4 | 4 | const isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production";
5 | 5 |
6 | 6 | module.exports = {
7 |
| - parser: "@typescript-eslint/parser", |
8 |
| - parserOptions: { |
9 |
| - ecmaVersion: 2020, |
10 |
| - sourceType: "module", |
11 |
| - ecmaFeatures: { |
12 |
| - jsx: true, |
13 |
| - }, |
14 |
| - }, |
15 | 7 | extends: [
16 |
| - "plugin:sonarjs/recommended", |
17 |
| - "plugin:react/recommended", |
18 |
| - "plugin:react-hooks/recommended", |
19 |
| - "plugin:@typescript-eslint/eslint-recommended", |
20 |
| - "plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended", |
21 |
| - "plugin:jsx-a11y/recommended", |
22 |
| - "plugin:fp/recommended", |
23 |
| - "plugin:import/errors", |
24 |
| - "plugin:import/warnings", |
25 |
| - "plugin:import/typescript", |
26 |
| - "prettier", |
| 8 | + "@nordcloud/eslint-config-pat/profile/web-app", |
| 9 | + "@nordcloud/eslint-config-pat/mixins/react", |
27 | 10 | ],
28 |
| - plugins: ["fp"], |
| 11 | + |
| 12 | + parserOptions: { tsconfigRootDir: __dirname }, |
| 13 | + |
| 14 | + settings: { |
| 15 | + react: { |
| 16 | + version: "16.13.1", // React version. "detect" automatically picks the version you have installed. |
| 17 | + }, |
| 18 | + }, |
| 19 | + |
29 | 20 | rules: {
30 | 21 | // general
31 |
| - "no-shadow": "off", // @typescript-eslint/no-shadow is used |
32 |
| - "consistent-return": "off", |
33 |
| - "no-underscore-dangle": "off", |
34 |
| - "no-prototype-builtins": "off", |
35 |
| - "require-await": "off", |
36 |
| - camelcase: "off", // @typescript-eslint/naming-convention is used |
37 |
| - "no-nested-ternary": "error", |
38 | 22 | "no-console": isProd ? "error" : "warn",
39 |
| - "prefer-const": "error", |
40 |
| - complexity: ["error", 15], |
41 |
| - "max-params": ["error", 3], |
42 |
| - eqeqeq: ["error", "smart"], |
43 | 23 | "no-unused-expressions": [
44 | 24 | isProd ? "error" : "warn",
45 | 25 | { allowShortCircuit: true },
46 | 26 | ],
| 27 | + |
47 | 28 | // eslint-plugin-fp
48 |
| - "fp/no-unused-expression": "off", |
49 |
| - "fp/no-rest-parameters": "off", |
50 |
| - "fp/no-nil": "off", |
51 |
| - "fp/no-throw": "off", |
52 | 29 | "fp/no-mutating-methods": [
53 | 30 | isProd ? "off" : "warn",
54 | 31 | {
55 | 32 | allowedObjects: ["history"],
56 | 33 | },
57 | 34 | ],
58 |
| - "fp/no-mutation": [ |
59 |
| - "error", |
60 |
| - { |
61 |
| - commonjs: true, |
62 |
| - exceptions: [{ property: "current" }], |
63 |
| - }, |
64 |
| - ], |
65 |
| - // eslint-plugin-import |
66 |
| - "import/no-extraneous-dependencies": "off", |
67 |
| - "import/no-relative-parent-imports": "off", |
68 |
| - // avoid false-positives for webpack resolution |
69 |
| - "import/no-unresolved": "off", |
70 |
| - "import/no-internal-modules": [ |
71 |
| - "off", |
72 |
| - { |
73 |
| - allow: ["@testing-library/**"], |
74 |
| - }, |
75 |
| - ], |
76 |
| - "import/order": [ |
77 |
| - "error", |
78 |
| - { |
79 |
| - alphabetize: { |
80 |
| - order: "asc", |
81 |
| - caseInsensitive: true, |
82 |
| - }, |
83 |
| - groups: [ |
84 |
| - "builtin", |
85 |
| - "external", |
86 |
| - "internal", |
87 |
| - "parent", |
88 |
| - "sibling", |
89 |
| - "index", |
90 |
| - ], |
91 |
| - pathGroups: [ |
92 |
| - { |
93 |
| - pattern: "~/**", |
94 |
