Tom Kelly ([email protected]), Stephen Dolan, Sadiq Jaffer, KC Sivaramakrishnan, Anil Madhavapeddy
Our goal is to provide statistically meaningful benchmarking of the OCaml compiler to aid our multicore upstreaming efforts through 2019. In particular we wanted an infrastructure that operated continuously on all compiler commits and could handle multiple compiler variants (e.g. flambda). This allows developers to be sure that no performance regressions slip through and also guides efforts as to where to focus when introducing new features like multicore which can have a non-trivial impact on performance, as well as introduce additional non-determinism into measurements due to parallelism.
This document describes what we did to build continuous benchmarking websites1 that take a controlled experiment approach to running the operf-micro and sandmark benchmarking suites against tracked git branches of the OCaml compiler.
Our high level aims were:
- Try to reuse OCaml benchmarks that exist and cover a range of micro and macro use cases.
- Try to incorporate best-practice and reuse tools where appropriate by looking at what other compiler development communities are doing.
- Provide visualizations that are easy to use for OCaml developers making it easy and less time consuming to merge complex features like multicore without performance regressions.
- Document the steps to setup the system including its experimental environment for benchmarking so that the knowledge is captured for others to reuse.
This document is structured as follows: we survey the OCaml benchmark packages available; we survey the infrastructure other communities are using to catch performance regressions in their compilers; we highlight existing continuous benchmarks of the OCaml compiler; we describe the system we have built from selecting the code, running in a controlled environment through to how it is displayed; we summarise what we have learnt; finally we discuss directions future work that could follow.
Operf-micro collates a collection of micro benchmarks originally put together to help with the development of flambda. This tool compiles a micro-benchmark function inside a harness. The harness runs the tested function in a loop to generate samples x(n) where n is the number of loop iterations. The harness will collate data for multiple iteration lengths n which provides coverage of a range of garbage collector behaviour. The number of samples (n, x(n)) is determined by a runtime quota target. Once this (n, x(n)) data is collected, it is post processed using regression to provide the execution time of a single iteration of the function.
The tool is designed to have minimal external dependencies and can be run
against a test compiler binary without additional packages. The experimental
method of running for multiple embedded iterations is also used by Jane
Street’s core_bench
3 and Haskell’s criterion4.
Operf-macro provides a framework to define and run macro-benchmarks. The benchmarks themselves are opam packages and the compiler versions are opam switches. The use of opam is to handle the dependencies of larger benchmarks and to handle the maintenances of the macro-benchmark code base. Benchmark descriptions are split among metadata stored in a customised opam-repository that overlay the benchmarks over existing codebases.
Sandmark is a tool we have developed takes that a similar approach to operf-macro, but:
- utilizes opam v2 and pins the opam repo to one internally defined so that all the benchmarked code is fixed and not dependent on the global opam-repository
- does not have a ppx dependency for the tested packages, making it easier to work on development versions of the compiler
- has the benchmark descriptions in a single
file in the sandmark repository, to make it easy to see what is being measured in one place
For the purposes of our benchmarking we decided to run both the operf-micro and sandmark packages.
Included in Sandmark are a range of tests ported from operf-macro that run on or could be easily modified to run on multicore. In addition to these, a new set of performance tests have been added that aim to expand coverage over compiler and runtime areas that differ in implementation between vanilla and multicore. These tests are designed to run on both vanilla and multicore and should highlight changes in single-threaded performance between the two implementations. The main areas we aimed to cover were:
- Stack overflow checks in function prologues
- Costs of switching stacks when making external calls (alloc/noalloc/various numbers of parameters)
- Lazy implementation changes
- Weak pointer implementation changes
- Finalizer implementation changes
- General GC performance under various different types of allocation behaviour
- Remembered set overhead implementation changes
Also included in sandmark are some of the best single-threaded OCaml entries for the Benchmarks Game, these are already well optimised and should serve to highlight performance differences between vanilla and multicore on single threaded code.
In addition to the single-threaded tests in Sandmark, there are also multicore-specific tests. They come in two flavours. First, are the ones intended to highlight performance changes between vanilla and multicore. These include benchmarks that perform lots of external calls and callbacks (multicore runtime manages stacks), stress tests for lazy (different lazy layout in multicore compared to vanilla), weak arrays and ephemerons (different layouts and GC algorithms), finalisers (different finaliser structures).
Secondly, there are multicore-only tests. These consist so far of various simple lock-free data structure tests that stress the multicore GC in different ways e.g some force many GC promotions to the major heap while others pre-allocate. The intention is to expand the set of multicore specific tests to include larger benchmarks as well as tests that compare existing approaches to parallelism on vanilla OCaml with reimplementations on multicore.
