diff --git a/cljs-client/cljs_cheatsheet_client/dom.cljs b/cljs-client/cljs_cheatsheet_client/dom.cljs
index b682405..af61f1b 100644
--- a/cljs-client/cljs_cheatsheet_client/dom.cljs
+++ b/cljs-client/cljs_cheatsheet_client/dom.cljs
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@
(defn get-element-box [el]
(let [$el ($ el)
o (.offset $el)
- x (oget o "left")
- y (oget o "top")
- height (ocall $el "outerHeight")
- width (ocall $el "outerWidth")]
+ x (js/parseFloat (oget o "left"))
+ y (js/parseFloat (oget o "top"))
+ height (js/parseFloat (ocall $el "outerHeight"))
+ width (js/parseFloat (ocall $el "outerWidth"))]
{:x1 x
:x2 (+ x width)
:y1 y
diff --git a/cljs-client/cljs_cheatsheet_client/html.cljs b/cljs-client/cljs_cheatsheet_client/html.cljs
index 92fcb57..32db6a8 100644
--- a/cljs-client/cljs_cheatsheet_client/html.cljs
+++ b/cljs-client/cljs_cheatsheet_client/html.cljs
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
[hiccups.core :as hiccups])
- [clojure.string :refer [blank?]]
+ [clojure.string :as str]
[cljs-cheatsheet.util :refer [docs-href js-log log]]
[cljs-cheatsheet-client.util :refer [extract-namespace extract-symbol split-full-name]]))
@@ -18,36 +18,37 @@
(str "code-b64c8 "
(if (even? idx) "dark-even-7aff7" "dark-odd-6cd97")))
-(hiccups/defhtml code-signature [idx sig nme]
+(defn CodeSignature [idx sig nme]
(let [len (count sig)
sig2 (subs sig 1 (dec len))]
[:code {:class (code-signature-class idx)}
- "(" (html-encode nme)
- (when-not (blank? sig2) (str " " (html-encode sig2)))
+ "(" nme
+ (when-not (str/blank? sig2)
+ (str " " sig2))
-(hiccups/defhtml related-fn-link [s]
+(defn RelatedFnLink [s]
{:data-full-name (:full-name s)
:href (docs-href (:symbol s) (:namespace s))}
- (html-encode (:symbol s))])
+ (:symbol s)])
-(hiccups/defhtml related-links-for-ns [ns1 all-related]
+(defn RelatedLinksForNs [ns1 all-related]
(let [filtered-related (filter #(= (:namespace %) ns1) all-related)]
(when-not (= ns1 cljs-core-ns)
[:span.tt-literal-3cdfc "(" ns1 "/)"])
- (map related-fn-link filtered-related))))
+ (map RelatedFnLink filtered-related))))
-(hiccups/defhtml related-links [r]
+(defn RelatedLinks [r]
(let [r2 (map split-full-name r)
namespaces (distinct (map :namespace r2))]
[:h5.related-hdr-915e5 "Related"]
- (map #(related-links-for-ns % r2) namespaces)])))
+ (map #(RelatedLinksForNs % r2) namespaces)])))
-(hiccups/defhtml inline-tooltip [tt]
+(hiccups/defhtml InlineTooltip [tt]
(let [desc-html (:description-html tt)
id (:id tt)
full-name (:full-name tt)
@@ -62,10 +63,12 @@
(when-not (= cljs-core-ns ns1)
[:span.namespace-2e700 ns1 "/"])
- (html-encode symbol-name)
+ symbol-name
(when type [:span.type-7920d type])]
- (map-indexed #(code-signature %1 %2 symbol-name) signature)]
- [:div.description-26a4d desc-html]
- (when (and related (first related) (not (blank? (first related))))
- (related-links related))]))
+ (map-indexed #(CodeSignature %1 %2 symbol-name) signature)]
+ [:div
+ {:dangerously-set-inner-HTML
+ {:__html (str "
" desc-html "
+ (when (and related (first related) (not (str/blank? (first related))))
+ (RelatedLinks related))]))
diff --git a/cljs-client/cljs_cheatsheet_client/tooltips.cljs b/cljs-client/cljs_cheatsheet_client/tooltips.cljs
index fe9e193..e5bb529 100644
--- a/cljs-client/cljs_cheatsheet_client/tooltips.cljs
+++ b/cljs-client/cljs_cheatsheet_client/tooltips.cljs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(ns cljs-cheatsheet-client.tooltips
- [cljs-cheatsheet-client.html :refer [inline-tooltip]]
+ [cljs-cheatsheet-client.html :refer [InlineTooltip]]
[cljs-cheatsheet-client.state :refer [active-tooltip mouse-position mousetrap-boxes]]
[cljs-cheatsheet-client.util :refer [fetch-clj half point-inside-box?]]
[cljs-cheatsheet.util :refer [js-log log]]
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
(defn- create-inline-tooltip! [tt]
- (.append ($ "body") (inline-tooltip tt)))
+ (.append ($ "body") (InlineTooltip tt)))
;; Hide and Show
diff --git a/cljs-server/cljs_cheatsheet_server/core.cljs b/cljs-server/cljs_cheatsheet_server/core.cljs
index 6dff771..2c9ff04 100644
--- a/cljs-server/cljs_cheatsheet_server/core.cljs
+++ b/cljs-server/cljs_cheatsheet_server/core.cljs
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
[hiccups.core :as hiccups])
- [clojure.string :refer [blank? join replace]]
[cljs-cheatsheet.util :refer [docs-href js-log log]]
+ [clojure.string :refer [blank? join replace]]
[hiccups.runtime :as hiccupsrt]))
;; This file produces:
@@ -34,21 +34,18 @@
(defn- json-stringify [js-thing]
(js/JSON.stringify js-thing nil 2))
-(hiccups/defhtml tt-icon [id]
+(defn TooltipIcon [id]
{:alt ""
:data-info-id id
:src "img/info-circle.svg"}])
-(hiccups/defhtml literal [n]
+(defn CodeText [n]
[:span.literal-c3029 n])
-(hiccups/defhtml fn-link
+(defn FnLink
- (fn-link symbol-name clojure-core-ns))
+ (FnLink symbol-name clojure-core-ns))
([symbol-name name-space]
(let [full-name (str name-space "/" symbol-name)
;; add this symbol to the docs list
@@ -56,12 +53,11 @@
{:data-full-name full-name
:href (docs-href symbol-name name-space)}
- (html-encode symbol-name)])))
+ symbol-name])))
-(hiccups/defhtml inside-fn-link
+(defn InsideFnLink
- (inside-fn-link symbol-name clojure-core-ns))
+ (InsideFnLink symbol-name clojure-core-ns))
([symbol-name name-space]
(let [full-name (str name-space "/" symbol-name)
;; add this symbol to the docs list
@@ -69,269 +65,269 @@
{:data-full-name (str name-space "/" symbol-name)
:href (docs-href symbol-name name-space)}
- (html-encode symbol-name)])))
+ symbol-name])))
;; Sections
-(hiccups/defhtml basics-section []
+(defn BasicsSection []
[:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "Basics"]
- [:td.label-9e0b7 "Define" (tt-icon "define")]
- [:td.body-885f4
- (fn-link "def")
- (fn-link "defn")
- (fn-link "defn-")
- (fn-link "let")
- (fn-link "letfn")
- (fn-link "declare")
- (fn-link "ns")]]
- [:tr
- [:td.label-9e0b7 "Branch" (tt-icon "branch")]
- [:td.body-885f4
- (fn-link "if")
- (fn-link "if-not")
- (fn-link "when")
- (fn-link "when-not")
- (fn-link "when-let")
- (fn-link "when-first")
- (fn-link "if-let")
- (fn-link "cond")
- (fn-link "condp")
- (fn-link "case")
- (fn-link "when-some")
- (fn-link "if-some")]]
+ [:td.label-9e0b7 "Define" (TooltipIcon "define")]
+ [:td.body-885f4
+ (FnLink "def")
+ (FnLink "defn")
+ (FnLink "defn-")
+ (FnLink "let")
+ (FnLink "letfn")
+ (FnLink "declare")
+ (FnLink "ns")]]
+ [:tr
+ [:td.label-9e0b7 "Branch" (TooltipIcon "branch")]
+ [:td.body-885f4
+ (FnLink "if")
+ (FnLink "if-not")
+ (FnLink "when")
+ (FnLink "when-not")
+ (FnLink "when-let")
+ (FnLink "when-first")
+ (FnLink "if-let")
+ (FnLink "cond")
+ (FnLink "condp")
+ (FnLink "case")
+ (FnLink "when-some")
+ (FnLink "if-some")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Compare"]
- (fn-link "=")
- (fn-link "not=")
- (fn-link "and")
- (fn-link "or")
- (fn-link "not")
- (fn-link "identical?")
