imports.json, these entries will need to be revisited periodically
- they may disappear
bug, addon dropped it's x-curse-project-id between 2024-07-?? and 2024-08-02
- it appears to have always had a release.json
- it's x-curse attrib in .toc hasn't changed in 7mo
- does the presence of a release.json prevents the downloading and parsing of .toc files?
- if so, how did it gain it and then lose it?
before: { "id": 742660235, "name": "IncognitoResurrected", "full_name": "Starlynk1/IncognitoResurrected", "html_url": "https://github.com/Starlynk1/IncognitoResurrected", "description": "Incognito adds your specified name in front of your chat messages. Incongito Resurrrected can be enabled for guild (and officer), party and raid chat messages.", "project-id-map": { "x-curse-project-id": "961634" }, "updated-date": "2024-06-03T14:59:33Z", "flavor-list": [ "mainline", "vanilla" ], "has-release-json": true },
after: { "id": 742660235, "name": "IncognitoResurrected", "full_name": "Starlynk1/IncognitoResurrected", "html_url": "https://github.com/Starlynk1/IncognitoResurrected", "description": "Incognito adds your specified name in front of your chat messages. Incongito Resurrrected can be enabled for guild (and officer), party and raid chat messages.", "updated-date": "2024-08-01T16:09:12Z", "flavor-list": [ "mainline", "vanilla" ], "has-release-json": true },
parsing .toc files
- right now any .toc file is being parsed.
- we want to use
before falling back toAddonName/SomeBundledAddon.toc
- addons that bundle other addons
- Luxocracy/NeatPlates release=v436
- filename=NeatPlates/NeatPlates-BCC.toc
- filename=NeatPlates_Slim_Vertical/NeatPlates_Slim_Vertical-WOTLKC.toc
- filename=NeatPlates_ClassicPlates/NeatPlates_ClassicPlates-BCC.toc
- ...
- filename=NeatPlates_BlizzardPlates/NeatPlates_BlizzardPlates-WOTLKC.toc
- etc
- RealUI/RealUI release=
- Luxocracy/NeatPlates release=v436
- addons that bundle other addons
- we want to use
- parsing ID values
- done
- parsing game tracks
- ...
- right now any .toc file is being parsed.
addons spreading their releases over several Github releases
- the parse_repo logic is already quite large
- opportunity to separate side-effects (fetching release, assets, release.json) and it's parsing
./debug.sh should not use cached data
- I can skip search data and force the use of cached data but I can't force a cache miss
post-process list and flag
- addons that are missing
- addons that have gained a description
- addons that have been updated after a long hiatus
- addons that have lost project IDs
- addons that have changed project IDs
- addons that have lost game tracks
- new addons
- addons that have been renamed (same ID, different name)
- gained a release.json
last-seen-date is using mixed formatting "last-seen-date": "2024-03-31T09:21:41Z" "last-seen-date": "2024-04-27T13:27:51.763369906Z"
validate addons, exclude any from final catalogue
- this will interfere with debugging
- perhaps a --validate flag?
- --skip-validation ?
- perhaps a --validate flag?
- no game tracks detected
- this will interfere with debugging
bug, something is managing to do a PARTIAL download and cache it
- output/a37aaa5de61a4ac20cb749bd6190fcef
- filename=LogTracker_CharacterData_EU-1.0.4-202303061816-bcc.zip .zips should bypass regular caching until their snippets have been read and the stored as a json blob
command, report/diff
- diff between input and output
- new addons
- missing addons
- updated addons
- exclude 'last-updated-date' value
- diff between input and output
command 'prune'
- appears to filter out addons that haven't been seen for several runs
- our catalogue builder does this for us
- I do want to prune the file cache however
- default values should be similar to caching defaults
- do not prune release.json files
- do not prune .zip file entries (.toc files)
- prune search results
- prune release pages
- default values should be similar to caching defaults
- appears to filter out addons that haven't been seen for several runs
improve test coverage
archived/blocked/forked repos
- I guess they don't appear in search results?
- more examples necessary
capture whether an addon is a 'fork' or not
capture repo downloads and topics
- this data would involve another call to the repository info page
- it would also provide a path to selectively updating the catalogue
- for example, when a project isn't found in the github search results
- graphql?
- it would also provide a path to selectively updating the catalogue
- topics are normalised and become 'tags'
- this data would involve another call to the repository info page
shift blacklist/moderation outside of script
- if something is being excluded, I want a paper trail of when it was excluded and why