What has been made:
- Transposition
- Optimization of recurrent operations in loops
- OpenMP
- Tile based
- Compile it by using "make"
- Generate a matrix with "./BINARY g L1 C1 L2 C2 s"
- "BINARY" is the binary to be used (./cuda or ./norm)
- "g" tells the software to generate a matrix
- "L1 C1" are respectively matrix A lines and columns
- "L2 C2" are respectively matrix B lines and columns
- "s", (optional) tells the software to save matrix A and B
- Reading a matrix from file "./BINARY f L1 C1 L2 C2 FILE1 FILE2"
- "BINARY" is the binary to be used (./cuda or ./norm)
- "f" tells the software to read a matrix from a file
- "L1 C1" are respectively matrix A lines and columns
- "L2 C2" are respectively matrix B lines and columns
- "FILE1" is the name of matrix A file
- "FILE2" is the name of matrix B file
- Compile matrix comparator with "make comparator"
- Compare matrix multiplication results with "./comp C1.txt C2.txt"
- Rename matrices from 0....txt, 1....txt e 2....txt to a.txt, b.txt and c.txt with "make rename"
- Clean txts with "make clean"
- matrixCuda.cu: Optimized matrix multiplication (CUDA, AVX, Transposition...)
- matrix.cu: Not optmized matrix multiplication
- comparator.c: Matrix equality file comparator
- cuda: Optimized matrix multiplication (CUDA, AVX, Transposition...)
- norm: Not optimized matrix multiplication
- comp: Matrix equality file comparator
- Matrix A: 0-rowsxcols.txt
- Matrix B: 1-rowsxcols.txt
- Matrix C: 2-rowsxcols.txt
Whether executing the software with the same matrix dimensions, the output files will be overwritten. Thus, is better to use "make rename" to avoid it.
./cuda g 1000 1000 1000 1000 s
make rename
./norm f 1000 1000 1000 1000 a.txt b.txt
./comp 0-1000x1000.txt c.txt