- (fn-link "compare")]]
+ (FnLink "=")
+ (FnLink "not=")
+ (FnLink "and")
+ (FnLink "or")
+ (FnLink "not")
+ (FnLink "identical?")
+ (FnLink "compare")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Loop"]
- (fn-link "map")
- (fn-link "map-indexed")
- (fn-link "reduce")
- (fn-link "for")
- (fn-link "doseq")
- (fn-link "dotimes")
- (fn-link "while")]]
+ (FnLink "map")
+ (FnLink "map-indexed")
+ (FnLink "reduce")
+ (FnLink "for")
+ (FnLink "doseq")
+ (FnLink "dotimes")
+ (FnLink "while")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Test"]
- (fn-link "true?")
- (fn-link "false?")
- (fn-link "instance?")
- (fn-link "nil?")
- (fn-link "some?")]]]]])
+ (FnLink "true?")
+ (FnLink "false?")
+ (FnLink "instance?")
+ (FnLink "nil?")
+ (FnLink "some?")]]]]])
-(hiccups/defhtml functions-section []
+(defn FunctionSection []
- [:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "#( ) Functions" (tt-icon "functions")]
+ [:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "#( ) Functions" (TooltipIcon "functions")]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Create"]
- [:div.row-5dec8 "#(...) → (fn [args] (...))"
- (tt-icon "function-shorthand")]
- (fn-link "fn")
- (fn-link "defn")
- (fn-link "defn-")
- (fn-link "identity")
- (fn-link "constantly")
- (fn-link "comp")
- (fn-link "complement")
- (fn-link "partial")
- (fn-link "juxt")
- (fn-link "memoize")
- (fn-link "fnil")
- (fn-link "every-pred")
- (fn-link "some-fn")]]
+ [:div.row-5dec8 "#(...) → (fn [args] (...))"
+ (TooltipIcon "function-shorthand")]
+ (FnLink "fn")
+ (FnLink "defn")
+ (FnLink "defn-")
+ (FnLink "identity")
+ (FnLink "constantly")
+ (FnLink "comp")
+ (FnLink "complement")
+ (FnLink "partial")
+ (FnLink "juxt")
+ (FnLink "memoize")
+ (FnLink "fnil")
+ (FnLink "every-pred")
+ (FnLink "some-fn")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Call"]
- (fn-link "apply")
- (fn-link "->")
- (fn-link "->>")
- (fn-link "as->")
- (fn-link "cond->")
- (fn-link "cond->>")
- (fn-link "some->")
- (fn-link "some->>")]]
+ (FnLink "apply")
+ (FnLink "->")
+ (FnLink "->>")
+ (FnLink "as->")
+ (FnLink "cond->")
+ (FnLink "cond->>")
+ (FnLink "some->")
+ (FnLink "some->>")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Test"]
- (fn-link "fn?")
- (fn-link "ifn?")]]]]])
+ (FnLink "fn?")
+ (FnLink "ifn?")]]]]])
-(hiccups/defhtml numbers-section []
+(defn NumbersSection []
- [:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "Numbers" (tt-icon "numbers")]
+ [:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "Numbers" (TooltipIcon "numbers")]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Literals"]
- (literal "7")
- (literal "3.14")
- (literal "-1.2e3")
- (literal "0x0000ff")]]
+ (CodeText "7")
+ (CodeText "3.14")
+ (CodeText "-1.2e3")
+ (CodeText "0x0000ff")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Arithmetic"]
- (fn-link "+")
- (fn-link "-")
- (fn-link "*")
- (fn-link "/")
- (fn-link "quot")
- (fn-link "rem")
- (fn-link "mod")
- (fn-link "inc")
- (fn-link "dec")
- (fn-link "max")
- (fn-link "min")]]
+ (FnLink "+")
+ (FnLink "-")
+ (FnLink "*")
+ (FnLink "/")
+ (FnLink "quot")
+ (FnLink "rem")
+ (FnLink "mod")
+ (FnLink "inc")
+ (FnLink "dec")
+ (FnLink "max")
+ (FnLink "min")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Compare"]
- (fn-link "=")
- (fn-link "==")
- (fn-link "not=")
- (fn-link "<")
- (fn-link ">")
- (fn-link "<=")
- (fn-link ">=")
- (fn-link "compare")]]
+ (FnLink "=")
+ (FnLink "==")
+ (FnLink "not=")
+ (FnLink "<")
+ (FnLink ">")
+ (FnLink "<=")
+ (FnLink ">=")
+ (FnLink "compare")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Cast"]
- (fn-link "int")]]
+ (FnLink "int")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Test"]
- (fn-link "zero?")
- (fn-link "pos?")
- (fn-link "neg?")
- (fn-link "even?")
- (fn-link "odd?")
- (fn-link "number?")
- (fn-link "integer?")]]
+ (FnLink "zero?")
+ (FnLink "pos?")
+ (FnLink "neg?")
+ (FnLink "even?")
+ (FnLink "odd?")
+ (FnLink "number?")
