Date: December 14, 2023
Time: 16:00
Duration: 90 min
Call lead: Yo Yehudi
Join the Zoom call:
Breakout room: Speaking and Writing:
- Please edit your Zoom name (click on the three dots on the top right of your video) and add one of the following letters in front of your name:
- W for written reflection-based exercise in the main room
- S for Spoken Discussion Breakout Room This will help us assign you to the breakout room with the format of your choice
- If you are ok with both, please choose one for this week so that the hosts can assign you to a breakout room during the cohort call
Name / Project / social handles (twitter, GitHub, etc.) / _emoji mood _
[HOST] (5 min) [⏰ 5]
Code of conduct and community participation guidelines
- If you experience or witness unacceptable behaviour, or have any other concerns, please report it by contacting the organisers - Bérénice, Malvika, Yo, Paz and Emmy. ([email protected]).
- To report an issue involving one of the organisers, please email one of the members individually ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]).
This call is being transcribed!
- You can follow the transcriptions following the link on the top of the Zoom screen
Breakout room: Speaking and Writing:
- Indicate by editing your name on Zoom and add
- W for written reflection-based exercise in based breakout room
- S for Spoken Discussion Breakout Room
- This will help us assign you to the breakout room with the format of your choice
- Even if you are ok with both, please choose one option for this call to help us assign you easily to one group.
[HOST] (20 min) [⏰ 25]
Presenter: Sara Villa
- Contact / social:
- Slides: SLIDES
[HOST] (10 min) [⏰ 35]
What actions have you taken or can you take to empower and sustain your well-being (might involve removing something or doing less of something! Or might be not under your control, e.g. power disbalance or discrimination )
[HOST] introduces, [HOST] makes breakouts (20 min) [⏰ 55]
20 minutes, ~2 ppl per room
Share with each other in breakout rooms - No need to share if would like to keep your notes private
- Breakout round 1: You felt most inspired as a kid - e.g. what was it about, what/who was there, what was exciting
- Breakout round 2: You felt connected to nature - describe how it looked like (we all live in such diverse landscapes)
- Breakout round 3: You received kindness and support by your close friends/colleague/family member unexpectedly
Breakout Room 1 - Written/Spoken
Breakout Room 2 - Written/Spoken
[HOST] (5 min) [⏰ ]
Add them below. We will respond to these on Slack and also share them via an email
What worked?
What didn't work?
What would you change?
What surprised you?
Reference: Mozilla Open leadership Framework, OLS
Licence: CC BY 4.0, Open Seeds by OLS, 2023