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103 lines (86 loc) · 3.63 KB

File metadata and controls

103 lines (86 loc) · 3.63 KB


Lazy.nvim installation

Extend your lazy config with treesitter and the nu parser. The parser doesn't have to be listed under dependencies.

    config = function()
        require("nvim-treesitter.configs").setup {
            ensure_installed = { "nu" }, -- Ensure the "nu" parser is installed
            highlight = {
                enable = true,            -- Enable syntax highlighting
            -- OPTIONAL!! These enable ts-specific textobjects.
            -- So you can hit `yaf` to copy the closest function,
            -- `dif` to clear the contet of the closest function,
            -- or whatever keys you map to what query.
            textobjects = {
                select = {
                    enable = true,
                    keymaps = {
                        -- You can use the capture groups defined in textobjects.scm
                        -- For example:
                        -- Nushell only
                        ["aP"] = "@pipeline.outer",
                        ["iP"] = "@pipeline.inner",

                        -- supported in other languages as well
                        ["af"] = "@function.outer",
                        ["if"] = "@function.inner",
                        ["al"] = "@loop.outer",
                        ["il"] = "@loop.inner",
                        ["aC"] = "@conditional.outer",
                        ["iC"] = "@conditional.inner",
                        ["iS"] = "@statement.inner",
                        ["aS"] = "@statement.outer",
                    }, -- keymaps
                }, -- select
            }, -- textobjects
    dependencies = {
        -- Additional Nushell parser
        { "nushell/tree-sitter-nu", build = ":TSUpdate nu" },
    build = ":TSUpdate",

Manual installation

The ability to add syntax highlighting can be provided by tree-sitter using nvim-treesitter (please refer to its own installation instructions).

local parser_config = require("nvim-treesitter.parsers").get_parser_configs() = {
  install_info = {
    url = "",
    files = { "src/parser.c", "src/scanner.c" },
    branch = "main",
  filetype = "nu",

Run :TSInstall nu in neovim to install the above parser.

Note To get an overview of how tree-sitter is parsing nushell code, I recommend poking around with nvim-treesitter/playground.

With tree-sitter available, you can now add highlights queries to associate highlight groups with tree-sitter nodes. Run :highlight in neovim for a list of highlight groups.

If you are using the lazy package manager for neovim, you can run the following snippet to install the highlights file and enable the highlighting:

let remote = ""
let local = (
    | default ($env.HOME | path join ".local" "share")
    | path join "nvim" "lazy" "nvim-treesitter" "queries" "nu"

let file = "highlights.scm"

mkdir $local
http get ([$remote $file] | str join "/") | save --force ($local | path join $file)

You need to run this snippet whenever the highlights change and :TSUpdate nu whenever there is a new version of the parser.