written by Nick Shin - [email protected]
this file is licensed under: Unlicense - http://unlicense.org/
and, is from - https://github.com/nickshin/CheatSheets/
this file contains some of my 3D math notes
- matrix math
- vector math
- lines w/ points, lines, circles equations
- planes w/ points, lines, planes equations
- nice explaination between OGL vs D3D matrices operations
What is important is matching the order of operation in OpenGL to the order of the parameters in D3DX.
That is, operation M1 followed by M2 results in this:
v' = M1 x M2 x v
which is D3DXMatrixMultiply( &M, &M2, &M1 )
in D3D
- variables on left are the transformation matrix equivalent of the function on the right:
TP = glTranslatef( position[0], position[1], position[2] )
TC = glTranslatef( centered[0], centered[1], centered[2] )
RA = glRotatef ( rotateAngle, Raxis[0], Raxis[1], Raxis[2] )
RS = glRotatef ( ScaleRotateAngle, Saxis[0], Saxis[1], Saxis[2] )
S = glScalef ( scalef[0], scalef[1], scalef[2] )
RSI = glRotatef ( 0-ScaleRotateAngle, Saxis[0], Saxis[1], Saxis[2] )
TCI = glTranslatef( 0-centerd[0], 0-centerd[1], 0-centerd[2] )
note: matrix multiplication (transformation) is automatically applied (to an initial identity matrix) after each function call above and is stored internally (in that initial matrix). to retrieve the results, use:
glGet( GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, GLfloats* values );
// then multiply returned [ matrix *** ] with [ vector !!! ] to complete the transformation
If you expressed that code in column-major notation (used by OpenGL), you get this:
- note: PRE-CONCATENATED notation
v' = TP x TC x RA x RS x S x RSI x TCI x v
The row-major (used by D3D) equivalent is this:
- note: POST-CONCATENATED notation
v' = v x TCI x RSI x S x RS x RA x TC x TP
D3DXTranslation ( &TP, position );
D3DXTranslation ( &TC, centerd );
D3DXRotationAxis( &RA, Raxis, rotateAngle );
D3DXRotationAxis( &RS, Saxis, ScaleRotateAngle );
D3DXScaling ( &S, scalef );
D3DXRotationAxis( &RSI, Saxis, -ScaleRotateAngle );
D3DXTranslation ( &TCI, -centerd );
D3DXMatrixIdentity( &M );
D3DXMatrixMultiply( &M, &TP, &M );
D3DXMatrixMultiply( &M, &TC, &M );
D3DXMatrixMultiply( &M, &RA, &M );
D3DXMatrixMultiply( &M, &RS, &M );
D3DXMatrixMultiply( &M, &S, &M );
D3DXMatrixMultiply( &M, &RSI, &M );
D3DXMatrixMultiply( &M, &TCI, &M );
glLoadMatrixf( &M );
// then multiply returned [ matrix *** ] with [ vector !!! ] to complete the transformation
note: the following is the POST-CONCATENATED implimentation
- see the difference between [ parameter AND implimentation ] order
D3DXMatrixIdentity( &M );
D3DXMatrixMultiply( &M, &M, &TCI );
D3DXMatrixMultiply( &M, &M, &RSI );
D3DXMatrixMultiply( &M, &M, &S );
D3DXMatrixMultiply( &M, &M, &RS );
D3DXMatrixMultiply( &M, &M, &RA );
D3DXMatrixMultiply( &M, &M, &TC );
D3DXMatrixMultiply( &M, &M, &TP );
glLoadMatrixf( &M );
// then multiply [ vector !!! ] with returned [ matrix *** ] to complete the transformation
note: transposing the matrix can be used to go back and forth between pre/post-concatenated notation -- but try NOT to do this...
