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Setup Script Testing

Scott Leibrand edited this page Sep 18, 2016 · 27 revisions

Testers wanted!

Compatible with: Raspberry Pi or Edison Ubilinux

Note: Currently pulls BG (mg/dL only) from a Dexcom G4 over USB and/or from Nightscout. If you have G5 or Enlite, you can run it and pull BG from NS. If you run into any issues, or want to do anything that's not yet supported, we need you to need to make notes about what doesn't work, fix the issues you can, and then share your changes so we can incorporate them into the script!

You can run the following without affecting your existing loop setup: it will just create a new loop directory, and then you can either run that in cron or manually. The idea behind this ( is that it will be an easy way to set up a fully working max_iob=0 loop, so you can spend your time testing whether it would do the right thing, rather than troubleshooting linux stuff and trying to get report and alias names correct.

Step 0: Make sure you have openaps installed per

Step 1: run cd ~/src && git clone -b dev git:// || (cd oref0 && git checkout dev && git pull) to pull/clone the latest oref0 dev

Step 2: run cd && ~/src/oref0/bin/ to run the script interactively, or get usage guidelines for providing inputs as command line arguments.

-- Feedback on the setup script? Questions? Tag @scottleibrand @danamlewis in Gitter

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