The Python community has continuous benchmarking both for their CPython7 and PyPy8 runtimes. The benchmarking data is collected by running the Python Performance Benchmark Suite9. The open-source web application Codespeed10 provides a front end to navigate and visualize the results. Codespeed is written in Python on Django and provides views into the results via a revision table, a timeline by benchmark and comparison over all benchmarks between tagged versions. Codespeed has been picked up by other projects as a way to quickly provide visualizations of performance data across code revisions.
LLVM has a collection of micro-benchmarks in their C/C++ compiler test suite. These micro-benchmarks are built on the google-benchmark library and produce statistics that can be easily fed downstream. They also support external tests (for example SPEC CPU 2006). LLVM have performance tracking software called LNT which drives a continuous monitoring site11. While the LNT software is packaged for people to use in other projects, we could not find another project using it for visualizing performance data and at first glance did not look easy to reuse.
The Haskell community have performance regression tests that have hardcoded values which trip a continuous-integration failure. This method has proved painful for them12 and they have been looking to change it to a more data driven approach13. At this time they did not seem to have infrastructure running to help them.
Rust have built their own tools to collect benchmark data and present it in a web app14. This tool has some interesting features:
- It measures both compile time and runtime performance.
- They are committing the data from their experiments into a github repo to make the data available to others.
OCamlPro put together the operf-micro, operf-macro and site to provide a benchmarking environment for flambda. Our work builds on these tools and is inspired by them.
OCaml Labs put together an initial hosted multicore benchmarking site This built on the OCamlPro flambda site by (i) implementing visualization in a single javascript library; (ii) upgrading to opam v2; (iii) updating the macro-benchmarks to more recent version.15 The work presented here incorporates the experience of building that site and builds on it.
We decided to use operf-micro and sandmark as our benchmarks. We went with Codespeed10 as a visualization tool since it looked easy to setup and had instances running in multiple projects. We also wanted to try an open source tool where there is already a community in place.
The system runs a pipeline: it determines that a commit is of interest on a branch timeline it is tracking. It builds the compiler for that commit given the hash. It then runs either operf-micro or sandmark on a clean experimental CPU. The data is uploaded into Codespeed to allow users to view and explore the data.
Mapping a git branch to a linear timeline requires a bit of care. We use the following mapping:
- we take a branch tag and ask for commits using the git first-parent option16
- use the commit date from this as the timestamp for a commit.
In most repositories this will give a linear code order that makes sense, even
though the development process has been decentralised. It works well for
Github style pull-requests development, and has been verified to work with the
git development workflow.
We wanted to try to remove sources of noise in the performance measurements where possible. We configured our x86 Linux machines as follows:17
- Hyperthreading: Hyperthreading was configured off in the machine BIOS to avoid cross-talk and resource sharing for a CPU.
- Turbo boost: Turbo boost was disabled on all CPUs to ensure that the processor did not enter turbo which could be throttled by external factors.
- Pstate configuration: We set the power state explicitly to performance rather than powersave.
- Linux CPU isolation: We isolated several cores on our machine using the Linux isolcpus kernel parameter. This allowed us to be sure that only the benchmarking process was scheduled on a core and that core did not schedule other processes on the system.
- Interrupts: We shifted all operating system interrupt handling away from the isolated CPUs we used for benchmarking.
- ASLR (address space layout randomisation): We switched this off on our benchmarking runs to make experiments repeatable.
With this configuration, we found that we could run benchmarks such that they were very likely to give the same result when rerun at another time. Note that without making the changes above, there was significantly more variance in the test results, so it is important to apply this control.
Once the experimental results have been collected, we upload them into the codespeed visualization tool which presents a web interface for browsing the results. This tool presents three ways to interact with the data:
- Changes: This view allows you to browse the raw results across all benchmarks collected for a particular commit, build variant and machine environment.
- Timeline: This view allows you to look at a given benchmark through time on a given machine environment. You can compare multiple build variants on the same graph. It also has a grid view that gives a panel display of timelines for all benchmarks. It can be a good way to spot regressions in the performance and see if the regression is persistent in nature.
- Comparison: This view allows you to compare tagged versions of the code to each other (including the latest commit of a branch) across all benchmarks. This can be a good compact view to ask questions like: “which benchmarks is 4.08 faster or slower than 4.07.1?”
The tool provides cross-linking between commits and Github which makes it quick to drill into the specific code diff of a commit.
