Handwritten numbers predicted by bit neural networks
Bit Neural Networks (BNNs) are a low memory consumption and low-end processors friendly alternative to float32 neural networks (FNNs). It uses a bit per parameter (weights, biases and features), stored in 64-bit floats instead of 32-bit float per parameter. Because of that, BNNs can achieve up to 64 times less memory consumption and up to 32 times speed up when compared to FNNs.
Binary Neural networks can accept floats as features. However, treating the dataset by defining explicitly what should become 0 or 1 (bits) is good to make sure of what relevant pixels are gonna be shown. You can download it through these commands:
Regular MNIST with bits defined by if pixel > avg_of_pixels_greater_than_zero, then 1, else 0
dataset = BitsMNIST.Datasets.mnist()
Dict{String, Any} with 4 entries:
"train_y" => [5, 0, 4, 1, 9, …
"train_x" => BitVector[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...
"test_y" => [7, 2, 1, 0, 4, ...
"test_x" => BitVector[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...
The previous dataset, but added noise in it. if rand() > 0.3, then pixel = !pixel
dataset = BitsMNIST.Datasets.noisymnist()
Dict{String, Any} with 4 entries:
"train_y" => [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, ...
"train_x" => BitVector[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...
"test_y" => [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, ...
"test_x" => BitVector[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...
All noisymnist labels have the value defined by the constant BitsMNIST.Datasets.NOISE_LABEL
Once you've downloaded a dataset, it will be stored in a cached folder, so that you'll not need to download it again.
Predicting numbers from 0 to 9 can be a CPU intensive task. A simpler case instead can be predicting whether a number is 0 or 1. Let's check it out how to perform this.
First step: Download the dataset
dset = BitsMNIST.Datasets.mnist()
After downloading the dataset you'll have to take a sample with zeros and ones. Happily, there's a sample function that will extract these examples in a 50/50 proportion.
Second step: Sampling
sx, sy = BitsMNIST.ZeroOne.sample(set["train_x"], set["train_y"], 0.01)
#0.01 is the fraction of the entire dataset
#Since the dataset has 60000 examples, 0.01*60000 will return 600 examples.
Through TinyML you can use bit layers to define your bit neural network. Also, you can, and you shall use it with Flux.
model = Chain(BitDense(784, 800), BitDense(800, 2, true, σ=sigmoid))
#784 is the number of pixels of an example
#800 is the number of hidden neurons
#2 is the number of classes we want to predict as outputs (0 or 1).
You don't have to import these tools, they are reexported by this project for you to work with.
There is a difficult regarding BNNs training. Since the steps of a gradient training are too small to adjust the parameters, an alternative training method should be used. Remember, BNNs parameters can only assume 0 or 1, which means, for example, an adjustment of 0.1 is not really possible to apply.
In fact, by modifying gradient to approximate the steps into bits is a possibility [1] [2]. However, this approach is not yet implemented.
As an alternative, reinforcement learning turns out to be a possibility, since the search space is dramatically reduced for these networks.
The first step towards reinforcement learning is to define an evaluation function in order to distinguish when a model is more suited than another. Currently, you can do this by using two functions.
score_fitness = BitsMNIST.ZeroOne.Reinforcement.generate_score_fitness(sx, sy)
This first function increases the score of a model by summing the value of the respective output when predicted correctly. if predicted_correctly, then score += max(model_output)
mcc_fitness = BitsMNIST.ZeroOne.Reinforcement.generate_mcc_fitness(sx, sy)
This second function increases the score of a model by applying the Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC)
Another required step before start training is to configure our genetic algorithm. We do this by creating a TinyML's Genetic TrainingSet
tset = Genetic.TrainingSet(
model, #The model we are gonna train
model.layers, #The layers we want it to optimize,
mutationRate=0.05) #Mutation rate reduced to 0.05 for this problem
Other properties can also be configured, but for this example it is enough for what we want to test. Check out these settings at the TinyML page.
After all these steps we can finally train our model.
Genetic.train!(tset, genNumber=10)
The most boring part is to wait it finishing...
Checklist: model defined - true, model trained - true. Wait, how can we say our model is trained without a metric? In this case we can call the functions inside the Statistics module in order to test how well our model is performing. Let's use the ZeroOne example to try this out.
An easy metric to be visualized is the error. The error is defined as the percentage of error-ed predictions in the total number of examples.
BitsMNIST.Statistics.error(model, sx, sy)
# This will calculate the error percentage among the sample.
#This means 5.33% of the 600 examples were predicted wrongly.
Let's say you liked your model so much you want to send it to a friend. Well, that is possible through the use of the IO module.
BitsMNIST.IO.save("./mymodel.jld2", model, tset)
mymodel = BitsMNIST.IO.load("./mymodel.jld2")
Dict{String, Any} with 2 entries:
"model" => Chain(BitDense(784, 800), BitDense(800, 2, σ=σ))
"trainingset" => TrainingSet(popSize=100)
[1] Binary Neural Networks: A Survey
[2] XNOR-Net: ImageNet Classification Using Binary Convolutional Neural Networks
[3] TinyML
[4] Flux