca 2020, za katere je bil potreben sprejem na oddelku intenzivne nege (glede na starostno skupino)”. Le ta se je za vse primere COVID-19, ki so potrebovali intenzivno nego, gibal med 4,9% in 11,5%. Če smo pri tem še malenkost velikodušni in tako izberemo spodnjo mejo, ugotovimo, da je to 5% oziroma vsak dvejseti. Upoštevati morate, da je ta vrednost značilna za starostno skupino ZDA ter da bo vrednost v državah s starejšim prebivalstvom višja in nižja v državah z mlajšim prebivalstvom.

  26. +
  27. “Število ležišč na oddelku za intenzivno nego = 96.596”. Leta 2019 je bilo število prebivalcev ZDA iz družbe za kritično oskrbo (the Society of Critical Care Medicine) enako 328.200.000. 96.596 od 328.200.000 = približno 1 na 3400.

  28. +
  29. “Pravi, da je dejanski cilj enak kot v drugih državah: zravnati krivuljo s pravo razporeditvijo začetka okužb. Posledično lahko država doseže čredno imunost; je stranski učinek in ne cilj. […] Dejanski akcijski načrt vlade za koronavirus, ki je na voljo na spletu, sploh ne omenja čredne imunosti. ”


    Iz članka The Atlantic article by Ed Yong

  30. +
  31. “Vseh osem kvalificiranih študij je poročalo, da je pranje rok zmanjšalo tveganje za okužbo dihal, zmanjšanje tveganja pa je znašalo od 6% do 44% [združena vrednost 24% (95% CI 6-40%)].« Zaradi enostavnosti smo v simulacijah združeno vrednost zaokrožili na 25%. Rabie, T. and Curtis, V. Opomba: kot kaže ta meta-analiza, je kakovost študij glede pranja rok (vsaj v državah z visokimi dohodki) grozljiva.

  32. +
  33. “Ugotovili smo, da se je povprečno dnevno število stikov na udeleženca zmanjšalo za 73%. To bi zadostovalo za zmanjšanje R0 iz vrednosti 2,6 pred zaprtjem na 0,62 (med 0,37 in 0,89) v času zaprtja”. Ponovno smo zaradi enostavnosti v simulaciji vrednost zaokrožili na 70%. Jarvis and Zandvoort et al

  34. +
  35. Tega izkrivljanja bi se znebili, če bi R risali na logaritmični lestvici… vendar bi potem morali dodatno razložiti še logaritmične lestvice.

  36. +
  37. “Če ni drugih intervencij, je ključno merilo uspešnosti socialnega distanciranja to, ali so presežene zmogljivosti kritične oskrbe. Da bi se temu izognili, bo morda potrebno dolgotrajno ali občasno distanciranje do leta 2022.” Kissler and Tedijanto et al

  38. +
  39. Glej sliko 6: Figure 6 from Holt-Lunstad & Smith 2010. Seveda, nedvomno gre za zanikanje pomembne izjave o tem, da so našli korelacijo. Če želite sami poskusiti naključno določiti ljudi, ki naj bodo osamljeni za vso življenje, so vse, kar boste dobili, dokazi o opazovanju.

  40. +
  41. V povprečju 3 dnevi do stanja nalezljivosti: “Na podlagi ločenih študij zgodnjih primerov COVID-19, domnevamo, da je inkubacijsko obdobje v povprečju porazdeljeno na 5,2 dni in sklepamo, da do nalezljivosti pride že pred pojavom simptomov, in sicer od 2,3. dneva dalje (95% Cl, 0,8-3,0 dni).” (Ob predpostavki, da se simptomi začnejo pri 5 dneh, do nalezljivosti pride že 2 dneva prej = nalezljivost se začne pri 3 dneh) He, X., Lau, E.H.Y., Wu, P. et al.


    V povprečju 4 dnevi, da pride okužba do nekoga drugega: “Povprečni [serijski] interval je bil 3,96 dni (95% Cl 3,53-4,39 dni)” Du Z, Xu X, Wu Y, Wang L, Cowling BJ, Ancel Meyers L


    V povprečju 5 dni, da začutimo prve simptome: “Mediana inkubacijske dobe je bila ocenjena na 5,1 dni (95% Cl, 4,5-5,8 dni)”. Lauer SA, Grantz KH, Bi Q, et al

  42. +
  43. “Ocenili smo, da je bilo 44% (interval zaupanja: 95%, 25-69%) sekundarnih primerov okuženih ravno med predsimptomatsko stopnjo indeksnih primerov.” He, X., Lau, E.H.Y., Wu, P. et al

  44. +
  45. “Sledenje stikov se je v Liberiji izkazalo kot kritično posredovanje in je predstavljajo enega največjih naporov iskanja stikov med epidemijo v zgodovini.” Swanson KC, Altare C, Wesseh CS, et al.

  46. +
  47. Temporary Contact Numbers, decentraliziran protokol sledenja stikov z varnostjo zasebnosti

  48. +
  49. PACT: Private Automated Contact Tracing

  50. +
  51. Podjetji Apple and Google sodelujeta pri tehnologiji sledenja stikov v zvezi z virusom COVID-19. Pomni, da ne ustvarjajo aplikacij samih, zgolj sisteme, ki jih bodo podpirale.

  52. +
  53. Veliko novih poročil - iskreno, res veliko - ni razlikovalo med “primeri, ki niso pokazali nikakršnih simptomov, ko smo jih testirali” (pre-simptomatski) in “primeri, ki jih nikdar niso pokazali” (popolnoma asimptomatski). Edini način razlikovanja je poznejše nadoknadenje primerov.


    Kar je točno to, kar je raziskava naredila. V klicnem centru v Južni Koreji, kjer so imeli izbruh virusa COVID-19, “so le štirje (1.9 %) ostali asimptomatski v roku štirinajstih dni karantene in noben od stikov z njihovimi gospodinjstvi ni pripeljal do sekunarnih okužb.”


    To pomeni, da so “popolnoma asimptomatski” redki, okužba od popolnoma asimptomatskega primera pa še redkejša!

  54. +
  55. Iz iste oxford-ske raziskave, ki je prva predlagala aplikacije za boj proti virusu COVID-19: Luca Ferretti & Chris Wymant et al Glej diagram 2. Če predpostavimo R0 = 2.0, potem velja:

    • Simptomatski prispevajo R = 0,8 (40 %)
    • +
    • Pre-simptomatski prispevajo R = 0,9 (45 %)
    • +
    • Asimptomatski prispevajo R = 0.1 (5 %, sicer njihov model še ima negotovosti in je lahko R precej nižji.)
    • +
    • Okoljski predmeti kot so kljuke prispevajo R = 0.2 (10 %)
    • +

    In seštej pre- & a-simptomatske stike (45 % + 5 %) in znaša R 50 %!

  56. +
  57. “Nobena od teh kirurških mask ni pokazala ustreznih lastnosti filtra in obraznega prileganja, da bi jih lahko šteli kot pripomočke za zaščito dihal.” Tara Oberg & Lisa M. Brosseau

  58. +
  59. “Skupno 3,4-kratno zmanjšanje [70 % zmanjšanje] kopirnih števil aerosola, ki smo ga opazovali kombiniranega s skoraj popolno eliminacijo razpršila velikih kapljic, ki je bil demonstriran s strani Johnsona et al., predlaga, da bi kirurške maske, ki jih nosijo okuženi, lahko imele klinično signifikantni prispevek k prenosu.” Milton DK, Fabian MP, Cowling BJ, Grantham ML, McDevitt JJ

  60. +
  61. Vsak dejanski znanstvenik, ki je prebral zadnji stavek, se verjetno trenutno smeje-joče. Glej: p-hacking, kriza podvajanja)

  62. +
  63. “Čas je za vpeljavo previdnostnega načela” Trisha Greenhalgh et al [PDF]

  64. +
  65. Davies, A., Thompson, K., Giri, K., Kafatos, G., Walker, J., & Bennett, A Glej seznam 1: 100 % bombažna majica ima okrog 2/3 filtrirne učinkovitosti kirurške maske, kar velja za dva bakterijska aerosola, za katera so testirali.

  66. +
  67. “Prihraniti moramo zaloge za bolnišnice.” Absolutno drži. Toda to je bolj argument za povečanje proizvodnje mask, ne omejevanje količine.
    +Medtem pa si lahko naredimo maske iz tkanin.


    “Težko jih je nositi pravilno.” Prav tako si je težko umivati roke v skladu s smernicami WHO – resno, "korak 3.) Dlan desne roke preko hrbtišča leve?! – Vseeno še vedno priporočamo umivanje rok, saj je nepopolno še zmeraj bolje kakor nič.


    “Ljudje bodo bolj nepremišljeni pri umivanju rok in socialem distanciranju.” Kakopak! Zaradi varnostnih pasov ljudje tudi ignorirajo stop znake, prav tako zaradi nitkanja ljudje jedo kamenje. Zdaj pa zares, zavzemali bi se za nasprotno: maske so neprestani fizični opomnik, da moramo biti previdni – V Vzhodni Aziji so celo simbol solidarnosti.

    + +
  68. +
  69. “Zvišanje temperature za eno stopinjo Celzija […] zniža R za 0,0225” in “Povprečna vrednost R teh 100 mest je 1,83”. 0.0225 ÷ 1.83 = ~1.2%. Wang, Jingyuan and Tang, Ke and Feng, Kai and Lv, Weifeng

  70. +
  71. “Specifična protitelesa za SARS so se v povprečju ohranila 2 leti […] Zatorej so SARS pacienti morebiti dovzetni za ponovno okužbo po več kot 3 letih po prvotnem izpostavljenju.” Wu LP, Wang NC, Chang YH, et al. “Na žalost” ne bomo nikoli vedeli kako dolgo bi SARS imunost resnično trajala, saj smo se ga znebili tako hitro. +

  72. +
  73. “Nismo našli nikakršne signifikantne razlike med verjetnostjo vsaj enkrat pozitivnega testa in verjetnostjo ponovnega pojava Beta-Corona virusa HKU1 in OC43 34 tednov po prvi okužbi.” Marta Galanti & Jeffrey Shaman (PDF) +

  74. +
  75. “Čim se oseba otrese virusa, se viralni delci še nekaj časa zadržijo v telesu. Ti ne morejo povzročiti okužbe, lahko pa so povzročitelji pozitivnega testa.” from STAT News by Andrew Joseph

  76. +
  77. Od Bao et al. izjava o omejitvi odgovornosti: Ta članek je osnutek in še ni bil pregledan s strani strokovnjakov. Poudariti je treba tudi: testirali so le ponovno okužbo 28 dni pozneje.

  78. +
  79. “Če pride cepivo, ali smo ga sposobni proizvesti dovolj?” by Roxanne Khamsi, on Nature

  80. +
  81. “Ne prehitevajte z razvojem cepiva in zdravil za COVID-19, če zadostna varnost ni zagotovljena” by Shibo Jiang, on Nature

  82. +
  83. Metafora o suhi zemlji from Marc Lipsitch & Yonatan Grad, on STAT News

  84. +
@@ -882,44 +634,48 @@

Scenario 4+: Masks For All, Summer, Circuit Breakers


(Click to show Feetnotes)


Feetnotes: +

(Kliknite za ogled opomb)



- wash your hands! 👏 + umivaj svoje roke! 👏
diff --git a/pics/dp3t.png b/pics/dp3t.png index dee72415..366006d0 100644 Binary files a/pics/dp3t.png and b/pics/dp3t.png differ diff --git a/pics/exponential.png b/pics/exponential.png index eb67d505..e2cf5881 100644 Binary files a/pics/exponential.png and b/pics/exponential.png differ diff --git a/pics/masks.png b/pics/masks.png index 7b441b52..880d5ab2 100644 Binary files a/pics/masks.png and b/pics/masks.png differ diff --git a/pics/mitigation_vs_suppression.png b/pics/mitigation_vs_suppression.png index 09899732..4b29e2d8 100644 Binary files a/pics/mitigation_vs_suppression.png and b/pics/mitigation_vs_suppression.png differ diff --git a/pics/plan.png b/pics/plan.png index f968f4f1..ebb93f94 100644 Binary files a/pics/plan.png and b/pics/plan.png differ diff --git a/pics/r2.png b/pics/r2.png index 87ebb5ae..673982c5 100644 Binary files a/pics/r2.png and b/pics/r2.png differ diff --git a/pics/r3.png b/pics/r3.png index 4a820d58..693da7c5 100644 Binary files a/pics/r3.png and b/pics/r3.png differ diff --git a/pics/r4.png b/pics/r4.png index 9650b7c4..9b127827 100644 Binary files a/pics/r4.png and b/pics/r4.png differ diff --git a/pics/seir.png b/pics/seir.png index d983ffa6..36942a0c 100644 Binary files a/pics/seir.png and b/pics/seir.png differ diff --git a/pics/seirs.png b/pics/seirs.png index fbcd56f0..b512f360 100644 Binary files a/pics/seirs.png and b/pics/seirs.png differ diff --git a/pics/sir.png b/pics/sir.png index 4c6f49cd..6905e7d6 100644 Binary files a/pics/sir.png and b/pics/sir.png differ diff --git a/pics/spread.png b/pics/spread.png index 71983643..30781279 100644 Binary files a/pics/spread.png and b/pics/spread.png differ diff --git a/pics/susceptibles.png b/pics/susceptibles.png index 6d2b0e80..d0f05159 100644 Binary files a/pics/susceptibles.png and b/pics/susceptibles.png differ diff --git a/pics/timeline1.png b/pics/timeline1.png index 59c10c3b..87ad643d 100644 Binary files a/pics/timeline1.png and b/pics/timeline1.png differ diff --git a/pics/timeline2.png b/pics/timeline2.png index faaa0d66..22661bfe 100644 Binary files a/pics/timeline2.png and b/pics/timeline2.png differ diff --git a/pics/timeline3.png b/pics/timeline3.png index 5b2508ef..3096bdbe 100644 Binary files a/pics/timeline3.png and b/pics/timeline3.png differ diff --git a/sharing/thumbnail.png b/sharing/thumbnail.png index e85f0385..87aff2ff 100644 Binary files a/sharing/thumbnail.png and b/sharing/thumbnail.png differ diff --git a/sim/index.html b/sim/index.html index fa66bdef..90ea5cfd 100644 --- a/sim/index.html +++ b/sim/index.html @@ -9,42 +9,42 @@
- +
- On average, - each ... + Vpovprečju + vsak ...

- +
- Infects 1 per N days + Okužen 1 na N dni
- (at the start of the epidemic)
+ (na začetku epidemije)
- Takes N days to go from to + Potrebuje N dni, da preide iz v
- +
- Takes N days to go from to + Potrebuje N dni, da preide iz v
- +
- Loses immunity in N months + Izgubijo imuniteto v N mesecih
@@ -55,67 +55,68 @@
- R0 is + R0 je
- % of people who are NOT + % ljudi, ki NISO

- Increased Hygiene + Povečana higiena

- Physical Distancing + Fizično distanciranje

- Isolating Cases + Izolacijski primeri

- Quarantining Contacts + Stiki v karanteni

- Face Masks + Maske za obraz

- Summer + Poletje

- Vaccinations + Cepljenja

+ - R is now + R je zdaj - ICU capacity at N% + Zmogljivost EIN na N%
@@ -126,13 +127,13 @@
- Simulate N years + Simulirajte N let

- in N seconds + v N sekundah
@@ -143,29 +144,29 @@
- Start + Začni
- Pause + Pavza
- Continue + Nadaljuj
- Reset + Ponastavi
- Reset All + Ponastavi vse
- Replay Recording + Ponovno snemanje
@@ -180,33 +181,33 @@ -->
- + - Susceptible + Dovzetni
- Exposed + Izpostavljeni
- Infectious + Okuženi
- Recovered + Ozdraveli - +
- + - - - - Herd Immunity + - - - Čredna imunost
- + - ––– ICU Capacity + ––– kapaciteta EIN
@@ -218,21 +219,22 @@
- Try re-running the simulation - with different numbers! + Poskusite znova zagnati simulacijo + z različnimi številkami! - (note: you can change the numbers while the sim is running) + (Opomba: med delovanjem simulacije lahko spremenite številke) - Once you're done playing around, - scroll down to keep reading! + Ko končate z igranjem, + se pomaknite navzdol, da nadaljujete z branjem! - This simulation has a "recorded scenario"! + + Ta simulacija ima "posnet scenarij"!!
- Click "Start" to watch the recording before - you change any of the numbers + Za ogled simulacije kliknite »Start« preden + spremenite katero koli številko
@@ -244,12 +246,12 @@ feb mar apr - may + maj jun jul aug sep - oct + okt nov dec @@ -264,4 +266,3 @@ - diff --git a/words/words.html b/words/words.html index 396aa377..d15e4bd4 100644 --- a/words/words.html +++ b/words/words.html @@ -1,831 +1,409 @@ - - - - - - -words - - - - - - -
- What Happens Next? + Kaj se bo zgodilo v prihodnje?
- COVID-19 Futures, Explained With Playable Simulations + Prihodnost COVID-19, predstavljena z igrivimi simulacijami
- 🕐 30 min play/read + 🕐 30 min igranja/branja  ·  - by + napisal Marcel Salathé - (epidemiologist) + (epidemolog) & Nicky Case - (art/code) + (razvijalec videoiger)

"The only thing to fear is fear itself" was stupid advice.

- -

Sure, don't hoard toilet paper – but if policymakers fear fear itself, they'll downplay real dangers to avoid "mass panic". Fear's not the problem, it's how we channel our fear. Fear gives us energy to deal with dangers now, and prepare for dangers later.

- -

Honestly, we (Marcel, epidemiologist + Nicky, art/code) are worried. We bet you are, too! That's why we've channelled our fear into making these playable simulations, so that you can channel your fear into understanding:


"Edino česar se moramo bati, je strahu samega!" je bil neumen nasvet.


Seveda, ne delajte si zalog toaletnega papirja – ampak, če se politiki sami bojijo strahu, bodo zmanjšali pomen resnične nevarnosti in se izognili "množični paniki". Strah ni problem. Problem je kam preusmerimo svoj strah.
Strah nam daje energijo, da se zdaj soočimo z nevarnostmi in se pripravimo na vse nevarnosti, ki še prihajajo.


Iskreno, midva (Marcel, epidemolog + Nicky, razvijalec videoiger) sva v skrbeh. Staviva, da ste tudi vi! Zato sva usmerila najin strah v izvedbo teh igrivih simulacij, da lahko tudi vi usmerite svoj strah v razumevanje:

- -

This guide (published May 1st, 2020. click this footnote!→1) is meant to give you hope and fear. To beat COVID-19 in a way that also protects our mental & financial health, we need optimism to create plans, and pessimism to create backup plans. As Gladys Bronwyn Stern once said, “The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute.”

- -

So, buckle in: we're about to experience some turbulence.

- +

Ta vodič (objavljeno 1.5.2020, kliknite za opombo!→[^timestamp]) bi vam naj dal upanje in strah, da premagate COVID-19 na način, ki ščiti našo mentalno in duševno zdravje. Optimizen potrebujemo za ustvarjanje načrtov, za pripravo rezervnih načrtov pa potrebujemo pesimizem.
Kot je nekoč rekel Gladys Bronwyn, “Optimist si izmisli letalo, pesimist pa padalo.”


Torej, pripnite se, kmalu bomo doživeli nekaj turbolenc!

The Last Few Months
Zadnjih nekaj mesecev

Pilots use flight simulators to learn how not to crash planes.

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Epidemiologists use epidemic simulators to learn how not to crash humanity.

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So, let's make a very, very simple "epidemic flight simulator"! In this simulation, Infectious people can turn Susceptible people into more Infectious people:

- -

- -

It's estimated that, at the start of a COVID-19 outbreak, the virus jumps from an to an every 4 days, on average.2 (remember, there's a lot of variation)

- -

If we simulate "double every 4 days" and nothing else, on a population starting with just 0.001% , what happens?

- -

Click "Start" to play the simulation! You can re-play it later with different settings: (technical caveats: 3)


Piloti uporabljajo simulatorje letenja, da se naučijo, kako ne bi strmoglavili letal.


Epidemologi uporabljajo simolatorje epidemij, da se naučijo, kako nebi strmoglavili človeštva.


Torej, naredimo zelo, * zelo * preprost "simulator epidemije letenja"! V tej simulaciji lahko okuženi ljudje spremenijo dovzetne ludi v okužene ljudi:



Ocenjuje se, da na začetku izbruha COVID-19, virus skoči iz na vsake 4 dni, v povprečju.[^serial_interval] (ne pozabite, da obstaja veliko različic)


Če imitiramo "podvojimo vsake 4 dni" in nič drugega, na populaciji s samo 0.001% , kaj se zgodi?


Pritisni "Začetek" za predvajanje simulacije! Kasneje lahko ponoviš z drugačnimi nastavitvami: (tehnična opozorila: [^caveats])


This is the exponential growth curve. Starts small, then explodes. "Oh it's just a flu" to "Oh right, flus don't create mass graves in rich cities".

- -

- -

But, this simulation is wrong. Exponential growth, thankfully, can't go on forever. One thing that stops a virus from spreading is if others already have the virus:

- -

- -

The more s there are, the faster s become s, but the fewer s there are, the slower s become s.

- -

How's this change the growth of an epidemic? Let's find out:


To je eksponentna krivulja. Najprej narašča zelo počasi in nato eksplodira. "Ah, to je samo gripa" do "Ojoj, gripa ne bi smela ustvarjati množičnih grobišč v mestih".


Ampak ta simulacija je napačna, saj se na srečo ekponentna
rast ne more odvijati v neskončnost.
Ena od omejitev širjenja virusa je tudi, da se ne more širiti, če
so vsi že okuženi:



Več kot je, hitreje
postanejo , ** ampak manj kot je ,
počasneje postanejo .**


Kako to vpliva na rast epidemije?
Odgovor se skriva v naslednjih vrsticah:


This is the "S-shaped" logistic growth curve. Starts small, explodes, then slows down again.

- -

But, this simulation is still wrong. We're missing the fact that Infectious people eventually stop being infectious, either by 1) recovering, 2) "recovering" with lung damage, or 3) dying.

- -

For simplicity's sake, let's pretend that all Infectious people become Recovered. (Just remember that in reality, some are dead.) s can't be infected again, and let's pretend – for now! – that they stay immune for life.

- -

With COVID-19, it's estimated you're Infectious for 10 days, on average.4 That means some folks will recover before 10 days, some after. Here's what that looks like, with a simulation starting with 100% :


To je "S-oblikovana" logistična krivulja rasti.
Sprva raste počasi, eskplodira in se spet upočasni.


Ampak ta simulacija je še vedno napačna.
Ne upoštevamo dejstva, da okuženi ljudje ščasoma niso več nalezljivi,
saj so 1) ozdraveli, 2) "ozdraveli" s pljučno degeneracijo ali 3) umrli.


