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Primer design tutorial

  1. [Optional] drag zipped tutorial over

  2. Start with exercise 5 design of PCR primer pairs

    • They have already downloaded sequences, etc.  But in real life, we would have to get the sequences into Geneious ourselves.
  3. Make a separate new folder - NIAID_Training (File -> New Folder)

  4. Search NCBI -> Nucleotide for NC_007596

  5. Drag sequence to NIAID_Training

  6. Familiarize oursevels with the different tabs

    • Sequence view - zoom in to see letters

    • Annotations - tabular view

    • Text view - genbank file

    • Lineage - important later to trace your work

    • Info - can add specified metadata - and make your own fields with Edit

      • click on fields to edit
  7. Select COX1 gene - either in the picture or clicking annotation or searching

  8. Click Primers

    • Geneious uses Primer3 for primer design - v 2.3.7 modified

    • current version of Primer3 is 2.5.0 released Aug 2019

    • 3 options:

      1. Design New - design based on region

      2. Design with existing - forward primer already have - want to make a reverse primer to go with it

      3. Design for Sequencing – tile amplicons across a region

  9. Design New - (Reset to Defaults for the Class - gear bottom left)

    • Task – generic

    • Included region checked - primers will bind inside the region, if you want specific sub-region, put that under target region - primers will not bind in this region

    • Product size – 200-300 (degraded DNA?) - optimal 250

    • Primer - Size Max 24 - Tm Min 54

    • Formula Santa Lucia is newer\#PRIMER\_TM\_FORMULA

    • Characteristics 0 Max Tm Difference 2

    • A mispriming library is a set of sequences (usually repeats) which the primers should not bind to. – Included libs are from Primer3

    • Click OK

  10. Click Save

  11. Click on Annotations to see primers and characteristics

  12. Click on primer set 5498 and 5747 - each primer -> Extract - label COX1

  13. Click on the primer sequence in the sequence list at top look at different tabs including Lineage

  14. Test primer for specificity of other species - not as good as NCBI Primer BLAST

  15. File -> Import -> multiple files -> GeneiousTraining

- DQ316068.gff3 and DQ316068.fasta (Asiatic elephant)

  1. Imports as single record

  2. Test the primers - select COX1 gene

  3. Primers ->Test with Saved Primers

    • Source current folder - Choose - select primers

    • Annotation - check all boxes

    • Region - Find primers that bind inside the selected region

    • Allow 2 mismatches - not same species - no mismatches in last 5bp

  4. Zoom in to each primer to see mismatches 

  5. Click Save

  6. Select both primers, then up top - Primers -> Extract PCR product

    • Extract primer bases
  7. Click on PCR product -> Info -> Show OPtions

  8. Importing your own set of primers 

    • at least 3 column table - Name Sequence Description

    • tab-delimited or csv

  9. File -> Import -> CSV/TSV sequence table - must be saved as .tsv or .csv (not .txt as in Excel)

  10. Determine characteristics - will do Tm calculation


  1. KY616974.1 - import genbank file or search NCBI

  2. Click on Workflows – Manage Workflows – New Workflow

  3. Build workflow - for each document (will run workflow on each document/sequence/object you have selected) - Test with saved primer

    • extract pcr product

CRISPR Site Finder tutorial

  • Good background info

  • Note that activity (on-target) scoring methods for Cpf1 sites are not currently available.

  • Geneious manual chapter:

  • Cpf1 used for larger regions

  • Import yeastgenomes.geneious – will save as yeast_genome folder

  • highlight all the sequence/chromosome files - annotations tab - search

    • trp1 and extract the gene
  • Click on TRP1 sequence – Cloning - CRISPR Site finder

    • Can change PAM sequence if needed – preview is below