+ (FnLink "integer?")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Random"]
- (fn-link "rand")
- (fn-link "rand-int")]]]]])
+ (FnLink "rand")
+ (FnLink "rand-int")]]]]])
-(hiccups/defhtml strings-section []
+(defn StringsSection []
- [:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "\" \" Strings" (tt-icon "strings")]
+ [:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "\" \" Strings" (TooltipIcon "strings")]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Create"]
- (literal "\"abc\"")
- (fn-link "str")
- (fn-link "name")]]
+ (CodeText "\"abc\"")
+ (FnLink "str")
+ (FnLink "name")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Use"]
- (literal "(.-length my-str)")
- (fn-link "count")
- (fn-link "get")
- (fn-link "subs")
- (literal "(clojure.string/)")
- (fn-link "join" clj-string-ns)
- (fn-link "escape" clj-string-ns)
- (fn-link "split" clj-string-ns)
- (fn-link "split-lines" clj-string-ns)
- (fn-link "replace" clj-string-ns)
- (fn-link "replace-first" clj-string-ns)
- (fn-link "reverse" clj-string-ns)]]
+ (CodeText "(.-length my-str)")
+ (FnLink "count")
+ (FnLink "get")
+ (FnLink "subs")
+ (CodeText "(clojure.string/)")
+ (FnLink "join" clj-string-ns)
+ (FnLink "escape" clj-string-ns)
+ (FnLink "split" clj-string-ns)
+ (FnLink "split-lines" clj-string-ns)
+ (FnLink "replace" clj-string-ns)
+ (FnLink "replace-first" clj-string-ns)
+ (FnLink "reverse" clj-string-ns)]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Regex"]
[:span.literal-c3029 "#\"" [:span {:style "font-style:italic"} "pattern"] "\""]
- (fn-link "re-find")
- (fn-link "re-seq")
- (fn-link "re-matches")
- (fn-link "re-pattern")
- (literal "(clojure.string/)")
- (fn-link "replace" clj-string-ns)
- (fn-link "replace-first" clj-string-ns)]]
+ (FnLink "re-find")
+ (FnLink "re-seq")
+ (FnLink "re-matches")
+ (FnLink "re-pattern")
+ (CodeText "(clojure.string/)")
+ (FnLink "replace" clj-string-ns)
+ (FnLink "replace-first" clj-string-ns)]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Letters"]
- (literal "(clojure.string/)")
- (fn-link "capitalize" clj-string-ns)
- (fn-link "lower-case" clj-string-ns)
- (fn-link "upper-case" clj-string-ns)]]
+ (CodeText "(clojure.string/)")
+ (FnLink "capitalize" clj-string-ns)
+ (FnLink "lower-case" clj-string-ns)
+ (FnLink "upper-case" clj-string-ns)]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Trim"]
- (literal "(clojure.string/)")
- (fn-link "trim" clj-string-ns)
- (fn-link "trim-newline" clj-string-ns)
- (fn-link "triml" clj-string-ns)
- (fn-link "trimr" clj-string-ns)]]
+ (CodeText "(clojure.string/)")
+ (FnLink "trim" clj-string-ns)
+ (FnLink "trim-newline" clj-string-ns)
+ (FnLink "triml" clj-string-ns)
+ (FnLink "trimr" clj-string-ns)]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Test"]
- (fn-link "char")
- (fn-link "string?")
- (literal "(clojure.string/)")
- (fn-link "includes?" clj-string-ns)
- (fn-link "blank?" clj-string-ns)]]]]])
+ (FnLink "char")
+ (FnLink "string?")
+ (CodeText "(clojure.string/)")
+ (FnLink "includes?" clj-string-ns)
+ (FnLink "blank?" clj-string-ns)]]]]])
-(hiccups/defhtml atoms-section []
+(defn AtomsSection []
- [:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "Atoms / State" (tt-icon "atoms")]
+ [:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "Atoms / State" (TooltipIcon "atoms")]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Create"]
- (fn-link "atom")]]
+ (FnLink "atom")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Get Value"]
- [:span.literal-c3029 "@my-atom → (" (inside-fn-link "deref") " my-atom)"]]]
+ [:span.literal-c3029 "@my-atom → (" (InsideFnLink "deref") " my-atom)"]]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Set Value"]
- (fn-link "swap!")
- (fn-link "reset!")
- (fn-link "compare-and-set!")]]
+ (FnLink "swap!")
+ (FnLink "reset!")
+ (FnLink "compare-and-set!")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Watch"]
- (fn-link "add-watch")
- (fn-link "remove-watch")]]
+ (FnLink "add-watch")
+ (FnLink "remove-watch")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Validators"]
- (fn-link "set-validator!")
- (fn-link "get-validator")]]]]])
+ (FnLink "set-validator!")
+ (FnLink "get-validator")]]]]])
(def cljs-oops-lib-url "https://github.com/binaryage/cljs-oops")
(def cljs-docs-url "https://github.com/binaryage/cljs-oops#object-operations")
-(hiccups/defhtml js-interop-section []
+(defn JsInteropSection []
[:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "JavaScript Interop"]
@@ -339,15 +335,15 @@
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Create Object"]
- (literal "#js {}")
- (fn-link "js-obj" cljs-core-ns)]]
+ (CodeText "#js {}")
+ (FnLink "js-obj" cljs-core-ns)]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Create Array"]
- (literal "#js []")
- (fn-link "array" cljs-core-ns)
- (fn-link "make-array" cljs-core-ns)
- (fn-link "aclone" cljs-core-ns)]]
+ (CodeText "#js []")
+ (FnLink "array" cljs-core-ns)
+ (FnLink "make-array" cljs-core-ns)
+ (FnLink "aclone" cljs-core-ns)]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Get Property"]
@@ -359,7 +355,7 @@
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Set Property"]
- [:div.row-5dec8 "(" (inside-fn-link "set!" cljs-core-ns) " (.-innerHTML el) \"Hi!\")"]
+ [:div.row-5dec8 "(" (InsideFnLink "set!" cljs-core-ns) " (.-innerHTML el) \"Hi!\")"]
"Using " [:a {:href cljs-oops-lib-url} "cljs-oops"] " library:"]
@@ -367,27 +363,27 @@
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Delete Property"]
- (fn-link "js-delete" cljs-core-ns)]]
+ (FnLink "js-delete" cljs-core-ns)]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Convert Between"]
- (fn-link "clj->js" cljs-core-ns)
- (fn-link "js->clj" cljs-core-ns)]]
+ (FnLink "clj->js" cljs-core-ns)
+ (FnLink "js->clj" cljs-core-ns)]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Type Tests"]
- (fn-link "array?" cljs-core-ns)
- (fn-link "fn?" cljs-core-ns)
- (fn-link "number?" cljs-core-ns)
- (fn-link "object?" cljs-core-ns)
- (fn-link "string?" cljs-core-ns)]]
+ (FnLink "array?" cljs-core-ns)
+ (FnLink "fn?" cljs-core-ns)
+ (FnLink "number?" cljs-core-ns)
+ (FnLink "object?" cljs-core-ns)
+ (FnLink "string?" cljs-core-ns)]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Exceptions"]
- (fn-link "try" cljs-core-ns)
- (fn-link "catch" cljs-core-ns)
- (fn-link "finally" cljs-core-ns)
- (fn-link "throw" cljs-core-ns)]]
+ (FnLink "try" cljs-core-ns)
+ (FnLink "catch" cljs-core-ns)
+ (FnLink "finally" cljs-core-ns)
+ (FnLink "throw" cljs-core-ns)]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "External Library"]
@@ -396,201 +392,201 @@
[:div.row-5dec8 "(.html (js/jQuery \"#myDiv\") \"Hi!\")"]]]]]])
-(hiccups/defhtml collections-section []
+(defn CollectionsBlock []
- [:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "Collections" (tt-icon "collections")]
+ [:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "Collections" (TooltipIcon "collections")]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "General"]
- (fn-link "count")
- (fn-link "empty")
- (fn-link "not-empty")
- (fn-link "into")
- (fn-link "conj")]]
+ (FnLink "count")
+ (FnLink "empty")
+ (FnLink "not-empty")
+ (FnLink "into")
+ (FnLink "conj")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Content Tests"]
- (fn-link "distinct?")