Poenostavimo, da so si vsi okuženi ljudje opomogli. (Zgolj ne pozabi, da si v
realnosti nekateri ne opomorejo.) Pretvarjajmo se, da se nemorejo ponovno okužiti – za zdaj!
– ostanejo imuni celo življenje.


Pri COVID-19 je predvideno, da si v povprečju kužen
10 dni. [^nalezljivost] To pomeni, da si bodo nekateri opomogli prej, nekateri kasneje.
Spodnja simulacija prikazuje, kako bi izgledalo, če bi na začetku bili
100% :


This is the opposite of exponential growth, the exponential decay curve.

- -

Now, what happens if you simulate S-shaped logistic growth with recovery?

- -

- -

Let's find out.

- -

Red curve is current cases ,
-Gray curve is total cases (current + recovered ), -starts at just 0.001% :


To je ravno nasprotje eksponentne rasti, eksponentno padajoča krivulja.


Kaj se zgodi, če simuliraš S-obliko logistične krivulje
rasti z okrevanjem?



Pa ugotovimo...


Rdeča krivulja so trenutni primeri ,
Siva krivulja so vsi primeri (trenutni + opomogli ),
kjer je na začetku 0.001% :


And that's where that famous curve comes from! It's not a bell curve, it's not even a "log-normal" curve. It has no name. But you've seen it a zillion times, and beseeched to flatten.

- -

This is the the SIR Model,5
-(Susceptible Infectious Recovered)
-the second-most important idea in Epidemiology 101:

- -

- -

NOTE: The simulations that inform policy are way, way more sophisticated than this! But the SIR Model can still explain the same general findings, even if missing the nuances.

- -

Actually, let's add one more nuance: before an becomes an , they first become Exposed. This is when they have the virus but can't pass it on yet – infected but not yet infectious.

- -

- -

(This variant is called the SEIR Model6, where the "E" stands for "Exposed". Note this isn't the everyday meaning of "exposed", when you may or may not have the virus. In this technical definition, "Exposed" means you definitely have it. Science terminology is bad.)

- -

For COVID-19, it's estimated that you're infected-but-not-yet-infectious for 3 days, on average.7 What happens if we add that to the simulation?

- -

Red + Pink curve is current cases (infectious + exposed ),
-Gray curve is total cases (current + recovered ):


In tako pridemo do najbolj znane krivulje!
To ni normalna porazdelitev, niti ni "logaritemsko normalna" porazdelitev. Krivulja ni poimenovana, vendar si jo že videl
nešteto krat.


To je model SIR,[^sir]
(Susceptible(Dovzetni) Infectious(nalezljivi) Recovered(opomogli))
Druga-najbolj pomembna ugotovitev v knjigi Epidemiology 101:



Opomba: Simulacija teh napovedi je veliko, veliko bolj kompleksna kot je predstavljeno!
Ampak model SIR še vedno pojasni glavne rezultate, čeprav so izpuščene podrobnosti.


Pravzaprav, dodajmo še en detajl: preden postane , je sprva izpostavljen.
To je obdoblje, ko se je okužil, ampak še virusa ne prenaša na druge - je okužen ampak še nenalezljiv.



(To različico imenujemo model SEIR[^seir], kjer je "E" okrajšava za "Exposed" (izpostavljene).
Pomni, da tukaj izpostavljenost nima vsakodnevnega pomena. V tej strokovni definiciji "Izpostavljenost" pomeni, da
si definitivno okužen. Strokovna terminologija je slaba.)


Pri COVID-19 je predvidena ocena, da si okužen, ampak še nenalezljiv, v povprečju 3 dni.[^latent]
Kaj se zgodi, če to upoštevamo pri simulaciji?


Rdeča + Roza krivulja so trenutni primeri (okuženi + izpostavljeni ),
Siva krivulja so vsi primeri (trenutni + opomogli ):


Not much changes! How long you stay Exposed changes the ratio of -to-, and when current cases peak... but the height of that peak, and total cases in the end, stays the same.

- -

Why's that? Because of the first-most important idea in Epidemiology 101:

- -

- -

Short for "Reproduction number". It's the average number of people an infects before they recover (or die).

- -

- -

R changes over the course of an outbreak, as we get more immunity & interventions.

- -

R0 (pronounced R-nought) is what R is at the start of an outbreak, before immunity or interventions. R0 more closely reflects the power of the virus itself, but it still changes from place to place. For example, R0 is higher in dense cities than sparse rural areas.

- -

(Most news articles – and even some research papers! – confuse R and R0. Again, science terminology is bad)

- -

The R0 for "the" seasonal flu is around 1.288. This means, at the start of a flu outbreak, each infects 1.28 others on average. (If it sounds weird that this isn't a whole number, remember that the "average" mom has 2.4 children. This doesn't mean there's half-children running about.)

- -

The R0 for COVID-19 is estimated to be around 2.2,9 though one not-yet-finalized study estimates it was 5.7(!) in Wuhan.10

- -

In our simulations – at the start & on average – an infects someone every 4 days, over 10 days. "4 days" goes into "10 days" two-and-a-half times. This means – at the start & on average – each infects 2.5 others. Therefore, R0 = 2.5. (caveats:11)

- -

Play with this R0 calculator, to see how R0 depends on recovery time & new-infection time:

- -
- -
- -

But remember, the fewer s there are, the slower s become s. The current reproduction number (R) depends not just on the basic reproduction number (R0), but also on how many people are no longer Susceptible. (For example, by recovering & getting natural immunity.)


Ni se veliko spremenilo! Kako dolgo si izpostavljen spremeni razmerje med -in-,
in kdaj trenutni primeri dosežejo ekstrem... ampak "višina" ekstrema, in vseh primerov na koncu, ostane enaka.


Zakaj je temu tako? Zaradi prve-najpomemnejše ugotovitve v Epidemiology 101:



R je kratica, s katero označimo "število za razmnoževanje". Predstavlja povprečno število ljudi, ki se okužijo preden ozdravijo (ali umrejo).



R se med izbruhom spremeni, saj sčasoma pridobimo imunost in sprejmemo ustrezne ukrepe.


R0 (izgovarjamo R-nič) predstavlja R na začetku izbruha, torej pred imunostjo in ukrepi. R0 natančneje odraža moč virusa, vendar se le-ta še vedno spreminja od mesta do mesta. Na primer: R0 je višji v gosteje naseljenih mestih kakor v redkih podeželskih območjih.


(V večini novic, celo v nekaterih raziskovalnih člankih, pride do zmede zaradi zamenjave R in R0. Znova je potrebno poudariti, da je znanstvena terminologija zares slaba.)


R0 za t.i. »sezonsko gripo« znaša približno 1,28[^r0_flu]. To pomeni, da na začetku izbruha gripe vsak v povprečju okuži 1.28 drugih ljudi. (Če morda komu to, da to ni celo število, zveni nenavadno, ne pozabite, da ima "povprečna" mama 2,4 otroka. To pa seveda ne pomeni, da okoli teka polbrat.)


Predvideva se, da bo vrednost R0 za COVID-19 znašala približno 2,2,[^r0_covid] vendar sicer še nedokončana študija v Wuhanu znaša 5,7![^r0_wuhan]


V naših simulacijah oseba na začetku v povprečju okuži nekoga drugega vsake 4 dni ter to počne več kot 10 dni. "4 dnevi" grejo v "10 dni" dva in pol krat. To pomeni, da vsaka oseba na začetku v povprečju okuži 2,5 drugih oseb. Zato je potemtakem R0 = 2,5. (opozorila: [^r0_caveats_sim])


Preizkusi R0 kalkulator, ki prikazuje, kako R0 vpliva na čas zdravljenja in čas, v katerem pride do nove infekcije:


Ne pozabite, manj kot je , počasnejši postanejo . Trenutno reprodukcijsko število (R) ni odvisno samo od osnovnega reprodukcijskega števila (R0), ampak tudi od tega, koliko ljudi ni več dovzetnih. (Na primer: Nekateri ozdravijo in pridobijo naravno imunost.)


When enough people have immunity, R < 1, and the virus is contained! This is called herd immunity. For flus, herd immunity is achieved with a vaccine. Trying to achieve "natural herd immunity" by letting folks get infected is a terrible idea. (But not for the reason you may think! We'll explain later.)

- -

Now, let's play the SEIR Model again, but showing R0, R over time, and the herd immunity threshold:

- -
- -
- -

NOTE: Total cases does not stop at herd immunity, but overshoots it! And it crosses the threshold exactly when current cases peak. (This happens no matter how you change the settings – try it for yourself!)

- -

This is because when there are more non-s than the herd immunity threshold, you get R < 1. And when R < 1, new cases stop growing: a peak.

- -

If there's only one lesson you take away from this guide, here it is – it's an extremely complex diagram so please take time to fully absorb it:

- -

- -

This means: we do NOT need to catch all transmissions, or even nearly all transmissions, to stop COVID-19!

- -

It's a paradox. COVID-19 is extremely contagious, yet to contain it, we "only" need to stop more than 60% of infections. 60%?! If that was a school grade, that's a D-. But if R0 = 2.5, cutting that by 61% gives us R = 0.975, which is R < 1, virus is contained! (exact formula:12)

- -

- -

(If you think R0 or the other numbers in our simulations are too low/high, that's good you're challenging our assumptions! There'll be a "Sandbox Mode" at the end of this guide, where you can plug in your own numbers, and simulate what happens.)

- -

Every COVID-19 intervention you've heard of – handwashing, social/physical distancing, lockdowns, self-isolation, contact tracing & quarantining, face masks, even "herd immunity" – they're all doing the same thing:

- -

Getting R < 1.

- -

So now, let's use our "epidemic flight simulator" to figure this out: How can we get R < 1 in a way that also protects our mental health and financial health?

- -

Brace yourselves for an emergency landing...


Ko je dovolj ljudi imunih, je R < 1 in virus je moč obvladovati! Temu pravimo imuniteta črede. Imuniteto črede pri gripi dosežemo s cepivom. Ideja o tem, da bi "naravno imunost črede" dosegli tako, da bi se ljudje okužili, je grozljiva. (Vendar ne iz razloga, za katerega morda mislite! Pojasnilo sledi kasneje.)


Znova uporabimo Model SEIR, vendar sedaj prikažimo R0, R skozi čas in mejo imunosti črede:


OPOMBA: Skupni primeri se pri imuniteti črede ne ustavijo, temveč mejo presežejo! To se zgodi točno takrat, ko trenutni primeri dosežejo vrhunec. (Do tega pride ne glede na to, kako spremenite nastavitve – poskusite sami!)


Temu je tako, ker v primeru, ko je več kot je meja imunosti črede, dobite R < 1. In ko je R < 1, novi primeri prenehajo rasti: pride do vrhunca.


Če boste iz tega priročnika odnesli le eno lekcijo, je to sledeča - pred vami je izredno zapleten diagram, zato si prosim vzemite čas, da ga boste popolnoma razumeli:



To pomeni: za zaustavitev COVID-19 nam NI potrebno ujeti večine, kaj šele vseh prenosov!


To je paradoks. COVID-19 je izjemno nalezljiv, kljub temu pa moramo ustaviti "le" nekaj več kot 60% okužb. 60% ?! Če bi bila to šolska ocena, je to zadostno(2). Če pa je R0 = 2,5, sledi, da za 61% zmanjšamo R = 0,975. Potem je R < 1 in virus je obvladljiv, saj je tako rekoč omejen! (natančna formula: [^exact_formula])



(Če menite, da so R0 ali druge številke v naših simulacijah prenizke/previsoke, je to odlično, saj tako izpodbijate naše predpostavke! Na koncu tega priročnika bo na voljo "način peskovnika", kjer lahko priključite svoje številke in simulirajte, kaj se zgodi.)


Vsak poseg glede COVID-19, za katerega ste slišali - pranje rok, socialno/fizično distanciranje, zaprtja, samoizolacija, sledenje stikom in karantena, maske za obraz, celo "imuniteta črede" - vsi počnejo popolnoma isto:


Pridobivajo R < 1.


Sedaj uporabimo naš "simulator epidemije letenja", da ugotovimo sledeče: Kako lahko dobimo R < 1 na način, ki ščiti tudi naše duševno in finančno zdravje?


Pripravite se na zasilni pristanek...

The Next Few Months
Naslednjih nekaj mesecev

...could have been worse. Here's a parallel universe we avoided:

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Scenario 0: Do Absolutely Nothing

- -

Around 1 in 20 people infected with COVID-19 need to go to an ICU (Intensive Care Unit).13 In a rich country like the USA, there's 1 ICU bed per 3400 people.14 Therefore, the USA can handle 20 out of 3400 people being simultaneously infected – or, 0.6% of the population.

- -

Even if we more than tripled that capacity to 2%, here's what would've happened if we did absolutely nothing:


…lahko bi bilo huje. V nadaljevanju sledi prikaz vzporednega sveta, kateremu smo se uspeli izogniti:


Scenarij 0: Ne naredite popolnoma ničesar


Približno eden izmed 20 ljudi, ki so okuženi s COVID-19, se mora odpraviti na oddelek za intenzivno nego.[^icu_covid] V bogatih državah, kot so na primer ZDA, 1 oddelek za intenzivno nego premore le 1 ležišče za kar 3400 ljudi.[^icu_us] Zato lahko ZDA hkrati sprejmejo le 20 izmed 3400 okuženih ljudi – oziroma 0,6% prebivalstva.


Tudi če bi to vrednost več kot potrojili na 2%, nam spodnja simulacija prikazuje, kaj bi se zgodilo, če ne bi storili absolutno ničesar:


Not good.

- -

That's what the March 16 Imperial College report found: do nothing, and we run out of ICUs, with more than 80% of the population getting infected. -(remember: total cases overshoots herd immunity)

- -

Even if only 0.5% of infected die – a generous assumption when there's no more ICUs – in a large country like the US, with 300 million people, 0.5% of 80% of 300 million = still 1.2 million dead... IF we did nothing.

- -

(Lots of news & social media reported "80% will be infected" without "IF WE DO NOTHING". Fear was channelled into clicks, not understanding. Sigh.)

- -

Scenario 1: Flatten The Curve / Herd Immunity

- -

The "Flatten The Curve" plan was touted by every public health organization, while the United Kingdom's original "herd immunity" plan was universally booed. They were the same plan. The UK just communicated theirs poorly.15

- -

Both plans, though, had a literally fatal flaw.

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First, let's look at the two main ways to "flatten the curve": handwashing & physical distancing.

- -

Increased handwashing cuts flus & colds in high-income countries by ~25%16, while the city-wide lockdown in London cut close contacts by ~70%17. So, let's assume handwashing can reduce R by up to 25%, and distancing can reduce R by up to 70%:

- -

Play with this calculator to see how % of non-, handwashing, and distancing reduce R: (this calculator visualizes their relative effects, which is why increasing one looks like it decreases the effect of the others.18)


Slabo kaže…


Britanska fakulteta je 16. marca (the March 16 Imperial College report) prišla do sledeče ugotovitve: Ne naredimo ničesar in se posledično spopadajmo s problemom premajhnega števila ležišč na oddelkih intenzivne nege, saj se je do sedaj okužilo več kot 80% prebivalstva.
(ne pozabite: skupni primeri prekoračijo imuniteto črede)


Tudi če umre le 0,5% okuženih – velikodušna domneva, ko ni več možnosti oskrbe na oddelku za intenzivno nego – v veliki državi, kot je ZDA, s 300 milijoni ljudi, 0,5% od 80% od 300 milijonov = še vedno 1,2 milijona mrtvih… ČE nismo naredili ničesar.


(Številne novice in mediji so poročali le "80% okuženih" brez, da bi temu priključili še "ČE NISMO NAREDILI NIČESAR". Strah je bil usmerjen v klike, ne pa v razumevanje. Vzdih.)


Scenarij 1: Izravnajte krivuljo / Imuniteta črede


Načrt "Izravnati krivuljo" je bil predstavljen s strani prav vsake izmed javnih zdravstvenih organizacij, medtem ko je bil prvotni načrt Združenega kraljestva, imenovan "imuniteta črede", splošno razglašen. Šlo je za enak načrt. Razlika je le v tem, da je Združeno kraljestvo svoj načrt sporočilo slabo in površno.[^yong]


Oba načrta pa sta imela dobesedno usodno napako.


Najprej si oglejmo dva glavna načina za "zravnanje krivulje": pranje rok in fizično distanciranje.


Povečano pranje rok je v državah z visokim dohodkom zmanjšalo zaščito pred prehladom in mrazom za ~25%[^handwashing], medtem ko je mestno zaprtje v Londonu tesne stike zmanjšalo za ~70%[^london]. Predpostavimo lahko, da lahko pranje rok R zmanjša za do 25%, distanciranje pa do 70%:


Preizkusite spodnji kalkulator in videli boste, kako delež , pranje rok in distanciranje zmanjšajo R: (kalkulator predstavlja njihove relativne učinke, zato izgleda kakor, da povečanje enega izmed njih zmanjša učinek drugih.[^log_caveat])


Now, let's simulate what happens to a COVID-19 epidemic if, starting March 2020, we had increased handwashing but only mild physical distancing – so that R is lower, but still above 1:


Sedaj simulirajmo, kaj bi se zgodilo z epidemijo COVID-19, če bi od marca 2020 dalje imeli le povečano pranje rok, fizično distanciranje pa bi ostalo v (pre)blagi obliki – R je tako nižji, vendar še vedno nad 1:


Three notes:


Tri opombe:

  1. This reduces total cases! Even if you don't get R < 1, reducing R still saves lives, by reducing the 'overshoot' above herd immunity. Lots of folks think "Flatten The Curve" spreads out cases without reducing the total. This is impossible in any Epidemiology 101 model. But because the news reported "80%+ will be infected" as inevitable, folks thought total cases will be the same no matter what. Sigh.

  2. -
  3. Due to the extra interventions, current cases peak before herd immunity is reached. In fact, in this simulation, total cases only overshoots a tiny bit above herd immunity – the UK's plan! At that point, R < 1, you can let go of all other interventions, and COVID-19 stays contained! Well, except for one problem...

  4. -
  5. You still run out of ICUs. For several months. (and remember, we already tripled ICUs for these simulations)

  6. +
  7. To zmanjšuje skupno število primerov! Četudi ne dobite R < 1, nižanje R na način, da poskušamo zmanjševati 'prekoračitve' nad imunostjo črede, še vedno rešuje življenja. Večina ljudi misli, da načrt "Izravnati krivuljo" le širi primere, ne da bi pri tem zmanjšali celoto. Vendar to ni mogoče v nobenem epidemiološkem modelu. Ker pa so novice kot neizogibno dejstvo poročale, da bo "okuženih več kot 80% ljudi", so ljudje posledično mislili, da bodo skupni primeri enaki ne glede na vse. Vzdih.

  8. +
  9. Zaradi dodatnih ukrepov trenutni primeri dosežejo vrhunec preden se doseže imuniteta črede. Dejansko v tej simulaciji skupni primeri le premaknejo majhen delček nad imuniteto črede – gre za načrt Združenega kraljestva! Na tej točki, kjer je R < 1, lahko opustite vse druge ukrepe in virus nam je uspelo uspešno zajeziti! Srečamo se le z eno težavo…

  10. +
  11. Še vedno vam primanjkuje enot za intenzivno nego. In to za kar nekaj mesecev. (in ne pozabite, za te simulacije smo enote za intenzivno nego že potrojili)

- -

That was the other finding of the March 16 Imperial College report, which convinced the UK to abandon its original plan. Any attempt at mitigation (reduce R, but R > 1) will fail. The only way out is suppression (reduce R so that R < 1).

- -

- -

That is, don't merely "flatten" the curve, crush the curve. For example, with a...

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Scenario 2: Months-Long Lockdown

- -

Let's see what happens if we crush the curve with a 5-month lockdown, reduce to nearly nothing, then finally – finally – return to normal life:

- +

To je bila druga ugotovitev poročila britanske fakultete (16. marec), ki je Združeno kraljestvo uspelo prepričati, da opusti svoj prvotni načrt. Prepričani so bili, da bo vsak poskus blaženja (zmanjšati R, vendar vseeno ohraniti R < 1) spodletel. Tako rekoč je preostal le izhod v sili, in sicer zaviranje virusa (zmanjšati R tako, da je R < 1).



Se pravi, krivulje ne le "izravnajte", potrebno jo je zdrobiti. Na primer, z…


Scenarij 2: Nekaj mesečno zaprtje


Poglejmo, kaj se zgodi, če krivuljo zatremo s 5-mesečnim zaprtjem, zmanjšamo skoraj na nič, nato pa se končno vrnemo v normalno življenje:



- -

This is the "second wave" everyone's talking about. As soon as we remove the lockdown, we get R > 1 again. So, a single leftover (or imported ) can cause a spike in cases that's almost as bad as if we'd done Scenario 0: Absolutely Nothing.

- -

A lockdown isn't a cure, it's just a restart.

- -

So, what, do we just lockdown again & again?

- -

Scenario 3: Intermittent Lockdown

- -

This solution was first suggested by the March 16 Imperial College report, and later again by a Harvard paper.19

- -

Here's a simulation: (After playing the "recorded scenario", you can try simulating your own lockdown schedule, by changing the sliders while the simulation is running! Remember you can pause & continue the sim, and change the simulation speed)




Gre za "drugi val" o katerem že vsi govorijo. Takoj ko odstranimo zaprtje, ponovno dobimo R > 1. Torej lahko en sam izpuščen (ali uvožen ) povzroči konico v primerih, ki so skoraj tako slabi, kot če bi se soočili s scenarijem 0: Absolutno nič.


Zaprtje ni zdravilo, je le ponovni zagon.


Torej se znova in znova le zapiramo?


Scenarij 3: Občasno zaprtje


To rešitev je sprva 16. marca predlagalo poročilo britanske fakultete, kasneje pa še listina Harvard.[^lockdown_harvard]


Absent other interventions, a key metric for the success of social distancing is whether critical care capacities are exceeded. To avoid this, prolonged or intermittent social distancing may be necessary into 2022.
[^lockdown_harvard]: “Če ni drugih intervencij, je ključno merilo uspešnosti socialnega distanciranja to, ali so presežene zmogljivosti kritične oskrbe. Da bi se temu izognili, bo morda potrebno dolgotrajno ali občasno distanciranje do leta 2022.” Kissler and Tedijanto et al


Tukaj je simulacija: (Po predvajanju "posnetega scenarija" lahko poskusite simulirati svoj urnik zaprtja tako, da spremenite drsnike, medtem ko simulacija teče! Ne pozabite, da lahko zaustavite in nadaljujete simulacijo ter spremenite njeno hitrost.)


This would keep cases below ICU capacity! And it's much better than an 18-month lockdown until a vaccine is available. We just need to... shut down for a few months, open up for a few months, and repeat until a vaccine is available. (And if there's no vaccine, repeat until herd immunity is reached... in 2022.)

