written by Nick Shin - [email protected]
this file is licensed under: Unlicense - http://unlicense.org/
and, is from - https://github.com/nickshin/CheatSheets/
WARNING: these are fairly old and i do not use anymore (for day to day development)
- left here for reference...
- covers the following HTML5 topics:
- canvas
- css3
- devicemotion ¹
- deviceorientation ¹
- eventsource ²
- fullscreen ¹
- geolocation ¹
- javascript ² classes and modules
- svg
- webaudio and webvideo
- webGL ¹: requestAnimationFrame (warning: many mobile browsers do not have hardware acceleration)
- websocket ²
- webstorage: appcache
- webstorage: FileReader ³
- webstorage: indexDB ² ⁴
- webstorage: localStorage
- webworkers ⁵
note: all files are written static (i.e. plain ol' HTML) so they can be looked up or run as-is.
- copy of reference source (or close to it) for testing purposes
- terse and was written to be re/usable
- WARNING: Safari does NOT support FileReader API (but WebKit [on Chrome] and Mozilla does).
- WARNING: WebKit has a slightly different handler requirement after accessing DB with no results
- WARNING: WebKit does NOT support subworkers (but Mozilla does). Mozilla does NOT support SharedWorker (but WebKit does).