This is my neovim's configuration.
I use Vim-Plug to manage plugins.
I use coc.nvim to realize completion.
is the kernel config file.
The first part is the common settings of neovim.
The second part is Vim-Plug's settings which consists of all of my plugins.
The third part is common keybinding settings.
directory includes some plugins' specific settings.
is my coc.nvim
's settings.(golang, cpp, rust and tabnine are configured.)
You need to learn how to use coc.nvim on your own.
To make sure Vim-Plug can be downloaded normally, you should add this line to your /etc/hosts
The leader key is space.
to use Vim-Plug install all of plugins.
to update all of plugins.
to clean redundant plugins.
You can see all of keybindings in my init.vim