- -

Look, it's nice to draw a line saying "ICU capacity", but there's lots of important things we can't simulate here. Like:

- -

Mental Health: Loneliness is one of the biggest risk factors for depression, anxiety, and suicide. And it's as associated with an early death as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.20

- -

Financial Health: "What about the economy" sounds like you care more about dollars than lives, but "the economy" isn't just stocks: it's people's ability to provide food & shelter for their loved ones, to invest in their kids' futures, and enjoy arts, foods, videogames – the stuff that makes life worth living. And besides, poverty itself has horrible impacts on mental and physical health.

- -

Not saying we shouldn't lock down again! We'll look at "circuit breaker" lockdowns later. Still, it's not ideal.

- -

But wait... haven't Taiwan and South Korea already contained COVID-19? For 4 whole months, without long-term lockdowns?

- -


- -

Scenario 4: Test, Trace, Isolate

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"Sure, we *could've* done what Taiwan & South Korea did at the start, but it's too late now. We missed the start."

- -

But that's exactly it! “A lockdown isn't a cure, it's just a restart”... and a fresh start is what we need.

- -

To understand how Taiwan & South Korea contained COVID-19, we need to understand the exact timeline of a typical COVID-19 infection21:

- -

- -

If cases only self-isolate when they know they're sick (that is, they feel symptoms), the virus can still spread:

- -

- -

And in fact, 44% of all transmissions are like this: pre-symptomatic! 22

- -

But, if we find and quarantine a symptomatic case's recent close contacts... we stop the spread, by staying one step ahead!

- -

- -

This is called contact tracing. It's an old idea, was used at an unprecedented scale to contain Ebola23, and now it's core part of how Taiwan & South Korea are containing COVID-19!

- -

(It also lets us use our limited tests more efficiently, to find pre-symptomatic s without needing to test almost everyone.)

- -

Traditionally, contacts are found with in-person interviews, but those alone are too slow for COVID-19's ~48 hour window. That's why contact tracers need help, and be supported by – NOT replaced by – contact tracing apps.

- -

(This idea didn't come from "techies": using an app to fight COVID-19 was first proposed by a team of Oxford epidemiologists.)

- -

Wait, apps that trace who you've been in contact with?... Does that mean giving up privacy, giving in to Big Brother?

- -

Heck no! DP-3T, a team of epidemiologists & cryptographers (including one of us, Marcel Salathé) is already making a contact tracing app – with code available to the public – that reveals no info about your identity, location, who your contacts are, or even how many contacts you've had.

- -

Here's how it works:

- -

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(& here's the full comic)

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Along with similar teams like TCN Protocol24 and MIT PACT25, they've inspired Apple & Google to bake privacy-first contact tracing directly into Android/iOS.26 (Don't trust Google/Apple? Good! The beauty of this system is it doesn't need trust!) Soon, your local public health agency may ask you to download an app. If it's privacy-first with publicly-available code, please do!

- -

But what about folks without smartphones? Or infections through doorknobs? Or "true" asymptomatic cases? Contact tracing apps can't catch all transmissions... and that's okay! We don't need to catch all transmissions, just 60%+ to get R < 1.

- -

(Rant about the confusion about pre-symptomatic vs "true" asymptomatic. "True" asymptomatics are rare:27)

- -

Isolating symptomatic cases would reduce R by up to 40%, and quarantining their pre/a-symptomatic contacts would reduce R by up to 50%28:


To bi primere ohranilo pod zmogljivostjo enot za intenzivno nego, kar je veliko bolje, kot 18-mesečna popolna zaustavitev, dokler na voljo ne bi bilo cepivo. Za nekaj mesecev moramo uvesti zaprtje, nato ponovno odpreti za nekaj mesecev in to potem ponavljati, dokler ne bo cepivo na voljo. (In če cepiva še kar ni, to ponavljajte, dokler ne dosežete imunosti črede … torej do leta 2022.)


Poglejte, naravnost čudovito je narisati črto, ki predstavlja "zmogljivost enot za intenzivno nego", vendar se tukaj srečamo še z veliko ostalimi pomembnimi stvarmi, ki pa jih tukaj ne moremo simulirati. Mednje štejemo:


Duševno zdravje: Osamljenost je eden največjih dejavnikov tveganja za depresijo, tesnobo in samomor. To bi lahko primerjali s kajenjem 15 cigaret na dan, kar prav tako privede do zgodnje smrti.[^loneliness]


Finančno zdravje: "Kaj pa gospodarstvo?" zveni, kot da vas bolj kot za življenja skrbi za denar. Vendar "ekonomija" ni le zaloga: gre za sposobnost ljudi, da lahko svojim najdražjim zagotovijo hrano in streho nad glavo, da imajo možnost vlagati v prihodnost svojih otrok in preprosto uživajo v umetnosti, hrani, videoigrah – v glavnem v tistem, zaradi česar je življenje vredno živeti. Poleg tega je vredno omeniti, da revščina sama po sebi strahotno vpliva na duševno in fizično zdravje.


Ne pravimo, da smo proti ponovnemu zaprtju! Kasneje si bomo ogledali zaprtje, ki ga bomo poimenovali "varnostno stikalo". Kljub vsemu, ne gre za idealen način zaprtja.


Vendar pozor… Ali se nista Tajvan in Južna Koreja že pred časom srečala s COVID-19? 4 cele mesece brez dolgotrajnega zaprtij?




Scenarij 4: Test, sled, izolacija


"Seveda, tudi mi *bi lahko\ naredili tisto, kar sta Tajvan in Južna Koreja storila že na začetku, vendar je sedaj že prepozno. Zamudili smo začetek."*


Ampak gre ravno za to! “Zaustavitev ni zdravilo, je le ponovni zagon”... in vse, kar potrebujemo, je nov začetek.


Da bi razumeli, kako sta se Tajvan in Južna Koreja znali spopadati s COVID-19, moramo razumeti natančen časovni trak tipične okužbe s COVID-19[^timeline]:



Če se primeri samoizolirajo, ko že vedo, da so bolni (torej, ko čutijo simptome), se virus lahko še vedno širi:



In v resnici je 44% vseh prenosov prav takšnih: predsimptomatskih! [^pre_symp]


Vendar, če najdemo in damo v karanteno ljudi, ki so bili še nedavno v tesnejših stikih in imajo simptome virusa, lahko tako širjenje virusa ustavimo in ostanemo korak spredaj!



Temu pravimo sledenje stikov. Gre za starejšo idejo, ki je bila v neprimerljivem obsegu uporabljena za obvladovanje ebole[^ebola], sedaj pa se pri zajezitvi COVID-19 po njej zgledujeta predvsem Tajvan in Južna Koreja!


(Omogoča nam tudi učinkovitejšo uporabo naših omejenih testov za iskanje predsimptomatskih , ne da bi bilo pri tem potrebno testirati skorajda vse.)


Navadno je stike moč najti z osebnimi pogovori, vendar so v našem primeru le ti sami prepočasni za t.i. 48-urno okno COVID-19. Zaradi tega sledilci stikov še kako potrebujejo pomoč, pri čemer pridejo v poštev (in NE v nadomestilo) aplikacije za sledenje stikov.


(Ta ideja ni prišla s strani računalničarjev: uporaba aplikacije za boj proti COVID-19 je bila sprva predlagana s strani ekipe Oxford-skih epidemiologov.)


Čakaj, aplikacije, ki beležijo s kom si bil v stiku? ... Ali to pomeni, da se odrekamo zasebnosti in jo dajamo "Velikemu bratu"?


Seveda ne! DP-3T,
skupina epidemiologov & kriptografov (including one of us, Marcel Salathé) že delajo na tej aplikaciji –
z javno dostopno kodo – ki ne razkrije nobenih informacij o tvoji identiteti, lokaciji, s kom
ali celo s koliko ljudmi si bil v stiku.


Tako deluje:



(& Tukaj je celoten strip.)


Skupaj s podobnimi skupinami kot so TCN Protocol[^tcn] in MIT PACT[^pact], so navdihnili podjetji Apple & Google
za vnos sledenja stikov, katerih prioriteta je varovanje zasebnosti neposredno v sistem Android/iOS.[^gapple]
(Ne zaupaš Google-u/Apple-u? Dobro! Lepota sistema je, da ne potrebuje zaupanja.
Kmalu bo lokalna zdravstena agencija morda predlagala, da jo preneseš. Če je prioriteta aplikacije varovanje zasebnosti z javno dostopno kodo,
jo, prosim, prenesi!


Kaj pa ljudje brez pametnih telefonov? Ali pa okužbe preko "vratnih kljuk"? Ali "popolnoma" asimptomatski primeri? Aplikacije sledenja stikov ne morejo prestreči vseh prenosov ... Kar je čisto V redu! Ni nam treba prestreči vseh, vsaj 60%, da je R < 1.


(razburjanje glede zmede med pre-simptomatskimi in popolnoma asimptomatskimi. Slednji so redki:[^razburjenje])


Izolacija simptomatskih primerov bi znižala R do 40 %, and karantenizacija njihovih pre/a-simptomatičnih stikov bi znižala R vse do 50 %[^oxford]:


Thus, even without 100% contact quarantining, we can get R < 1 without a lockdown! Much better for our mental & financial health. (As for the cost to folks who have to self-isolate/quarantine, governments should support them – pay for the tests, job protection, subsidized paid leave, etc. Still way cheaper than intermittent lockdown.)

- -

We then keep R < 1 until we have a vaccine, which turns susceptible s into immune s. Herd immunity, the right way:


Zatorej, četudi se nena 100% stikov osami, lahko dobimo R < 1 brez karantene! Veliko boljše za naše mentalno & finančno zdravje.
(Kar se tiče stroškov za ljudi, ki se morajo samoosamiti / karantenizirati, vlada bi jih morala podpreti – plačati teste, preprečiti izgubo službe, subvencionirati plačani dopust, etc. Še vedno veliko cenejša od karantene.)


Potem ohranjamo R < 1 until dokler nimamo zdravila, ki spremeni dovzetne v imune . Imuniteta črede, tokrat na pravi način:


(Note: this calculator pretends the vaccines are 100% effective. Just remember that in reality, you'd have to compensate by vaccinating more than "herd immunity", to actually get herd immunity)

- -

Okay, enough talk. Here's a simulation of:


(Pomni: ta kalkulator privzema, da je zdravilo 100% učinkovito. Ne pozabi, da v realnosti bomo morali kompenzirati cepljenje več kot "čredne imunosti", da dejansko dobimo čredno imunost)


Dobro, dovolj govorjenja. Tukaj je simulacija za:

  1. A few-month lockdown, until we can...
  2. -
  3. Switch to "Test, Trace, Isolate" until we can...
  4. -
  5. Vaccinate enough people, which means...
  6. -
  7. We win.
  8. +
  9. Nekaj mesečno karanteno, dokler ne ...
  10. +
  11. Preklopimo na "Testiraj, Izsledi, Izoliraj" dokler ne...
  12. +
  13. cepimo dovolj ljudi, kar pomeni...
  14. +
  15. Zmagali smo.

So that's it! That's how we make an emergency landing on this plane.

- -

That's how we beat COVID-19.


Torej, to je to! Tako izvedemo zasilni pristanek na tem letalu.


Tako premagamo COVID-19.


- -

But what if things still go wrong? Things have gone horribly wrong already. That's fear, and that's good! Fear gives us energy to create backup plans.

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The pessimist invents the parachute.

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Scenario 4+: Masks For All, Summer, Circuit Breakers

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What if R0 is way higher than we thought, and the above interventions, even with mild distancing, still aren't enough to get R < 1?

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Remember, even if we can't get R < 1, reducing R still reduces the "overshoot" in total cases, thus saving lives. But still, R < 1 is the ideal, so here's a few other ways to reduce R:

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Masks For All:

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"Wait," you might ask, "I thought face masks don't stop you from getting sick?"

- -

You're right. Masks don't stop you from getting sick29... they stop you from getting others sick.

- -

- -

To put a number on it: surgical masks on the sick person reduce cold & flu viruses in aerosols by 70%.30 Reducing transmissions by 70% would be as large an impact as a lockdown!

- -

However, we don't know for sure the impact of masks on COVID-19 specifically. In science, one should only publish a finding if you're 95% sure of it. (...should.31) Masks, as of May 1st 2020, are less than "95% sure".

- -

However, pandemics are like poker. Make bets only when you're 95% sure, and you'll lose everything at stake. As a recent article on masks in the British Medical Journal notes,32 we have to make cost/benefit analyses under uncertainty. Like so:

- -

Cost: If homemade cloth masks (which are ~2/3 as effective as surgical masks33), super cheap. If surgical masks, more expensive but still pretty cheap.

- -

Benefit: Even if it's a 50–50 chance of surgical masks reducing transmission by 0% or 70%, the average "expected value" is still 35%, same as a half-lockdown! So let's guess-timate that surgical masks reduce R by up to 35%, discounted for our uncertainty. (Again, you can challenge our assumptions by turning the sliders up/down)

- +

Kaj pa, če gredo stvari še vedno narobe?
Stvari so že potekale zelo narobe. To je strah in to je dobro! Strah nam da energijo, da ustvarimo rezervne načrte.


Pesimist izumi padalo.


Scenarij 4+: Maske za vse, poletje, varnostno stikalo


Kaj če je R0 veliko višji kot smo predvideli, in zgornji posegi, tudi z blagim distanciranjem, še vedno niso dovolj, da dobimo R < 1?


Ne pozabi,
tudi če ne moremo dobiti R <1, zmanjšanje R še vedno zniža "presežek" v skupnih primerih, kar reši življenja.
Kljub temu je R <1 idealen, zato je tu še nekaj načinov za zmanjšanje R:


Maske za vse:


"Čakaj," mogoče se boš vprašal, "obrazne maske ne preprečijo, da zboliš?"


Prav imaš. Maske ne preprečijo, da zboliš[^incoming]... preprečijo ti, da okužiš ostale.



Predstavljeno v številkah: kirurška maska na zboleli osebi zmanjša prenos virusa pri prehladu & gripi preko zraka do 70 %.[^outgoing] Zmanjšanje prenosov za 70 % bi imelo tako velik vpliv kot karantena!


Vseeno, ne vemo zagotovo kakšen vpliv imajo maske pri virusu COVID-19 specifično. V znanosti, se ugotovitev lahko objavi samo, če je gotovost 95 %. (...lahko.[^replication]) Maske imajo, od 1. maja 2020, manjšo zanesljivost od 95 %.


Pandemija je kot poker. Če staviš zgolj, ko si 95% prepričan, boš izgubil vse. Kot ugotavlja nedavni članek o maskah v Britanskem medicinskem časopisu,[^precautionary] moramo sprejemati cena/korist analize glede na negotovost. Kot so:


Cena: V primeru doma izdelanih iz blaga (ki so približno 2/3 tako efektivne kot kirurške maske [^homemade]) je cena zelo ugodna. V primeru kirurških mask je cena višja, a še vedno precej ugodna.


Korist: Tudi, če je možnost, da kirurške maske znižajo prenos za 0 % ali 70 %, 50 %, je povprečna "pričakovana vrendnost" še zmeraj 35 %. Tako kot polovična karantena! Torej ugibajmo, da kirurške maske znižajo R za največ 35%, zaradi negotovosti. (Ponovno, lahko preveriš naše predpostavke s premikanjem drsnikov gor ali dol)


(other arguments for/against masks:34)

- -

Masks alone won't get R < 1. But if handwashing & "Test, Trace, Isolate" only gets us to R = 1.10, having just 1/3 of people wear masks would tip that over to R < 1, virus contained!

- -


- -

Okay, this isn't an "intervention" we can control, but it will help! Some news outlets report that summer won't do anything to COVID-19. They're half right: summer won't get R < 1, but it will reduce R.

- -

For COVID-19, every extra 1° Celsius (2.2° Fahrenheit) makes R drop by 1.2%.35 The summer-winter difference in New York City is 15°C (60°F), so summer will make R drop by 18%.


(ostali argumenti za/proti maskam:[^mask_args])


"Težko jih je nositi pravilno." Prav tako si je težko umivati roke v skladu s smernicami WHO – resno, "korek 3.) Dlan desne roke preko hrbtišča leve?! – Vseeno še vedno priporočamo umivanje rok, saj je nepopolno še zmeraj bolje kakor nič.


"Ljudje bodo bolj nepremišljeni pri umivanju rok in socialem distanciranju." Kakopak! Zaradi varnostnih pasov ljudje tudi ignorirajo stop znake, prav tako zaradi nitkanja ljudje jedo kamenje. Zdaj pa zares, zavzemali bi se za nasprotno: maske so neprestani fizični opomnik, da moramo biti previdni – V Vzhodni Aziji so celo simbol solidarnosti.


Maske same ne bodo privedle do R < 1. Toda, če nas umivanje rok in "Testiraj, Izsledi, Izoliraj" pride zgolj do R = 1.10, bi z nošo mask 1/3 ljudi dosegli R < 1 in virus obvladali!




Ok, to ni "intervencija", ki jo lahko nadzorujemo, lahko pa pomaga! Nekatere novice poročajo, da poletje COVID-19 ne bo ničesar storilo. Imajo deloma res: poljetje ne bo zagotovilo R < 1, ampak ga bo zmanjšalo R.


Pri COVID-19, vsaka dodatna 1 °C (2,2 ° Fahrenheit) povzroči upad R za 1,2 %.[^heat]
Temperaturna razlika poletje-zima je v New Yorku 15 ° C (60 °F), torej bo s poletjem upad R za 18 %.


Summer alone won't make R < 1, but if we have limited resources, we can scale back some interventions in the summer – so we can scale them higher in the winter.

- -

A "Circuit Breaker" Lockdown:

- -

And if all that still isn't enough to get R < 1... we can do another lockdown.

- -

But we wouldn't have to be 2-months-closed / 1-month-open over & over! Because R is reduced, we'd only need one or two more "circuit breaker" lockdowns before a vaccine is available. (Singapore had to do this recently, "despite" having controlled COVID-19 for 4 months. That's not failure: this is what success takes.)

- -

Here's a simulation a "lazy case" scenario:


Poletje samo ne bo doseglo R < 1, če pa imamo omejene vire, we can scale back some interventions in the summer – so we can scale them higher* in the winter.


** "Varnostno stikalo" - karantena:**


In če vse to še vedno ni dovolj, da dobimo R < 1... lahko ponovno uvedemo karanteno.


Ampak ne bo nam treba biti 2-mesca-zaprti / 1-mesec-odprti znova & znova! Ker R je zmanjšan, we'd only need one or two more "circuit breaker" lockdowns before a vaccine is available. (Singapore je moral to narediti pred kratkim, "kljub" temu da je COVID-19 bil pod kontrolo 4 mesece. To ni neuspeh: to je* "cena, ki jo moraš plačati", da zmagas.)


Tu je simulacija "lenega primera" scenarija:

  1. Lockdown, then
  2. -
  3. A moderate amount of hygiene & "Test, Trace, Isolate", with a mild amount of "Masks For All", then...
  4. -
  5. One more "circuit breaker" lockdown before a vaccine's found.
  6. +
  7. Karantena, potem
  8. +
  9. Zmerna količina higiene & "Testiraj, Izsledi, Izoliraj" z blago zalogo "Maske za vse", potem...
    *3. Samo še eno "circuit breaker" lockdown pred iznajdbo cepiva.

Not to mention all the other interventions we could do, to further push R down:


Da ne omenjam vseh ostalih intervencij, ki še dodatno znižajo R:


. . .

- -

We hope these plans give you hope.

- -

Even under a pessimistic scenario, it is possible to beat COVID-19, while protecting our mental and financial health. Use the lockdown as a "reset button", keep R < 1 with case isolation + privacy-protecting contract tracing + at least cloth masks for all... and life can get back to a normal-ish!

- -

Sure, you may have dried-out hands. But you'll get to invite a date out to a comics bookstore! You'll get to go out with friends to watch the latest Hollywood cash-grab. You'll get to people-watch at a library, taking joy in people going about the simple business of being alive.

- -

Even under the worst-case scenario... life perseveres.

- -

So now, let's plan for some worse worst-case scenarios. Water landing, get your life jacket, and please follow the lights to the emergency exits:

- +

Upamo, da smo ti s temi načrti vlili upanje.


Tudi po pesimističnem scenariju, je mogoče premagati COVID-19 in hkrati zaščititi našo mentalno in finančno zdravje. Glej na zaprtje kot "reset button", vzdržujmo R < 1 izolacijo okuženega + pogodbo o varovanju zasebnosti sledenja + ter vsaj maske iz blaga za vse... in življenje lahko ponovno postane normalno!


Seveda, morda imaš izsušene roke, ampak boš lahko zaradi tega lahko povabil partnerja v knjigarno stripov! Lahko boš šel ven s prijatelji gledat najnovejši hollywood-ski "cash-grab". Lahko boš opazoval ljudi v knjižnici, užival ob podjetništvu preprostih ljudi, ki mu enostavno rečemo živeti.


Celo v najhujšem primeru ... Se življenje ohrani.


Zatorej se zdaj pripravimo na najhujše možne primere. Pristanek na vodi, vzami svoj rešilni jopič in, prosim, sledi lučkam do zasilnih izhodov:

The Next Few Years
Naslednjih nekaj let

You get COVID-19, and recover. Or you get the COVID-19 vaccine. Either way, you're now immune...

- -

...for how long?


Stakneš virus COVID-19, in si opomoreš, ali pa se proti njemu cepiš. V vsakem primeru si zdaj imun ...


...A kako dolgo?

- -

But for COVID-19 in humans, as of May 1st 2020, "how long" is the big unknown.

- -

For these simulations, let's say it's 1 year. -Here's a simulation starting with 100% , exponentially decaying into susceptible, no-immunity s after 1 year, on average, with variation:

- +

Pri ljudeh je ,od 1. maja 2020, ta doba en velik vprašaj.


[^SARS immunity]: “Specifična protitelesa za SARS so se v povprečju ohranila 2 leti [...] Zatorej so SARS pacienti morebiti dovzetni za ponovno okužbo po več kot 3 letih po prvotnem izpostavljenju.” Wu LP, Wang NC, Chang YH, et al. "Na žalost" ne bomo nikoli vedeli kako dolgo bi SARS imunost resnično trajala, saj smo se ga znebili tako hitro.


[^cold immunity]: “Nismo našli nikakršne signifikantne razlike med verjetnostjo vsaj enkrat pozitivnega testa in verjetnostjo ponovnega pojava Beta-Corona virusa HKU1 in OC43 34 tednov po prvi okužbi.” Marta Galanti & Jeffrey Shaman (PDF)


Za te simulacije recimo, da je 1 leto.
Tu je simulacija, začenši s 100% , Po 1 letu v povpečju eksponentno pada v dovzetne, neimune , z variacijo:


Return of the exponential decay!

- -

This is the SEIRS Model. The final "S" stands for Susceptible, again.

- -

- -

Now, let's simulate a COVID-19 outbreak, over 10 years, with no interventions... if immunity only lasts a year:


Vrnimo se na eksponentni upad!


To je SEIRS Model. Zadnji "S" pomeni Susceptible (dovzetno).



