written by Nick Shin - [email protected]
this file is licensed under: Unlicense - http://unlicense.org/
and, is from - https://github.com/nickshin/CheatSheets/
The external links list was getting so large, I placed them here.
- Awesome Microservices (A curated list of Microservice Architecture related principles and technologies.)
- New Stack Ebook Series
- The Docker & Container Ecosystem
- Applications & Microservices with Docker & Container
- Automation & Orchestration with Docker & Containers
- Networking, Security & Storage with Docker & Containers
- Monitoring & Management with Docker & Containers
- Unikernel and Immutable Infrastructures
- excellent list and summary of a lot things in the unikernel universe
- awesome-unikernels
- a pile of links to jump start from
- UniK (The Unikernel Compilation and Deployment Platform)
- Go
- Node.js
- Python3
- Java
- C/C++
- NanoVMs (can run any valid ELF binary)
- Interactive map of Linux kernel
- Kbuild: the Linux Kernel Build System (linuxjournal)
- Write your first Linux Kernel module (linuxvoice)
- Linux Kernel Module Programming (youtube)
- Homebrew (OSX)
Git for Windows (Git-Bash)
- see wiki for great details!
- the Asuswrt-Merlin Terminal Menu
- note: Starting with Asuswrt-Merlin 384.15, amtm is included in the firmware!
- "stateful" settings (easier reorder/sort via CLI vs web GUI):
nvram show
# local machines: - get current details
nvram get custom_clientlist # Network Map - Clients: View List
nvram get dhcp_staticlist # LAN - DHCP Server - Manually Assigned IP: IP Address
nvram get dhcp_hostnames # LAN - DHCP Server - Manually Assigned IP: Hostname
nvram get vts_rulelist # WAN - Port Forwarding - List
# edit values
nvram set custom_clientlist="<ClientName>ClientMACAddress>0>0>>..." # note: last number may not be 0
nvram set dhcp_staticlist="<MACaddress>IPAddress..."
nvram set dhcp_hostnames="<MACaddress>Hostname..."
nvram set vts_rulelist="<ServiceName>ExternalPort>InternalIPAddress>InternalPort>Protocol>..."
# done
nvram commit
- apt-get upgrade and clean up script
- Linux: Get List of Installed Software for Reinstallation / Restore All the Software Programs
- backup and restore installed packages
- enable / disable services
my notes:
must reads:
also, a !!! FANTASTIC !!! project to resurrect and install latest macOS on old (i.e. unsupported) mac machines:
- Swap CTRL & CapsLock (everywhere)
- Customize the Xfce menu
- How To Make the Mac OS X Finder Suck Less
- Mathias Bynens: dotfiles: macos - SUPER !!!
- Create symlink with Msys2
handy summary of open source firewall distros:
dmidecode -t 2
cat /proc/cpuinfo
cat /proc/meminfo
# directly from storage device
hdparm -I /dev/sdX
# from kernel driver
hdparm -i /dev/sdX
# details
lshw -class disk -class storage
# summary
lshw -short -C disk
# all
smartctl -a /dev/sdX
smartctl -d ata -a /dev/sdX
smartctl -d ata -a -i /dev/sdX
# summary
smartctl -i /dev/sdX
# via /dev
ls /dev/disk/by-id
- health
- linux_SSD.md#check-health
smartctl -data -A /dev/sdX
- SATA speeds
dmesg | grep -i sata | grep 'link up'
dmesg | grep -i ahci | grep -i --color Gbps