| - group: "internal", |
95 |
| - }, |
96 |
| - { |
97 |
| - pattern: "react", |
98 |
| - group: "external", |
99 |
| - position: "before", |
100 |
| - }, |
101 |
| - ], |
102 |
| - pathGroupsExcludedImportTypes: ["react"], |
103 |
| - }, |
104 |
| - ], |
105 |
| - "import/no-anonymous-default-export": [ |
106 |
| - "error", |
107 |
| - { |
108 |
| - allowArray: false, |
109 |
| - allowArrowFunction: false, |
110 |
| - allowAnonymousClass: false, |
111 |
| - allowAnonymousFunction: false, |
112 |
| - allowCallExpression: true, // The true value here is for backward compatibility |
113 |
| - allowLiteral: false, |
114 |
| - allowObject: false, |
115 |
| - }, |
116 |
| - ], |
117 |
| - // eslint-plugin-react-hooks |
118 |
| - "react-hooks/exhaustive-deps": "warn", |
119 |
| - "react-hooks/rules-of-hooks": "error", |
120 |
| - // eslint-plugin-react |
121 |
| - "react/jsx-no-useless-fragment": "off", |
122 |
| - "react/prop-types": "off", |
123 |
| - "react/display-name": "off", |
124 |
| - "react/function-component-definition": [ |
125 |
| - "error", |
126 |
| - { |
127 |
| - namedComponents: "function-declaration", |
128 |
| - unnamedComponents: "arrow-function", |
129 |
| - }, |
130 |
| - ], |
131 |
| - "react/jsx-pascal-case": ["error", { allowNamespace: true }], |
132 |
| - "react/jsx-boolean-value": ["error", "never"], |
133 |
| - "react/jsx-key": "error", |
| 35 | + |
134 | 36 | // eslint-plugin-sonarjs
135 |
| - "sonarjs/cognitive-complexity": "off", |
136 |
| - "sonarjs/no-duplicate-string": "off", |
137 | 37 | "sonarjs/no-nested-template-literals": "off",
138 |
| - "sonarjs/no-unused-collection": "warn", |
139 |
| - "sonarjs/no-collapsible-if": "warn", |
140 |
| - // @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin |
141 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define": "off", |
142 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type": "off", |
143 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types": "off", |
144 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/interface-name-prefix": ["off", "never"], |
145 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/no-empty-function": "off", |
146 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any": "error", |
147 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/naming-convention": [ |
148 |
| - "error", |
149 |
| - { |
150 |
| - selector: "default", |
151 |
| - format: ["camelCase"], |
152 |
| - filter: { |
153 |
| - regex: "^(__typename|Component|_[iI]gnored)$", |
154 |
| - match: false, |
155 |
| - }, |
156 |
| - }, |
157 |
| - { |
158 |
| - selector: "variable", |
159 |
| - format: ["camelCase", "UPPER_CASE", "PascalCase"], |
160 |
| - filter: { |
161 |
| - regex: "^(__typename|_[iI]gnored)$", |
162 |
| - match: false, |
163 |
| - }, |
164 |
| - }, |
165 |
| - { |
166 |
| - selector: "parameter", |
167 |
| - format: ["camelCase"], |
168 |
| - leadingUnderscore: "allow", |
169 |
| - filter: { |
170 |
| - regex: "^(Component)$", |
171 |
| - match: false, |
172 |
| - }, |
173 |
| - }, |
174 |
| - { |
175 |
| - selector: "memberLike", |
176 |
| - modifiers: ["private"], |
177 |
| - format: ["camelCase"], |
178 |
| - leadingUnderscore: "require", |
179 |
| - }, |
180 |
| - { |
181 |
| - selector: "typeLike", |