- (fn-link "empty?")
- (fn-link "every?")
- (fn-link "not-every?")
- (fn-link "some")
- (fn-link "not-any?")]]
+ (FnLink "distinct?")
+ (FnLink "empty?")
+ (FnLink "every?")
+ (FnLink "not-every?")
+ (FnLink "some")
+ (FnLink "not-any?")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Capabilities"]
- (fn-link "sequential?")
- (fn-link "associative?")
- (fn-link "sorted?")
- (fn-link "counted?")
- (fn-link "reversible?")]]
+ (FnLink "sequential?")
+ (FnLink "associative?")
+ (FnLink "sorted?")
+ (FnLink "counted?")
+ (FnLink "reversible?")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Type Tests"]
- (fn-link "coll?")
- (fn-link "list?")
- (fn-link "vector?")
- (fn-link "set?")
- (fn-link "map?")
- (fn-link "seq?")]]]]])
+ (FnLink "coll?")
+ (FnLink "list?")
+ (FnLink "vector?")
+ (FnLink "set?")
+ (FnLink "map?")
+ (FnLink "seq?")]]]]])
-(hiccups/defhtml lists-section []
+(defn ListsBlock []
- [:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "( ) Lists" (tt-icon "lists")]
+ [:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "( ) Lists" (TooltipIcon "lists")]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Create"]
- (literal "'()")
- (fn-link "list")
- (fn-link "list*")]]
+ (CodeText "'()")
+ (FnLink "list")
+ (FnLink "list*")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Examine"]
- (fn-link "first")
- (fn-link "nth")
- (fn-link "peek")]]
+ (FnLink "first")
+ (FnLink "nth")
+ (FnLink "peek")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "'Change'"]
- (fn-link "cons")
- (fn-link "conj")
- (fn-link "rest")
- (fn-link "pop")]]]]])
+ (FnLink "cons")
+ (FnLink "conj")
+ (FnLink "rest")
+ (FnLink "pop")]]]]])
-(hiccups/defhtml vectors-section []
+(defn VectorsBlock []
- [:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "[ ] Vectors" (tt-icon "vectors")]
+ [:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "[ ] Vectors" (TooltipIcon "vectors")]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Create"]
- (literal "[]")
- (fn-link "vector")
- (fn-link "vec")]]
+ (CodeText "[]")
+ (FnLink "vector")
+ (FnLink "vec")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Examine"]
- "(my-vec idx) → (" (inside-fn-link "nth") " my-vec idx)"
- (tt-icon "vector-as-fn")]
- (fn-link "get")
- (fn-link "peek")]]
+ "(my-vec idx) → (" (InsideFnLink "nth") " my-vec idx)"
+ (TooltipIcon "vector-as-fn")]
+ (FnLink "get")
+ (FnLink "peek")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "'Change'"]
- (fn-link "assoc")
- (fn-link "pop")
- (fn-link "subvec")
- (fn-link "replace")
- (fn-link "conj")
- (fn-link "rseq")]]
+ (FnLink "assoc")
+ (FnLink "pop")
+ (FnLink "subvec")
+ (FnLink "replace")
+ (FnLink "conj")
+ (FnLink "rseq")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Loop"]
- (fn-link "mapv")
- (fn-link "filterv")
- (fn-link "reduce-kv")]]]]])
+ (FnLink "mapv")
+ (FnLink "filterv")
+ (FnLink "reduce-kv")]]]]])
-(hiccups/defhtml sets-section []
+(defn SetsBlock []
- [:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "#{ } Sets" (tt-icon "sets")]
+ [:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "#{ } Sets" (TooltipIcon "sets")]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Create"]
- (literal "#{}")
- (fn-link "set")
- (fn-link "hash-set")
- (fn-link "sorted-set")
- (fn-link "sorted-set-by")]]
+ (CodeText "#{}")
+ (FnLink "set")
+ (FnLink "hash-set")
+ (FnLink "sorted-set")
+ (FnLink "sorted-set-by")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Examine"]
- "(my-set itm) → (" (inside-fn-link "get") " my-set itm)"
- (tt-icon "set-as-fn")]
- (fn-link "contains?")]]
+ "(my-set itm) → (" (InsideFnLink "get") " my-set itm)"
+ (TooltipIcon "set-as-fn")]
+ (FnLink "contains?")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "'Change'"]
- (fn-link "conj")
- (fn-link "disj")]]
+ (FnLink "conj")
+ (FnLink "disj")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Set Ops"]
- (literal "(clojure.set/)")
- (fn-link "union" clj-set-ns)
- (fn-link "difference" clj-set-ns)
- (fn-link "intersection" clj-set-ns)
- (fn-link "select" clj-set-ns)]]
+ (CodeText "(clojure.set/)")
+ (FnLink "union" clj-set-ns)
+ (FnLink "difference" clj-set-ns)
+ (FnLink "intersection" clj-set-ns)
+ (FnLink "select" clj-set-ns)]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Test"]
- (literal "(clojure.set/)")
- (fn-link "subset?" clj-set-ns)
- (fn-link "superset?" clj-set-ns)]]]]])
+ (CodeText "(clojure.set/)")
+ (FnLink "subset?" clj-set-ns)
+ (FnLink "superset?" clj-set-ns)]]]]])
-(hiccups/defhtml maps-section []
+(defn MapsBlock []
- [:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "{ } Maps" (tt-icon "maps")]
+ [:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "{ } Maps" (TooltipIcon "maps")]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Create"]
[:div.row-5dec8 "{:key1 \"a\" :key2 \"b\"}"]
- (fn-link "hash-map")
- (fn-link "array-map")
- (fn-link "zipmap")
- (fn-link "sorted-map")
- (fn-link "sorted-map-by")
- (fn-link "frequencies")
- (fn-link "group-by")]]
+ (FnLink "hash-map")
+ (FnLink "array-map")
+ (FnLink "zipmap")
+ (FnLink "sorted-map")
+ (FnLink "sorted-map-by")
+ (FnLink "frequencies")
+ (FnLink "group-by")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Examine"]
- "(:key my-map) → (" (inside-fn-link "get") " my-map :key)"
- (tt-icon "keywords-as-fn")]
- (fn-link "get-in")
- (fn-link "contains?")
