Each section's steps are in order.
Medium = Mac, PC, Either, or HPC (high powered computer)
- "Either" refers to either Mac or PC
Figure # | Script |
1 | data10_altApps.R |
2 | draw.io |
3 | data10_altApps.R |
4 | train6_accuracy.R |
5 | train7_plotOthers.R |
6 | train7_plotAccuracy.R |
7 | paper1_metadata.R |
8 | SEAL/app3_dailyProbMaps.R |
9 | train7_plotAccuracy.R |
S1 | train10_plotDiagnostics.R |
S2 | train10_plotDiagnostics.R |
S3 | train2_sdInflation.R |
S4 | train10_plotDiagnostics.R |
S5 | train7_plotAccuracy.R |
S6 | train7_plotAccuracy.R |
S7 | train7_plotOthers.R |
S8 | train8_crossVal.R |
S9 | train10_plotDiagnostics.R |
S10 | monitoringFigureCh1.R |
Step # | Task | Medium | Script | Output |
Step 1: Identify and download training data | ||||
1 | Identify training data via PLANET and GEE for verification | GEE | GEE/data0_verifyTrainingData.js |
data |
2 | Format training data from google forms | Either | scripts/data1_formatTrainingData.R |
data |
2a | Run Step 2-2 now to see if you are filtering out any points. This way you don't have to waste time getting more data from GEE. | |||
3 | Download satellite data by uploading the csv to GEE | GEE | GEE/data2_getImagery.js |
csv files with band data per training point for the sensors |
Step 2: Process S2 using Sen2Cor | ||||
1 | Don't need to do this if GEE has full S2 ts | |||
2 | Determine which S2 tiles to use | Either | scripts/data3_s2TilesL1C.R |
csv of tiles by point (trainingDataS2Tiles.csv ) |
3 | Download S2 images | PC VScode | scripts/data3_s2TilesL1C.R |
S2 images for training data |
4 | Merge S2 DEMs | PC VScode | scripts/data4_mergeS2DEMs.ipynb |
large DEM over northern Myanmar |
5 | Create the terminal commands for running sen2cor | PC VScode | SEAL/Ian/sen2cor_rmpi/data5_createS2Orders.R ; data5_createS2Orders.csh |
text file with terminal commands |
6 | Batch run sen2cor, convert images from L1C to L2A, calculate NDVI, and delete L1C images to save memory. There is both a manual and auto version depending on how want to submit HPC jobs | HPC job | SEAL/Ian/sen2cor_rmpi/data6_runSen2Cor_batch*.R ; data6_runSen2Cor_batch*.csh |
L2A images |
7 | Check progress of sen2cor | PC | SEAL/Ian/sen2cor_rmpi/data7_trackSen2CorProgress.R |
analysis |
7b | Calc NDVI and delete L1C if this didn't happen within the sen2cor script | HPC | SEAL/Ian/scripts/ch1_ndviL2A.R ; SEAL/Ian/ch1_ndviL2A.csh |
L2A tifs |
8 | Extract data from L2A images and put in same format as downloaded GEE data | HPC job | SEAL/Ian/data8_extractS2Bands.csh ; scripts/data8_extractS2Bands.R ; scripts/funs/dataA_extractS2.R |
csv |
9 | Identify forest strata covered by focal locations | PC | scripts/data9_forestType.R + funs/dataB_maskForest.R |
cropped tif of strata |
10 | Identify other regions for landscape application | Either | scripts/data10_altApps.R + funs/dataC_idRegions.R |
Rdata file of extents |
Step 3: Training Exploratory: Compare different sensor combinations for training data | ||||
0 | Run through 1 once for L8S2 + All, then run 1b for 30,60,90 days for span of lambda from 0-1 (0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1). To do so, set the window in args.R before each run of 1b. |
1 | Pre-process training data, compute ts models, calculate residuals, aggregate to 1 ts | Either | scripts/train1_getResiduals.R |
Rdata files |
2 | Calculate seasonality adjustment based on raw z-scores | Either | scripts/train2_sdInflation.R |
vector in Rdata file |
3 | Re-run step 1 now using the seasonal adjustment. | Either | scripts/train1_getResiduals.R |
Rdata files |
4 | Calculate monitoring discount factor to use in Step 6-2 and landscape. | Either | scripts/train2_sdInflation.R |
number; update in args.R |
5 | Define probability functions for each lambda per sensor combination | Either | scripts/train3_createProbFuns.R |
