Updated AddModelConcepts to match new API.
Minor cleanup release to updated docs and refactoring.
- Added model operations
- DEV: added serverReset() test helper, to re-init test server for identical routes.
- Major API refactoring / simplification
- Added all input operations
- Examples should use 2 environment variables CLARIFAI_API_ID and CLARIFAI_API_SECRET for communications with your Clarifai API account.
- Major refactoring & cleanup.
- Added automatic token refresh on expiry.
- Input:
- get list of all inputs
- Search:
- Add images to a search index
- Search by predicted concepts
- Search by user supplied concept
- Reverse image search
- Search by custom metadata
- Mixed search by concepts and predictions
- Pagination
- Image type validation as per https://developer-preview.clarifai.com/guide/#supported-types
- Refactoring
- Added examples into examples/ directory.
- Authentication
- Basic prediction functionality: request by model, URL and base64 images as inputs.