- video1+4
- some more difference between systems using RHCS vs LHCS
- video3
- column-major & row-major (matrix & vector) math yields the SAME RESULTS so, column-major vs row-major systems IS NOT IMPORTANT just make sure to use ONE SYSTEM through out the code base
- video4+5
- data interpretation IS IMPORTANT -- such as
- RHCS vs LHCS : z-in versus z-out
- matrix to (programming) array : column/row-major to array data
- remember, internal math yields the SAME RESULTS, but, make sure to remember which order of operation is used -- PRE-CONCATENATED vs POST-CONCATENATED so, PICK ONE order and stick with it through out the code base
- data interpretation IS IMPORTANT -- such as
in general, uses column major:
- i.e:
4x1 *4 ==> matrix
T (4x4) transformation matrix
v (4x1) a vector
Tv = v' (4x1)
axis rotation:
- positive rotation: CCW
- negative rotation: CW
draw vs culling
- CW verticies are drawn
- CCW verticies are culled
who uses RHCS
- openGL
- but, culling is like LHCS by default, to change it:
RasterizerState stat = newRasterizerState();
stat.CullMode = CullMode.CullClockwiseFace;
stat.CullMode = CullMode.CullCounterClockwiseFace;
stat.CullMode = CullMode.None;
in general, uses row major:
- i.e:
1x4 *4 ==> matrix
v (1x4) a vector
T (4x4) transformation matrix
vT = v' (1x4)
axis rotation:
- positive rotation: CW
- negative rotation: CCW
draw vs culling
- CCW verticies are drawn
- CW verticies are culled
who uses LHCS
- mathematicans
- direct3D
- unreal
with unit vectors:
cos theta = dot_product
: yields the angle of incidence
is the projection (length) of one vector onto another -
normal_vector = cross_product
: and needs to be normalized to be a unit vector- because in general:
cross_product length is the area (parallelogram) between the two vectors
a.k.a: the magnitude of the two vector's perpendicular (normal) vector
vector triple product notation:
[ A, B, C ] = A dot ( B x C )
= B dot ( C x A )
= C dot ( A x B )
= det ( A B C )
| A1 A2 A3 |
= | B1 B2 B3 |
| C1 C2 C3 |
lagrange's identity
( A x B ) dot ( A x B ) = ( A dot A ) ( B dot B ) - ( A dot B ) ( A dot B )
( A x B ) dot ( C x D ) = ( A dot C ) ( B dot D ) - ( A dot D ) ( B dot C )
vector quadruple product:
( A x B ) ^2 = A^2 B^2 - ( A dot B )^2
( A x B ) x ( A x B ) = B ( A dot ( A x B ) ) - ( A dot B ) ( A x B )
( A x B ) x ( C x D ) = B ( A dot ( C x D ) ) - ( A dot B ) ( C x D )
= ( C x D ) x ( B x A )
= [ A, B, D ] C - [ A, B, C ] D
= [ C, D, A ] B - [ C, D, B ] A
useful identities...
sin theta = (+-) sqrt( 1 - dot_product )
1 - cos x
sin x/2 = (+-) sqrt( --------- )
1 + cos x
cos x/2 = (+-) sqrt( --------- )
sin2 x + cos2 x = 1
sin 2x = 2 * sin x * cos x
cos 2x = cos2 x - sin2 x = 2 cos2 x - 1 = 1 - 2sin2 x
sin ( a + b ) = sin a * cos b + cos a * sin b
sin ( a - b ) = sin a * cos b - cos a * sin b
cos ( a + b ) = cos a * cos b - sin a * sin b
cos ( a - b ) = cos a * cos b + sin a * sin b
2 sin a * sin b = cos( a - b ) - cos ( a + b )
2 cos a * cos b = cos( a - b ) + cos ( a + b )
2 sin a * cos b = sin( a + b ) + sin ( a - b )
2 cos a * sin b = sin( a + b ) - sin ( a - b )
a + b a - b
sin a + sin b = 2 sin ( ----- ) * cos ( ----- )
2 2
a + b a - b
sin a - sin b = 2 cos ( ----- ) * sin ( ----- )
2 2
a + b a - b
cos a + cos b = 2 cos ( ----- ) * cos ( ----- )
2 2
a + b a - b
cos a - cos b = -2 sin ( ----- ) * sin ( ----- )
2 2
A cos x + B sin x = sqrt( A2 + B2 ) cos( x - tan-1 ( B/A ) )
eq of a line = ( v3b - v3a )
closest point (p) from point (v3c) to line (as noted above):
( v3a - v3c ) dot ( line )
t = ( - ) --------------------------
dist2( line )
vector from point (v3c) to (v3a) flipped:
( v3c - v3a ) dot ( line )
t = ( + ) --------------------------
dist2( line )
p = v3a + scale_v3( line, t );
note: if t < 0.0, p is behind segment AB
if t > 1.0, p is past segment AB
dist v3c to line:
dist2( ( line ) cross ( v3a - v3c ) )
d^2 = ------------------------------------------
dist2( line )
with vector quadruple product identity:
dist2( ( v3c - v3a ) cross ( v3c - v3b ) )
d^2 = ------------------------------------------
dist2( line )
note: if d == 0, v3c is ON the line at p
equations require coplanar conditions
it is best to restrict calculations to 2D (coplanar) and then check to see if 3rd coords values collapse (intersect) or differs (dist between 2 lines).
intersection of two lines:
// commented out lines of code represent 3D vectors if all points were coplanar...
