Releases: newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic
Releases · newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic
1.15.0 (2020-11-05)
Bug Fixes
- prefix all icons depending on the library it comes from (bc109a8)
- PageTools: remove layout-specific styles (b998aa0)
- add chevron-down icon (9fcecc1)
- Add a Layout component + subcomponents to easily create layouts (da12b3d)
- add a Link component that acts as a smart link for (8a17930)
- add a NavItem component (5c6cb80)
- add newrelic icon set with tdp, fso, and ai icons (bab4b8a)
- export FeatherSVG to use for shadowing (f3b6ba0)
- Button: add a plain variant (8aa5e75)
- wrap root element with layout context with layout options from config. Add useLayout hook (eee0b2d)
1.14.0 (2020-11-02)
Bug Fixes
- add contributingUrl to siteMetadata (0a8555a)
- add global header height as a global css variable (6627544)
- changes for cookie component (48ee639)
- ensure the repository field is always available in the site metadata type (0ce7fa7)
- grammar haha (d27de1b)
- proper casing on search input placeholder (66eca33)
- add a ContributingGuidelines component to use with the PageTools component (5ec5689)
- added documentation for Cookie Consent Dialog (20a8273)
- adds cookie consent dialog box and gdpr plugin to theme (09057ca)
- create a PageTools component that can be used to display page-specific UI (d8f8f38)
- documentation for usePrevious hook (38c5c1e)
1.13.0 (2020-10-30)
- search: change placeholder text of global search (fca54aa)
- search: change placeholder value for new search bar (a39a2ee)
- add optional prop to specify icon (e2be8a7)
- search: add facet components for filtering by site source (0628f75)
- search: filter results to 3 specific sites and allow user to change filter (b152665)
1.11.0 (2020-10-28)
Bug Fixes
- Callout: allow the user to disable the title completely (0eba6db)
- Callout: ensure there is no title padding inside callout. Adjust spacing (2e0bbf3)
- add a Spinner component (835a0cb)
- added a footer component (4b0c0a1)
- added a logo that can be extended (0222147)
- put the utm source in graphql and allow it to be overridden in siteMetadata (f2c4baa)
- GlobalHeader: Remove split treatment and tracking. Remove old GitHub links. (6826de7)
- GlobalHeader: replace the search icon with a search input on larger screens (6fb11a9)
- SearchInput: add a small size (a31692b)
- SearchInput: allow refs to be attached (75e1d88)
- SearchInput: make it easier to detect when user has submitted search (8c53c02)
- add login link to the global header (d324fcc)