This tool generates stats on Collaterized Debt Positions (CDP) using Bitcoin (BTC) as collateral. The tool will obtain historic BTCUSD data information from Quandl and Bitfinex to calculate a Collateralization Ratio and use Bank Of Canada data (CADUSD exchange rate) to calculate BTC prices in CAD.
- Clone this repository and install
To use your own data, create /cdp-stats/data/loans.csv
, a file that will contain the following information for every movement in each CDP.
CSV column | Description |
num | (int) Consecutive counter used as entry ID |
type | (int) type of CDP movement, |
0 new new loan |
1 collateral increase |
2 collateral decrease |
3 debt (borrowed CAD) increased |
4 closed loan |
wallet_address | (str) Bitcoin address used to deposit collateral |
coll_amount | (float) Amount of BTC increased/decreased by type movement |
start_date | (str) Format:YYYY-MM-DD ; Date loan became active |
debt_cad | (float) Amount of CAD increased by type movement |
date_update | (str) Format:YYYY-MM-DD ; Date loan reflected type movement |
admin_fee | (int) Fee charged at the start of loan |
- Loan sample file provided at (
To run the application (by default, uses for /data/loans.csv
$ cd [HOME]/cdp-stats/src/
$ ./
To run the application using a different input file data, run the application with --f [input_file.csv]
To use the sample file provided,
$ ./ --f ../data/loans-sample.csv
in your web browser.
To run the entire test suite,
$ cd [HOME]/cdp-stats/tests
$ ./ all
To test specific modules,
$ ./ loan
$ ./ debt
$ ./ tools
Daniel Olaya