- (fn-link "find")
- (fn-link "keys")
- (fn-link "vals")]]
+ "(:key my-map) → (" (InsideFnLink "get") " my-map :key)"
+ (TooltipIcon "keywords-as-fn")]
+ (FnLink "get-in")
+ (FnLink "contains?")
+ (FnLink "find")
+ (FnLink "keys")
+ (FnLink "vals")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "'Change'"]
- (fn-link "assoc")
- (fn-link "assoc-in")
- (fn-link "dissoc")
- (fn-link "merge")
- (fn-link "merge-with")
- (fn-link "select-keys")
- (fn-link "update-in")]]
+ (FnLink "assoc")
+ (FnLink "assoc-in")
+ (FnLink "dissoc")
+ (FnLink "merge")
+ (FnLink "merge-with")
+ (FnLink "select-keys")
+ (FnLink "update-in")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Entry"]
- (fn-link "key")
- (fn-link "val")]]
+ (FnLink "key")
+ (FnLink "val")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Sorted Maps"]
- (fn-link "rseq")
- (fn-link "subseq")
- (fn-link "rsubseq")]]]]])
+ (FnLink "rseq")
+ (FnLink "subseq")
+ (FnLink "rsubseq")]]]]])
-(hiccups/defhtml create-seq-section []
+(defn CreateSeqBlock []
[:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "Create a Seq"]
@@ -598,119 +594,119 @@
[:td.label-9e0b7 "From Collection"]
- (fn-link "seq")
- (fn-link "vals")
- (fn-link "keys")
- (fn-link "rseq")
- (fn-link "subseq")
- (fn-link "rsubseq")]]
+ (FnLink "seq")
+ (FnLink "vals")
+ (FnLink "keys")
+ (FnLink "rseq")
+ (FnLink "subseq")
+ (FnLink "rsubseq")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "From JS Array"]
- (fn-link "array-seq" cljs-core-ns)
- (fn-link "prim-seq" cljs-core-ns)]]
+ (FnLink "array-seq" cljs-core-ns)
+ (FnLink "prim-seq" cljs-core-ns)]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Producer Functions"]
- (fn-link "lazy-seq")
- (fn-link "repeatedly")
- (fn-link "iterate")]]
+ (FnLink "lazy-seq")
+ (FnLink "repeatedly")
+ (FnLink "iterate")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "From Constant"]
- (fn-link "repeat")
- (fn-link "range")]]
+ (FnLink "repeat")
+ (FnLink "range")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "From Other"]
- (fn-link "re-seq")
- (fn-link "tree-seq")]]
+ (FnLink "re-seq")
+ (FnLink "tree-seq")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "From Sequence"]
- (fn-link "keep")
- (fn-link "keep-indexed")]]]]])
+ (FnLink "keep")
+ (FnLink "keep-indexed")]]]]])
-(hiccups/defhtml seq-in-out-section []
+(defn SeqInOutBlock []
- [:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "Seq in, Seq out" (tt-icon "sequences")]
+ [:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "Seq in, Seq out" (TooltipIcon "sequences")]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Get Shorter"]
- (fn-link "distinct")
- (fn-link "filter")
- (fn-link "remove")
- (fn-link "take-nth")
- (fn-link "for")]]
+ (FnLink "distinct")
+ (FnLink "filter")
+ (FnLink "remove")
+ (FnLink "take-nth")
+ (FnLink "for")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Get Longer"]
- (fn-link "cons")
- (fn-link "conj")
- (fn-link "concat")
- (fn-link "lazy-cat")
- (fn-link "mapcat")
- (fn-link "cycle")
- (fn-link "interleave")
- (fn-link "interpose")]]
+ (FnLink "cons")
+ (FnLink "conj")
+ (FnLink "concat")
+ (FnLink "lazy-cat")
+ (FnLink "mapcat")
+ (FnLink "cycle")
+ (FnLink "interleave")
+ (FnLink "interpose")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Get From Tail"]
- (fn-link "rest")
- (fn-link "nthrest")
- (fn-link "next")
- (fn-link "fnext")
- (fn-link "nnext")
- (fn-link "drop")
- (fn-link "drop-while")
- (fn-link "take-last")
- (fn-link "for")]]
+ (FnLink "rest")
+ (FnLink "nthrest")
+ (FnLink "next")
+ (FnLink "fnext")
+ (FnLink "nnext")
+ (FnLink "drop")
+ (FnLink "drop-while")
+ (FnLink "take-last")
+ (FnLink "for")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Get From Head"]
- (fn-link "take")
- (fn-link "take-while")
- (fn-link "butlast")
- (fn-link "drop-last")
- (fn-link "for")]]
+ (FnLink "take")
+ (FnLink "take-while")
+ (FnLink "butlast")
+ (FnLink "drop-last")
+ (FnLink "for")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "'Change'"]
- (fn-link "conj")
- (fn-link "concat")
- (fn-link "distinct")
- (fn-link "flatten")
- (fn-link "group-by")
- (fn-link "partition")
- (fn-link "partition-all")
- (fn-link "partition-by")
- (fn-link "split-at")
- (fn-link "split-with")
- (fn-link "filter")
- (fn-link "remove")
- (fn-link "replace")
- (fn-link "shuffle")]]
+ (FnLink "conj")
+ (FnLink "concat")
+ (FnLink "distinct")
+ (FnLink "flatten")
+ (FnLink "group-by")
+ (FnLink "partition")
+ (FnLink "partition-all")
+ (FnLink "partition-by")
+ (FnLink "split-at")
+ (FnLink "split-with")
+ (FnLink "filter")
+ (FnLink "remove")
+ (FnLink "replace")
+ (FnLink "shuffle")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Rearrange"]
- (fn-link "reverse")
- (fn-link "sort")
- (fn-link "sort-by")
- (fn-link "compare")]]
+ (FnLink "reverse")
+ (FnLink "sort")
+ (FnLink "sort-by")
+ (FnLink "compare")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Process Items"]
- (fn-link "map")
- (fn-link "map-indexed")
- (fn-link "mapcat")
- (fn-link "for")
- (fn-link "replace")]]]]])
+ (FnLink "map")
+ (FnLink "map-indexed")
+ (FnLink "mapcat")
+ (FnLink "for")
+ (FnLink "replace")]]]]])
-(hiccups/defhtml use-seq-section []
+(defn UsingSequenceBlock []
[:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "Using a Seq"]
@@ -718,68 +714,68 @@
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Extract Item"]
- (fn-link "first")
- (fn-link "second")
- (fn-link "last")
- (fn-link "rest")
- (fn-link "next")
- (fn-link "ffirst")
- (fn-link "nfirst")
- (fn-link "fnext")
- (fn-link "nnext")
- (fn-link "nth")
- (fn-link "nthnext")
- (fn-link "rand-nth")
- (fn-link "when-first")
- (fn-link "max-key")
- (fn-link "min-key")]]
+ (FnLink "first")
+ (FnLink "second")
+ (FnLink "last")
+ (FnLink "rest")
+ (FnLink "next")
+ (FnLink "ffirst")
+ (FnLink "nfirst")
+ (FnLink "fnext")
+ (FnLink "nnext")
+ (FnLink "nth")
+ (FnLink "nthnext")
+ (FnLink "rand-nth")
+ (FnLink "when-first")
+ (FnLink "max-key")
+ (FnLink "min-key")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Construct Collection"]
- (fn-link "zipmap")
- (fn-link "into")
- (fn-link "reduce")
- (fn-link "reductions")
- (fn-link "set")
- (fn-link "vec")
- (fn-link "into-array")
- (fn-link "to-array-2d")]]
+ (FnLink "zipmap")
+ (FnLink "into")
+ (FnLink "reduce")
+ (FnLink "reductions")
+ (FnLink "set")
+ (FnLink "vec")
+ (FnLink "into-array")
+ (FnLink "to-array-2d")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Pass to Function"]
- (fn-link "apply")]]
+ (FnLink "apply")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Search"]
- (fn-link "some")
- (fn-link "filter")]]
+ (FnLink "some")
+ (FnLink "filter")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Force Evaluation"]
- (fn-link "doseq")
- (fn-link "dorun")
- (fn-link "doall")]]
+ (FnLink "doseq")
+ (FnLink "dorun")
+ (FnLink "doall")]]
[:td.label-9e0b7 "Check For Forced"]
- (fn-link "realized?")]]]]])
