Get initial app from init
Since it's an existing application, execute below command
ibmcloud dev enable
For new project, using
ibmcloud dev create
ibmcloud dev build (--debug for debug mode)
ibmcloud deploy --target container
or add below block into cli-config.yml
deploy-target: "container"
deploy-image-target: ""
ibm-cluster: "streaming"
If you have this issue:
Executing kubectl get clusterrolebinding tiller -n kube-system
Executing kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole=cluster-admin
Failed to execute the action: exit status 1: Error from server (NotFound):
--serviceaccount=kube-system:default -n kube-system "tiller" not found
The 'kubectl get clusterrolebinding tiller -n kube-system' command failed to
complete due to: exit status 1 "tiller" created
That's because it needs helm to install the helm chart into kubernetes, and you should install tiller into your kubernetes cluster
kubectl create serviceaccount tiller -n kube-system
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller -n kube-system
The auto generated config is good, but now always adapt to our business needs, so sometimes or even at most time we need define our custom dockerfile & helm chart