Compilation failed!
Errors found:
* Platform.h(360,60) : error 116: 'Indi_TfMt' - declaration without type
* Platform.h(360,60) : error 299: 'Indi_TfMt' - class type expected
* Platform.h(360,60) : error 168: 'Indi_TfMt' - function not defined
* Platform.h(360,56) : error 151: 'new' - expression of 'void' type is illegal
* Platform.h(360,56) : error 246: 'new' - parameter conversion not allowed
* Platform.h(360,20) : error 166: 'operator=' - no one of the overloads can be applied to the function call
* Platform.h(360,46) : error 237: 'Set' - object pointer expected