Zdaj pa simulirajmo izbruh virusa COVID-19 v obdobju več kot 10 let brez ukrepov ... Če imunost traja le leto dni:


In previous simulations, we only had one ICU-overwhelming spike. Now, we have several, and cases come to a rest permanently at ICU capacity. (Which, remember, we tripled for these simulations)

- -

R = 1, it's endemic.

- -

Thankfully, because summer reduces R, it'll make the situation better:


V prejšnjih simulacijah smo imeli le en sunek preobremenitve na intenzivni negi spike. Zdaj pa jih imamo več, in primeri se zaključijo pri kapaciteti oddelka za intenzivno nego. (Ki smo jih potrojili za to simulacijo)


R = 1, endemično.


K sreči, poletje oz višje temperature zmanjšujejo R, zato se bo stanje izboljšalo:



- -

Counterintuitively, summer makes the spikes worse and regular! This is because summer reduces new s, but that in turn reduces new immune s. Which means immunity plummets in the summer, creating large regular spikes in the winter.

- -

Thankfully, the solution to this is pretty straightforward – just vaccinate people every fall/winter, like we do with flu shots:

- -

(After playing the recording, try simulating your own vaccination campaigns! Remember you can pause/continue the sim at any time)




Counterintuitively, summer makes the spikes worse and regular! To je zato, ker poletje zmanjšuje nove s, vendar to posledično zmanjšuje novo imunost s. Kar pomeni, da imuniteta poleti pade, torej ustvari nove large regular spikes in the winter.


Na srečo je rešitev za to preprosta - ljudi je potrebno vsako jesen/zimo cepiti, tako kot pri gripi:


(Po predvajanju posnetka poskusite simulirati lastne akcije cepljenja! Ne pozabite, da lahko sim začasno zaustavite/nadaljujete s sim)


But here's the scarier question:

- -

What if there's no vaccine for years? Or ever?

- -

To be clear: this is unlikely. Most epidemiologists expect a vaccine in 1 to 2 years. Sure, there's never been a vaccine for any of the other coronaviruses before, but that's because SARS was eradicated quickly, and "the" common cold wasn't worth the investment.

- -

Still, infectious disease researchers have expressed worries: What if we can't make enough?40 What if we rush it, and it's not safe?41


Toda tukaj se pojavi bolj strašno vprašanje:


Kaj pa če cepiva ne bo več let? Ali nikoli?


Da bo jasno: to malo verjetno. Večina epidemiologov pričakuje cepivo čez 1 do 2 leti. Seveda, še nikoli ni bilo cepiva za katerega koli od drugih koronavirusov, toda to je zato, ker je bil SARS hitro izkoreninjen in "navadni prehlad" ni bil vreden naložbe.


Kljub temu so raziskovalci nalezljivih bolezni izrazili zaskrbljenost: What if we can't make enough?[^vax_enough] What if we rush it, and it's not safe?[^vax_safe]

Even in the nightmare "no-vaccine" scenario, we still have 3 ways out. From most to least terrible:

- -

1) Do intermittent or loose R < 1 interventions, to reach "natural herd immunity". (Warning: this will result in many deaths & damaged lungs. And won't work if immunity doesn't last.)

- -

2) Do the R < 1 interventions forever. Contact tracing & wearing masks just becomes a new norm in the post-COVID-19 world, like how STI tests & wearing condoms became a new norm in the post-HIV world.

- -

3) Do the R < 1 interventions until we develop treatments that make COVID-19 way, way less likely to need critical care. (Which we should be doing anyway!) Reducing ICU use by 10x is the same as increasing our ICU capacity by 10x:

- -

Here's a simulation of no lasting immunity, no vaccine, and not even any interventions – just slowly increasing capacity to survive the long-term spikes:

- +

Tudi v najslabšem scenariju "brez cepiva" imamo še vedno 3 poti. Od najbolj do najmanj groznega scenarija:


1) Izvedemo občasne ali ohlapne R<1 ukrepe, da dosežemo naravno imunost ljudi. (Opozorilo: To bo povzročilo veliko srtnih žtev in poškodovanih pljuč pri ljudeh. In ne bo delovalo, če imuniteta ne bo trajala.)


2) Naredimo R<1 ukrepe za vedno. Sledenje stikov & nošenje mask postane nova norma v svetu po COVID-19, denimo kot so testi STI in nošenje kondomov postali nova norma v svetu po HIV.


3) Naredimo R<1 ukrepe, dokler ne razvijejo zdravljenja za COVID-19, po katem je manj verjetno, da bi ljudje potrebovali intenzivno nego. (Kar bi morali storiti kljub vsemu!) Zmanjšanje uporabe ICU za 10x je isto kot povečanje naše zmogljivosti ICU za 10x:


Tu je simulacija ne trajne imunosti, brez cepiva in niti nobenega posega**


Even under the worst worst-case scenario... life perseveres.


Tudi v najslabšem najslabšem primeru ... življenje vztraja.

. . .

- -

Maybe you'd like to challenge our assumptions, and try different R0's or numbers. Or try simulating your own combination of intervention plans!

- -

Here's an (optional) Sandbox Mode, with everything available. (scroll to see all controls) Simulate & play around to your heart's content:

- +

Morda dvomite v naše predpostavke in bi jih želeli izpodbiti. Preizkusite lahko različne R0 ali številke ter celo poskusite simulirati svojo kombinacijo intervencijskih načrtov!


Pred vami je (izbiren) t. i. način peskovnika, ki ima na voljo prav vse. (pomaknite se nižje in si oglejte vse krmilne tipke) Simulirajte in igrajte se kolikor dolgo želite:


This basic "epidemic flight simulator" has taught us so much. It's let us answer questions about the past few months, next few months, and next few years.

- -

So finally, let's return to...


Še tako osnovni "simulacija epidemičnega poleta" nas je naučil ogromno. Dovolite nam odgovoriti na vprašanja glede zadnjih nekaj mesecev, naslednjih nekaj mesecev in naslednjih nekaj let.


Torej, končno se vrnimo k...

The Now

Plane's sunk. We've scrambled onto the life rafts. It's time to find dry land.42

- -

Teams of epidemiologists and policymakers (left, right, and multi-partisan) have come to a consensus on how to beat COVID-19, while protecting our lives and liberties.

- -

Here's the rough idea, with some (less-consensus) backup plans:

- -

- -

So what does this mean for YOU, right now?

- -

For everyone: Respect the lockdown so we can get out of Phase I asap. Keep washing those hands. Make your own masks. Download a privacy-protecting contact tracing app when those are available next month. Stay healthy, physically & mentally! And write your local policymaker to get off their butt and...

- -

For policymakers: Make laws to support folks who have to self-isolate/quarantine. Hire more manual contact tracers, supported by privacy-protecting contact tracing apps. Direct more funds into the stuff we should be building, like...

- -

For builders: Build tests. Build ventilators. Build personal protective equipment for hospitals. Build tests. Build masks. Build apps. Build antivirals, prophylactics, and other treatments that aren't vaccines. Build vaccines. Build tests. Build tests. Build tests. Build hope.

- -

Don't downplay fear to build up hope. Our fear should team up with our hope, like the inventors of airplanes & parachutes. Preparing for horrible futures is how we create a hopeful future.

- -

The only thing to fear is the idea that the only thing to fear is fear itself.

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    - -
  1. -

    These footnotes will have sources, links, or bonus commentary. Like this commentary! 

    - -

    This guide was published on May 1st, 2020. Many details will become outdated, but we're confident this guide will cover 95% of possible futures, and that Epidemiology 101 will remain forever useful.

  2. - -
  3. -

    “The mean [serial] interval was 3.96 days (95% CI 3.53–4.39 days)”. Du Z, Xu X, Wu Y, Wang L, Cowling BJ, Ancel Meyers L (Disclaimer: Early release articles are not considered as final versions) 

  4. - -
  5. -

    Remember: all these simulations are super simplified, for educational purposes. 

    - -

    One simplification: When you tell this simulation "Infect 1 new person every X days", it's actually increasing # of infected by 1/X each day. Same for future settings in these simulations – "Recover every X days" is actually reducing # of infected by 1/X each day.

    - -

    Those aren't exactly the same, but it's close enough, and for educational purposes it's less opaque than setting the transmission/recovery rates directly.

  6. - -
  7. -

    “The median communicable period [...] was 9.5 days.” Hu, Z., Song, C., Xu, C. et al Yes, we know "median" is not the same as "average". For simplified educational purposes, close enough. 

  8. - -
  9. -

    For more technical explanations of the SIR Model, see the Institute for Disease Modeling and Wikipedia 

  10. - -
  11. -

    For more technical explanations of the SEIR Model, see the Institute for Disease Modeling and Wikipedia 

  12. - -
  13. -

    “Assuming an incubation period distribution of mean 5.2 days from a separate study of early COVID-19 cases, we inferred that infectiousness started from 2.3 days (95% CI, 0.8–3.0 days) before symptom onset” (translation: Assuming symptoms start at 5 days, infectiousness starts 2 days before = Infectiousness starts at 3 days) He, X., Lau, E.H.Y., Wu, P. et al. 

  14. - -
  15. -

    “The median R value for seasonal influenza was 1.28 (IQR: 1.19–1.37)” Biggerstaff, M., Cauchemez, S., Reed, C. et al. 

  16. - -
  17. -

    “We estimated the basic reproduction number R0 of 2019-nCoV to be around 2.2 (90% high density interval: 1.4–3.8)” Riou J, Althaus CL. 

  18. - -
  19. -

    “we calculated a median R0 value of 5.7 (95% CI 3.8–8.9)” Sanche S, Lin YT, Xu C, Romero-Severson E, Hengartner N, Ke R. 

  20. - -
  21. -

    This is pretending that you're equally infectious all throughout your "infectious period". Again, simplifications for educational purposes. 

  22. - -
  23. -

    Remember R = R0 * the ratio of transmissions still allowed. Remember also that ratio of transmissions allowed = 1 - ratio of transmissions stopped

    - -

    Therefore, to get R < 1, you need to get R0 * TransmissionsAllowed < 1.

    - -

    Therefore, TransmissionsAllowed < 1/R0

    - -

    Therefore, 1 - TransmissionsStopped < 1/R0

    - -

    Therefore, TransmissionsStopped > 1 - 1/R0

    - -

    Therefore, you need to stop more than 1 - 1/R0 of transmissions to get R < 1 and contain the virus!

  24. - -
  25. -

    "Percentage of COVID-19 cases in the United States from February 12 to March 16, 2020 that required intensive care unit (ICU) admission, by age group". Between 4.9% to 11.5% of all COVID-19 cases required ICU. Generously picking the lower range, that's 5% or 1 in 20. Note that this total is specific to the US's age structure, and will be higher in countries with older populations, lower in countries with younger populations. 

  26. - -
  27. -

    “Number of ICU beds = 96,596”. From the Society of Critical Care Medicine USA Population was 328,200,000 in 2019. 96,596 out of 328,200,000 = roughly 1 in 3400.  

  28. - -
  29. -

    “He says that the actual goal is the same as that of other countries: flatten the curve by staggering the onset of infections. As a consequence, the nation may achieve herd immunity; it’s a side effect, not an aim. [...] The government’s actual coronavirus action plan, available online, doesn’t mention herd immunity at all.” 

    - -

    From a The Atlantic article by Ed Yong

  30. - -
  31. -

    “All eight eligible studies reported that handwashing lowered risks of respiratory infection, with risk reductions ranging from 6% to 44% [pooled value 24% (95% CI 6–40%)].” We rounded up the pooled value to 25% in these simulations for simplicity. Rabie, T. and Curtis, V. Note: as this meta-analysis points out, the quality of studies for handwashing (at least in high-income countries) are awful. 

  32. - -
  33. -

    “We found a 73% reduction in the average daily number of contacts observed per participant. This would be sufficient to reduce R0 from a value from 2.6 before the lockdown to 0.62 (0.37 - 0.89) during the lockdown”. We rounded it down to 70% in these simulations for simplicity. Jarvis and Zandvoort et al 

  34. - -
  35. -

    This distortion would go away if we plotted R on a logarithmic scale... but then we'd have to explain logarithmic scales. 

  36. - -
  37. -

    “Absent other interventions, a key metric for the success of social distancing is whether critical care capacities are exceeded. To avoid this, prolonged or intermittent social distancing may be necessary into 2022.” Kissler and Tedijanto et al 

  38. - -
  39. -

    See Figure 6 from Holt-Lunstad & Smith 2010. Of course, big disclaimer that they found a correlation. But unless you want to try randomly assigning people to be lonely for life, observational evidence is all you're gonna get. 

  40. - -
  41. -

    3 days on average to infectiousness: “Assuming an incubation period distribution of mean 5.2 days from a separate study of early COVID-19 cases, we inferred that infectiousness started from 2.3 days (95% CI, 0.8–3.0 days) before symptom onset” (translation: Assuming symptoms start at 5 days, infectiousness starts 2 days before = Infectiousness starts at 3 days) He, X., Lau, E.H.Y., Wu, P. et al.  

    - -

    4 days on average to infecting someone else: “The mean [serial] interval was 3.96 days (95% CI 3.53–4.39 days)” Du Z, Xu X, Wu Y, Wang L, Cowling BJ, Ancel Meyers L

    - -

    5 days on average to feeling symptoms: “The median incubation period was estimated to be 5.1 days (95% CI, 4.5 to 5.8 days)” Lauer SA, Grantz KH, Bi Q, et al

  42. - -
  43. -

    “We estimated that 44% (95% confidence interval, 25–69%) of secondary cases were infected during the index cases’ presymptomatic stage” He, X., Lau, E.H.Y., Wu, P. et al 

  44. - -
  45. -

    “Contact tracing was a critical intervention in Liberia and represented one of the largest contact tracing efforts during an epidemic in history.” Swanson KC, Altare C, Wesseh CS, et al. 

  46. - -
  47. -

    Temporary Contact Numbers, a decentralized, privacy-first contact tracing protocol 

  48. - -
  49. -

    PACT: Private Automated Contact Tracing 

  50. - -
  51. -

    Apple and Google partner on COVID-19 contact tracing technology . Note they're not making the apps themselves, just creating the systems that will support those apps. 

  52. - -
  53. -

    Lots of news reports – and honestly, many research papers – did not distinguish between "cases who showed no symptoms when we tested them" (pre-symptomatic) and "cases who showed no symptoms ever" (true asymptomatic). The only way you could tell the difference is by following up with cases later. 

    - -

    Which is what this study did. (Disclaimer: "Early release articles are not considered as final versions.") In a call center in South Korea that had a COVID-19 outbreak, "only 4 (1.9%) remained asymptomatic within 14 days of quarantine, and none of their household contacts acquired secondary infections."

    - -

    So that means "true asymptomatics" are rare, and catching the disease from a true asymptomatic may be even rarer!

  54. - -
  55. -

    From the same Oxford study that first recommended apps to fight COVID-19: Luca Ferretti & Chris Wymant et al See Figure 2. Assuming R0 = 2.0, they found that:  

    - -
    • Symptomatics contribute R = 0.8 (40%)
    • -
    • Pre-symptomatics contribute R = 0.9 (45%)
    • -
    • Asymptomatics contribute R = 0.1 (5%, though their model has uncertainty and it could be much lower)
    • -
    • Environmental stuff like doorknobs contribute R = 0.2 (10%)
    • -
    - -

    And add up the pre- & a-symptomatic contacts (45% + 5%) and you get 50% of R!

  56. - -
  57. -

    “None of these surgical masks exhibited adequate filter performance and facial fit characteristics to be considered respiratory protection devices.” Tara Oberg & Lisa M. Brosseau 

  58. - -
  59. -

    “The overall 3.4 fold reduction [70% reduction] in aerosol copy numbers we observed combined with a nearly complete elimination of large droplet spray demonstrated by Johnson et al. suggests that surgical masks worn by infected persons could have a clinically significant impact on transmission.” Milton DK, Fabian MP, Cowling BJ, Grantham ML, McDevitt JJ 

  60. - -
  61. -

    Any actual scientist who read that last sentence is probably laugh-crying right now. See: p-hacking, the replication crisis

  62. - -
  63. -

    “It is time to apply the precautionary principle” Trisha Greenhalgh et al [PDF] 

  64. - -
  65. -

    Davies, A., Thompson, K., Giri, K., Kafatos, G., Walker, J., & Bennett, A See Table 1: a 100% cotton T-shirt has around 2/3 the filtration efficiency as a surgical mask, for the two bacterial aerosols they tested. 

  66. - -
  67. -

    "We need to save supplies for hospitals." Absolutely agreed. But that's more of an argument for increasing mask production, not rationing. In the meantime, we can make cloth masks. 

    - -

    "They're hard to wear correctly." It's also hard to wash your hands according to the WHO Guidelines – seriously, "Step 3) right palm over left dorsum"?! – but we still recommend handwashing, because imperfect is still better than nothing.

    - -

    "It'll make people more reckless with handwashing & social distancing." Sure, and safety belts make people ignore stop signs, and flossing makes people eat rocks. But seriously, we'd argue the opposite: masks are a constant physical reminder to be careful – and in East Asia, masks are also a symbol of solidarity!

  68. - -
  69. -

    “One-degree Celsius increase in temperature [...] lower[s] R by 0.0225” and “The average R-value of these 100 cities is 1.83”. 0.0225 ÷ 1.83 = ~1.2%. Wang, Jingyuan and Tang, Ke and Feng, Kai and Lv, Weifeng 

  70. - -
  71. -

    “SARS-specific antibodies were maintained for an average of 2 years [...] Thus, SARS patients might be susceptible to reinfection ≥3 years after initial exposure.” Wu LP, Wang NC, Chang YH, et al. "Sadly" we'll never know how long SARS immunity would have really lasted, since we eradicated it so quickly. 

  72. - -
  73. -

    “We found no significant difference between the probability of testing positive at least once and the probability of a recurrence for the beta-coronaviruses HKU1 and OC43 at 34 weeks after enrollment/first infection.” Marta Galanti & Jeffrey Shaman (PDF) 

  74. - -
  75. -

    “Once a person fights off a virus, viral particles tend to linger for some time. These cannot cause infections, but they can trigger a positive test.” from STAT News by Andrew Joseph 

  76. - -
  77. -

    From Bao et al. Disclaimer: This article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review (yet). Also, to emphasize: they only tested re-infection 28 days later.  

  78. - -
  79. -

    “If a coronavirus vaccine arrives, can the world make enough?” by Roxanne Khamsi, on Nature 

  80. - -
  81. -

    “Don’t rush to deploy COVID-19 vaccines and drugs without sufficient safety guarantees” by Shibo Jiang, on Nature 

  82. - -
  83. -

    Dry land metaphor from Marc Lipsitch & Yonatan Grad, on STAT News 

  84. - -
- - - - - - +

Letalo je potonilo. Naleteli smo na rešilne splave in čas je, da poiščemo suho zemljo.[^dry_land]


Skupine epidemiologov in oblikovalcev politike (leve, desne in večstranske) so dosegle soglasje o tem, kako premagati COVID-19 in hkrati zaščititi naša življenja ter svoboščine.


Tukaj je skica ideje z nekaj (manj soglasnimi) rezervnimi načrti:



Torej, kaj trenutno to pomeni ZATE?


Za vse: Spoštujte zaprtje, da bomo lahko takoj stopili iz faze I. Še naprej si umivajte roke, izdelajte si svoje maske, prenesite si aplikacijo za sledenje stikov, ki ščiti zasebnost (ko bo le-ta na voljo v naslednjem mesecu). Ostanite zdravi, tako fizično kot tudi psihično! Svojim krajevnim oblikovalcem politike pa sporočite, da je lenobe dovolj in...


Za oblikovalce politike: Sprejmite zakone za podporo vsem ljudem, ki so bili prisiljeni v samoizolacijo. Najemite več ročnih sledilnikov stikov, ki jih podpirajo aplikacije za sledenje stikov. Več sredstev usmerite v stvari, ki bi jih morali graditi, kot na primer...


Za gradbenike: Gradite preizkuse. Gradite ventilatorje. Gradite osebno zaščitno opremo za bolnišnice. Gradite teste. Gradite maske. Gradite aplikacije. Gradite protivirusna sredstva, preventivna sredstva ter druge načine zdravljenja, ki niso cepiva. Gradite teste. Gradite teste. Gradite teste. Gradite upanje.


Ne omalovažujte strahu, da bi povečali vaše upe. Naš strah bi se moral združiti z našim upanjem tako kot izumitelji letal in padal. Priprava na grozno prihodnost nam v bistvu ustvari upanja polno prihodnost.