// inline comments, are 2D notes...
line_a = p2 - p1 // (21) v2_sub_v2( line_a, p1, p2 );
line_b = p4 - p3 // (22) v2_sub_v2( line_b, p3, p4 );
// norm_ab = line_a cross line_b
// denom = dist2( norm_ab ) // i.e. norm_ab dot norm_ab
denom = line_a.y * line_b.x - line_a.x * line_b.y;
if ! denom:
// parallel, try with 3rd axis to at least get closest point...
// i.e. y & z or x & z - but only need to one, not both...
// if here again, lines are the same...
return lines_collinear;
line_c = p3 - p1 // (23) v2_sub_v2( line_c, p1, p3 );
// norm_cb = line_c cross line_b
// num_s = norm_cb dot norm_ab
num_s = line_c.y * line_b.x - line_c.x * line_b.y; // 2D
s = num_s / denom;
int_a = p1 + scale_v3( line_a, s );
// norm_ca = line_c cross line_a
// num_t = norm_ca dot norm_ab
num_t = line_c.y * line_a.x - line_c.x * line_a.y; // 2D
t = num_t / denom;
int_b = p2 + scale_v3( line_b, t );
if int_a == int_b
return lines_intersect;
closest_dist = dist1( int_a, int_b )
return lines_cross_but_do_not_intersect;
- note: both s and t will show if intersection is behind ( < 0 ) or ahead ( > 1 ) the respective vector
if it is between ( 0 < s or t < 1 ), the intersection is within the (respective) vector length
distance between lines: (can be skewed lines)
dist2( line_c dot ( line_a cross line_b ) )
d^2 = -------------------------------------------
dist2( line_a cross line_b )
closest point of approach (CPA):
p1: with direction u
p2: with direction v
( p2 - p1 ) dot ( u - v )
t = -------------------------
dist2( u - v )
note: if t < 0.0, points are going farther apart
if dist1( u - v ) == 0 (denominator)
then let t = 0, points traveling at same direction & speed
if t > 1.0, points are closest at t unit(s) "of time"
p1 at t: p1 + t * u
p2 at t: p2 + t * v
closest_dist at CPA is dist1( p1, p2 )
use point (circle pos) to line dist calculations
if dist is > radius - no intersection
if dist == radius - tangent
if dist < radius - intersects
then solve for p from "closest point to line" equations
then take unit vector of ( line ): u // v3a to v3b, normalized
and scale it by: s = sqrt( radius^2 - dist^2 )
so, with: u0 = u * s
finally: first intersection is at: p - u0
and section intersection is at: p + u0
components of a plane:
plane normal (n) -- a unit vector
"the" point (p) on the plane through the plane's normal from origin
plane's constant# (c) a.k.a. dist of plane from origin
eq of a plane:
n dot p = -c
n dot ( a - p ) = 0 // note: a-p need not be of unit length...
using (n) and (c) is the simplest to use and smallest memory space used
for example, (p) can be calculated from (n) scaled by (c)
dist (d) of point (b) to plane is the projection of the line from a point (a) (any point) on the plane to point (p) on the plane's (unit vector) normal (n)
d = n dot ( b - a )
(a) can be points from either the plane's normal scaled by its constant# (yielding "the" point) or any of the points from the vectors created to find the plane's normal
intersection point (p) of line ( v3b - v3a ) to plane ( n & a )
- (a) again, is any point on the plane...
n dot ( a - v3a )
s = -----------------
n dot ( line )
p = v3a + scale_v3( line, s )
intersection line of two planes:
- line = a vector (direction)
- a point on the line
vector = n1 cross n2
a point on the line can be found with either:
- intersection of two lines (can be done with restricted 2D calculations) using one line from each plane
- intersection of a line (from one of the planes) to the other plane
cylinder collisions: are basically, "line intersection" tests
- using the returned s and t values, add respective cylinder radius values to them and compare/calculate hit/miss results to ensure full size coverage
- then, use (with both cylinder radius values) "distance between lines" to further determine compare/calculate hit/miss results
- finally, check end caps properly or use the results from the "pill" shape object (instead of a true cylinder shape)
two box tests:
- use two sphere distance test for fast miss check
- then use terse checks: "point plane" tests against all sides on the other box
line & box tests:
- use line and sphere (circle) intersection test for fast miss check
- then use terse checks: "line plane" tests against all sides on the box