182 |
| - format: ["PascalCase"], |
183 |
| - }, |
184 |
| - { |
185 |
| - selector: ["typeProperty"], |
186 |
| - format: ["camelCase"], |
187 |
| - leadingUnderscore: "allowDouble", |
188 |
| - filter: { |
189 |
| - regex: "^(Component)$", |
190 |
| - match: false, |
191 |
| - }, |
192 |
| - }, |
193 |
| - { |
194 |
| - selector: ["function"], |
195 |
| - format: ["camelCase", "PascalCase"], |
196 |
| - leadingUnderscore: "forbid", |
197 |
| - }, |
198 |
| - { |
199 |
| - selector: ["objectLiteralProperty", "objectLiteralMethod"], |
200 |
| - format: ["camelCase", "UPPER_CASE", "PascalCase"], |
201 |
| - leadingUnderscore: "allowDouble", |
202 |
| - filter: { |
203 |
| - regex: "^(Content-Type|Authorization|Component)$", |
204 |
| - match: false, |
205 |
| - }, |
206 |
| - }, |
207 |
| - { |
208 |
| - selector: "enum", |
209 |
| - format: ["PascalCase", "UPPER_CASE"], |
210 |
| - }, |
211 |
| - { |
212 |
| - selector: "enumMember", |
213 |
| - format: ["UPPER_CASE"], |
214 |
| - }, |
215 |
| - ], |
216 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion": "error", |
217 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/consistent-type-definitions": ["error", "type"], |
218 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars": [ |
219 |
| - "error", |
220 |
| - { varsIgnorePattern: "[iI]gnored", argsIgnorePattern: "^_" }, |
221 |
| - ], |
222 |
| - "@typescript-eslint/no-shadow": "error", |
223 |
| - }, |
224 |
| - env: { |
225 |
| - es2020: true, |
226 |
| - browser: true, |
227 |
| - node: true, |
228 |
| - jest: true, |
229 |
| - }, |
230 |
| - overrides: [ |
231 |
| - { |
232 |
| - files: [ |
233 |
| - "src/**/__tests__/**/*.[jt]s?(x)", |
234 |
| - "src/**/?(*.)+(spec|test).[jt]s?(x)", |
235 |
| - ], |
236 |
| - extends: [ |
237 |
| - "plugin:jest/all", |
238 |
| - "plugin:jest-dom/recommended", |
239 |
| - "plugin:testing-library/react", |
240 |
| - ], |
241 |
| - rules: { |
242 |
| - // eslint-plugin-jest |
243 |
| - "jest/no-hooks": "off", |
244 |
| - "jest/require-top-level-describe": "off", |
245 |
| - "jest/prefer-expect-assertions": "off", |
246 |
| - "jest/expect-expect": "off", |
247 |
| - "jest/valid-expect-in-promise": "warn", |
248 |
| - "jest/no-identical-title": "error", |
249 |
| - "jest/no-mocks-import": "error", |
250 |
| - "jest/no-disabled-tests": "error", |
251 |
| - "jest/require-to-throw-message": "error", |
252 |
| - "jest/no-commented-out-tests": "error", |
253 |
| - // eslint-plugin-jest-dom |
254 |
| - "jest-dom/prefer-in-document": "off", |
255 |
| - // eslint-plugin-testing-library |
256 |
| - "testing-library/prefer-screen-queries": "error", |
257 |
| - // eslint-plugin-fp |
258 |
| - "fp/no-loops": "off", |
259 |
| - }, |
260 |
| - }, |
261 |
| - ], |
262 |
| - settings: { |
263 |
| - linkComponents: ["Hyperlink", { name: "Link", linkAttribute: "to" }], |
264 |
| - "import/resolver": { |
265 |
| - node: { |
266 |
| - extensions: [".js", ".ts", ".tsx"], |
267 |
| - }, |
268 |
| - }, |
269 |
| - "import/internal-regex": "^~/", |
270 |
| - react: { |
271 |
| - version: "detect", // React version. "detect" automatically picks the version you have installed. |
272 |
| - }, |
273 | 38 | },
274 | 39 | };
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