Ideja, da nas mora biti strah le strahu samega, je edina, česar se moramo resnično bati.

diff --git a/words/words.md b/words/words.md index 691356b2..67ff664b 100644 --- a/words/words.md +++ b/words/words.md @@ -2,624 +2,671 @@
- What Happens Next? + Kaj se bo zgodilo v prihodnje?
- COVID-19 Futures, Explained With Playable Simulations + Prihodnost COVID-19, predstavljena z igrivimi simulacijami
- 🕐 30 min play/read + 🕐 30 min igranja/branja  ·  - by + napisal Marcel Salathé - (epidemiologist) + (epidemolog) & Nicky Case - (art/code) + (umetnik)
-"The only thing to fear is fear itself" was stupid advice. +"Edino česar se moramo bati, je strahu samega!" je bil neumen nasvet. -Sure, don't hoard toilet paper – but if policymakers fear fear itself, they'll downplay real dangers to avoid "mass panic". Fear's not the problem, it's how we *channel* our fear. Fear gives us energy to deal with dangers now, and prepare for dangers later. +Seveda, ne delajte si zalog toaletnega papirja – ampak, če se politiki sami bojijo strahu, bodo zmanjšali pomen resnične nevarnosti in se izognili "množični paniki". Strah ni problem. Problem je kam *preusmerimo* svoj strah. +Strah nam daje energijo, da se zdaj soočimo z nevarnostmi in se pripravimo na vse nevarnosti, ki še prihajajo. -Honestly, we (Marcel, epidemiologist + Nicky, art/code) are worried. We bet you are, too! That's why we've channelled our fear into making these **playable simulations**, so that *you* can channel your fear into understanding: +Iskreno, midva (Marcel, epidemolog + Nicky, umetnik) sva v skrbeh. Staviva, da ste tudi vi! Zato sva usmerila najin strah v izvedbo teh **igralnih simulacij**, da lahko tudi *vi* usmerite svoj strah v razumevanje: -* **The Last Few Months** (epidemiology 101, SEIR model, R & R0) -* **The Next Few Months** (lockdowns, contact tracing, masks) -* **The Next Few Years** (loss of immunity? no vaccine?) +* **Zadnjih nekaj mesecev** (epidemiology 101, SEIR model, R & R0) +* **Naslednjih nekaj mesecev** (lockdowns, contact tracing, masks) +* **Naslednjih nekaj let** (loss of immunity? no vaccine?) -This guide (published May 1st, 2020. click this footnote!→[^timestamp]) is meant to give you hope *and* fear. To beat COVID-19 **in a way that also protects our mental & financial health**, we need optimism to create plans, and pessimism to create backup plans. As Gladys Bronwyn Stern once said, *“The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute.”* +Ta vodič (objavljeno 1.5.2020, kliknite za opombo!→[^timestamp]) bi vam naj dal upanje *in* strah, da premagate COVID-19 **na način, ki ščiti našo mentalno in duševno zdravje**. Optimizen potrebujemo za ustvarjanje načrtov, za pripravo rezervnih načrtov pa potrebujemo pesimizem. +Kot je nekoč rekel Gladys Bronwyn, *“Optimist si izmisli letalo, pesimist pa padalo.”* -[^timestamp]: These footnotes will have sources, links, or bonus commentary. Like this commentary! - - **This guide was published on May 1st, 2020.** Many details will become outdated, but we're confident this guide will cover 95% of possible futures, and that Epidemiology 101 will remain forever useful. +[^timestamp]: Te sprotne opombe bodo imele vire, povezave ali dodatne komentarje. Tako kot ta komentar! -So, buckle in: we're about to experience some turbulence. + **Ta vodič je bil objavljen 1. maja 2020** Številne podrobnosti bodo zastarele, ampak sva prepričana, da bo ta vodič zajel 95% verzij prihodnosti, da bo knjiga Epidemiology 101 za vedno ostala uporabna. + +Torej, pripnite se, kmalu bomo doživeli nekaj turbolenc!
The Last Few Months
Zadnjih nekaj mesecev
-Pilots use flight simulators to learn how not to crash planes. +Piloti uporabljajo simulatorje letenja, da se naučijo, kako ne bi strmoglavili letal. -**Epidemiologists use epidemic simulators to learn how not to crash humanity.** +**Epidemologi uporabljajo simolatorje epidemij, da se naučijo, kako nebi strmoglavili človeštva.** -So, let's make a very, *very* simple "epidemic flight simulator"! In this simulation, Infectious people can turn Susceptible people into more Infectious people: +Torej, naredimo zelo, * zelo * preprost "simulator epidemije letenja"! V tej simulaciji lahko okuženi ljudje spremenijo dovzetne ludi v okužene ljudi: ![](pics/spread.png) -It's estimated that, *at the start* of a COVID-19 outbreak, the virus jumps from an to an every 4 days, *on average*.[^serial_interval] (remember, there's a lot of variation) +Ocenjuje se, da *na začetku* izbruha COVID-19, virus skoči iz na vsake 4 dni, *v povprečju*.[^serial_interval] (ne pozabite, da obstaja veliko različic) + +[^serial_interval]: “Povprečni [serijski] interval je bil 3.96 dni (95% CI 3.53–4.39 dni)”. [Du Z, Xu X, Wu Y, Wang L, Cowling BJ, Ancel Meyers L](https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/6/20-0357_article) (Disclaimer: Članki z zgodnjo izdajo se ne štejejo v končne različice) -[^serial_interval]: “The mean [serial] interval was 3.96 days (95% CI 3.53–4.39 days)”. [Du Z, Xu X, Wu Y, Wang L, Cowling BJ, Ancel Meyers L](https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/6/20-0357_article) (Disclaimer: Early release articles are not considered as final versions) +Če imitiramo "podvojimo vsake 4 dni" *in nič drugega*, na populaciji s samo 0.001% , kaj se zgodi? -If we simulate "double every 4 days" *and nothing else*, on a population starting with just 0.001% , what happens? +**Pritisni "Začetek" za predvajanje simulacije! Kasneje lahko ponoviš z drugačnimi nastavitvami:** (tehnična opozorila: [^caveats]) -**Click "Start" to play the simulation! You can re-play it later with different settings:** (technical caveats: [^caveats]) +[^caveats]: **Ne pozabite: vse te simulacije so zelo poenostavljene zaradi izobraževalnih namenov.** -[^caveats]: **Remember: all these simulations are super simplified, for educational purposes.** - - One simplification: When you tell this simulation "Infect 1 new person every X days", it's actually increasing # of infected by 1/X each day. Same for future settings in these simulations – "Recover every X days" is actually reducing # of infected by 1/X each day. - - Those *aren't* exactly the same, but it's close enough, and for educational purposes it's less opaque than setting the transmission/recovery rates directly. + Ena poenostavitev: Ko ukažete tej simulaciji "Okužite 1 novo osebo vsakih X dni", se dejansko vsak dan poveča število okuženih za 1 / X. Enako za prihodnje nastavitve v teh simulacijah – "Ozdravi vsakih X dni" dejansko znanjša število okuženih za 1 / X vsak dan. + + Ti *niso* popolnoma enaki, ampak so dovolj blizu in so v izobraževalne namene manj moteni kot neposredna nastavitev hitrosti prenosa/okrevanja.
-This is the **exponential growth curve.** Starts small, then explodes. "Oh it's just a flu" to "Oh right, flus don't create *mass graves in rich cities*". +To je **eksponentna krivulja.** Najprej narašča zelo počasi in nato eksplodira. "Ah, to je samo gripa" do "Ojoj, gripa ne bi smela ustvarjati *množičnih grobišč v mestih*". ![](pics/exponential.png) - -But, this simulation is wrong. Exponential growth, thankfully, can't go on forever. One thing that stops a virus from spreading is if others *already* have the virus: +Ampak ta simulacija je napačna, saj se na srečo ekponentna +rast ne more odvijati v neskončnost. +Ena od omejitev širjenja virusa je tudi, da se ne more širiti, če +so vsi že okuženi: ![](pics/susceptibles.png) -The more s there are, the faster s become s, **but the fewer s there are, the *slower* s become s.** +Več kot je, hitreje + postanejo , ** ampak manj kot je , + *počasneje* postanejo .** -How's this change the growth of an epidemic? Let's find out: +Kako to vpliva na rast epidemije? +Odgovor se skriva v naslednjih vrsticah:
-This is the "S-shaped" **logistic growth curve.** Starts small, explodes, then slows down again. +To je "S-oblikovana" **logistična krivulja rasti.** +Sprva raste počasi, eskplodira in se spet upočasni. -But, this simulation is *still* wrong. We're missing the fact that Infectious people eventually stop being infectious, either by 1) recovering, 2) "recovering" with lung damage, or 3) dying. -For simplicity's sake, let's pretend that all Infectious people become Recovered. (Just remember that in reality, some are dead.) s can't be infected again, and let's pretend – *for now!* – that they stay immune for life. +Ampak ta simulacija je *še vedno* napačna. + Ne upoštevamo dejstva, da okuženi ljudje ščasoma niso več nalezljivi, + saj so 1) ozdraveli, 2) "ozdraveli" s pljučno degeneracijo ali 3) umrli. -With COVID-19, it's estimated you're Infectious for 10 days, *on average*.[^infectiousness] That means some folks will recover before 10 days, some after. **Here's what that looks like, with a simulation *starting* with 100% :** +Poenostavimo, da so si vsi okuženi ljudje opomogli. (Zgolj ne pozabi, da si v +realnosti nekateri ne opomorejo.) Pretvarjajmo se, da se nemorejo ponovno okužiti – *za zdaj!* + – ostanejo imuni celo življenje. -[^infectiousness]: “The median communicable period \[...\] was 9.5 days.” [Hu, Z., Song, C., Xu, C. et al](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11427-020-1661-4) Yes, we know "median" is not the same as "average". For simplified educational purposes, close enough. +Pri COVID-19 je predvideno, da si *v povprečju* kužen +10 dni. [^nalezljivost] To pomeni, da si bodo nekateri opomogli prej, nekateri kasneje. +**Spodnja simulacija prikazuje, kako bi izgledalo, če bi *na začetku* bili +100% :** + +[^nalezljivost]: “Povprečna doba nalezljivosti \[...\] je bila 9.5 dni.” [Hu, Z., Song, C., Xu, C. et al](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11427-020-1661-4) +Ja, vemo, da "mediana" ni isto kot "povprečje". Za lažje razumevanje zanemarimo razliko.
-This is the opposite of exponential growth, the **exponential decay curve.** +To je ravno nasprotje eksponentne rasti, **eksponentno padajoča krivulja.** -Now, what happens if you simulate S-shaped logistic growth *with* recovery? +Kaj se zgodi, če simuliraš S-obliko logistične krivulje +rasti *z* okrevanjem? ![](pics/graphs_q.png) -Let's find out. +Pa ugotovimo... -Red curve is *current* cases , -Gray curve is *total* cases (current + recovered ), -starts at just 0.001% : +Rdeča krivulja so *trenutni* primeri , +Siva krivulja so *vsi* primeri (trenutni + opomogli ), +kjer je na začetku 0.001% :
-And *that's* where that famous curve comes from! It's not a bell curve, it's not even a "log-normal" curve. It has no name. But you've seen it a zillion times, and beseeched to flatten. +In *tako* pridemo do najbolj znane krivulje! +To ni normalna porazdelitev, niti ni "logaritemsko normalna" porazdelitev. Krivulja ni poimenovana, vendar si jo že videl +nešteto krat. + +To je **model SIR**,[^sir] +(**S**usceptible(Dovzetni) **I**nfectious(nalezljivi) **R**ecovered(opomogli)) +*Druga*-najbolj pomembna ugotovitev v knjigi Epidemiology 101: -This is the the **SIR Model**,[^sir] -(**S**usceptible **I**nfectious **R**ecovered) -the *second*-most important idea in Epidemiology 101: +[^sir]: Bolj podrobna pojasnitev modela SIR: [the Institute for Disease Modeling](https://www.idmod.org/docs/hiv/model-sir.html#) in [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compartmental_models_in_epidemiology#The_SIR_model) -[^sir]: For more technical explanations of the SIR Model, see [the Institute for Disease Modeling](https://www.idmod.org/docs/hiv/model-sir.html#) and [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compartmental_models_in_epidemiology#The_SIR_model) ![](pics/sir.png) -**NOTE: The simulations that inform policy are way, *way* more sophisticated than this!** But the SIR Model can still explain the same general findings, even if missing the nuances. +**Opomba: Simulacija teh napovedi je veliko, *veliko* bolj kompleksna kot je predstavljeno!** +Ampak model SIR še vedno pojasni glavne rezultate, čeprav so izpuščene podrobnosti. + +Pravzaprav, dodajmo še en detajl: preden postane , je sprva izpostavljen. +To je obdoblje, ko se je okužil, ampak še virusa ne prenaša na druge - je okužen ampak še nenalezljiv. -Actually, let's add one more nuance: before an becomes an , they first become Exposed. This is when they have the virus but can't pass it on yet – infect*ed* but not yet infect*ious*. ![](pics/seir.png) -(This variant is called the **SEIR Model**[^seir], where the "E" stands for "Exposed". Note this *isn't* the everyday meaning of "exposed", when you may or may not have the virus. In this technical definition, "Exposed" means you definitely have it. Science terminology is bad.) +(To različico imenujemo **model SEIR**[^seir], kjer je "E" okrajšava za "Exposed" (izpostavljene). +Pomni, da tukaj izpostavljenost *nima* vsakodnevnega pomena. V tej strokovni definiciji "Izpostavljenost" pomeni, da +si definitivno okužen. Strokovna terminologija je slaba.) -[^seir]: For more technical explanations of the SEIR Model, see [the Institute for Disease Modeling](https://www.idmod.org/docs/hiv/model-seir.html) and [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compartmental_models_in_epidemiology#The_SEIR_model) +[^seir]: Bolj strokovno razlago modela SEIR najdeš: [the Institute for Disease Modeling](https://www.idmod.org/docs/hiv/model-seir.html) in [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compartmental_models_in_epidemiology#The_SEIR_model) -For COVID-19, it's estimated that you're infected-but-not-yet-infectious for 3 days, *on average*.[^latent] What happens if we add that to the simulation? +Pri COVID-19 je predvidena ocena, da si okužen, ampak še nenalezljiv, *v povprečju* 3 dni.[^latent] +Kaj se zgodi, če to upoštevamo pri simulaciji? -[^latent]: “Assuming an incubation period distribution of mean 5.2 days from a separate study of early COVID-19 cases, we inferred that infectiousness started from 2.3 days (95% CI, 0.8–3.0 days) before symptom onset” (translation: Assuming symptoms start at 5 days, infectiousness starts 2 days before = Infectiousness starts at 3 days) [He, X., Lau, E.H.Y., Wu, P. et al.](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0869-5) +[^latent]: “Assuming an incubation period distribution of mean 5.2 days from a separate study of early COVID-19 cases, + we inferred that infectiousness started from 2.3 days (95% CI, 0.8–3.0 days) before symptom onset” + (prevod: Domnevno se simptomi pokažejo po 5 dneh, virus pa širiš že 2 dni prej = Nalezljivost se začne 3 dan) + [He, X., Lau, E.H.Y., Wu, P. et al.](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0869-5) -Red + Pink curve is *current* cases (infectious + exposed ), -Gray curve is *total* cases (current + recovered ): +Rdeča + Roza krivulja so *trenutni* primeri (okuženi + izpostavljeni ), +Siva krivulja so *vsi* primeri (trenutni + opomogli ):
-Not much changes! How long you stay Exposed changes the ratio of -to-, and *when* current cases peak... but the *height* of that peak, and total cases in the end, stays the same. +Ni se veliko spremenilo! Kako dolgo si izpostavljen spremeni razmerje med -in-, + in *kdaj* trenutni primeri dosežejo ekstrem... ampak "*višina*" ekstrema, in vseh primerov na koncu, ostane enaka. -Why's that? Because of the *first*-most important idea in Epidemiology 101: +Zakaj je temu tako? Zaradi *prve*-najpomemnejše ugotovitve v Epidemiology 101: ![](pics/r.png) -Short for "Reproduction number". It's the *average* number of people an infects *before* they recover (or die). +R je kratica, s katero označimo "število za razmnoževanje". Predstavlja *povprečno* število ljudi, ki se okužijo *preden* ozdravijo (ali umrejo). ![](pics/r2.png) -**R** changes over the course of an outbreak, as we get more immunity & interventions. - -**R0** (pronounced R-nought) is what R is *at the start of an outbreak, before immunity or interventions*. R0 more closely reflects the power of the virus itself, but it still changes from place to place. For example, R0 is higher in dense cities than sparse rural areas. +**R** se med izbruhom spremeni, saj sčasoma pridobimo imunost in sprejmemo ustrezne ukrepe. -(Most news articles – and even some research papers! – confuse R and R0. Again, science terminology is bad) +**R0** (izgovarjamo R-nič) predstavlja R *na začetku izbruha, torej pred imunostjo in ukrepi*. **R0** natančneje odraža moč virusa, vendar se le-ta še vedno spreminja od mesta do mesta. Na primer: **R0** je višji v gosteje naseljenih mestih kakor v redkih podeželskih območjih. -The R0 for "the" seasonal flu is around 1.28[^r0_flu]. This means, at the *start* of a flu outbreak, each infects 1.28 others *on average.* (If it sounds weird that this isn't a whole number, remember that the "average" mom has 2.4 children. This doesn't mean there's half-children running about.) +(V večini novic, celo v nekaterih raziskovalnih člankih, pride do zmede zaradi zamenjave R in R0. Znova je potrebno poudariti, da je znanstvena terminologija zares slaba.) -[^r0_flu]: “The median R value for seasonal influenza was 1.28 (IQR: 1.19–1.37)” [Biggerstaff, M., Cauchemez, S., Reed, C. et al.](https://bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2334-14-480) +R0 za t.i. »sezonsko gripo« znaša približno 1,28[^r0_flu]. To pomeni, da na *začetku* izbruha gripe vsak v *povprečju* okuži 1.28 drugih ljudi. (Če morda komu to, da to ni celo število, zveni nenavadno, ne pozabite, da ima "povprečna" mama 2,4 otroka. To pa seveda ne pomeni, da okoli teka polbrat.) -The R0 for COVID-19 is estimated to be around 2.2,[^r0_covid] though one *not-yet-finalized* study estimates it was 5.7(!) in Wuhan.[^r0_wuhan] +[^r0_flu]: “Srednja vrednost R za sezonsko gripo je znašala 1,28” [Biggerstaff, M., Cauchemez, S., Reed, C. et al.](https://bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1471-2334-14-480) -[^r0_covid]: “We estimated the basic reproduction number R0 of 2019-nCoV to be around 2.2 (90% high density interval: 1.4–3.8)” [Riou J, Althaus CL.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7001239/) +Predvideva se, da bo vrednost R0 za COVID-19 znašala približno 2,2,[^r0_covid] vendar *sicer še nedokončana* študija v Wuhanu znaša 5,7![^r0_wuhan] -[^r0_wuhan]: “we calculated a median R0 value of 5.7 (95% CI 3.8–8.9)” [Sanche S, Lin YT, Xu C, Romero-Severson E, Hengartner N, Ke R.](https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/7/20-0282_article) +[^r0_covid]: “Osnovno reprodukcijsko število R0 leta 2019-nCoV smo ocenili na približno 2,2 (90-odstoten gost interval: 1,4–3,8)” [Riou J, Althaus CL.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7001239/) -In our simulations – *at the start & on average* – an infects someone every 4 days, over 10 days. "4 days" goes into "10 days" two-and-a-half times. This means – *at the start & on average* – each infects 2.5 others. Therefore, R0 = 2.5. (caveats:[^r0_caveats_sim]) +[^r0_wuhan]: “Izračunali smo srednjo vrednost **R0** 5,7 (95% CI 3,8–8,9)” [Sanche S, Lin YT, Xu C, Romero-Severson E, Hengartner N, Ke R.](https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/7/20-0282_article) -[^r0_caveats_sim]: This is pretending that you're equally infectious all throughout your "infectious period". Again, simplifications for educational purposes. +V naših simulacijah oseba *na začetku v povprečju* okuži nekoga drugega vsake 4 dni ter to počne več kot 10 dni. "4 dnevi" grejo v "10 dni" dva in pol krat. To pomeni, da vsaka oseba *na začetku v povprečju* okuži 2,5 drugih oseb. Zato je potemtakem R0 = 2,5. (opozorila: [^r0_caveats_sim]) -**Play with this R0 calculator, to see how R0 depends on recovery time & new-infection time:** +[^r0_caveats_sim]: Pretvarjamo se, da so vsi enako kužni v svojem t.i. "nalezljivem obdobju". Zaradi izobraževalnih namenov je znova prišlo do manjših poenostavitev. +**Preizkusi R0 kalkulator, ki prikazuje, kako R0 vpliva na čas zdravljenja in čas, v katerem pride do nove infekcije:**
-But remember, the fewer s there are, the *slower* s become s. The *current* reproduction number (R) depends not just on the *basic* reproduction number (R0), but *also* on how many people are no longer Susceptible. (For example, by recovering & getting natural immunity.) +Ne pozabite, manj kot je , *počasnejši* postanejo . *Trenutno* reprodukcijsko število (R) ni odvisno samo od *osnovnega* reprodukcijskega števila (R0), ampak *tudi* od tega, koliko ljudi ni več dovzetnih. (Na primer: Nekateri ozdravijo in pridobijo naravno imunost.)
-When enough people have immunity, R < 1, and the virus is contained! This is called **herd immunity**. For flus, herd immunity is achieved *with a vaccine*. Trying to achieve "natural herd immunity" by letting folks get infected is a *terrible* idea. (But not for the reason you may think! We'll explain later.) - -Now, let's play the SEIR Model again, but showing R0, R over time, and the herd immunity threshold: +Ko je dovolj ljudi imunih, je R < 1 in virus je moč obvladovati! Temu pravimo **imuniteta črede**. Imuniteto črede pri gripi dosežemo *s cepivom*. Ideja o tem, da bi "naravno imunost črede" dosegli tako, da bi se ljudje okužili, je *grozljiva*. (Vendar ne iz razloga, za katerega morda mislite! Pojasnilo sledi kasneje.) +Znova uporabimo Model SEIR, vendar sedaj prikažimo R0, R skozi čas in mejo imunosti črede:
