The structure of the project is Feature First Design pattern.
You will see that all of the files are related to the one components
component and each folder has own styles.
If each component needs own reducers and actions, they will have them in the root folder.
Shared folders (the features that are shared to all components) are outside of components.
so, statemanagement
and Utils
should be on the src
| | ├── components
| | | ├── CreateNote
| | | | ├── index.js
| | | | ├── styles.js
| | | | ├── Snackbar.js
| | | ├── MainComponent
| | | | ├── index.js
| | | | ├── styles.js
| | | ├── NoteBooks
| | | | ├── index.js
| | | | ├── styles.js
| | | ├── NoteList
| | | | ├── index.js
| | | | ├── styles.js
| | | | ├── ListNotes.test.js
| | | | ├── Note.js
| | ├── statemanagement
| | | ├── index.js
| | ├── Utils
| | | ├── localStorage.js
| | | ├── localStorage.test.js
| | | ├── Modal.js
| | | ├── showModal.js
| | | ├── TestUtils.js
The command to run CRA project on 3000 port.
npm run start
The command to build project in build
npm run build
The command to run unit tests.
npm run test
The command to run Prettier to make codes Pretty with nice indents.
npm run prettier
The command to run ESLint .
npm run lint
Husky is a tool ( and also a cute Dog 🐶 ) to make webhooks on Github. I make a Webhook to run prettier and ESLint before pushing.
There are many UI kits for styling to choose, but I recommend usingMaterial-UI
because of the JSS and rendering performances in new hooks features. 😎
Components are following the First Feature
structure. experimentaly, this structure helps to organizing your application and develop it with a team of React developers
The state management in this project is, Context API.
Main components name in their folder is index.js. so you can import it like below :
import NoteList from "../components/NoteList"
instead of
import NoteList from "../components/NoteList/NoteListComponent"
It's better to use package.json inside of all Components folder with a name
tag to explain a detail for that component.
"main": "NoteListComponent.js"
But this feature is just in CRA and for babel configs, you have to configure webpack with directory-named-webpack-plugin
- The user should be able to create a new note.
- The user should be able to edit and delete a note.
- The user should be able to navigate through multiple notes.
- Search function to find notes.
- Create notes in different categories.
- Create notes in different Notebooks.
- Move notes trough categories.
- Markdown editor.
- Using localStorage to store notes.
run the command below:
npm run build
optional if not exists :
npm i -g serve
npm run serve build/
- first build the project:
docker build . -t nta-react
- now run the Docker on port 80
docker run -p 8080:80 nta-react
- open the project on
Configuration of Travis CI/CD is inside of .travis.yml file.
language: node_js
- "stable"
- node_modules
- npm test
- npm run build
provider: surge
skip_cleanup: true
project: ./build/
branch: master
Script block is running the tests at first, then building the project. Deploy section is deploying the project on
domain from build
Configuration of Circle CI is inside of .circleci folder.
version: 2
- image: circleci/node:12.13.0
working_directory: ~/repo
- checkout
# Download and cache dependencies
- restore_cache:
- v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }}
# fallback to using the latest cache if no exact match is found
- v1-dependencies-
- run: npm install
- save_cache:
- node_modules
key: v1-dependencies-{{ checksum "package.json" }}
# run tests!
- run: npm run test