Creating polyglot Apps is simple from GraalVM Perspective. The purpose of this lab is to build a simple JAX-RS Controller that will run some simple Javascript code. To do so, You will have to create an Helidon project using the Helidon CLI first.
Create your Helidon covid19-trends Microprofile
REST Application from your terminal and follow the diaglog
$ helidon init
Using Helidon version 2.3.2
Helidon flavor
(1) SE
(2) MP
Enter selection (Default: 1): 2
Select archetype
(1) bare | Minimal Helidon MP project suitable to start from scratch
(2) quickstart | Sample Helidon MP project that includes multiple REST operations
(3) database | Helidon MP application that uses JPA with an in-memory H2 database
Enter selection (Default: 1): 2
Project name (Default: quickstart-mp): covid19-trends
Project groupId (Default: me.nono-helidon):
Project artifactId (Default: quickstart-mp): covid19-trends
Project version (Default: 1.0-SNAPSHOT):
Java package name (Default:
Start the Helidon Dev loop to automatically preview the changes
$ helidon dev
helidon dev starting ...
| building
| build completed (9,0 seconds)
| covid19-trends starting
We now have a basic Helidon java project, in order to use GraalVM Polyglot features and API, the project required the Graal-Sk dependency.
Add the Graal SDK to your maven pom.xml or Gradle Build file accordingly. Once dependencies are OK, you now have to create your covid-19 controller.
By using the quickstart artifact, we have had a default Controller present after generating the project,
Rename the the src/main/java/com/oracle/graalvm/demos/
file to
and edit it with the following content
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context;
import javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped;
import javax.inject.Inject;
public class CovidResource {
private Context polyglot;
public CovidResource() {
try {
// First create a polyglot contexte to run our code
// Context provides an execution environment for guest languages.
// you can pass a list of expected language for this context in the newBuilder Method
// R language requires the allowAllAccess flag to be set to true to run .
this.polyglot = Context.newBuilder().allowAllAccess(true).build();
} catch (Exception e) {
public Response help() {
// Evaluate a polyglott expression
// language = js
// Code to execute as the second parameter.
// convert the Value returned asString
String welcome = polyglot.eval("js", "print('{\"Welcome to GraalVM Polyglot EMEA HOL!\"}');").asString();
return Response.ok(welcome).build();
Update the Main Unit test file src/test/java/com/oracle/graalvm/demos/
//Ensure the /covid19/fr/help return an HTTP 200
void testHelloWorld() {
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient();
Response r = client
Assertions.assertEquals(200, r.getStatus(), "GET health status code");
Run the application from your browser/Terminal if the helidon Dev loop is not enabled, Build and start the application using
# build and run
$ mvn clean install
$ java -jar target/covid19-trends.jar
Testing from Curl
$ curl -i http://localhost:8080/covid19/fr/help
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 0
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2021 16:02:44 +0200
connection: keep-alive
From the application logs you can see the printed message
2021.08.11 11:55:11 INFO io.helidon.common.HelidonFeatures Thread[features-thread,5,main]: Helidon MP 2.3.2 features: [CDI, Config, Fault Tolerance, Health, JAX-RS, Metrics, Open API, REST Client, Security, Server, Tracing]
{"Welcome to GraalVM Polyglot EMEA HOL!"}
From the previous curl command, we have no output in the console/Browser. Why? Ho to fix that?
Change the Javascript instruction to return the expected string instead of printing it to the console
String welcome = polyglot.eval("js", "'Welcome to GraalVM Polyglot EMEA HOL!\\n';").asString();
Testing from curl again
$ curl -i http://localhost:8080/covid19/fr/help
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2021 16:03:29 +0200
connection: keep-alive
content-length: 38
Welcome to GraalVM Polyglot EMEA HOL!
In this labs, you built and run a simple Polyglot Application Mixing Java and Javascript. ✅ Building Polyglot applications require the same tooling as those required for traditionnal Apps.