-**NOTE: Total cases *does not stop* at herd immunity, but overshoots it!** And it crosses the threshold *exactly* when current cases peak. (This happens no matter how you change the settings – try it for yourself!) +**OPOMBA: Skupni primeri se pri imuniteti črede *ne ustavijo*, temveč mejo presežejo!** To se zgodi *točno takrat*, ko trenutni primeri dosežejo vrhunec. (Do tega pride ne glede na to, kako spremenite nastavitve – poskusite sami!) -This is because when there are more non-s than the herd immunity threshold, you get R < 1. And when R < 1, new cases stop growing: a peak. +Temu je tako, ker v primeru, ko je več kot je meja imunosti črede, dobite R < 1. In ko je R < 1, novi primeri prenehajo rasti: pride do vrhunca. -**If there's only one lesson you take away from this guide, here it is** – it's an extremely complex diagram so please take time to fully absorb it: +**Če boste iz tega priročnika odnesli le eno lekcijo, je to sledeča** - pred vami je izredno zapleten diagram, zato si prosim vzemite čas, da ga boste popolnoma razumeli: ![](pics/r3.png) -**This means: we do NOT need to catch all transmissions, or even nearly all transmissions, to stop COVID-19!** +**To pomeni: za zaustavitev COVID-19 nam NI potrebno ujeti večine, kaj šele vseh prenosov!** + +To je paradoks. COVID-19 je izjemno nalezljiv, kljub temu pa moramo ustaviti "le" nekaj več kot 60% okužb. 60% ?! Če bi bila to šolska ocena, je to zadostno(2). Če pa je R0 = 2,5, sledi, da za 61% zmanjšamo R = 0,975. Potem je R < 1 in virus je obvladljiv, saj je tako rekoč omejen! (natančna formula: [^exact_formula]) + +[^exact_formula]: Pomni: R = R0 * razmerje prenosov, ki so še dovoljeni. Ne pozabite tudi, da je dovoljeno razmerje prenosov = 1 – razmerje *ustavljenih* prenosov. + + Če želite dobiti R < 1, morate dobiti R0 * dovoljeni prenosi < 1. -It's a paradox. COVID-19 is extremely contagious, yet to contain it, we "only" need to stop more than 60% of infections. 60%?! If that was a school grade, that's a D-. But if R0 = 2.5, cutting that by 61% gives us R = 0.975, which is R < 1, virus is contained! (exact formula:[^exact_formula]) + Sledi: dovoljeni prenosi < 1/R0 -[^exact_formula]: Remember R = R0 * the ratio of transmissions still allowed. Remember also that ratio of transmissions allowed = 1 - ratio of transmissions *stopped*. - - Therefore, to get R < 1, you need to get R0 * TransmissionsAllowed < 1. - - Therefore, TransmissionsAllowed < 1/R0 - - Therefore, 1 - TransmissionsStopped < 1/R0 - - Therefore, TransmissionsStopped > 1 - 1/R0 - - Therefore, you need to stop more than **1 - 1/R0** of transmissions to get R < 1 and contain the virus! + Sledi: 1 – ustavljeni prenosi < 1/R0 + + Sledi: ustavljeni prenosi > 1 – 1/R0 + + Zato je potrebno ustaviti več kot **1 – 1/R0** prenosov, da dobimo R < 1 in omejimo virus! ![](pics/r4.png) -(If you think R0 or the other numbers in our simulations are too low/high, that's good you're challenging our assumptions! There'll be a "Sandbox Mode" at the end of this guide, where you can plug in your *own* numbers, and simulate what happens.) +(Če menite, da so R0 ali druge številke v naših simulacijah prenizke/previsoke, je to odlično, saj tako izpodbijate naše predpostavke! Na koncu tega priročnika bo na voljo "način peskovnika", kjer lahko priključite *svoje* številke in simulirajte, kaj se zgodi.) -*Every* COVID-19 intervention you've heard of – handwashing, social/physical distancing, lockdowns, self-isolation, contact tracing & quarantining, face masks, even "herd immunity" – they're *all* doing the same thing: +*Vsak* poseg glede COVID-19, za katerega ste slišali - pranje rok, socialno/fizično distanciranje, zaprtja, samoizolacija, sledenje stikom in karantena, maske za obraz, celo "imuniteta črede" - *vsi* počnejo popolnoma isto: -Getting R < 1. +Pridobivajo R < 1. -So now, let's use our "epidemic flight simulator" to figure this out: How can we get R < 1 in a way **that also protects our mental health *and* financial health?** +Sedaj uporabimo naš "simulator epidemije letenja", da ugotovimo sledeče: Kako lahko dobimo R < 1 na način, ki **ščiti tudi naše duševno *in* finančno zdravje?** -Brace yourselves for an emergency landing... +Pripravite se na zasilni pristanek...
The Next Few Months
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-...could have been worse. Here's a parallel universe we avoided: +…lahko bi bilo huje. V nadaljevanju sledi prikaz vzporednega sveta, kateremu smo se uspeli izogniti: -###Scenario 0: Do Absolutely Nothing +###Scenarij 0: Ne naredite popolnoma ničesar -Around 1 in 20 people infected with COVID-19 need to go to an ICU (Intensive Care Unit).[^icu_covid] In a rich country like the USA, there's 1 ICU bed per 3400 people.[^icu_us] Therefore, the USA can handle 20 out of 3400 people being *simultaneously* infected – or, 0.6% of the population. +Približno eden izmed 20 ljudi, ki so okuženi s COVID-19, se mora odpraviti na oddelek za intenzivno nego.[^icu_covid] V bogatih državah, kot so na primer ZDA, 1 oddelek za intenzivno nego premore le 1 ležišče za kar 3400 ljudi.[^icu_us] Zato lahko ZDA *hkrati* sprejmejo le 20 izmed 3400 okuženih ljudi – oziroma 0,6% prebivalstva. -[^icu_covid]: ["Percentage of COVID-19 cases in the United States from February 12 to March 16, 2020 that required intensive care unit (ICU) admission, by age group"](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1105420/covid-icu-admission-rates-us-by-age-group/). Between 4.9% to 11.5% of *all* COVID-19 cases required ICU. Generously picking the lower range, that's 5% or 1 in 20. Note that this total is specific to the US's age structure, and will be higher in countries with older populations, lower in countries with younger populations. +[^icu_covid]: ["Odstotek primerov COVID-19 v ZDA od 12. februarja do 16. marca 2020, za katere je bil potreben sprejem na oddelku intenzivne nege (starostna skupina)"](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1105420/covid-icu-admission-rates-us-by-age-group/). Le ta se je za vse primere COVID-19, ki so potrebovali intenzivno nego, gibal med 4,9% in 11,5%. Če smo pri tem še malenkost velikodušni in tako izberemo spodnjo mejo, ugotovimo, da je to 5% oziroma eden izmed dvajsetih. Upoštevati morate, da je ta vrednost značilna za starostno skupino ZDA ter da bo vrednost v državah s starejšim prebivalstvom višja in nižja v državah z mlajšim prebivalstvom. -[^icu_us]: “Number of ICU beds = 96,596”. From [the Society of Critical Care Medicine](https://sccm.org/Blog/March-2020/United-States-Resource-Availability-for-COVID-19) USA Population was 328,200,000 in 2019. 96,596 out of 328,200,000 = roughly 1 in 3400. +[^icu_us]: “Število ležišč na oddelku za intenzivno nego = 96.596”. Leta 2019 je bilo število prebivalcev ZDA iz družbe za kritično oskrbo ([the Society of Critical Care Medicine](https://sccm.org/Blog/March-2020/United-States-Resource-Availability-for-COVID-19)) enako 328.200.000. 96.596 od 328.200.000 = približno 1 na 3400. -Even if we *more than tripled* that capacity to 2%, here's what would've happened *if we did absolutely nothing:* +Tudi če bi to vrednost *več kot potrojili* na 2%, nam spodnja simulacija prikazuje, kaj bi se zgodilo, *če ne bi storili absolutno ničesar:*
-Not good. +Slabo kaže… + +Britanska fakulteta je 16. marca ([the March 16 Imperial College report](http://www.imperial.ac.uk/mrc-global-infectious-disease-analysis/covid-19/report-9-impact-of-npis-on-covid-19/)) prišla do sledeče ugotovitve: Ne naredimo ničesar in se posledično spopadajmo s problemom premajhnega števila ležišč na oddelkih intenzivne nege, saj se je do sedaj okužilo več kot 80% prebivalstva. +(ne pozabite: skupni primeri *prekoračijo* imuniteto črede) -That's what [the March 16 Imperial College report](http://www.imperial.ac.uk/mrc-global-infectious-disease-analysis/covid-19/report-9-impact-of-npis-on-covid-19/) found: do nothing, and we run out of ICUs, with more than 80% of the population getting infected. -(remember: total cases *overshoots* herd immunity) +Tudi če umre le 0,5% okuženih – velikodušna domneva, ko ni več možnosti oskrbe na oddelku za intenzivno nego – v veliki državi, kot je ZDA, s 300 milijoni ljudi, 0,5% od 80% od 300 milijonov = še vedno 1,2 milijona mrtvih… *ČE nismo naredili ničesar*. -Even if only 0.5% of infected die – a generous assumption when there's no more ICUs – in a large country like the US, with 300 million people, 0.5% of 80% of 300 million = still 1.2 million dead... *IF we did nothing.* +(Številne novice in mediji so poročali le "80% okuženih" *brez*, da bi temu priključili še "ČE NISMO NAREDILI NIČESAR". Strah je bil usmerjen v klike, ne pa v razumevanje. *Vzdih.*) -(Lots of news & social media reported "80% will be infected" *without* "IF WE DO NOTHING". Fear was channelled into clicks, not understanding. *Sigh.*) +###Scenarij 1: Izravnajte krivuljo / Imuniteta črede -###Scenario 1: Flatten The Curve / Herd Immunity +Načrt "Izravnati krivuljo" je bil predstavljen s strani prav vsake izmed javnih zdravstvenih organizacij, medtem ko je bil prvotni načrt Združenega kraljestva, imenovan "imuniteta črede", splošno razglašen. Šlo je za *enak načrt*. Razlika je le v tem, da je Združeno kraljestvo svoj načrt sporočilo slabo in površno.[^yong] -The "Flatten The Curve" plan was touted by every public health organization, while the United Kingdom's original "herd immunity" plan was universally booed. They were *the same plan.* The UK just communicated theirs poorly.[^yong] +[^yong]: “Pravi, da je dejanski cilj enak kot v drugih državah: zravnati krivuljo s pravo razporeditvijo začetka okužb. Posledično lahko država doseže imuniteto črede; je stranski učinek in ne cilj. [...] Dejanski akcijski načrt vlade za koronavirus, ki je na voljo na spletu, sploh ne omenja čredne imunosti. ” -[^yong]: “He says that the actual goal is the same as that of other countries: flatten the curve by staggering the onset of infections. As a consequence, the nation may achieve herd immunity; it’s a side effect, not an aim. [...] The government’s actual coronavirus action plan, available online, doesn’t mention herd immunity at all.” - - From a [The Atlantic article by Ed Yong](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/03/coronavirus-pandemic-herd-immunity-uk-boris-johnson/608065/) + Iz članka [The Atlantic article by Ed Yong](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/03/coronavirus-pandemic-herd-immunity-uk-boris-johnson/608065/) -Both plans, though, had a literally fatal flaw. +Oba načrta pa sta imela dobesedno usodno napako. -First, let's look at the two main ways to "flatten the curve": handwashing & physical distancing. +Najprej si oglejmo dva glavna načina za "zravnanje krivulje": pranje rok in fizično distanciranje. -Increased handwashing cuts flus & colds in high-income countries by ~25%[^handwashing], while the city-wide lockdown in London cut close contacts by ~70%[^london]. So, let's assume handwashing can reduce R by *up to* 25%, and distancing can reduce R by *up to* 70%: +Povečano pranje rok je v državah z visokim dohodkom zmanjšalo zaščito pred prehladom in mrazom za ~25%[^handwashing], medtem ko je mestno zaprtje v Londonu tesne stike zmanjšalo za ~70%[^london]. Predpostavimo lahko, da lahko pranje rok R zmanjša za *do* 25%, distanciranje pa *do* 70%: -[^handwashing]: “All eight eligible studies reported that handwashing lowered risks of respiratory infection, with risk reductions ranging from 6% to 44% [pooled value 24% (95% CI 6–40%)].” We rounded up the pooled value to 25% in these simulations for simplicity. [Rabie, T. and Curtis, V.](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1365-3156.2006.01568.x) Note: as this meta-analysis points out, the quality of studies for handwashing (at least in high-income countries) are awful. +[^handwashing]: “Vseh osem kvalificiranih študij je poročalo, da je pranje rok zmanjšalo tveganje za okužbo dihal, zmanjšanje tveganja pa je znašalo od 6% do 44% [združena vrednost 24% (95% CI 6-40%)].« Zaradi enostavnosti smo v simulacijah združeno vrednost zaokrožili na 25%. [Rabie, T. and Curtis, V.](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1365-3156.2006.01568.x) Opomba: kot kaže ta meta-analiza, je kakovost študij glede pranja rok (vsaj v državah z visokimi dohodki) grozljiva. -[^london]: “We found a 73% reduction in the average daily number of contacts observed per participant. This would be sufficient to reduce R0 from a value from 2.6 before the lockdown to 0.62 (0.37 - 0.89) during the lockdown”. We rounded it down to 70% in these simulations for simplicity. [Jarvis and Zandvoort et al](https://cmmid.github.io/topics/covid19/comix-impact-of-physical-distance-measures-on-transmission-in-the-UK.html) +[^london]: “Ugotovili smo, da se je povprečno dnevno število stikov na udeleženca zmanjšalo za 73%. To bi zadostovalo za zmanjšanje R0 iz vrednosti 2,6 pred zaprtjem na 0,62 (med 0,37 in 0,89) v času zaprtja”. Ponovno smo zaradi enostavnosti v simulaciji vrednost zaokrožili na 70%. [Jarvis and Zandvoort et al](https://cmmid.github.io/topics/covid19/comix-impact-of-physical-distance-measures-on-transmission-in-the-UK.html) -**Play with this calculator to see how % of non-, handwashing, and distancing reduce R:** (this calculator visualizes their *relative* effects, which is why increasing one *looks* like it decreases the effect of the others.[^log_caveat]) +**Preizkusite spodnji kalkulator in videli boste, kako delež , pranje rok in distanciranje zmanjšajo R:** (kalkulator predstavlja njihove *relativne* učinke, zato *izgleda* kakor, da povečanje enega izmed njih zmanjša učinek drugih.[^log_caveat]) -[^log_caveat]: This distortion would go away if we plotted R on a logarithmic scale... but then we'd have to explain *logarithmic scales.* +[^log_caveat]: Tega izkrivljanja bi se znebili, če bi R risali na logaritmični lestvici… vendar bi potem mogli dodatno razložiti še *logaritmične lestvice*.
-Now, let's simulate what happens to a COVID-19 epidemic if, starting March 2020, we had increased handwashing but only *mild* physical distancing – so that R is lower, but still above 1: +Sedaj simulirajmo, kaj bi se zgodilo z epidemijo COVID-19, če bi od marca 2020 dalje imeli le povečano pranje rok, fizično distanciranje pa bi ostalo v *(pre)blagi* obliki – R je tako nižji, vendar še vedno nad 1:
-Three notes: +Tri opombe: -1. This *reduces* total cases! **Even if you don't get R < 1, reducing R still saves lives, by reducing the 'overshoot' above herd immunity.** Lots of folks think "Flatten The Curve" spreads out cases without reducing the total. This is impossible in *any* Epidemiology 101 model. But because the news reported "80%+ will be infected" as inevitable, folks thought total cases will be the same no matter what. *Sigh.* +1. To *zmanjšuje* skupno število primerov! **Četudi ne dobite R < 1, nižanje R na način, da poskušamo zmanjševati 'prekoračitve' nad imunostjo črede, še vedno rešuje življenja.** Večina ljudi misli, da načrt "Izravnati krivuljo" le širi primere, ne da bi pri tem zmanjšali celoto. Vendar to ni mogoče v *nobenem* epidemiološkem modelu. Ker pa so novice kot neizogibno dejstvo poročale, da bo "okuženih več kot 80% ljudi", so ljudje posledično mislili, da bodo skupni primeri enaki ne glede na vse. *Vzdih.* -2. Due to the extra interventions, current cases peak *before* herd immunity is reached. In fact, in this simulation, total cases only overshoots *a tiny bit* above herd immunity – the UK's plan! At that point, R < 1, you can let go of all other interventions, and COVID-19 stays contained! Well, except for one problem... +2. Zaradi dodatnih ukrepov trenutni primeri dosežejo vrhunec *preden* se doseže imuniteta črede. Dejansko v tej simulaciji skupni primeri le premaknejo *majhen delček* nad imuniteto črede – gre za načrt Združenega kraljestva! Na tej točki, kjer je R < 1, lahko opustite vse druge ukrepe in virus nam je uspelo uspešno zajeziti! Srečamo se le z eno težavo… -3. You still run out of ICUs. For several months. (and remember, we *already* tripled ICUs for these simulations) +3. Še vedno vam primanjkuje enot za intenzivno nego. In to za kar nekaj mesecev. (in ne pozabite, za te simulacije smo enote za intenzivno nego *že* potrojili) -That was the other finding of the March 16 Imperial College report, which convinced the UK to abandon its original plan. Any attempt at **mitigation** (reduce R, but R > 1) will fail. The only way out is **suppression** (reduce R so that R < 1). +To je bila druga ugotovitev poročila britanske fakultete (16. marec), ki je Združeno kraljestvo uspelo prepričati, da opusti svoj prvotni načrt. Prepričani so bili, da bo vsak poskus **blaženja** (zmanjšati R, vendar vseeno ohraniti R < 1) spodletel. Tako rekoč je preostal le izhod v sili, in sicer **zaviranje** virusa (zmanjšati R tako, da je R < 1). ![](pics/mitigation_vs_suppression.png) -That is, don't merely "flatten" the curve, *crush* the curve. For example, with a... +Se pravi, krivulje ne le "izravnajte", potrebno jo je *zdrobiti*. Na primer, z… -###Scenario 2: Months-Long Lockdown +###Scenarij 2: Nekaj mesečno zaprtje -Let's see what happens if we *crush* the curve with a 5-month lockdown, reduce to nearly nothing, then finally – *finally* – return to normal life: +Poglejmo, kaj se zgodi, če krivuljo *zatremo* s 5-mesečnim zaprtjem, zmanjšamo skoraj na nič, nato pa se *končno* vrnemo v normalno življenje:
-Oh. +Ojej. -This is the "second wave" everyone's talking about. As soon as we remove the lockdown, we get R > 1 again. So, a single leftover (or imported ) can cause a spike in cases that's almost as bad as if we'd done Scenario 0: Absolutely Nothing. +Gre za "drugi val" o katerem že vsi govorijo. Takoj ko odstranimo zaprtje, ponovno dobimo R > 1. Torej lahko en sam izpuščen (ali uvožen ) povzroči konico v primerih, ki so skoraj tako slabi, kot če bi se soočili s scenarijem 0: Absolutno nič. -**A lockdown isn't a cure, it's just a restart.** +**Zaprtje ni zdravilo, je le ponovni zagon.** -So, what, do we just lockdown again & again? +Torej se znova in znova le zapiramo? -###Scenario 3: Intermittent Lockdown +###Scenarij 3: Občasno zaprtje -This solution was first suggested by the March 16 Imperial College report, and later again by a Harvard paper.[^lockdown_harvard] +To rešitev je sprva 16. marca predlagalo poročilo britanske fakultete, kasneje pa še listina Harvard.[^lockdown_harvard] -[^lockdown_harvard]: “Absent other interventions, a key metric for the success of social distancing is whether critical care capacities are exceeded. To avoid this, prolonged or intermittent social distancing may be necessary into 2022.” [Kissler and Tedijanto et al](https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2020/04/14/science.abb5793) +Absent other interventions, a key metric for the success of social distancing is whether critical care capacities are exceeded. To avoid this, prolonged or intermittent social distancing may be necessary into 2022. +[^lockdown_harvard]: “Če ni drugih intervencij, je ključno merilo uspešnosti socialnega distanciranja to, ali so presežene zmogljivosti kritične oskrbe. Da bi se temu izognili, bo morda potrebno dolgotrajno ali občasno distanciranje do leta 2022.” [Kissler and Tedijanto et al](https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2020/04/14/science.abb5793) -**Here's a simulation:** (After playing the "recorded scenario", you can try simulating your *own* lockdown schedule, by changing the sliders *while* the simulation is running! Remember you can pause & continue the sim, and change the simulation speed) +**Tukaj je simulacija:** (Po predvajanju "posnetega scenarija" lahko poskusite simulirati *svoj* urnik zaprtja tako, da spremenite drsnike, *medtem* ko simulacija teče! Ne pozabite, da lahko zaustavite in nadaljujete simulacijo ter spremenite njeno hitrost.)
-This *would* keep cases below ICU capacity! And it's *much* better than an 18-month lockdown until a vaccine is available. We just need to... shut down for a few months, open up for a few months, and repeat until a vaccine is available. (And if there's no vaccine, repeat until herd immunity is reached... in 2022.) +To *bi* primere ohranilo pod zmogljivostjo enot za intenzivno nego, kar je *veliko* bolje, kot 18-mesečna popolna zaustavitev, dokler na voljo ne bi bilo cepivo. Za nekaj mesecev moramo uvesti zaprtje, nato ponovno odpreti za nekaj mesecev in to potem ponavljati, dokler ne bo cepivo na voljo. (In če cepiva še kar ni, to ponavljajte, dokler ne dosežete imunosti črede … torej do leta 2022.) + +Poglejte, naravnost čudovito je narisati črto, ki predstavlja "zmogljivost enot za intenzivno nego", vendar se tukaj srečamo še z veliko ostalimi pomembnimi stvarmi, ki pa jih tukaj *ne moremo* simulirati. Mednje štejemo: + +**Duševno zdravje:** Osamljenost je eden največjih dejavnikov tveganja za depresijo, tesnobo in samomor. To bi lahko primerjali s kajenjem 15 cigaret na dan, kar prav tako privede do zgodnje smrti.[^loneliness] + +[^loneliness]: Glej sliko 6: [Figure 6 from Holt-Lunstad & Smith 2010](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1745691614568352). Seveda, nedvomno gre za zanikanje pomembne izjave o tem, da so našli *korelacijo*. Razen, če sami želite poskusiti naključno določiti ljudi, ki naj bodo osamljeni za vso življenje, so vse, kar boste dobili, dokazi o opazovanju. -Look, it's nice to draw a line saying "ICU capacity", but there's lots of important things we *can't* simulate here. Like: +**Finančno zdravje:** "Kaj pa gospodarstvo?" zveni, kot da vas bolj kot za življenja skrbi za denar. Vendar "ekonomija" ni le zaloga: gre za sposobnost ljudi, da lahko svojim najdražjim zagotovijo hrano in streho nad glavo, da imajo možnost vlagati v prihodnost svojih otrok in preprosto uživajo v umetnosti, hrani, videoigrah – v glavnem v tistem, zaradi česar je življenje vredno živeti. Poleg tega je vredno omeniti, da revščina *sama po sebi* strahotno vpliva na duševno in fizično zdravje. -**Mental Health:** Loneliness is one of the biggest risk factors for depression, anxiety, and suicide. And it's as associated with an early death as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.[^loneliness] +Ne pravimo, da smo *proti* ponovnemu zaprtju! Kasneje si bomo ogledali zaprtje, ki ga bomo poimenovali "varnostno stikalo". Kljub vsemu, ne gre za idealen način zaprtja. -[^loneliness]: See [Figure 6 from Holt-Lunstad & Smith 2010](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1745691614568352). Of course, big disclaimer that they found a *correlation*. But unless you want to try randomly assigning people to be lonely for life, observational evidence is all you're gonna get. -**Financial Health:** "What about the economy" sounds like you care more about dollars than lives, but "the economy" isn't just stocks: it's people's ability to provide food & shelter for their loved ones, to invest in their kids' futures, and enjoy arts, foods, videogames – the stuff that makes life worth living. And besides, poverty *itself* has horrible impacts on mental and physical health. +Vendar pozor… Ali se nista Tajvan in Južna Koreja *že* pred časom srečala s COVID-19? 4 cele mesece *brez* dolgotrajnega zaprtij? -Not saying we *shouldn't* lock down again! We'll look at "circuit breaker" lockdowns later. Still, it's not ideal. +Kako? -But wait... haven't Taiwan and South Korea *already* contained COVID-19? For 4 whole months, *without* long-term lockdowns? +###Scenarij 4: Test, sled, izolacija -How? +*"Seveda, tudi mi \*bi lahko*\ naredili tisto, kar sta Tajvan in Južna Koreja storila že na začetku, vendar je sedaj že prepozno. Zamudili smo začetek."