Releases: ncbo/bioportal_web_ui
Releases · ncbo/bioportal_web_ui
What's Changed
- Rails 7.0.8 upgrade (part two) by @jvendetti in #309
- Install Turbo (though currently disabled)
- Install Stimulus
- Install jsbundling-rails with the esbuild bundler
- Add the sprockets-rails gem and upgrade Sprockets from 3 to 4
- Replace sass-rails with sassc-rails
- Refactor the Gemfile to better mimic Rails 7.0.8 default gems
- Fix issue that prevented the "Login as" functionality from working for account names with '@' symbols (#299)
- Fix issue that prevented deletion of users with '@' symbols in the account name (1deef1f)
- Fix some RuboCop warnings
- Bump copyright year
Full Changelog: v6.15.0...v6.16.0
What's Changed
- Upgrade Rails from to 7.0.8 by @jvendetti in #302
- Bump ontologies_api_client from 2.2.4 to 2.2.5
Full Changelog: v6.14.2...v6.15.0
What's Changed
- Fix an issue that prevents users with '@' symbols in their account name from subscribing to notes emails (#300)
- Fix an issue that prevents anonymous users from getting redirected to login after clicks on "Subscribe to notes emails" (#298)
- Fix Uncaught TypeError that prevents link text toggle on notes emails subscribe / unsubscribe (#298)
- Increased the font size of search result text in the "Find an ontology" text box (#296)
- Fix some RuboCop warnings
Full Changelog: v6.14.1...v6.14.2
What's Changed
- Restructured the placement of the "Ontologies loading" splash element on the Browse page. This adjustment resolves an issue where site notices momentarily shifted when the loading message appeared.
- Replaced the "Browse ontologies" split-button dropdown on the home page with a more intuitive single-button design. Users found the entire button being clickable more user-friendly than just the dropdown caret.
Full Changelog: v6.14.0...v6.14.1
What's Changed
- Migrated from Bootstrap 4.1.0 to 5.2.3 by @jvendetti in #267
- Replaced uglifier with terser to fix errors during asset precompilation
- Pinned graphql to less than 2.1 (#283)
- Pinned base64 to 0.1.0 (#293)
- Added a download link for version 3.2.2 of the OntoPortal virtual appliance
Full Changelog: v6.13.2...v6.14.0
What's Changed
Added a download link for version 3.2.1 of the OntoPortal virtual appliance
Full Changelog: v6.13.1...v6.13.2
What's Changed
- Fixed an issue that prevented the ability to delete ontologies and submissions from the Administration Console by @jvendetti in #288
- Fixed an issue that caused a 500 error when clicking on the "BioPortal slice" link in any of the slice banners (#286)
Full Changelog: v6.13.0...v6.13.1
What's Changed
- Upgrade Ruby from 2.7 to 3.0.6 by @jvendetti in #284 (#251, #239)
- Update Capistrano deployment to work with Ruby 3 by @alexskr in #280
- Add support for the node rename ontology change request type by @jvendetti in #279
- Enable ontology change request functionality for the Environment Ontology
- Fix a formatting issue with error display by @alexskr in #281
Full Changelog: v6.11.0...v6.13.0
What's Changed
- Upgrade Rails from to by @jvendetti in #273
- Fix 500 errors that are thrown each time a search result is clicked (#269)
- Add strong parameters to the AnalyticsController
- Restrict download of search analytics CSV files to administrative users
- Fix JavaScript Uncaught TypeError on the Search, Recommender, and Annotator pages (#131)
- Convert PURL environment variables to YAML-based settings by @jvendetti in #275
- Remove textual references to class "permalinks" (#274)
- Remove $LEGACY_REST_URL environment variable and associated code by @jvendetti in #276
- Retire code for defunct ontology reviews functionality by @jvendetti in #277
- Bump ontologies_api_client from 2.2.2 to 2.2.4
Full Changelog: v6.10.7...v6.11.0
What's Changed
Migrate from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 by @jvendetti in #271
Full Changelog: v6.10.6...v6.10.7