.Rdata files |
6 | Calculate ewma, logMod, and probs for a vector of possible lambdas | Either | scripts/train4_runLambdas.R |
csv files (separate for each lambda) |
7 | Prep accuracy metrics for using a sensitivity analysis over all thresholds | Either | scripts/train5_metricsThresholds.R |
csv file |
8 | Calculate overall accuracy metrics and plot comparison panels | Either | scripts/train6_accuracy.R |
csv files |
9 | Choose a threshold based on output from Step 8 and re-run Step 7 using that singular threshold. | scripts/train5_metricsThresholds.R |
10 | Plot results from Step 9 to visualize F1, PR, and lag differences btwn lambdas and sensors | Either | scripts/train7_plotAccuracy.R |
plots |
11 | Choose the best lambda and sensor combination for landscape application based on output of Step 10 | |||
12 | Run k-fold cross-validation for chosen sensor combo and chosen lambda. | Either | scripts/train8_crossVal.R |
plots |
Step 4: Training: Apply chosen lambda / sensor combo, and create summary plots | ||||
0 | Use best lambda and sensor combination to make logistic model for landscape application (non-backfilled data) | Either | scripts/train6_createLogMod.R |
.Rdata file |
0 | ^Note as of March 21 2023 we have abandoned log mod method | |||
2 | Download planet images for diagnostic plots | PC (faster) on VScode | scripts/train9_getPlanetImagery.R |
tif files |
3 | Make diagnostic plots (8) for training data, including PLANET before/after images | Either | train10_plotDiagnostics.R |
plots |
Step 5: Application: Obtain data | ||||
1 | If not already done from training data, download S2 images for Chatthin and convert using sen2cor (see above) | |||
2 | Batch export S1 ARD images to Google drive folder | GEE | app0A_exports1ARD.js |
S1 images |
3 | Download L8 images to drive folder | GEE | downloadL8App.js |
L8 images |
5 | Create text files that are needed for gdal to build the VRTs | Either | scripts/app0B_prepareVRT.R |
text files |
6 | Create VRTs for each sensor's images | PC | scripts/app0B_prepareVRT.R |
VRTs |
Step 6: Application: Process data | ||||
0 | Make sure all necessary data has been copied over to SEAL/dissertation/myanmar/trainingPars/ , especially train1, train2, and train3 outputs. |
1 | Read in VRT data and create matrices for all of Chatthin | HPC job | scripts/app1_createNDVImat.R ; SEAL/Ian/app1_createNDVImat.csh |
matrix binary files |
2 | Process the landscape data and get prob ts using same functions as training data | HPC | scripts/app2_processLandProbs.R ; SEAL/Ian/app2_processLandProbs.csh |
prob ts files |
3 | Create daily landscape maps as separate pngs | HPC interactive session (fastest), or Mac/PC. Submitted job doesn't work for some reason | scripts/app3_dailyProbMaps.R ; SEAL/Ian/app3_dailyProbMaps.csh with bayes=FALSE; binaryDist=FALSE |
png maps |
4 | Convert pngs into gif | Either, but not HPC | scripts/app3_dailyProbMaps.R ; SEAL/Ian/app3_dailyProbMaps.csh with bayes=FALSE; binaryDist=FALSE |
gif |
5 | Calculate ratio of disturbed pixels per day | HPC job | scripts/app3_dailyProbMaps.R ; SEAL/Ian/hpcApp3_dailyProbMaps.csh with bayes=FALSE; binaryDist=FALSE |
.Rdata file (vector) |
Step 7: Application: Analyze results | ||||
1 | Analyze results of landscape application by spotchecking pixels | Either | scripts/app4_landscapeSpotCheck.R , funs/commonE_plotSummaries.R |
none |
2 | Plot the daily dist ratio of all regions together | Either | scripts/app4_landscapeSpotCheck.R |
plots |
3 | Create table of validation pixels and dates to look over | PC | scripts/app5_validation.R |
csv file |
4 | Record validation metrics from looking through planet imagery | Manual | no script | updated csv file |
5 | Calculate validation accuracy metrics | Either | scripts/app5_validation.R |
metrics |