diff --git a/systems/summit_user_guide.rst b/systems/summit_user_guide.rst
index 529d4b1f..c2dbb042 100644
--- a/systems/summit_user_guide.rst
+++ b/systems/summit_user_guide.rst
@@ -461,16 +461,10 @@ Fortran compilation
 | **GNU**      | system default   | gfortran                          | ``-std=f90``             | ``-std=f2003``            | ``-std=f2008``           | ``-D``             |
-| **LLVM**     | ``llvm``         | xlflang                           | n/a                      | n/a                       | n/a                      | ``-D``             |
 | **PGI**      | ``pgi``          | pgfortran                         | use ``.F90`` source file |  use ``.F03`` source file | use ``.F08`` source file | ``-D``             |
 |              |                  |                                   | suffix                   |  suffix                   | suffix                   |                    |
-.. note::
-    The xlflang module currently conflicts with the clang
-    module. This restriction is expected to be lifted in future releases.