all_in_one_node_pool_name |
Name of the all-in-one node pool |
string |
"all-in-one" |
no |
all_in_one_node_prefix |
Prefix for node created in the all-in-one node pool |
string |
"all-in-one-" |
no |
cloud_credential_name |
Name of vSphere cloud credential |
string |
n/a |
yes |
cloud_provider_spec |
Specification of vSphere cloud provider, which is necessary to allow dynamic provisioning of volumes. Take a look at the examples directory for synthax and Rancher vSphere Cloud Provider documentation for explanation of parameters |
map |
{} |
no |
cluster_description |
Cluster description |
string |
n/a |
yes |
cluster_name |
Cluster name |
string |
n/a |
yes |
control_plane_node_pool_name |
Name of the control plane node pool |
string |
"control-plane" |
no |
control_plane_node_prefix |
Prefix for nodes created in control plane node pool |
string |
"control-plane-" |
no |
control_plane_node_quantity |
Number of nodes in control plane node pool |
number |
null |
no |
enable_alerting |
Whether to enable cluster alerting |
bool |
false |
no |
enable_istio |
Whether to enable Istio for the cluster |
bool |
false |
no |
enable_monitoring |
Whether to enable cluster monitoring |
bool |
true |
no |
etcd_node_pool_name |
Name of the etcd node pool |
string |
"etcd" |
no |
etcd_node_prefix |
Prefix for nodes created in etcd node pool |
string |
"etcd-" |
no |
etcd_node_quantity |
Number of nodes in etcd node pool |
number |
null |
no |
kubernetes_network_plugin |
Kubernetes network plugin to use, one of canal (default), flannel , calico , weave |
string |
"canal" |
no |
kubernetes_version |
Kubernetes version to deploy |
string |
null |
no |
master_node_pool_name |
Name of the master (consolidated control plane and etcd) node pool |
string |
"master" |
no |
master_node_prefix |
Prefix for nodes created in master (consolidated control plane and etcd) node pool |
string |
"master-" |
no |
master_node_quantity |
Number of nodes in master (consolidated control plane and etcd) node pool |
number |
null |
no |
node_cloud_config |
Global setting for the contents of cloud-config YAML file which will be applied on all cluster nodes; these contents should be defined in the root module either inline using the heredoc synthax, or loaded from a file using Terraform's file() function. cloud_config parameter inside node_spec overrides this global setting on a per node role basis; if neither are set, cloud-config file for the node will have content of #cloud-config (which effectively makes it empty) |
string |
null |
no |
node_cluster |
Global setting for vSphere cluster in which to create all cluster nodes; either this or cluster parameter inside node_spec (which overrides it) need to be set |
string |
null |
no |
node_datacenter |
Global setting for vSphere datacenter in which to create all cluster nodes; either this or datacenter parameter inside node_spec (which overrides it) need to be set |
string |
null |
no |
node_datastore |
Global setting for vSphere datastore in which to create all cluster nodes; either this or datastore parameter inside node_spec (which overrides it) need to be set |
string |
null |
no |
node_folder |
Global setting for vSphere VM and template folder in which to create all cluster nodes; folder parameter inside node_spec overrides this global setting; if neither are set, nodes will be created in datacenter root |
string |
null |
no |
node_network_protocol_profile_addressing |
(Requires minimum Rancher v2.3.6) Whether to use node portgroup's network protocol profile to transfer network properties such as IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, DNS servers, DNS search path and DNS domain to the node through its vApp properties. In order for the transferred properties to be actually configured in the OS, cloud_config can be used to read the vApp properties through VMware Tools and configure the OS network stack. The following vApp properties are read from the network protocol profile and transferred to node VMs: guestinfo.dns.servers (DNS servers specified in the network protocol profile), guestinfo.dns.domain (domain name), guestinfo.dns.searchpath (DNS search path), guestinfo.interface.0.ip.0.address (assigned IP address from the IP pool), guestinfo.interface.0.ip.0.netmask (subnet mask of the assigned IP address) and guestinfo.interface.0.route.0.gateway (default gateway). If set to false (default) no vApp properties are configured and cluster nodes will use DHCP assigned addresses |
bool |
false |
no |
node_portgroup |
Global setting for vSphere portgroup to which to connect all cluster nodes; either this or portgroup parameter inside node_spec (which overrides it) need to be set |
string |
null |
no |
node_resource_pool |
Global setting for vSphere resource pool in which to create all cluster nodes; resource_pool parameter inside node_spec overrides this global setting; if neither are set, nodes will be created in cluster root |
string |
null |
no |
node_spec |
Specification of node templates for each of the node roles. Available roles are control_plane , etcd , master (consolidated control_plane and etcd ), worker and all_in_one (control_plane , etcd and worker consolidate on one node, used for creating single node clusters). node_spec allows for specifying parameters such as vSphere template, datacenter, cluster etc. on a node role basis. If these parameters are set both through node_spec and globally through node_* , node_spec values will have precedence. As a minimum, each node role needs to have the following inputs set in node_spec : num_vcpu (VM number of vCPUs), memory_gb (VM memory in GB) and disk_gb (VM disk size in GB) - all other values can be inherited from global variables. Take a look at the examples directory for detailed synthax |
any |
n/a |
yes |
node_template_ssh_password |
Global setting for the SSH password for Rancher to connect to all cluster nodes after deployment from template; either this or template_ssh_password parameter inside node_spec (which overrides it) need to be set |
string |
null |
no |
node_template_ssh_user |
Global setting for the SSH user for Rancher to connect to all cluster nodes after deployment from template; either this or template_ssh_user parameter inside node_spec (which overrides it) need to be set |
string |
null |
no |
node_template_ssh_user_group |
Global setting for the user group to which Rancher will chown the uploaded keys on all cluster nodes; either this or template_ssh_user_group parameter inside node_spec (which overrides it) need to be set |
string |
null |
no |
node_vsphere_template |
Global setting for vSphere template from which to create all cluster nodes; either this or vsphere_template parameter inside node_spec (which overrides it) need to be set |
string |
null |
no |
private_registries_spec |
Specification of private registries for Docker images. Multiple registries can be specified, take a look at the examples directory for synthax. Only the url parameter is mandatory. If you set password access to registry, for future Terraform runs have in mind that Rancher API doesn't return registry password, so every Terraform operation will offer to change the cluster resource by adding the registry password field even if you haven't done any changes in your spec |
map |
{} |
no |
single_node_cluster |
Whether to create a single node cluster with all roles consolidated on one node |
bool |
false |
no |
worker_node_pool_name |
Name of the worker node pool |
string |
"worker" |
no |
worker_node_prefix |
Prefix for nodes created in worker node pool |
string |
"worker-" |
no |
worker_node_quantity |
Number of nodes in worker node pool |
number |
null |
no |