+ (FnLink "realized?")]]]]])
-(hiccups/defhtml bitwise-section []
+(defn BitwiseBlock []
[:h3.section-title-8ccf5 "Bitwise"]
- (fn-link "bit-and")
- (fn-link "bit-or")
- (fn-link "bit-xor")
- (fn-link "bit-not")
- (fn-link "bit-flip")
- (fn-link "bit-set")
- (fn-link "bit-shift-right")
- (fn-link "bit-shift-left")
- (fn-link "bit-and-not")
- (fn-link "bit-clear")
- (fn-link "bit-test")
- (fn-link "unsigned-bit-shift-right")]])
+ (FnLink "bit-and")
+ (FnLink "bit-or")
+ (FnLink "bit-xor")
+ (FnLink "bit-not")
+ (FnLink "bit-flip")
+ (FnLink "bit-set")
+ (FnLink "bit-shift-right")
+ (FnLink "bit-shift-left")
+ (FnLink "bit-and-not")
+ (FnLink "bit-clear")
+ (FnLink "bit-test")
+ (FnLink "unsigned-bit-shift-right")]])
;; TODO: create "Export to JavaScript" section
;; include ^:export and goog.exportSymbol functions
@@ -789,9 +785,7 @@
;; Info Tooltips
-;; TODO: break these up into functions
-(hiccups/defhtml truthy-table []
+(defn TruthyTable []
@@ -829,7 +823,7 @@
[:td.cell-e6fd2 [:code "false"]]]]])
-(hiccups/defhtml function-shorthand-table []
+(defn FunctionShorthandTable []
@@ -845,152 +839,153 @@
{:style "font-size: 10px"}
- "#(* % (apply + %&))"]
+ "#(* % (apply + %&))"]
{:style "font-size: 10px"}
- "(fn [x & the-rest]\n"
+ "(fn [x & the-rest]\n"
" (* x (apply + the-rest)))"]]]]])
-(hiccups/defhtml basics-tooltips []
- [:div#tooltip-define.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
- [:p "Everything in ClojureScript is immutable by default, meaning that the "
- "value of a symbol cannot be changed after it is defined."]]
- [:div#tooltip-branch.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
- [:p "In conditional statements, everything evaluates to " [:code "true"]
- " except for " [:code "false"] " and " [:code "nil"] "."]
- [:p "This is much simpler than JavaScript, which has complex rules for "
- "truthiness."]
- (truthy-table)]
- [:div#tooltip-numbers.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
- [:p "All ClojureScript Numbers are IEEE 754 Double Precision floating point. "
- "The same as JavaScript."]]
- [:div#tooltip-atoms.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
- [:p
- "Atoms provide a way to manage state in a ClojureScript program."]
- [:p
- "Unlike JavaScript, everything in ClojureScript is immutable by default. "
- "This means that you cannot change the value of something after it has "
- "been defined."]
- [:p
- "Atoms allow for mutability and distinguish between setting and reading "
- "a value, which makes state easier to reason about."]
- [:p
- "Watcher functions execute when a value changes, providing a powerful UI "
- "pattern when your value maps to interface state."]]
- [:div#tooltip-functions.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
- [:p
- "ClojureScript Functions are JavaScript Functions and can be called and "
- "used in all the ways that JavaScript Functions can."]
- [:p
- "The core library provides many useful higher-order functions and there "
- "is a convenient shorthand for creating anonymous functions."]]
- [:div#tooltip-function-shorthand.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
- [:p
- "The " [:code "#()"] " function shorthand is a convenient way to write a "
- "small function definition and is often used to pass closures from one "
- "scope to another."]
- [:p
- [:code "#()"] " forms cannot be nested and it is idiomatic to keep them "
- "short."]
- (function-shorthand-table)]
- [:div#tooltip-strings.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
- [:p "ClojureScript Strings are JavaScript Strings and have all of the native "
- "methods and properties that a JavaScript String has."]
- [:p "ClojureScript Strings must be defined using double quotes."]
- [:p "The " [:code "clojure.string"] " namespace provides many useful "
- "functions for dealing with strings."]])
-(hiccups/defhtml collections-tooltips []
- [:div#tooltip-collections.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
- [:p
- "ClojureScript provides four collection types: lists, vectors, sets, and "
- "maps. "
- "Each of these data types has unique strengths and are used heavily in "
- "most programs."]
- [:p
- "All collections are immutable and persistent, which means they preserve "
- "the previous version(s) of themselves when they are modified. "
- "Creating a \"changed\" version of any collection is an efficient "
- "operation."]
- [:p
- "Collections can be represented literally:"]
- [:table.tbl-3160a
- [:thead
- [:tr
- [:th.tbl-hdr-e0564 "Collection"]
- [:th.tbl-hdr-e0564 "Literal Form"]]]
- [:tbody
- [:tr
- [:td.cell-e6fd2.right-border-c1b54 "List"]
- [:td.cell-e6fd2 [:code "()"]]]
- [:tr
- [:td.cell-e6fd2.right-border-c1b54 "Vector"]
- [:td.cell-e6fd2 [:code "[]"]]]
- [:tr
- [:td.cell-e6fd2.right-border-c1b54 "Set"]
- [:td.cell-e6fd2 [:code "#{}"]]]
- [:tr
- [:td.cell-e6fd2.right-border-c1b54 "Map"]
- [:td.cell-e6fd2 [:code "{}"]]]]]]
- [:div#tooltip-lists.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
- [:p
- "Lists are a sequence of values, similar to a vector."]
