Nhi Huynh. Radhika Zawar.
Written for Cloud Computing Assignment 2. A website that allows users to order food from multiple restaurants. Deployed in Google App Engine https://cloud-computing-a2-food.appspot.com/
Log in and sign out using Google accounts. Order dishes from multiple restaurants. Pay online using Google Pay. Receive an order summary through email.
Javascript. HTML. CSS. Bootstrap. Google Cloud Services. Amazon Web Services.
Clone the project from our Github repo git clone https://github.com/radhikazawar9/cloud-computing.git
Install Google Cloud SDK, add Google Cloud SDK to PATH https://cloud.google.com/sdk/install
Create a Google Cloud Platform project https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/nodejs/building-app/creating-project
Open terminal/command line, run these commands to authenticate gcloud auth
After logging in your Google account, run these commands to choose project gcloud config set project my-project-id
Go to the directory of the cloned Github repo, run gcloud app deploy
After deployment, run this command to interact with the deployed website on the browser gcloud app browse
If you want to run our application in a local development server,
Go to the directory of the cloned Github repo, run dev_appserver.py app.yaml
Open your browser, go to http://localhost:8080/ and explore our app!
If you change any code in the application folder, dev_appserver.py will automatically update the changes in http://localhost:8080/