The benchmarking over many compiler commits and visualization tool has been very useful in enabling us to determine which test cases have performance regressions with multicore. Because the experimental environment is clean, it makes the results we see much more repeatable when we investigate things that look odd. The timeline view is also able to give clues as to which area of the code changed to cause a performance regression. When performance regressions are fixed, the benchmarks are automatically run and so provides a ratchet to know you are making things better without additional manual overhead.
We found that getting our machine environment into a state where we could rerun benchmarks and get repeatable performance numbers was possible, but takes some care. Often we only discovered we had a problem by looking at large numbers of benchmarks and diving into commits that caused performance swings we didn’t understand (for example changes to documentation that altered performance). Hopefully by collecting the configuration information together in a single place other people can quickly setup clean environments for their own benchmarking17. Having a clean environment allowed us to really probe the microstructure effects with x86 performance counters in a rigorous and iterative way.
This was found following investigation of some benchmark instability coming from timeline changes but with commits not touching compiler code. We tracked down the ~10-15% swings were being caused by branch miss-prediction in some operf-micro format benchmarks that were sensitive to how the address space was laid out with randomization. We switched off ASLR so that our benchmarks would be repeatable and an identical binary between commits would be very likely to give the same result on a single run. User binaries in the wild will likely run with ASLR on, but we have configured our environment to make benchmarks repeatable without the need to take the average of many sample. It remains an open area to benchmark in reasonable time and allow easy developer interaction while investigating performance under the presence of ASLR18.
It is well known that code layout can matter when evaluating the performance of a binary on a modern processor. Modern x86 processors are often deeply pipelined and can issue multiple decoded uops per cycle. In order to maintain good performance it is critical that there is a ready stream of decoded uops available to be executed on the back end of the processor. There are many ways a uop could be unavailable.
A well known way for a uop to be unavailable is because the processor is waiting for it to be fetched from the memory hierarchy. Within the operf-micro benchmarking suite on the hardware we used, we didn’t see any performance instability coming from CPU interactions with the instruction or data cache or main memory. The instruction path memory bottleneck may still be worth optimizing for and we expect that changes which do optimize this area will be seen in the sandmark macro-benchmarks19. There are a collection of approaches being used to improve code layout for instruction memory latency using profile layout20.
We were surprised by the size of the performance impact that code layout can have due to how instructions pass through the front end of an x86 processor on their way to being issued21. On x86 alignment of blocks of instructions and how decoded uops are packed into decode stream buffers (DSB) can impact the performance of smaller hot loops in code. Examples of some of the mechanical effects are:
- DSB Throughput and alignment
- DSB Thrashing and alignment
- Branch-predictor effects and alignment
At a high-level this can be thought of as taking blocks of x86 code and mapping them into a scarce uops cache. If the blocks of x86 code in the hot path are unfortunately aligned or have high jump and/or branch complexity then this can make the decoder and uops cache a bottleneck in your code. If you want to learn more about the causes of performance swings due to hot code placement in IA there is a good LLVM dev talk given by Zia Ansari (Intel)
We came across some of these hot-code placement effects in our OCaml micro-benchmarks when diving into performance swings that we didn’t understand by looking at the commit diff. We have an example that can be downloaded22 which alters the alignment of a hot loop in an OCaml microbenchmark (without changing the individual instructions in the hot loop) that lead to a ~15% range in observed performance on our Xeon E5-2430L machine. From a compiler writer’s perspective this can be a difficult area, we don’t have any simple solutions and other compiler communities also struggle with how to tame these effects23.
It is important to realise that a code layout change can lead to changes in the performance of hot loops. The best way to proceed when you see an unexpected performance swing on x86 is to look at performance counters around the DSB and branch predictor. We hope to add selected performance counter data to the benchmarks we publish in the future.
To run our experiments in a controlled fashion, we need to schedule benchmarking runs so that they do not get impacted by external factors. Right now we have been managing with some scripts and manual placement, but we are quickly approaching the point where we need to have some distributed job scheduling and management to assist us. This should allow us to handle multiple architectures, operating systems and benchmarking of more variants of the compiler. We have yet to decide what software to use for task scheduling and management.
Managing a heterogeneous cluster of machines, operating systems and benchmarks in a low-overhead way
We want to support a large number of machine architectures, operating systems and benchmarking suites. To do this we need to control a very large number of concurrent benchmarking experiments where process scheduling is tightly controlled and error management structured. A core component needed will be a distributed job scheduler. On top of the scheduler, we need a system to handle iterative result generation, backfilling results for new benchmarks and regeneration of additional data points on demand. By using a scheduler it should be possible to get a better resource utilization than under manual block scheduling.