- [:p
- "Most literal lists represent a function call."]
- [:p
- [:code "(a b c)"] " is a list of three things, and it also means "
- "\"call the function " [:code "a"] " with two arguments: " [:code "b"]
- " and " [:code "c"] "\""]]
- [:div#tooltip-vectors.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
- [:p
- "Vectors are collections of values that are indexed by sequential "
- "integers."]
- [:p
- "Though similar, a JavaScript Array is not the same thing as a "
- "ClojureScript vector. "
- "ie: " [:code "(.indexOf my-vec)"] " will not work on a vector."]]
- [:div#tooltip-vector-as-fn.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
- [:p
- "A vector can be used as a function to access its elements."]]
- [:div#tooltip-sets.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
- [:p "Sets are collections of unique values, just like in "
- "mathematics."]]
- [:div#tooltip-set-as-fn.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
- [:p
- "A set can be used as a function to access its elements."]]
- [:div#tooltip-maps.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
- [:p
- "A map is a collection that maps keys to values. "
- "Accessing a value in a map using a key is very fast."]
- [:p
- "In JavaScript, Objects are commonly used as a de facto map using "
- "strings as keys. "
- "A key in a ClojureScript map can be any value, although keywords are "
- "commonly used."]]
- [:div#tooltip-keywords-as-fn.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
- [:p
- "Keywords can be used as a function to get a value from a map. "
- "They are commonly used as map keys for this reason."]])
-(hiccups/defhtml sequences-tooltips []
+(defn BasicsTooltips []
+ (list
+ [:div#tooltip-define.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
+ [:p "Everything in ClojureScript is immutable by default, meaning that the "
+ "value of a symbol cannot be changed after it is defined."]]
+ [:div#tooltip-branch.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
+ [:p "In conditional statements, everything evaluates to " [:code "true"]
+ " except for " [:code "false"] " and " [:code "nil"] "."]
+ [:p "This is much simpler than JavaScript, which has complex rules for "
+ "truthiness."]
+ (TruthyTable)]
+ [:div#tooltip-numbers.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
+ [:p "All ClojureScript Numbers are IEEE 754 Double Precision floating point. "
+ "The same as JavaScript."]]
+ [:div#tooltip-atoms.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
+ [:p
+ "Atoms provide a way to manage state in a ClojureScript program."]
+ [:p
+ "Unlike JavaScript, everything in ClojureScript is immutable by default. "
+ "This means that you cannot change the value of something after it has "
+ "been defined."]
+ [:p
+ "Atoms allow for mutability and distinguish between setting and reading "
+ "a value, which makes state easier to reason about."]
+ [:p
+ "Watcher functions execute when a value changes, providing a powerful UI "
+ "pattern when your value maps to interface state."]]
+ [:div#tooltip-functions.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
+ [:p
+ "ClojureScript Functions are JavaScript Functions and can be called and "
+ "used in all the ways that JavaScript Functions can."]
+ [:p
+ "The core library provides many useful higher-order functions and there "
+ "is a convenient shorthand for creating anonymous functions."]]
+ [:div#tooltip-function-shorthand.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
+ [:p
+ "The " [:code "#()"] " function shorthand is a convenient way to write a "
+ "small function definition and is often used to pass closures from one "
+ "scope to another."]
+ [:p
+ [:code "#()"] " forms cannot be nested and it is idiomatic to keep them "
+ "short."]
+ (FunctionShorthandTable)]
+ [:div#tooltip-strings.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
+ [:p "ClojureScript Strings are JavaScript Strings and have all of the native "
+ "methods and properties that a JavaScript String has."]
+ [:p "ClojureScript Strings must be defined using double quotes."]
+ [:p "The " [:code "clojure.string"] " namespace provides many useful "
+ "functions for dealing with strings."]]))
+(defn CollectionsTooltips []
+ (list
+ [:div#tooltip-collections.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
+ [:p
+ "ClojureScript provides four collection types: lists, vectors, sets, and "
+ "maps. "
+ "Each of these data types has unique strengths and are used heavily in "
+ "most programs."]
+ [:p
+ "All collections are immutable and persistent, which means they preserve "
+ "the previous version(s) of themselves when they are modified. "
+ "Creating a \"changed\" version of any collection is an efficient "
+ "operation."]
+ [:p
+ "Collections can be represented literally:"]
+ [:table.tbl-3160a
+ [:thead
+ [:tr
+ [:th.tbl-hdr-e0564 "Collection"]
+ [:th.tbl-hdr-e0564 "Literal Form"]]]
+ [:tbody
+ [:tr
+ [:td.cell-e6fd2.right-border-c1b54 "List"]
+ [:td.cell-e6fd2 [:code "()"]]]
+ [:tr
+ [:td.cell-e6fd2.right-border-c1b54 "Vector"]
+ [:td.cell-e6fd2 [:code "[]"]]]
+ [:tr
+ [:td.cell-e6fd2.right-border-c1b54 "Set"]
+ [:td.cell-e6fd2 [:code "#{}"]]]
+ [:tr
+ [:td.cell-e6fd2.right-border-c1b54 "Map"]
+ [:td.cell-e6fd2 [:code "{}"]]]]]]
+ [:div#tooltip-lists.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
+ [:p
+ "Lists are a sequence of values, similar to a vector."]
+ [:p
+ "Most literal lists represent a function call."]
+ [:p
+ [:code "(a b c)"] " is a list of three things, and it also means "
+ "\"call the function " [:code "a"] " with two arguments: " [:code "b"]
+ " and " [:code "c"] "\""]]
+ [:div#tooltip-vectors.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
+ [:p
+ "Vectors are collections of values that are indexed by sequential "
+ "integers."]
+ [:p
+ "Though similar, a JavaScript Array is not the same thing as a "
+ "ClojureScript vector. "
+ "ie: " [:code "(.indexOf my-vec)"] " will not work on a vector."]]
+ [:div#tooltip-vector-as-fn.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
+ [:p
+ "A vector can be used as a function to access its elements."]]
+ [:div#tooltip-sets.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
+ [:p "Sets are collections of unique values, just like in "
+ "mathematics."]]
+ [:div#tooltip-set-as-fn.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
+ [:p
+ "A set can be used as a function to access its elements."]]
+ [:div#tooltip-maps.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
+ [:p
+ "A map is a collection that maps keys to values. "
+ "Accessing a value in a map using a key is very fast."]
+ [:p
+ "In JavaScript, Objects are commonly used as a de facto map using "
+ "strings as keys. "
+ "A key in a ClojureScript map can be any value, although keywords are "
+ "commonly used."]]
+ [:div#tooltip-keywords-as-fn.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
+ [:p
+ "Keywords can be used as a function to get a value from a map. "
+ "They are commonly used as map keys for this reason."]]))
+(defn SequencesTooltips []
[:div#tooltip-sequences.tooltip-53dde {:style "display:none"}
"Many core algorithms are defined in terms of sequences. A sequence is "
@@ -1011,18 +1006,18 @@
"results of a side-effecting function over an entire sequence."]])