* -###Scenario 4: Test, Trace, Isolate +Ampak gre ravno za to! “Zaustavitev ni zdravilo, je le ponovni zagon”... **in vse, kar potrebujemo, je nov začetek.** -*"Sure, we \*could've\* done what Taiwan & South Korea did at the start, but it's too late now. We missed the start."* +Da bi razumeli, kako sta se Tajvan in Južna Koreja znali spopadati s COVID-19, moramo razumeti natančen časovni trak tipične okužbe s COVID-19[^timeline]: -But that's exactly it! “A lockdown isn't a cure, it's just a restart”... **and a fresh start is what we need.** +[^timeline]: **V povprečju 3 dnevi do stanja nalezljivosti:** “Na podlagi ločenih študij zgodnjih primerov COVID-19, domnevamo, da je inkubacijsko obdobje v povprečju porazdeljeno na 5,2 dni in sklepamo, da do nalezljivosti pride že pred pojavom simptomov, in sicer od 2,3. dneva dalje (95% Cl, 0,8-3,0 dni).” (prevod: Ob predpostavki, da se simptomi začnejo pri 5 dneh, do nalezljivosti pride že 2 dneva prej = nalezljivost se začne pri 3 dneh) [He, X., Lau, E.H.Y., Wu, P. et al.](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0869-5) -To understand how Taiwan & South Korea contained COVID-19, we need to understand the exact timeline of a typical COVID-19 infection[^timeline]: + **V povprečju 4 dnevi, da pride okužba do nekoga drugega:** “Povprečni [serijski] interval je bil 3,96 dni (95% Cl 3,53-4,39 dni)” [Du Z, Xu X, Wu Y, Wang L, Cowling BJ, Ancel Meyers L](https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/6/20-0357_article) -[^timeline]: **3 days on average to infectiousness:** “Assuming an incubation period distribution of mean 5.2 days from a separate study of early COVID-19 cases, we inferred that infectiousness started from 2.3 days (95% CI, 0.8–3.0 days) before symptom onset” (translation: Assuming symptoms start at 5 days, infectiousness starts 2 days before = Infectiousness starts at 3 days) [He, X., Lau, E.H.Y., Wu, P. et al.](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0869-5) - - **4 days on average to infecting someone else:** “The mean [serial] interval was 3.96 days (95% CI 3.53–4.39 days)” [Du Z, Xu X, Wu Y, Wang L, Cowling BJ, Ancel Meyers L](https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/6/20-0357_article) - - **5 days on average to feeling symptoms:** “The median incubation period was estimated to be 5.1 days (95% CI, 4.5 to 5.8 days)” [Lauer SA, Grantz KH, Bi Q, et al](https://annals.org/AIM/FULLARTICLE/2762808/INCUBATION-PERIOD-CORONAVIRUS-DISEASE-2019-COVID-19-FROM-PUBLICLY-REPORTED) + **V povprečju 5 dni, da začutimo prve simptome:** “Mediana inkubacijske dobe je bila ocenjena na 5,1 dni (95% Cl, 4,5-5,8 dni)”. [Lauer SA, Grantz KH, Bi Q, et al](https://annals.org/AIM/FULLARTICLE/2762808/INCUBATION-PERIOD-CORONAVIRUS-DISEASE-2019-COVID-19-FROM-PUBLICLY-REPORTED) ![](pics/timeline1.png) -If cases only self-isolate when they know they're sick (that is, they feel symptoms), the virus can still spread: +Če se primeri samoizolirajo, ko že vedo, da so bolni (torej, ko čutijo simptome), se virus lahko še vedno širi: ![](pics/timeline2.png) -And in fact, 44% of all transmissions are like this: *pre*-symptomatic! [^pre_symp] +In v resnici je 44% vseh prenosov prav takšnih: *pred*simptomatskih! [^pre_symp] -[^pre_symp]: “We estimated that 44% (95% confidence interval, 25–69%) of secondary cases were infected during the index cases’ presymptomatic stage” [He, X., Lau, E.H.Y., Wu, P. et al](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0869-5) +[^pre_symp]: “Ocenili smo, da je bilo 44% (interval zaupanja: 95%, 25-69%) sekundarnih primerov okuženih ravno med predsimptomatsko stopnjo indeksnih primerov.” [He, X., Lau, E.H.Y., Wu, P. et al](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0869-5) -But, if we find *and quarantine* a symptomatic case's recent close contacts... we stop the spread, by staying one step ahead! +Vendar, če najdemo *in damo v karanteno* ljudi, ki so bili še nedavno v tesnejših stikih in imajo simptome virusa, lahko tako širjenje virusa ustavimo in ostanemo korak spredaj! ![](pics/timeline3.png) -This is called **contact tracing**. It's an old idea, was used at an unprecedented scale to contain Ebola[^ebola], and now it's core part of how Taiwan & South Korea are containing COVID-19! +Temu pravimo **sledenje stikov**. Gre za starejšo idejo, ki je bila v neprimerljivem obsegu uporabljena za obvladovanje ebole[^ebola], sedaj pa se pri zajezitvi COVID-19 po njej zgledujeta predvsem Tajvan in Južna Koreja! -[^ebola]: “Contact tracing was a critical intervention in Liberia and represented one of the largest contact tracing efforts during an epidemic in history.” [Swanson KC, Altare C, Wesseh CS, et al.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6152989/) +[^ebola]: “Sledenje stikov se je v Liberiji izkazalo kot kritično posredovanje in je predstavljajo enega največjih naporov iskanja stikov med epidemijo v zgodovini.” [Swanson KC, Altare C, Wesseh CS, et al.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6152989/) -(It also lets us use our limited tests more efficiently, to find pre-symptomatic s without needing to test almost everyone.) +(Omogoča nam tudi učinkovitejšo uporabo naših omejenih testov za iskanje predsimptomatskih , ne da bi bilo pri tem potrebno testirati skorajda vse.) -Traditionally, contacts are found with in-person interviews, but those *alone* are too slow for COVID-19's ~48 hour window. That's why contact tracers need help, and be supported by – *NOT* replaced by – contact tracing apps. +Navadno je stike moč najti z osebnimi pogovori, vendar so v našem primeru le ti *sami* prepočasni za t.i. 48-urno okno COVID-19. Zaradi tega sledilci stikov še kako potrebujejo pomoč, pri čemer pridejo v poštev (in *NE* v nadomestilo) aplikacije za sledenje stikov. -(This idea didn't come from "techies": using an app to fight COVID-19 was first proposed by [a team of Oxford epidemiologists](https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2020/04/09/science.abb6936).) +(Ta ideja ni prišla s strani računalničarjev: uporaba aplikacije za boj proti COVID-19 je bila sprva predlagana s strani [ekipe Oxford-skih epidemiologov](https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2020/04/09/science.abb6936).) -Wait, apps that trace who you've been in contact with?... Does that mean giving up privacy, giving in to Big Brother? +Čakaj, aplikacije, ki beležijo s kom si bil v stiku? ... Ali to pomeni, da se odrekamo zasebnosti in jo dajamo "Velikemu bratu"? -Heck no! **[DP-3T](https://github.com/DP-3T/documents#decentralized-privacy-preserving-proximity-tracing)**, a team of epidemiologists & cryptographers (including one of us, Marcel Salathé) is *already* making a contact tracing app – with code available to the public – that reveals **no info about your identity, location, who your contacts are, or even *how many contacts* you've had.** -Here's how it works: +Seveda ne! **[DP-3T](https://github.com/DP-3T/documents#decentralized-privacy-preserving-proximity-tracing)**, +skupina epidemiologov & kriptografov (including one of us, Marcel Salathé) *že* delajo na tej aplikaciji – +z javno dostopno kodo – ki ne razkrije **nobenih informacij o tvoji identiteti, lokaciji, s kom +ali celo *s koliko ljudmi* si bil v stiku.** + +Tako deluje: ![](pics/dp3t.png) -(& [here's the full comic](https://ncase.me/contact-tracing/)) +(& [Tukaj je celoten strip.](https://ncase.me/contact-tracing/)) -Along with similar teams like TCN Protocol[^tcn] and MIT PACT[^pact], they've inspired Apple & Google to bake privacy-first contact tracing directly into Android/iOS.[^gapple] (Don't trust Google/Apple? Good! The beauty of this system is it doesn't *need* trust!) Soon, your local public health agency may ask you to download an app. If it's privacy-first with publicly-available code, please do! +Skupaj s podobnimi skupinami kot so TCN Protocol[^tcn] in MIT PACT[^pact], so navdihnili podjetji Apple & Google +za vnos sledenja stikov, katerih prioriteta je varovanje zasebnosti neposredno v sistem Android/iOS.[^gapple] +(Ne zaupaš Google-u/Apple-u? Dobro! Lepota sistema je, da ne *potrebuje* zaupanja. +Kmalu bo lokalna zdravstena agencija morda predlagala, da jo preneseš. Če je prioriteta aplikacije varovanje zasebnosti z javno dostopno kodo, +jo, prosim, prenesi! -[^tcn]: [Temporary Contact Numbers, a decentralized, privacy-first contact tracing protocol](https://github.com/TCNCoalition/TCN#tcn-protocol) +[^tcn]: [Temporary Contact Numbers, decentraliziran protokol sledenja stikov z varnostjo zasebnosti](https://github.com/TCNCoalition/TCN#tcn-protocol) [^pact]: [PACT: Private Automated Contact Tracing](https://pact.mit.edu/) -[^gapple]: [Apple and Google partner on COVID-19 contact tracing technology ](https://www.apple.com/ca/newsroom/2020/04/apple-and-google-partner-on-covid-19-contact-tracing-technology/). Note they're not making the apps *themselves*, just creating the systems that will *support* those apps. +[^gapple]: [Podjetji Apple and Google sodelujeta pri tehnologiji sledenja stikov v zvezi z virusom COVID-19](https://www.apple.com/ca/newsroom/2020/04/apple-and-google-partner-on-covid-19-contact-tracing-technology/). Pomni, da ne ustvarjajo aplikacij *samih*, zgolj sisteme, ki jih bodo podpirale. + +Kaj pa ljudje brez pametnih telefonov? Ali pa okužbe preko "vratnih kljuk"? Ali "popolnoma" asimptomatski primeri? Aplikacije sledenja stikov ne morejo prestreči vseh prenosov ... *Kar je čisto V redu!* Ni nam treba prestreči *vseh*, vsaj 60%, da je R < 1. + +(razburjanje glede zmede med pre-simptomatskimi in *popolnoma* asimptomatskimi. Slednji so redki:[^razburjenje]) -But what about folks without smartphones? Or infections through doorknobs? Or "true" asymptomatic cases? Contact tracing apps can't catch all transmissions... *and that's okay!* We don't need to catch *all* transmissions, just 60%+ to get R < 1. +[^razburjenje]: Veliko novih poročil - iskreno, res veliko - ni razlikovalo med "primeri, ki niso pokazali nikakršnih simptomov, ko smo jih testirali" (pre-simptomatski) in "primeri, ki jih *nikdar* niso pokazali" (popolnoma asimptomatski). Edini način razlikovanja je poznejše nadoknadenje primerov. -(Rant about the confusion about pre-symptomatic vs "true" asymptomatic. "True" asymptomatics are rare:[^rant]) + Kar je točno to, kar je [raziskava](https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/8/20-1274_article) naredila. (Izjava o omejevanju odgovornosti: "Zgodnje izšli članki niso obravnavani kot končne različice.") V klicnem centru v Južni Koreji, kjer so imeli izbruh virusa COVID-19, "so le štirje (1.9 %) ostali asimptomatski v roku štirinajstih dni karantene in noben od stikov z njihovimi gospodinjstvi ni pripeljal do sekunarnih okužb." -[^rant]: Lots of news reports – and honestly, many research papers – did not distinguish between "cases who showed no symptoms when we tested them" (pre-symptomatic) and "cases who showed no symptoms *ever*" (true asymptomatic). The only way you could tell the difference is by following up with cases later. - - Which is what [this study](https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/8/20-1274_article) did. (Disclaimer: "Early release articles are not considered as final versions.") In a call center in South Korea that had a COVID-19 outbreak, "only 4 (1.9%) remained asymptomatic within 14 days of quarantine, and none of their household contacts acquired secondary infections." - - So that means "true asymptomatics" are rare, and catching the disease from a true asymptomatic may be even rarer! + To pomeni, da so "popolnoma asimptimatski" redki, nalezenje od popolnoma asimptomatskega primera pa še redkeje! -Isolating *symptomatic* cases would reduce R by up to 40%, and quarantining their *pre/a-symptomatic* contacts would reduce R by up to 50%[^oxford]: +Izolacija *simptomatskih* primerov bi znižala R do 40 %, and karantenizacija njihovih *pre/a-simptomatičnih* stikov bi znižala R vse do 50 %[^oxford]: -[^oxford]: From the same Oxford study that first recommended apps to fight COVID-19: [Luca Ferretti & Chris Wymant et al](https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2020/04/09/science.abb6936/tab-figures-data) See Figure 2. Assuming R0 = 2.0, they found that: - - * Symptomatics contribute R = 0.8 (40%) - * Pre-symptomatics contribute R = 0.9 (45%) - * Asymptomatics contribute R = 0.1 (5%, though their model has uncertainty and it could be much lower) - * Environmental stuff like doorknobs contribute R = 0.2 (10%) +[^oxford]: Iz iste oxford-ske raziskave, ki je prva predlagala aplikacije za boj proti virusu COVID-19: [Luca Ferretti & Chris Wymant et al](https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2020/04/09/science.abb6936/tab-figures-data) Glej diagram 2. Če predpostavimo R0 = 2.0, potem velja: - And add up the pre- & a-symptomatic contacts (45% + 5%) and you get 50% of R! + * Simptomatski prispevajo R = 0,8 (40 %) + * Pre-simptomatski prispevajo R = 0,9 (45 %) + * Asimptomatski prispevajo R = 0.1 (5 %, sicer njihov model še ima negotovosti in je lahko R precej nižji.) + * Okoljski predmeti kot so kljuke prispevajo R = 0.2 (10 %) + + In seštej pre- & a-simptomatske stike (45 % + 5 %) in znaša R 50 %!
-Thus, even without 100% contact quarantining, we can get R < 1 *without a lockdown!* Much better for our mental & financial health. (As for the cost to folks who have to self-isolate/quarantine, *governments should support them* – pay for the tests, job protection, subsidized paid leave, etc. Still way cheaper than intermittent lockdown.) +Zatorej, četudi se nena 100% stikov osami, lahko dobimo R < 1 *brez karantene!* Veliko boljše za naše mentalno & finančno zdravje. +(Kar se tiče stroškov za ljudi, ki se morajo samoosamiti / karantenizirati, *vlada bi jih morala podpreti* – plačati teste, preprečiti izgubo službe, subvencionirati plačani dopust, etc. Še vedno veliko cenejša od karantene.) -We then keep R < 1 until we have a vaccine, which turns susceptible s into immune s. Herd immunity, the *right* way: +Potem ohranjamo R < 1 until dokler nimamo zdravila, ki spremeni dovzetne v imune . Imuniteta črede, tokrat na *pravi* način:
-(Note: this calculator pretends the vaccines are 100% effective. Just remember that in reality, you'd have to compensate by vaccinating *more* than "herd immunity", to *actually* get herd immunity) +(Pomni: ta kalkulator privzema, da je zdravilo 100% učinkovito. Ne pozabi, da v realnosti bomo morali kompenzirati cepljenje *več* kot "čredne imunosti", da *dejansko* dobimo čredno imunost) -Okay, enough talk. Here's a simulation of: +Dobro, dovolj govorjenja. Tukaj je simulacija za: -1. A few-month lockdown, until we can... -2. Switch to "Test, Trace, Isolate" until we can... -3. Vaccinate enough people, which means... -4. We win. +1. Nekaj mesečno karanteno, dokler ne ... +2. Preklopimo na "Testiraj, Izsledi, Izoliraj" dokler ne... +3. cepimo dovolj ljudi, kar pomeni... +4. Zmagali smo.
-So that's it! That's how we make an emergency landing on this plane. +Torej, to je to! Tako izvedemo zasilni pristanek na tem letalu. -That's how we beat COVID-19. +Tako premagamo COVID-19. ... -But what if things *still* go wrong? Things have gone horribly wrong already. That's fear, and that's good! Fear gives us energy to create *backup plans*. -The pessimist invents the parachute. +Kaj pa, če gredo stvari *še vedno* narobe? +Stvari so že potekale zelo narobe. To je strah in to je dobro! Strah nam da energijo, da ustvarimo *rezervne načrte*. + +Pesimist izumi padalo. -###Scenario 4+: Masks For All, Summer, Circuit Breakers +###Scenarij 4+: Maske za vse, poletje, varnostno stikalo -What if R0 is way higher than we thought, and the above interventions, even with mild distancing, *still* aren't enough to get R < 1? +Kaj če je R0 veliko višji kot smo predvideli, in zgornji posegi, tudi z blagim distanciranjem, *še vedno* niso dovolj, da dobimo R < 1? -Remember, even if we can't get R < 1, reducing R still reduces the "overshoot" in total cases, thus saving lives. But still, R < 1 is the ideal, so here's a few other ways to reduce R: +Ne pozabi, +tudi če ne moremo dobiti R <1, zmanjšanje R še vedno zniža "presežek" v skupnih primerih, kar reši življenja. +Kljub temu je R <1 idealen, zato je tu še nekaj načinov za zmanjšanje R: -**Masks For All:** +**Maske za vse:** -*"Wait,"* you might ask, *"I thought face masks don't stop you from getting sick?"* +*"Čakaj,"* mogoče se boš vprašal, *"obrazne maske ne preprečijo, da zboliš?"* -You're right. Masks don't stop you from getting sick[^incoming]... they stop you from getting *others* sick. +Prav imaš. Maske ne preprečijo, da zboliš[^incoming]... preprečijo ti, da okužiš *ostale*. -[^incoming]: “None of these surgical masks exhibited adequate filter performance and facial fit characteristics to be considered respiratory protection devices.” [Tara Oberg & Lisa M. Brosseau](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0196655307007742) +[^incoming]: “Nobena od teh kirurških mask ni pokazala ustreznih lastnosti filtra in obraznega prileganja, da bi jih lahko šteli kot pripomočke za zaščito dihal.” [Tara Oberg & Lisa M. Brosseau](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0196655307007742) -[^outgoing]: “The overall 3.4 fold reduction [70% reduction] in aerosol copy numbers we observed combined with a nearly complete elimination of large droplet spray demonstrated by Johnson et al. suggests that surgical masks worn by infected persons could have a clinically significant impact on transmission.” [Milton DK, Fabian MP, Cowling BJ, Grantham ML, McDevitt JJ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3591312/) +[^outgoing]: “Skupno 3,4-kratno zmanjšanje [70 % zmanjšanje] kopirnih števil aerosola, ki smo ga opazovali kombiniranega s skoraj popolno eliminacijo razpršila velikih kapljic, ki je bil demonstriran s strani Johnsona et al., predlaga, da bi kirurške maske, ki jih nosijo okuženi, lahko imele klinično signifikantni prispevek k prenosu.” [Milton DK, Fabian MP, Cowling BJ, Grantham ML, McDevitt JJ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3591312/) -[^homemade]: [Davies, A., Thompson, K., Giri, K., Kafatos, G., Walker, J., & Bennett, A](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/disaster-medicine-and-public-health-preparedness/article/testing-the-efficacy-of-homemade-masks-would-they-protect-in-an-influenza-pandemic/0921A05A69A9419C862FA2F35F819D55) See Table 1: a 100% cotton T-shirt has around 2/3 the filtration efficiency as a surgical mask, for the two bacterial aerosols they tested. +[^homemade]: [Davies, A., Thompson, K., Giri, K., Kafatos, G., Walker, J., & Bennett, A](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/disaster-medicine-and-public-health-preparedness/article/testing-the-efficacy-of-homemade-masks-would-they-protect-in-an-influenza-pandemic/0921A05A69A9419C862FA2F35F819D55) Glej seznam 1: 100 % bombažna majica ima okrog 2/3 filtrirne učinkovitosti kirurške maske, kar velja za dva bakterijska aerosola, za katera so testirali. ![](pics/masks.png) -To put a number on it: surgical masks *on the sick person* reduce cold & flu viruses in aerosols by 70%.[^outgoing] Reducing transmissions by 70% would be as large an impact as a lockdown! +Predstavljeno v številkah: kirurška maska *na zboleli osebi* zmanjša prenos virusa pri prehladu & gripi preko zraka do 70 %.[^outgoing] Zmanjšanje prenosov za 70 % bi imelo tako velik vpliv kot karantena! -However, we don't know for sure the impact of masks on COVID-19 *specifically*. In science, one should only publish a finding if you're 95% sure of it. (...should.[^replication]) Masks, as of May 1st 2020, are less than "95% sure". +Vseeno, ne vemo zagotovo kakšen vpliv imajo maske pri virusu COVID-19 *specifično*. V znanosti, se ugotovitev lahko objavi samo, če je gotovost 95 %. (...lahko.[^replication]) Maske imajo, od 1. maja 2020, manjšo zanesljivost od 95 %. -[^replication]: Any actual scientist who read that last sentence is probably laugh-crying right now. See: [p-hacking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_dredging), [the replication crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replication_crisis)) +[^replication]: +Vsak dejanski znanstvenik, ki je prebral zadnji stavek, se verjetno trenutno smeje-joče. Glej: [p-hacking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_dredging), [kriza podvajanja](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replication_crisis)) -However, pandemics are like poker. **Make bets only when you're 95% sure, and you'll lose everything at stake.** As a recent article on masks in the British Medical Journal notes,[^precautionary] we *have* to make cost/benefit analyses under uncertainty. Like so: +Pandemija je kot poker. **Če staviš zgolj, ko si 95% prepričan, boš izgubil vse.** Kot ugotavlja nedavni članek o maskah v Britanskem medicinskem časopisu,[^precautionary] *moramo* sprejemati cena/korist analize glede na negotovost. Kot so: -[^precautionary]: “It is time to apply the precautionary principle” [Trisha Greenhalgh et al \[PDF\]](https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/369/bmj.m1435.full.pdf) +[^precautionary]: “Čas je za vpeljavo previdnostnega načela” [Trisha Greenhalgh et al \[PDF\]](https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/369/bmj.m1435.full.pdf) -Cost: If homemade cloth masks (which are ~2/3 as effective as surgical masks[^homemade]), super cheap. If surgical masks, more expensive but still pretty cheap. +Cena: V primeru doma izdelanih iz blaga (ki so približno 2/3 tako efektivne kot kirurške maske [^homemade]) je cena zelo ugodna. V primeru kirurških mask je cena višja, a še vedno precej ugodna. -Benefit: Even if it's a 50–50 chance of surgical masks reducing transmission by 0% or 70%, the average "expected value" is still 35%, same as a half-lockdown! So let's guess-timate that surgical masks reduce R by up to 35%, discounted for our uncertainty. (Again, you can challenge our assumptions by turning the sliders up/down) +Korist: Tudi, če je možnost, da kirurške maske znižajo prenos za 0 % ali 70 %, 50 %, je povprečna "pričakovana vrendnost" še zmeraj 35 %. Tako kot polovična karantena! Torej ugibajmo, da kirurške maske znižajo R za največ 35%, zaradi negotovosti. (Ponovno, lahko preveriš naše predpostavke s premikanjem drsnikov gor ali dol)