We would like to provide a mechanism for publishing the raw data we collect from running benchmarking experiments. We can see two possible ideas here: i) similar to Rust we could commit code to a github hosted repo and then the data can be served using the git toolchain; ii) we could provide a GraphQL style server interface which would also be a component of front-end web app visualization tools. This data format could be closely coupled with what benchmarking suites publish as the result of running benchmark code.
We have successfully used Codespeed to visualize our data. This codebase is based on old Javascript libraries and has internal mechanisms for transporting data. It is not a trivial application to extend or adapt. A new front-end based on modern web development technologies which also handles multi-dimensional benchmark output easily would be useful.
It would be useful for developer workflow to have the ability to benchmark pull-request branches. There are challenges to doing this while keeping the experiments controlled. One approach would be to setup a sandboxed environment that is as close to the bare metal as possible but maintains the low noise environment we have from using low-level Linux options. Resource usage control and general scheduling would also need to be considered in such a multi-user system.
We would like to publish multi-dimensional data from the benchmarks and have a structured way to interpret them. There is a bit of work to standardise the data we get out of the benchmarks suites and integrating the collection of performance counters would also need doing. Once the data is collected, there would be a little work to present visualizations of the data.
LLVM and GCC have a collection of options available to alter the x86 code alignment. Some of these get enabled at higher optimization levels and other options help with debugging.24 For example, it might be useful to be able to align all jump targets; code size would increase and performance decrease, but it might allow you to isolate a performance swing to being due to microstructure alignment when doing a deep dive.
We would like to produce numbers on the compile-time performance of compiler versions. The first step would be to decide on a representative corpus of OCaml code to benchmark (could be sandmark).
It would be useful to have some coverage metrics of a benchmarking suite relative to the compiler functionality. This might reveal holes in the benchmarking suite and having an understanding of which bits of the optimization functionality are engaged on a given benchmark could be revealing in itself.
It would be interesting to try our infrastructure on a larger OCaml project where tracking its performance is important to the community of developers and users for it. The compiler version would be fixed but the project code would move through time. One idea we had is odoc but others projects might be more interesting to explore.
We are satisfied that we have produced infrastructure that will prove effective for continuous performance regression of multicore. We are hoping that the infrastructure can be more generally useful in the wider community. We hope that by sharing our experiences with benchmarking OCaml code we can help people quickly realise good benchmarking experiments and avoid non-trivial pitfalls.
[^1]: which presents operf-micro benchmark experiments and which presents sandmark based benchmark experiments.
[^2]: - tool code - “Operf: Benchmarking the OCaml Compiler”, Chambart et al
[^3]: Code for core_bench and blog post describing core_bench
[^4]: Haskell code for criterion and tutorial on using criterion
[^5]: Code and documentation for operf-macro
[^6]: Code for sandmark
[^7]: CPython continuous benchmarking site
[^8]: PyPy continuous benchmarking site
[^9]: Python Performance Benchmark Suite
[^10]: Codespeed web app for visualization of performance data
[^11]: LNT software and the performance site
[^12]: Description of Haskell issues with hard performance continous integration tests
[^13]: ‘2017 summer of code’ work on improving Haskell performance integration tests
[^14]: Live tracking site and code for it
[^15]: More information here:
[^16]: A nice description of why first-parent helps is here
[^17]: For more details please see
[^18]: There is some academic literature in this direction; for example “Rigourous benchmarking in reasonable time”, Kalibera et al and “STABILIZER: statistically sound performance evaluation”, Curtsinger et al, However randomization approaches need to take care that the layout randomization distribution captures the relevant features of layout randomization that real user binaries will see from ASLR, link-order or dynamic library linking.
[^19]: We feel that there must be some memory latency bottlenecks in the sandmark macro benchmarking suite, but we have yet to deep-dive and investigate a performance instability due to noise in memory latency for fetching instructions to execute. That is the performance may be bottlenecked on instruction memory fetch, but we haven’t seen instruction memory fetch latency being very noisy between benchmark runs in our setup.
[^20]: Google’s AutoFDO, Facebook’s HFSort and Facebook’s Bolt are recent examples to report imporvements in some deployed data-centre workloads.
[^21]: The effects are not limited to x86 as it has also been observed on ARM Cortex-A53 and Cortex-A57 processors with LLVM
[^22]: The OCaml example is here, for the super curious there are yet more C++ examples to be had (although not necessarily the same underlying micro mechanism and all dependent on processor)
[^23]: The Q&A at LLVM dev meeting videos and are examples of discussion around the area. The general area of code layout is also a problem area in the academic community “Producing wrong data without doing anything obviously wrong!”, Mytkowicz et al
[^24]: For more on LLVM alignment options, see