All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
1.8.0 (2020-09-02)
- always enable search (f43f226)
- small tweak to button transition (5fba04a)
- track clicks to the global header links (de5a52c)
- Button: add a new outline variant (da8fdbd)
- add a useSplitTreatment hook to make getting a treatment easier (4293736)
- add a useUserId hook to generate a unique ID for the browser (d1f4f79)
- add a utility for generating UUIDs (cb23131)
- add back github buttons using split treatment (b06a841)
- create a SplitIOProvider component to wrap the site (ea76dda)
- wrap the root element with splitio config if splitio config is defined (e237db1)
1.7.3 (2020-08-21)
- use divider color for hr tags (6808140)
1.7.2 (2020-08-20)
- Overlay: bump the z-index to ensure it sits on top of everything (b6be442), closes /
1.7.1 (2020-08-18)
- make spacing between sign up and dark mode uniform (487abbe)
- remove cloud icon from sign up button (b17528c)
- remove keyframes for CSS that is not included in search experience (e207f43)
1.7.0 (2020-08-17)
- add cloud icon (37a936a)
- add global link hover styles (2253092)
- better responsive styles for global header (8090f12)
- change the height of the global nav to 36px (de28d3c)
- dont trigger overlay when using / if typing in an input or textarea (c0d3d98)
- make overlay content the same size as the underlying content (0ff3125)
- more reliable escape listener (4d69c9b)
- prop type issue on Surface (edca881)
- Button: Deprecate plain button in favor of link button (9d48498)
- add ability to summon search with / key (4f05ff6)
- add sign up button to header (aac6ac0)
- add sign up link to the global header (69a412e)
- export useKeyPress (ef9e564)
- update global brand colors (d94717f)
1.6.0 (2020-08-07)
- fix double scroll for search results overlay (8ab69c9)
- fix enter key by using the query params to drive open/closed state (215c068)
- add a new useQueryParams hook (a3d66dd)
1.5.1 (2020-08-06)
- dont render overlay if not search capable (0401bf3)
- fix document undefined error when building the gatsby site (24fcc75)
- lint warning in GlobalHeader component (45c5e23)
- use pointer cursor on all header icons (bbaa53c)
1.5.0 (2020-08-06)
- Adjust styling on overlay to prevent bugs (9fb53e1)
- Add SwiftType site search (4e23c07)
- add to demo site (a7019f2)
- overlay closes when pressing escape (1d61aa5)
- overlay component and search in global nav (c68a684)
- portal component and animations on overlay (192fb7d)
- updates URL when in overlay (607a5a3)
1.4.0 (2020-08-03)
- external icon added to feather icon component (b7c4ba8)
1.3.0 (2020-08-03)
1.2.4 (2020-07-31)
- dont index the header content in swiftype (bdcd376)
1.2.3 (2020-07-28)
- Surface: add dark mode box shadow (4d2a207)
1.2.2 (2020-07-28)
- Surface: add prop type for interactive prop (a7735cf)
1.2.1 (2020-07-28)
Note: Version bump only for package gatsby-theme-newrelic
1.2.0 (2020-07-28)
- border-radius for code block in light mode (395a2e7)
- gatsby-theme-newrelic: add a Video component that handles wistia and youtube videos (2bf61f6)
- add a CodeBlock component (3ed2ef7)
- add a formatCode helper that uses prettier to format the code (0362e02)
- add a useClipboard hook (5f70b1d)
- add a useFormattedCode hook (1c831bc)
- add a useTimeout hook (ea19dc4)
- add ability to specify custom className on CodeBlock (ac690d9)
- add an MDXCodeBlock component for use within MDX (38f08c1)
- add copy icon (c9ee0eb)
- add range and partition helpers for code highlighting (1d1d42e)
- Add search bar component (ded596f)
- configure default languages and accept language config for prism plugin (abc0e76)
- create a Surface component for the basis of cards (c8b803f)
- documentation for API and configuration (cf26e0b)
- hamburger menu component (c477ae5)
1.3.0 (2020-07-28)
- border-radius for code block in light mode (395a2e7)
- gatsby-theme-newrelic: add a Video component that handles wistia and youtube videos (2bf61f6)
- add a CodeBlock component (3ed2ef7)
- add a formatCode helper that uses prettier to format the code (0362e02)
- add a useClipboard hook (5f70b1d)
- add a useFormattedCode hook (1c831bc)
- add a useTimeout hook (ea19dc4)
- add ability to specify custom className on CodeBlock (ac690d9)
- add an MDXCodeBlock component for use within MDX (38f08c1)
- add copy icon (c9ee0eb)
- add range and partition helpers for code highlighting (1d1d42e)
- Add search bar component (ded596f)
- configure default languages and accept language config for prism plugin (abc0e76)
- create a Surface component for the basis of cards (c8b803f)
- documentation for API and configuration (cf26e0b)
- hamburger menu component (c477ae5)
1.2.0 (2020-07-28)
- border-radius for code block in light mode (395a2e7)
- gatsby-theme-newrelic: add a Video component that handles wistia and youtube videos (2bf61f6)
- add a CodeBlock component (3ed2ef7)
- add a formatCode helper that uses prettier to format the code (0362e02)
- add a useClipboard hook (5f70b1d)
- add a useFormattedCode hook (1c831bc)
- add a useTimeout hook (ea19dc4)
- add ability to specify custom className on CodeBlock (ac690d9)
- add an MDXCodeBlock component for use within MDX (38f08c1)
- add copy icon (c9ee0eb)
- add range and partition helpers for code highlighting (1d1d42e)
- Add search bar component (ded596f)
- configure default languages and accept language config for prism plugin (abc0e76)
- create a Surface component for the basis of cards (c8b803f)
- documentation for API and configuration (cf26e0b)
- hamburger menu component (c477ae5)
Note: Version bump only for package gatsby-theme-newrelic
Note: Version bump only for package gatsby-theme-newrelic