-(other arguments for/against masks:[^mask_args]) +(ostali argumenti za/proti maskam:[^mask_args]) + +[^mask_args]: **"Prihraniti moramo zaloge za bolnišnice."** *Absolutno drži.* Toda to je bolj argument za povečanje proizvodnje mask, ne omejevanje količine. +Medtem pa si lahko naredimo maske iz tkanin. + + **"Težko jih je nositi pravilno."** Prav tako si je težko umivati roke v skladu s smernicami WHO – resno, "korek 3.) Dlan desne roke preko hrbtišča leve?! – Vseeno še vedno priporočamo umivanje rok, saj je nepopolno še zmeraj bolje kakor nič. -[^mask_args]: **"We need to save supplies for hospitals."** *Absolutely agreed.* But that's more of an argument for increasing mask production, not rationing. In the meantime, we can make cloth masks. + **"Ljudje bodo bolj nepremišljeni pri umivanju rok in socialem distanciranju."** Kakopak! Zaradi varnostnih pasov ljudje tudi ignorirajo stop znake, prav tako zaradi nitkanja ljudje jedo kamenje. Zdaj pa zares, zavzemali bi se za nasprotno: maske so *neprestani fizični opomnik*, da moramo biti previdni – V Vzhodni Aziji so celo simbol solidarnosti. - **"They're hard to wear correctly."** It's also hard to wash your hands according to the WHO Guidelines – seriously, "Step 3) right palm over left dorsum"?! – but we still recommend handwashing, because imperfect is still better than nothing. - - **"It'll make people more reckless with handwashing & social distancing."** Sure, and safety belts make people ignore stop signs, and flossing makes people eat rocks. But seriously, we'd argue the opposite: masks are a *constant physical reminder* to be careful – and in East Asia, masks are also a symbol of solidarity! - - -Masks *alone* won't get R < 1. But if handwashing & "Test, Trace, Isolate" only gets us to R = 1.10, having just 1/3 of people wear masks would tip that over to R < 1, virus contained! -**Summer:** +Maske *same* ne bodo privedle do R < 1. Toda, če nas umivanje rok in "Testiraj, Izsledi, Izoliraj" pride zgolj do R = 1.10, bi z nošo mask 1/3 ljudi dosegli R < 1 in virus obvladali! -Okay, this isn't an "intervention" we can control, but it will help! Some news outlets report that summer won't do anything to COVID-19. They're half right: summer won't get R < 1, but it *will* reduce R. +**Poletje:** -For COVID-19, every extra 1° Celsius (2.2° Fahrenheit) makes R drop by 1.2%.[^heat] The summer-winter difference in New York City is 15°C (60°F), so summer will make R drop by 18%. +Ok, to ni "intervencija", ki jo lahko nadzorujemo, lahko pa pomaga! Nekatere novice poročajo, da poletje COVID-19 ne bo ničesar storilo. Imajo deloma res: poljetje ne bo zagotovilo R < 1, ampak ga *bo* zmanjšalo R. -[^heat]: “One-degree Celsius increase in temperature [...] lower[s] R by 0.0225” and “The average R-value of these 100 cities is 1.83”. 0.0225 ÷ 1.83 = ~1.2%. [Wang, Jingyuan and Tang, Ke and Feng, Kai and Lv, Weifeng](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Papers.cfm?abstract_id=3551767) +Pri COVID-19, vsaka dodatna 1 °C (2,2 ° Fahrenheit) povzroči upad R za 1,2 %.[^heat] +Temperaturna razlika poletje-zima je v New Yorku 15 ° C (60 °F), torej bo s poletjem upad R za 18 %. + +[^heat]: “Zvišanje temperature za eno stopinjo Celzija [...] zniža R za 0,0225” in “Povprečna vrednost R teh 100 mest je 1,83”. 0.0225 ÷ 1.83 = ~1.2%. [Wang, Jingyuan and Tang, Ke and Feng, Kai and Lv, Weifeng](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/Papers.cfm?abstract_id=3551767)
-Summer alone won't make R < 1, but if we have limited resources, we can scale back some interventions in the summer – so we can scale them *higher* in the winter. +*Poletje samo ne bo doseglo R < 1, če pa imamo omejene vire, we can scale back some interventions in the summer – so we can scale them *higher* in the winter. -**A "Circuit Breaker" Lockdown:** +** "Varnostno stikalo" - karantena:** -And if all that *still* isn't enough to get R < 1... we can do another lockdown. +In če vse to še *vedno* ni dovolj, da dobimo R < 1... lahko ponovno uvedemo karanteno. -But we wouldn't have to be 2-months-closed / 1-month-open over & over! Because R is reduced, we'd only need one or two more "circuit breaker" lockdowns before a vaccine is available. (Singapore had to do this recently, "despite" having controlled COVID-19 for 4 months. That's not failure: this *is* what success takes.) +*Ampak ne bo nam treba biti 2-mesca-zaprti / 1-mesec-odprti znova & znova! Ker R je zmanjšan, we'd only need one or two more "circuit breaker" lockdowns before a vaccine is available. (Singapore je moral to narediti pred kratkim, "kljub" temu da je COVID-19 bil pod kontrolo 4 mesece. To ni neuspeh: to *je* "cena, ki jo moraš plačati", da zmagas.) -Here's a simulation a "lazy case" scenario: +Tu je simulacija "lenega primera" scenarija: -1. Lockdown, then -2. A moderate amount of hygiene & "Test, Trace, Isolate", with a mild amount of "Masks For All", then... -3. One more "circuit breaker" lockdown before a vaccine's found. +1. Karantena, potem +2. Zmerna količina higiene & "Testiraj, Izsledi, Izoliraj" z blago zalogo "Maske za vse", potem... +*3. Samo še eno "circuit breaker" lockdown pred iznajdbo cepiva.
-Not to mention all the *other* interventions we could do, to further push R down: +Da ne omenjam vseh *ostalih* intervencij, ki še dodatno znižajo R: -* Travel restrictions/quarantines -* Temperature checks at malls & schools -* Deep-cleaning public spaces -* [Replacing hand-shaking with foot-bumping](https://twitter.com/V_actually/status/1233785527788285953) -* And all else human ingenuity shall bring +* Omejitve potovanj/karantene +* Preverjanje temperature v trgovskih centrih & šolah +* Temeljito čiščenje javnih površin +* [Nadomestimo rokovanje z brco nog](https://twitter.com/V_actually/status/1233785527788285953) +* In vse ostalo kar prinese človeška iznajdljivost . . . -We hope these plans give you hope. +Upamo, da smo ti s temi načrti vlili upanje. -**Even under a pessimistic scenario, it *is* possible to beat COVID-19, while protecting our mental and financial health.** Use the lockdown as a "reset button", keep R < 1 with case isolation + privacy-protecting contract tracing + at *least* cloth masks for all... and life can get back to a normal-ish! +**Tudi po pesimističnem scenariju, *je* mogoče premagati COVID-19 in hkrati zaščititi našo mentalno in finančno zdravje.** Glej na zaprtje kot "reset button", vzdržujmo R < 1 izolacijo okuženega + pogodbo o varovanju zasebnosti sledenja + ter *vsaj* maske iz blaga za vse... in življenje lahko ponovno postane normalno! -Sure, you may have dried-out hands. But you'll get to invite a date out to a comics bookstore! You'll get to go out with friends to watch the latest Hollywood cash-grab. You'll get to people-watch at a library, taking joy in people going about the simple business of *being alive.* +Seveda, morda imaš izsušene roke, ampak boš lahko zaradi tega lahko povabil partnerja v knjigarno stripov! Lahko boš šel ven s prijatelji gledat najnovejši hollywood-ski "cash-grab". Lahko boš opazoval ljudi v knjižnici, užival ob podjetništvu preprostih ljudi, ki mu enostavno rečemo *živeti*. -Even under the worst-case scenario... life perseveres. +Celo v najhujšem primeru ... Se življenje ohrani. -So now, let's plan for some *worse* worst-case scenarios. Water landing, get your life jacket, and please follow the lights to the emergency exits: +Zatorej se zdaj pripravimo na najhujše možne primere. Pristanek na vodi, vzami svoj rešilni jopič in, prosim, sledi lučkam do zasilnih izhodov:
The Next Few Years
Naslednjih nekaj let
-You get COVID-19, and recover. Or you get the COVID-19 vaccine. Either way, you're now immune... - -...*for how long?* +Stakneš virus COVID-19, in si opomoreš, ali pa se proti njemu cepiš. V vsakem primeru si zdaj imun ... -* COVID-19 is most closely related to SARS, which gave its survivors 2 years of immunity.[^SARS immunity] -* The coronaviruses that cause "the" common cold give you 8 months of immunity.[^cold immunity] -* There's reports of folks recovering from COVID-19, then testing positive again, but it's unclear if these are false positives.[^unclear] -* One *not-yet-peer-reviewed* study on monkeys showed immunity to the COVID-19 coronavirus for at least 28 days.[^monkeys] +...*A kako dolgo?* +"" +* Virus COVID-19 je najbolj podoben virusu SARS, ki je dal "svojim" preživelim 2 leti imunosti.[^SARS immunity] +* Corona virusi, ki so vzrok za navaden prehlad, nudijo le 8 mesecev imunosti.[^cold immunity] +* Obstajajo poročila ljudi, ki so preboleli COVID-19, potem pa bili pozitivni. Je pa neznano, če so testi lažno pozitivni.[^unclear] +* Ena *"nestrokovno pregledana"* raziskava na opicah je pokazala imunost na COVID-19 za vsaj 28 let.[^monkeys] -But for COVID-19 *in humans*, as of May 1st 2020, "how long" is the big unknown. +*Pri ljudeh* je ,od 1. maja 2020, ta doba en velik vprašaj. -[^SARS immunity]: “SARS-specific antibodies were maintained for an average of 2 years [...] Thus, SARS patients might be susceptible to reinfection ≥3 years after initial exposure.” [Wu LP, Wang NC, Chang YH, et al.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2851497/) "Sadly" we'll never know how long SARS immunity would have really lasted, since we eradicated it so quickly. +[^SARS immunity]: “Specifična protitelesa za SARS so se v povprečju ohranila 2 leti [...] Zatorej so SARS pacienti morebiti dovzetni za ponovno okužbo po več kot 3 letih po prvotnem izpostavljenju.” [Wu LP, Wang NC, Chang YH, et al.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2851497/) "Na žalost" ne bomo nikoli vedeli kako dolgo bi SARS imunost resnično trajala, saj smo se ga znebili tako hitro. -[^cold immunity]: “We found no significant difference between the probability of testing positive at least once and the probability of a recurrence for the beta-coronaviruses HKU1 and OC43 at 34 weeks after enrollment/first infection.” [Marta Galanti & Jeffrey Shaman (PDF)](http://www.columbia.edu/~jls106/galanti_shaman_ms_supp.pdf) +[^cold immunity]: “Nismo našli nikakršne signifikantne razlike med verjetnostjo vsaj enkrat pozitivnega testa in verjetnostjo ponovnega pojava Beta-Corona virusa HKU1 in OC43 34 tednov po prvi okužbi.” [Marta Galanti & Jeffrey Shaman (PDF)](http://www.columbia.edu/~jls106/galanti_shaman_ms_supp.pdf) -[^unclear]: “Once a person fights off a virus, viral particles tend to linger for some time. These cannot cause infections, but they can trigger a positive test.” [from STAT News by Andrew Joseph](https://www.statnews.com/2020/04/20/everything-we-know-about-coronavirus-immunity-and-antibodies-and-plenty-we-still-dont/) +[^unclear]: “Čim se oseba otrese virusa, se viralni delci še nekaj časa zadržijo v telesu. Ti ne morejo povzročiti okužbe, lahko pa so povzročitelji pozitivnega testa.” [from STAT News by Andrew Joseph](https://www.statnews.com/2020/04/20/everything-we-know-about-coronavirus-immunity-and-antibodies-and-plenty-we-still-dont/) -[^monkeys]: From [Bao et al.](https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.13.990226v1.abstract) *Disclaimer: This article is a preprint and has not been certified by peer review (yet).* Also, to emphasize: they only tested re-infection 28 days later. +[^monkeys]: Od [Bao et al.](https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.13.990226v1.abstract) *izjava o omejitvi odgovornosti: Ta članek je osnutek in še ni bil pregledan s strani strokovnjakov.* Poudariti je treba tudi: testirali so le ponovno okužbo 28 dni pozneje. -For these simulations, let's say it's 1 year. -**Here's a simulation starting with 100% **, exponentially decaying into susceptible, no-immunity s after 1 year, on *average*, with variation: +Za te simulacije recimo, da je 1 leto. +**Tu je simulacija, začenši s 100% **, Po 1 letu v *povpečju* eksponentno pada v dovzetne, neimune , z variacijo:
-Return of the exponential decay! +Vrnimo se na eksponentni upad! -This is the **SEIRS Model**. The final "S" stands for Susceptible, again. +To je **SEIRS Model**. Zadnji "S" pomeni Susceptible (dovzetno). ![](pics/seirs.png) -Now, let's simulate a COVID-19 outbreak, over 10 years, with no interventions... *if immunity only lasts a year:* +Zdaj pa simulirajmo izbruh virusa COVID-19 v obdobju več kot 10 let brez ukrepov ... *Če imunost traja le leto dni:*
-In previous simulations, we only had *one* ICU-overwhelming spike. Now, we have several, *and* cases come to a rest *permanently at* ICU capacity. (Which, remember, we *tripled* for these simulations) +V prejšnjih simulacijah smo imeli le *en* sunek preobremenitve na intenzivni negi spike. Zdaj pa jih imamo več, *in* primeri se zaključijo pri kapaciteti oddelka za intenzivno nego. (Ki smo jih *potrojili* za to simulacijo) -R = 1, it's **endemic.** +R = 1, *endemično.* -Thankfully, because summer reduces R, it'll make the situation better: +K sreči, poletje oz višje temperature zmanjšujejo R, zato se bo stanje izboljšalo:
@@ -627,23 +674,23 @@ Thankfully, because summer reduces R, it'll make the situation better: Oh. -Counterintuitively, summer makes the spikes worse *and* regular! This is because summer reduces new s, but that in turn reduces new immune s. Which means immunity plummets in the summer, *creating* large regular spikes in the winter. +Counterintuitively, summer makes the spikes worse and regular! To je zato, ker poletje zmanjšuje nove s, vendar to posledično zmanjšuje novo imunost s. Kar pomeni, da imuniteta poleti pade, torej ustvari nove large regular spikes in the winter. -Thankfully, the solution to this is pretty straightforward – just vaccinate people every fall/winter, like we do with flu shots: +Na srečo je rešitev za to preprosta - ljudi je potrebno vsako jesen/zimo cepiti, tako kot pri gripi: -**(After playing the recording, try simulating your own vaccination campaigns! Remember you can pause/continue the sim at any time)** +*(Po predvajanju posnetka poskusite simulirati lastne akcije cepljenja! Ne pozabite, da lahko sim začasno zaustavite/nadaljujete s sim)*
-But here's the scarier question: +Toda tukaj se pojavi bolj strašno vprašanje: -What if there's no vaccine for *years*? Or *ever?* +Kaj pa če cepiva ne bo več let? Ali nikoli? -**To be clear: this is unlikely.** Most epidemiologists expect a vaccine in 1 to 2 years. Sure, there's never been a vaccine for any of the other coronaviruses before, but that's because SARS was eradicated quickly, and "the" common cold wasn't worth the investment. +*Da bo jasno: to malo verjetno.* Večina epidemiologov pričakuje cepivo čez 1 do 2 leti. Seveda, še nikoli ni bilo cepiva za katerega koli od drugih koronavirusov, toda to je zato, ker je bil SARS hitro izkoreninjen in "navadni prehlad" ni bil vreden naložbe. -Still, infectious disease researchers have expressed worries: What if we can't make enough?[^vax_enough] What if we rush it, and it's not safe?[^vax_safe] +Kljub temu so raziskovalci nalezljivih bolezni izrazili zaskrbljenost: What if we can't make enough?[^vax_enough] What if we rush it, and it's not safe?[^vax_safe] [^vax_enough]: “If a coronavirus vaccine arrives, can the world make enough?” [by Roxanne Khamsi, on Nature](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01063-8) @@ -651,59 +698,61 @@ Still, infectious disease researchers have expressed worries: What if we can't m Even in the nightmare "no-vaccine" scenario, we still have 3 ways out. From most to least terrible: -1) Do intermittent or loose R < 1 interventions, to reach "natural herd immunity". (Warning: this will result in many deaths & damaged lungs. *And* won't work if immunity doesn't last.) +Tudi v najslabšem scenariju "brez cepiva" imamo še vedno 3 poti. Od najbolj do najmanj groznega scenarija: + +1) Izvedemo občasne ali ohlapne R<1 ukrepe, da dosežemo naravno imunost ljudi. (Opozorilo: To bo povzročilo veliko srtnih žtev in poškodovanih pljuč pri ljudeh. In ne bo delovalo, če imuniteta ne bo trajala.) -2) Do the R < 1 interventions forever. Contact tracing & wearing masks just becomes a new norm in the post-COVID-19 world, like how STI tests & wearing condoms became a new norm in the post-HIV world. +2) Naredimo R<1 ukrepe za vedno. Sledenje stikov & nošenje mask postane nova norma v svetu po COVID-19, denimo kot so testi STI in nošenje kondomov postali nova norma v svetu po HIV. -3) Do the R < 1 interventions until we develop treatments that make COVID-19 way, way less likely to need critical care. (Which we should be doing *anyway!*) Reducing ICU use by 10x is the same as increasing our ICU capacity by 10x: +3) Naredimo R<1 ukrepe, dokler ne razvijejo zdravljenja za COVID-19, po katem je manj verjetno, da bi ljudje potrebovali intenzivno nego. (Kar bi morali storiti kljub vsemu!) Zmanjšanje uporabe ICU za 10x je isto kot povečanje naše zmogljivosti ICU za 10x: -**Here's a simulation of *no* lasting immunity, *no* vaccine, and not even any interventions – just slowly increasing capacity to survive the long-term spikes:** +*Tu je simulacija *ne trajne imunosti, brez cepiva in niti nobenega posega**
-Even under the *worst* worst-case scenario... life perseveres. +Tudi v najslabšem najslabšem primeru ... življenje vztraja. . . . -Maybe you'd like to challenge our assumptions, and try different R0's or numbers. Or try simulating your *own* combination of intervention plans! +Morda dvomite v naše predpostavke in bi jih želeli izpodbiti. Preizkusite lahko različne R0 ali številke ter celo poskusite simulirati *svojo* kombinacijo intervencijskih načrtov! -**Here's an (optional) Sandbox Mode, with *everything* available. (scroll to see all controls) Simulate & play around to your heart's content:** +**Pred vami je (izbiren) t. i. način peskovnika, ki ima na voljo prav *vse*. (pomaknite se nižje in si oglejte vse krmilne tipke) Simulirajte in igrajte se kolikor dolgo želite:**
-This basic "epidemic flight simulator" has taught us so much. It's let us answer questions about the past few months, next few months, and next few years. +Še tako osnovni "simulacija epidemičnega poleta" nas je naučil ogromno. Dovolite nam odgovoriti na vprašanja glede zadnjih nekaj mesecev, naslednjih nekaj mesecev in naslednjih nekaj let. -So finally, let's return to... +Torej, končno se vrnimo k...
The Now
-Plane's sunk. We've scrambled onto the life rafts. It's time to find dry land.[^dry_land] +Letalo je potonilo. Naleteli smo na rešilne splave in čas je, da poiščemo suho zemljo.[^dry_land] -[^dry_land]: Dry land metaphor [from Marc Lipsitch & Yonatan Grad, on STAT News](https://www.statnews.com/2020/04/01/navigating-covid-19-pandemic/) +[^dry_land]: Metafora o suhi zemlji [from Marc Lipsitch & Yonatan Grad, on STAT News](https://www.statnews.com/2020/04/01/navigating-covid-19-pandemic/) -Teams of epidemiologists and policymakers ([left](https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/healthcare/news/2020/04/03/482613/national-state-plan-end-coronavirus-crisis/), [right](https://www.aei.org/research-products/report/national-coronavirus-response-a-road-map-to-reopening/ ), and [multi-partisan](https://ethics.harvard.edu/covid-roadmap)) have come to a consensus on how to beat COVID-19, while protecting our lives *and* liberties. +Skupine epidemiologov in oblikovalcev politike ([leve](https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/healthcare/news/2020/04/03/482613/national-state-plan-end-coronavirus-crisis/), [desne](https://www.aei.org/research-products/report/national-coronavirus-response-a-road-map-to-reopening/ ) in [večstranske](https://ethics.harvard.edu/covid-roadmap)) so dosegle soglasje o tem, kako premagati COVID-19 in hkrati zaščititi naša življenja *ter* svoboščine. -Here's the rough idea, with some (less-consensus) backup plans: +Tukaj je skica ideje z nekaj (manj soglasnimi) rezervnimi načrti: ![](pics/plan.png) -So what does this mean for YOU, right now? +Torej, kaj trenutno to pomeni ZATE? -**For everyone:** Respect the lockdown so we can get out of Phase I asap. Keep washing those hands. Make your own masks. Download a *privacy-protecting* contact tracing app when those are available next month. Stay healthy, physically & mentally! And write your local policymaker to get off their butt and... +**Za vse:** Spoštujte zaprtje, da bomo lahko takoj stopili iz faze I. Še naprej si umivajte roke, izdelajte si svoje maske, prenesite si aplikacijo za sledenje stikov, ki *ščiti zasebnost* (ko bo le-ta na voljo v naslednjem mesecu). Ostanite zdravi, tako fizično kot tudi psihično! Svojim krajevnim oblikovalcem politike pa sporočite, da je lenobe dovolj in... -**For policymakers:** Make laws to support folks who have to self-isolate/quarantine. Hire more manual contact tracers, *supported* by privacy-protecting contact tracing apps. Direct more funds into the stuff we should be building, like... +**Za oblikovalce politike:** Sprejmite zakone za podporo vsem ljudem, ki so bili prisiljeni v samoizolacijo. Najemite več ročnih sledilnikov stikov, ki jih *podpirajo* aplikacije za sledenje stikov. Več sredstev usmerite v stvari, ki bi jih morali graditi, kot na primer... -**For builders:** Build tests. Build ventilators. Build personal protective equipment for hospitals. Build tests. Build masks. Build apps. Build antivirals, prophylactics, and other treatments that aren't vaccines. Build vaccines. Build tests. Build tests. Build tests. Build hope. +**Za gradbenike:** Gradite preizkuse. Gradite ventilatorje. Gradite osebno zaščitno opremo za bolnišnice. Gradite teste. Gradite maske. Gradite aplikacije. Gradite protivirusna sredstva, preventivna sredstva ter druge načine zdravljenja, ki niso cepiva. Gradite teste. Gradite teste. Gradite teste. Gradite upanje. -Don't downplay fear to build up hope. Our fear should *team up* with our hope, like the inventors of airplanes & parachutes. Preparing for horrible futures is how we *create* a hopeful future. +Ne omalovažujte strahu, da bi povečali vaše upe. Naš strah bi se moral *združiti* z našim upanjem tako kot izumitelji letal in padal. Priprava na grozno prihodnost nam v bistvu *ustvari* upanja polno prihodnost. -The only thing to fear is the idea that the only thing to fear is fear itself. \ No newline at end of file +Ideja, da nas mora biti strah le strahu samega, je edina, česar se moramo resnično bati.