-(hiccups/defhtml info-tooltips []
+(defn InfoTooltips []
- (basics-tooltips)
- (collections-tooltips)
- (sequences-tooltips)])
+ (BasicsTooltips)
+ (CollectionsTooltips)
+ (SequencesTooltips)])
;; Header and Footer
-(hiccups/defhtml header []
+(defn Header []
[:img {:src "img/cljs-ring.svg" :alt "ClojureScript Logo"}]
@@ -1039,7 +1034,7 @@
;; include this? "Please copy, improve, and share this work."
;; TODO: improve the markup here
-(hiccups/defhtml footer []
+(defn Footer []
[:label.quiet-5d4e8 "reference: "]
@@ -1062,7 +1057,7 @@
(def page-title "ClojureScript Cheatsheet")
-(hiccups/defhtml head []
+(defn Head []
[:meta {:charset "utf-8"}]
[:meta {:http-equiv "x-ua-compatible" :content "ie=edge"}]
@@ -1070,13 +1065,17 @@
[:meta {:name "description" :content "ClojureScript cheatsheet"}]
[:meta {:name "viewport" :content "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"}]
[:link {:rel "apple-touch-icon" :href "apple-touch-icon.png"}]
- [:script
- (str "if (window.location.hostname !== 'localhost' && window.location.protocol !== 'https:') {"
- "window.location.href = window.location.href.replace('http://', 'https://');}")]
+ [:div
+ {:dangerously-set-inner-HTML
+ {:__html
+ (str "")}}]
[:link {:rel "stylesheet" :href "css/main.min.css"}]])
-(hiccups/defhtml script-tags []
+(defn Scripts []
[:script {:src "js/cheatsheet.min.js"}])
@@ -1084,80 +1083,88 @@
;; Body
-(hiccups/defhtml body []
+(defn BasicsMajorSection []
[:h2 "Basics"]
- (basics-section)
- (functions-section)]
+ (BasicsSection)
+ (FunctionSection)]
- (numbers-section)
- (strings-section)]
+ (NumbersSection)
+ (StringsSection)]
- (atoms-section)
- (js-interop-section)]]
+ (AtomsSection)
+ (JsInteropSection)]]
- (basics-section)
- (numbers-section)
- (js-interop-section)]
+ (BasicsSection)
+ (NumbersSection)
+ (JsInteropSection)]
- (functions-section)
- (strings-section)
- (atoms-section)]]]
+ (FunctionSection)
+ (StringsSection)
+ (AtomsSection)]]])
+(defn CollectionsMajorSection []
[:h2 "Collections"]
- (collections-section)
- (lists-section)]
+ (CollectionsBlock)
+ (ListsBlock)]
- (vectors-section)
- (sets-section)]
+ (VectorsBlock)
+ (SetsBlock)]
- (maps-section)]]
+ (MapsBlock)]]
- (collections-section)
- (lists-section)
- (maps-section)]
+ (CollectionsBlock)
+ (ListsBlock)
+ (MapsBlock)]
- (vectors-section)
- (sets-section)]]]
+ (VectorsBlock)
+ (SetsBlock)]]])
+(defn SequencesMajorSection []
[:h2 "Sequences"]
- [:div.column (seq-in-out-section)]
- [:div.column (use-seq-section)]
- [:div.column (create-seq-section)]]
+ [:div.column (SeqInOutBlock)]
+ [:div.column (UsingSequenceBlock)]
+ [:div.column (CreateSeqBlock)]]
- [:div.column (seq-in-out-section)]
+ [:div.column (SeqInOutBlock)]
- (use-seq-section)
- (create-seq-section)]]]
+ (UsingSequenceBlock)
+ (CreateSeqBlock)]]])
+(defn MiscMajorSection []
[:h2 "Misc"]
- [:div.column (bitwise-section)]]
+ [:div.column (BitwiseBlock)]]
- [:div.column (bitwise-section)]]])
+ [:div.column (BitwiseBlock)]]])
+(defn Body []
+ (list (BasicsMajorSection)
+ (CollectionsMajorSection)
+ (SequencesMajorSection)
+ (MiscMajorSection)))
-(defn cheatsheet-page []
+(defn CheatsheetPage []
- (head)
+ (hiccups/html (Head))
- (header)
- (body)
- (footer)
- (info-tooltips)
- (script-tags)
+ (hiccups/html (Header))
+ (hiccups/html (Body))
+ (hiccups/html (Footer))
+ (hiccups/html (InfoTooltips))
+ (hiccups/html (Scripts))
@@ -1165,11 +1172,11 @@
;; Init
(defn- write-cheatsheet-html! []
- (js-log "[cljs-cheatsheet] Writing public/index.html ...")
- (.writeFileSync fs "public/index.html" (cheatsheet-page)))
+ (js-log "[cljs-cheatsheet] Writing public/index.html …")
+ (.writeFileSync fs "public/index.html" (CheatsheetPage)))
(defn- write-symbols-json! []
- (js-log "[cljs-cheatsheet] Writing symbols.json ...")
+ (js-log "[cljs-cheatsheet] Writing symbols.json …")
(.writeFileSync fs "symbols.json" (-> @symbols sort clj->js json-stringify)))
(defn -main []
diff --git a/docfiles/cljs.core_keep-indexed.cljsdoc b/docfiles/cljs.core_keep-indexed.cljsdoc
index d6e71b1..5b8b218 100644
--- a/docfiles/cljs.core_keep-indexed.cljsdoc
+++ b/docfiles/cljs.core_keep-indexed.cljsdoc
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ cljs.core/keep-indexed
Returns a lazy sequence of the non-nil results of `(f index item)`. Note, this
means false return values will be included.
-`f must be free of side-effects.
+`f` must be free of side-effects.
Returns a stateful transducer when no collection is provided.
diff --git a/project.clj b/project.clj
index 66b4ec5..1cabac4 100644
--- a/project.clj
+++ b/project.clj
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@
:distribution :repo}
- [[org.clojure/clojure "1.9.0"]
- [org.clojure/clojurescript "1.10.439"]
- [binaryage/oops "0.6.3"]
+ [[org.clojure/clojure "1.11.1"]
+ [org.clojure/clojurescript "1.11.60"]
+ [binaryage/oops "0.7.2"]
[cljsjs/jquery "2.1.4-0"]
- [com.cognitect/transit-cljs "0.8.256"]
- [hiccups "0.3.0"]]
+ [com.cognitect/transit-cljs "0.8.280"]
+ [macchiato/hiccups "0.4.1"]]
- :plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.1.7"]]
+ :plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.1.8"]]
:source-paths ["src"]
@@ -42,8 +42,6 @@
{:id "server"
:source-paths ["cljs-server" "cljs-shared"]
- :compiler {:language-in :ecmascript5
- :language-out :ecmascript5
- :output-to "app.js"
+ :compiler {:output-to "app.js"
:optimizations :simple
:target :nodejs}}]})